Read Alec Page 30

  I shook my head. "No."

  "Exactly, it works both ways. Even with bisexual people."

  I nodded my head then shoved him when he smiled.

  "Stop teasin' me, I didn't know."

  Alec leaned his head down to mine and kissed my lips.

  "You're ador-"

  "I'll break you if you finish that sentence."

  Alec laughed and kissed my mouth hard.

  I pulled back from him and randomly asked, "How do you decide which gender you like in the moment? Do you flip a coin or somethin'?"

  Alec snickered. "No, I just go to whoever I am attracted to the most."

  "How do you decide though?"

  "I do what the voices in my underwear tell me to do."

  Wait, what?

  "You mean the voices in your head?"

  Alec smirked. "Yeah, the voices in my head."

  I furrowed my eyebrows together and stared at him.

  Why was he smirking at me?

  He was confusing me.


  Voices in his underwear.

  In his head.

  The head in his underwear.

  I gasped. "You dirty bastard!"

  Alec burst out laughing and tried to kiss me again but I held off.

  "Why are you kissin' me so much, perv?"

  "Because you're perfect."

  I rolled my eyes.

  His standards for perfection were shockingly low.

  "Okay, now that I know your sexuality has variety tell me about your variety, specifically Dante Evans."

  Alec growled. "I don't want to talk about him."

  Oh, he would talk.

  "He is here and seems to think you're no longer an escort because of me so get to talkin'."

  Alec grunted. "I used to double team certain clients with Dante... and sometimes when we were on our own, I would fuck him."

  I swallowed.

  "Was he your boyfriend?"

  Alec shook his head. "No, I told you that you were my first-"

  "First girlfriend, not first partner."

  Alec grinned. "You're a smart little cookie, but either way, you're my first partner. Dante was - and I mean this - just a way to pass the time when my dick got hard."

  I gasped. "Alec! That's not nice."

  Alec chuckled. "Sorry, mom."

  I shoved him. "I'm serious, you can't use people like that."

  "He used me as much as I used him, baby."

  I widened my eyes when a thought entered my head.

  "Did he... um..."

  "Did he what?" Alec asked curiously.

  I flushed. "Nothin', never mind."

  Alec's face was the picture of amusement.

  "No, tell me."

  "Fine," I muttered. "Did he ever fuck you?"

  Alec raised his eyebrows. "No, I only ever fucked him. I’m a batter, not a catcher."

  "Oh, I see."

  I swallowed nervously then.

  "Does that mean you will want to do that to me? Because I've never done that before, but I'll try it for you if you want."

  Alec's face softened. "You know most girls would freak out or be jealous when their boyfriend reveals he is bisexual. You worry about if I want to fuck your ass or not, and tell me you'll try it if I want to."

  He looked over every inch of my face.

  "God, I'm a lucky bastard."

  He took my face tightly in my hand and covered my mouth with his. I placed my hands on his biceps and squeezed them as I kissed him back. I got lost in his kiss, my mind clouding over with need for him.

  I could kiss him forever.

  "Get a room."

  I jumped and pulled away from Alec only to spot a grinning Dante standing next to us.

  Some privacy maybe?

  "Go away, Dante."

  Dante smiled to Alec. "That's no way to treat an old friend."

  "Friend?" Alec growled. "We were never friends."

  Dante sighed. "Are you mad because I'm here on a job or that you're aren't on the job with me?"

  Say what?

  "I'm giving you ten seconds to walk away," Alec growled.

  "He's givin' you ten, but I'm givin' you five. Get lost or I'll put me foot up your arse."

  It took me a second to realise what I said and who I said it to.

  "And it'll be a studded boot I wear so it won't feel good," I clarified.

  Dante burst out laughing and even Alec tried to hide a smile but failed.

  "I see why you like her. Long legs and a smart mouth, you must be in Heaven."

  Alec put his arm around me. "I am, now leave."

  Dante grinned. "Until tomorrow."

  Until tomorrow?

  He turned and left so I turned to face Alec and asked, "What's tomorrow?"

  Alec swallowed then shrugged. "Probably another dinner or party he will hound us at."

  I chuckled. "I'll wear studded boots to keep him at bay."

  Alec laughed then looked to our left when our names were called.

  It was Everly waving us over to a large table.

  "Damn," I muttered.

  Alec nudged me forward until I started walking. "It won't be that bad."

  You have no idea.

  At the table was Everly, Micah, Krista, Koda, the Brennan sisters and their mother, Mrs. Bane, and a few other girls whom I've never met.

  Alec was the only male.

  I know everyone has met him but I didn't know what to say so I introduced him again.

  "Everyone this is Alec, Alec this is everyone."

  "Hey," he smiled.

  "Heeeeey Alec," everyone chorused, smiling wide at Alec.

  Was I invisible?

  I sighed and nudged Alec to sit down on the only spare seat, I sat on his lap and wanted to smile when all the women at the table glared.

  Even the married ones.

  "So Alec, do you have any brothers?" Kerry Brennan asked.

  Alec looked to her and nodded. "Four."

  "Do they look like you?" Clare Brennan asked.

  Alec chuckled. "The twins probably look like me the most."

  "Twins?" multiple voices echoed.

  Alec nodded his head then got his phone out and tapped on the screen a few times and turned it around.

  "This is all of us when we were all together about two and a half years ago."

  Jaws dropped.

  I muttered to Alec, "You would think you were all good lookin' with how they are carryin' on."

  Alec pinched my thigh. "Bitch."

  I chuckled then looked to Micah who was examining her nails.

  "Are there any planned parties or anything for tomorrow?"

  Micah looked up to me and nodded. "Just another party tomorrow night."

  I nodded my head and glanced to the bar, I wanted another drink so I stood up.

  "Do you want a drink?" I asked Alec.

  He shook his head.

  I shrugged, I'd just get myself two drinks then.

  I turned and walked in the direction of the bar. When I got there I had to wait for the bartenders to finishing serving people. I got a barman's attention, and he got me two vodka and cokes.

  With my drinks in hand I turned and walked back to the table Alec was at. I raised my eyebrows when I got back to the table and heard the girls talking.

  "I want a good man, how do you suggest I get one?" Krista frowned.

  What the hell were they talking about?

  "If you want a man, and not this perfect image of a man you have in your head, then you have to lower your standards." Alec shrugged.

  Krista frowned. "How do I lower my standards?"

  Alec grinned. "Tequila."

  I laughed while everyone took Alec's advice literally and fled from the table to the bar to order shots of tequila.

  I looked at Alec as I sat next to him.

  "You have probably just got half the males in here laid tonight."

  Alec smirked. "Just doing my part to help my fellow man."

I laughed and moved my chair closer to his and he draped his arm over the back of my chair then smiled when I turned to face him.

  "Why do you look excited?"

  I beamed. "Because I want to ask you a question."


  "If you could sleep with any man in the world, who would it be?"

  Alec stared at me before he allowed a huge smile to take over his face. "Why are you excited to ask me that?"

  I shrugged. "To see if we have the same taste in men."

  Alec laughed, shook his head then chewed on his lower lip as he thought on my question.

  "Jamie Dornan."

  I gasped and smacked his shoulder. "Oh my God. I'd shag him too! Nice bloody choice."

  Alec looked like he was about to burst into laughter, but he kept it under control.

  "What about you?" he asked me.

  I placed my elbow on the table and my chin in my hand as I thought.

  "Hard question?" Alec grinned.

  "There are just a lot of fit famous men that I'd like to buck."

  Alec laughed.

  I snapped my fingers. "Matt Bomber, but then that's kind of weird because Ryder is the spitting image of him."

  Alec scrunched his face up in disgust. "What the hell, Keela? You have just ruined Matt Bomber for me!"

  I burst into a fit of giggles.

  "My bad."

  Alec shook his head then smirked. "If you could have sex with any female in the world who would it be?"

  I tilted my head and smiled. "You're wrong if you think this creeps me out. Me and Aideen have a to-do list of famous women who we would buck if we got the chance."

  Alec's eyes widened. "A to-do list?"

  I smirked.

  "Name some," Alec murmured.

  I cleared my throated. "Emma Watson, Mila Kunis, Jennifer Aniston, Jessica Alba, Miranda Kerr, Emma Stone, Alyssa Milano, Jennifer Lawrence, Scarlett Johnson, Keely Cuoco, Sophia Bush-"

  "I said name some!" Alec laughed.

  I shrugged.

  "Are you sure you're straight? Because that's a hell of a fucking list."

  I laughed at Alec's dark expression then squealed when he reached for me and pulled me onto his lap.

  "I want to fuck you so bad right now," Alec growled into my ear.

  I pulled backed from him. "Because I listed some famous people I would buck?"

  "I got an image in my head of you rolling around with another woman and it has me hard as fuck."

  I wiggled my arse over Alec's bulge making him squeeze my hips to the point of pain.

  I laughed and picked up one of my vodkas and coke, downing it in a few gulps.

  I turned back to Alec and said, "If I get drunk enough tonight that might just happen."

  "Really?" Alec asked, wide eyed.

  I nodded. "If it would make you happy then yes, it would."

  Alec swallowed as he leaned down and brushed his nose against mine.

  "Thanks baby, but I won't be sharing you with another man or woman. You're mine and I don't share. Ever."

  My pulse spiked.

  "I like that," I murmured then leaned my head down to his and kissed him lightly.

  I jumped when a flash went off on my right.

  I looked to an apologetic photographer who shrugged and said, "Sorry."

  He turned and trotted off snapping pictures of other people along the way.

  "Who do I talk to about getting a copy of that?"

  I snorted. "Probably me auntie... Where is she anyway?"

  Alec shrugged. "She went off somewhere with Jason's mother and the other woman when you went to the bar."

  I reached for my third drink, or was it my fourth?

  I shrugged to myself and picked it up either way and took a gulp of the yummy tasting liquid.

  "I think you should take a break from drinking."

  I laughed.

  "I'm serious."

  I laughed again.

  "Can you ever do what you're told?" Alec snapped.

  I laughed so hard I almost farted.

  "I'm not obedient so... no," I giggled.

  "This is wrong."

  I looked to a distraught Alec and asked, "What is wrong?"

  "God promised men that obedient women would be found on all corners of the Earth. I've been all over the Earth, and I call bullshit on that!" Alec snapped as he glared directly at me.

  I snorted. "I hate to burst your bubble, but God also made the Earth round, he's got jokes."

  Alec paused and glanced and me then to the sky. "Well played man, well played."

  I laughed again then hiccupped.

  I squealed when the beat to "The Best" by Tina Turner began to play.

  "Oh my God! I love this song!"

  I got up and made a beeline for the dance floor without Alec and almost broke my neck in the process thanks to my damn heels.

  "You’re simply the best!" I screamed and shimmied my way around the dance floor.

  I looked to Alec who was smiling wide as he pointed his phone in my direction. I didn't care and continued to dance on my own. I squealed when Micah's face appeared in front of mine. She too was singing the song and jumping around so I joined her and found it hilarious. I forgot that I couldn't stand her and grabbed her hand as we twirled around and bumped into people.

  I glanced to my left when a flash went off and I noticed my Uncle Brandon was instructing the photographer by pointing at myself and Micah.

  He looked so happy.

  I pulled her close to me and through my dizziness I focused on her face.

  "I don't like Jason and I don't like that you're marryin' him but we're family, we have to get on better Mi."

  Micah's eyes glassed over and she pulled me into a hug.

  "I love you."

  I hugged her back. "I love you too, Mi. You drive me mad but I do love you."

  We both wiped our eyes and laughed as we continued to dance around. We both sang our hearts out and danced around like fools when "Gangnam Style" blared throughout the ballroom. Mid-way through the song I had to stop because I was tired, I looked for Alec but he wasn't at our table.

  He wasn't anywhere to be seen.

  "I'm gonna go find Alec!" I shouted to Micah who nodded her head and continued to dance around.

  I manoeuvred my way around people who were dancing until I was free from the dance floor. I slightly stumbled my way in the direction of the table I was sat at before I got up to dance. I came to the conclusion that I was drunk when I sat down and giggled to myself.

  I don't know how long I was sat down my own, but I drank four of the drinks that were sat on that table and they only caused my head to spin faster than it already was. I eventually put my arms on the table then rested my head on my arms.

  "Keela, come with me."

  I blinked my eyes open and frowned.

  I knew that voice and I knew I didn't like it.

  I closed my eyes. "Go away."

  "Come on, gorgeous girl-"

  "What the fuck did I tell you? Leave her alone you piece of shit. You're trying to pick up girls at your own wedding? Have you no shame?"

  I heard a chuckle. "I'm in an open relationship with me soon to be wife, she is cool with it... I don’t know what shame is man."

  I heard a grunt then a gasping sound.

  "You b-bastard."

  "I did that discreetly, but if you want a more public ass kicking, just let me know."

  More gasping.

  "Fine, k-keep her."

  "I fucking intend to."


  "Kitten, you're a lightweight."

  I smiled. "Alec."

  "I'm here."

  I felt myself being moved, and then suddenly I was lying on a hard body.

  "I want to have sex with you... again," I giggled.

  Alec’s body lightly vibrated as he chuckled.

  "I better get you up to bed."

  I purred, "Yes, please."

  Alec laughed as he stood and li
fted me into the air. There was a lot of noise for the next few minutes then a sudden silence.

  "Am I dead?" I asked.

  "No, you're in an elevator."

  "You're afraid of lifts."

  Alec sighed. "I know, but I'm not carrying you up four flights of stairs."

  I laughed and I don't know why.

  I heard a pinging sound then we were moving again.

  "I can walk... see."

  I made my legs walk.

  "What are you doing?"

  "Vertical walkin'."

  Alec laughed. "Pitch Perfect?"

  "Amazin' film."

  Alec mumbled to himself as he struggled to open our hotel room door, but he eventually got it open. He walked inside and lay me down on our bed when he was close enough to do so. I felt my heels slipping off my feet and it caused me to groan in delight.

  "Throw them devil objects in the bin!"

  "No, you might hurt me tomorrow."

  "The bin I say. Do what you're told, peasant."

  I said all this with my eyes closed as I lay on the bed.

  "Yes, Queen Keela."

  I giggled.

  My upper body was sat upright, then my dress was being lifted from my body.

  "Take me bra off."

  "Yes, your highness."

  My bra was removed and like a dead weight I dropped back into my pillow and groaned in delight.

  "Have your way with me, stable boy."

  "Oh my God."

  I spread myself out. "It's your lucky night."

  "Yes, ma'am it is... but are you sure you want to slum it with the stable boy?"

  Was that laughter I heard?

  "Yes, I'm sure."

  That was definitely laughter.

  I heard movement then the bed I was on top of dipped down.

  I rolled over and plastered myself against a hard body, I opened my eyes and smiled up at the beautiful figure next to me.

  "Hi." He smiled down at me.

  I grinned. "Hey."

  He brushed my hair out of my face.

  "Do you come here often?" I asked and he laughed.

  "Go to sleep, kitten."


  The beautiful figure was Alec.

  My Alec.

  "Alec," I murmured as I closed my eyes.

  "Yes, beautiful lady?"

  I sighed. "I love you."


  I felt myself begin to drift off when a voice whispered,

  "Please forgive me."

  I hummed as I fell deeper into darkness.

  "Don't hate me... he is making me do this."