Read Alec Page 31

  The whispering muted and faded to black along with everything else.


  My call was met with silence.

  "Me head," I groaned.

  What the fuck happened last night?

  I can't remember past getting drinks from the barman then downing them at the table with Alec next to me.

  What the hell did I drink to have such a headache?

  "Oh Jesus, please take the pain away and I'll never drink again."

  More silence.

  "Alec!" I snapped.

  Please answer me, I need painkillers.

  I lazily reached my hand out to shove Alec but I felt nothing.

  I opened my eyes and instead of a pretty dimpled smile beaming at me, I noticed a piece of paper sitting on Alec's pillow. I groaned as I grabbed the paper then rolled over onto my side and opened it.

  Good morning, beautiful, you were out cold when I woke up so I decided to go down to the gym for a few hours. I put water and painkillers on the locker next to you. Take two pills and drink a lot of water, I'm sure you will have a hangover. Go to the buffet downstairs and have some breakfast when you are ready, see you later.

  P.S. You drool when you sleep.

  - Alec xx

  He was a gem as well as a dickhead.

  I groaned and closed my eyes as I rolled over and slowly sat up. When I was sure I wouldn't collapse, I opened my eyes and reached from my painkillers and water. I swallowed down two tablets and drank three quarters of the litre jug of water.

  "Hmmmm. That's better," I murmured.

  I looked down to myself and rolled my eyes when I noticed the only article of clothing I had on was a pair of knickers.

  "Please God don't tell me I embarrassed myself last night," I grumbled.

  I slowly stood and zombie walked into the bathroom.

  I was tired, smelly and had a killer headache. I needed a shower. Badly.

  I turned on the shower then after a moment I stripped down out of my knickers and got in the shower. I spent a long while scrubbing my body and my hair then spent even longer standing under the spray of the shower. I wasn't sure how long I spent showering, but when I got out and wrapped myself in a towel I felt so much better.

  I bent down to pick up my dirty underwear then glanced around the bathroom, it was a hell of a lot cleaner than when we left the room yesterday and the towel rack was topped off with fresh towels too.

  I walked back out into the room and threw my underwear into a plastic bag. I noticed the bedroom looked cleaner too.

  Did someone come in while I was asleep and clean?

  That was not cool!

  I was mortified in case the cleaning staff came in and cleaned while I was out cold and drooling on the bed. I searched around for my phone and found it on the floor near the wardrobe. I picked it up and ignored my email inbox as I opened up my contact list. I found Alec's name and hit call.

  The phone rang twice before it was answer.


  No one answered me but I could hear talking in the background.

  "Hello, Alec?" I called out louder.

  No reply.

  The eejit must have hit answer while the phone was in his pocket or something. I was about to hang up and ring him again when I heard a familiar voice... a familiar female voice.

  "Are you sure she is going down to breakfast?"


  "I'm not certain," Alec replied to Everly.

  "Well, ring her and find out, I don't fancy a studded boot up my ass."


  What the fuck was going on?

  "I'll ring her now-"

  I panicked and hung up on the call to Alec.

  My stomach was rolling.

  Why was Alec with Everly and Dante, and why were they asking if I was at breakfast?

  I felt sick.

  I jumped when my phone rang and Alec's face flashed across my screen.

  I answered it and hoped he wouldn't ask where I was.


  "Hey baby, where are you?"

  I swallowed and decided to lie, just to see what would he would say.

  "Goin' down to get some food... where are you?"

  Please don't lie.

  "Still in the gym, I'll finish up here soon then go back to our room and shower then I'll join you. I'll be about an hour... okay?"

  Oh my God.

  "Okay," I whispered.


  Alec took a long moment before he said, "See you later, kitten."

  "Yeah, bye."

  I hung up and covered my hands with my mouth.

  I quickly stood up and ran to the wardrobe and grabbed knickers, a bra, a tank top, and shorts. I put them on without even fully drying my body. I was shaking as I grabbed a bobbin and threw my hair up into a soppy wet messy bun.

  What was happening?

  My mind came to a conclusion but I wouldn't believe it.

  I sat on my bed and waited.

  If Alec came up here with Everly and Dante, I didn't know what I would do.

  I hoped I was being paranoid and the conversation I overheard meant something different but my hopes and stomach dropped when I heard voices right outside my hotel room door!

  "Oh, Jesus!" I whispered and jumped to my feet.

  I spun around in a circle looking for somewhere to hide just as the noise of the hotel room door opened. The wardrobe was the only thing big enough in the room to fully conceal me so I darted forward, opened the doors, stepped inside and gently closed the doors behind me.

  I instinctively hunkered down and covered my eyes with my hands. I don't know why I did this, I knew if anyone opened the doors they would clearly see me, but in my head they wouldn't see me if I covered my eyes - so covering my eyes is what I did.

  "She isn't here."

  I frowned at Alec's voice.

  "It's excitin' that she could come back at any moment... right?"

  I clenched my hands into fists around my eyes at Everly's voice.

  "Exciting? She might just kill you and me, Everly. This is risky, not exciting."

  If they were going to do what I thought they were going to do then Dante was right, I would kill them all.

  I was about to get out of the wardrobe and confront the three of them, when through the cracks of the wardrobe I saw Alec grip them hem of Dante's t-shirt and pull it over his head then rid himself of his own t-shirt.

  "Let's get this over with."

  I froze and stared at Alec for a moment then flicked my eyes to Dante who was staring at Alec as well, and I mean really staring at him. Alec raised his eyebrows at Dante who stepped towards him and reached out with his index finger and proceed to trace Alec's V line with his fingertip. I widened my eyes and covered my mouth with my hands, forcing back a gasp that was about to escape my mouth.

  "Will you bottom?" Dante asked Alec.

  Alec gripped onto Dante's finger and brought it to his mouth, he flicked his tongue over the fingertip before sucking it into his mouth. When Alec released it with a pop, Dante was leaning towards him, head first, almost like he was swaying.

  "I never bottom. Ever. You know this," Alec said, his tone firm.

  Dante groaned. "I want your ass though."

  Alec smiled, his dimples standing at attention. "The only ass that is getting fucked here is yours and Everly's. If you don't want that then leave. No hard feelings."


  Fucking what?

  My head was pounding and I'm not sure if it was from what I was hearing or if it was from my hangover.

  "No, I don't want to leave... I'll bottom."

  I curled my lip in disgust at Dante, he was panting and sounded almost desperate for Alec and Alec enjoyed it, his face was smug and his body language indicated he loved the attention Dante was giving him. I knew this because I could see Alec's erection tenting his shorts.

  It caused my stomach to roll.

  "Good boy, now strip," Alec said to Dante.

  Alec flicked his eyes to Everly and arched his eyebrow. "You too, ma'am."

  Oh, God.

  I wanted to leave, to get out of this room but I couldn't.

  I couldn't move a muscle in my body.

  I opened my hands and blocked out what I was seeing, but I quickly had to make my fingers earplugs when I heard a very pleased, male groan. It wasn't Alec who was groaning, I could tell that much.

  Oh, please no!

  I wish I kept my eyes closed because when I opened them and saw Alec on his knees with Dante's cock in his mouth I could have puked everywhere. I flicked my eyes upwards away from what Alec was doing and found a naked Everly on her knees on the bed pressed against Dante's upper body as she kissed him.

  I looked away, utterly disgusted.

  I closed my eyes and kept my ears plugged with my fingers. After a few minutes went by I opened my eyes again and a silent whimper racked through my body.

  Everly was on her back, her legs were spread with Dante face buried between them while Alec was behind Dante as he thrust in and out of his body. I forced myself not to look at where Alec became one with Dante - I couldn't even stomach Everly and Dante - so again I re-closed my eyes.

  Why was he doing this?

  Alec was cheating on me... he was really cheating on me, with my auntie and his ex-fuck buddy none the less.

  I don't know how much time went by before I opened my eyes again. This picture was even more stomach turning than the one before because Alec was now between Everly's legs while Dante was hovered over her face, thrusting in and out of her mouth.

  I forced my eyes shut and swallowed down the bile that rose up my throat.

  I bit down on my lower lip when I started to shake and tears began to fall from my eyes. I kept my eyes shut and my ears plugged for the longest time. I only reopened them when I felt a vibration.

  I opened my eyes and through my tears I could see only Alec was on the bed, Everly and Dante were gone. Alec was still shirtless, but now he had on shorts.

  He was sat on the edge of the bed with his head downcast but he spoke, and it caused my eyes to go wide.

  "You can come out, Keela... I know you're in there."

  He knew I was in the wardrobe.

  He knew?

  I kicked the door open with my shaking foot and struggled to get to my feet because pins and needles attacked my legs after being in a hunched down position for so long.

  "You knew I was there all along and yet you..."

  I couldn't even say it.

  "I'm sorry."

  He was sorry?

  I stalked forward, balled my hand into a fist and swung. My fist connected to Alec's cheek and his head was forced to the left with a loud crack.

  I pulled my hand back and Alec looked forward again but didn't move to stop me.

  I slapped him across the face with my left hand then again with my right.

  He still didn't move to stop me and I wished he would.

  I used both my hands to shove him in the chest as hard as I could.

  "I hate you!" I screamed as I slapped his chest. "I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!"

  I felt tears stream down my face.

  "What did I do?" I cried. "What did I fuckin' do?"

  Alec swallowed but said nothing.

  "Why, Alec? Why?"

  He was cold.

  "Why would you do this to me?"

  He remained silent.

  "I don't know you at all," I whispered.

  I stared down at him for a long movement before I turned.


  I couldn't look at him as I shakily walked to my locker and picked up my bag that was on the floor.

  "Keela, I'm so sorry."

  I was surprised when laughter came from my mouth.

  "No, you aren't."

  I heard him move and when I felt him behind me, my pulse didn't spike nor did my breath quicken... my stomach rolled in revulsion.

  "You make me sick."

  I heard his sharp intake of breath.

  "Please," he whispered.

  "I don't want to be near you. I don't want to be in the same proximity as you... you make my skin crawl," I spat.

  I heard him take a few steps back.

  "Keela, please."

  I swallowed and wouldn't allow myself to feel any sympathy for him, he was the one in the wrong here, not me.

  "I want you to leave."



  Was he deaf?

  "I want you to leave. Go down to the bar, go back to Ireland, go wherever the fuck you want to go, just get away from me."

  He didn't move.

  I squeezed the handles of my bag.

  "Alec, please, leave me."

  He still didn't move.

  I turned to face him and glared at him, feeling nothing but anger and betrayal.

  "What are you still doin' here? Get the fuck out!"

  Alec blinked then slowly nodded his head.

  He blindly walked over to his suitcase and grabbed a t-shirt then put it over his head and stuck his feet in some flip flops. I numbly watched his every action through unblinking eyes.

  "Will you be here when I get back?"

  Depends on how long it takes me to pack.

  "I don't want you to come back. I don't ever want to see you again."

  Alec swallowed. "But-"

  "But? There is no fuckin' 'but'! There is nothin', do you hear me? Nothin'!"

  Alec flinched like I struck him again.

  I turned my back to him because I knew I was about to cry and I refused to let him see.

  I heard his slow footsteps walk away from me then the door opened and close, but instead of breaking down in tears I turned to the left and spotted his suitcase. With a wave of anger I rushed to the suitcase and grabbed a handful of Alec's clothes then I threw them around the room in a fit of rage.

  I tripped over my own two feet and fell to the ground. My phone landed next to me on the floor so I picked it up and dialed Aideen's number. I tried six times but she never answered. I threw my phone on the bed and I stayed on the floor as wave after wave of sobs crashed into my body. I laid there on the ground and cried till there were no more tears left in my body.

  I hated Alec Slater.

  Hated him.

  I didn't react when the door of the hotel room opened then closed an hour later.

  I heard slow footsteps then a deep inhale.

  "Keela, can we please talk? I need to explain. You need to know- Wait, what are you doing?"

  I smiled as I continued to pack my suitcase.

  This should be good.

  "How can you explain fuckin' me cousin's stepmother, and your ex-fuck buddy, or should I say your very current fuck buddy?"

  I shoved my clothes into my suitcase, suddenly not caring about anything being neat or tidy.

  "Keela, what are you doing?" Alec asked from behind me.

  I laughed. "I'm waitin' for you to explain what I witnessed this mornin'."

  I jumped with fright when I was suddenly picked up from behind, and turned in the direction of the hotel room door. Alec let go of me when I scratched the back of his hands with my nails.

  I swirled around and pointed my finger at him. "Don't you dare touch me. Do you hear me? You make me sick!"

  Alec didn't look mad or angry in anyway... he actually looked extremely calm.

  Good, at least one of us was.

  "I'm sorry, but I need you to focus on me so we can talk."

  I threw my hands up in the air and shouted, "Did it ever occur to you that maybe I don't want to talk to you, Alec? Did it ever occur to you that I don't want a single fuckin' thing to do with you?"

  Alec swallowed. "I understand that you're upset and you have every right to be-"

  "Upset? You think I'm upset? No, I'm not upset because bein' upset would mean that I actually have to care and I don't! I don't fuckin' care about you or who your put your dick into!"

  Alec's j
aw set. "You aren't doing yourself any favours by getting yourself worked up, Keela. You're only going to say things you regret."

  I humourlessly laughed. "Thanks for that Doctor-fucking-Phil but trust me, I think gettin' a few things off me chest will make me feel ten times better!"

  Alec took a step forward. "Keela, I'm telling you to rein it in. Now."

  How fucking dare he tell me what to do!

  I rushed forward and shoved his chest as hard as I could with both of my hands.

  "You don't get to tell me what to do, you cheatin' scumbag!" I screamed.

  I was so mad at Alec. I was enraged, but what pissed me off even more was that he barely moved an inch, and I'd shoved him as hard as I could.

  Fucking tank of a man!

  "I didn't willingly cheat on you, Keela! Will you just fucking listen to me?"

  He didn't willingly cheat on me?

  "I'm sorry, did me auntie or your boy toy physically force your cock inside their bodies? I'm findin' that hard to believe since you were on fuckin' top of both of them!"

  The image of the three of them on the bed flooded my mind.

  Alec lifted his hands and ran them through his hair. "I don't mean it like that, I meant-"

  "No, no, let me finish. I find this very intrestin'. You say you didn't willingly cheat on me, yet you were on top when you penetrated me auntie and your boy toy. I'm failin' to see how none of that was done willingly unless gravity somehow failed you, and your cock just happened to fall into their bodies. I actually think I seen somethin' like that on the Discovery Channel-"

  "I don't find you funny!" Alec cut me off with a growl.

  I laughed. "Really? I find meself to be quite hilarious. It's not surprisin' you don't find me funny since you seem to get your kicks from fuckin' people over by fuckin' others."

  Alec scrubbed his face. "I can't talk to you when you're like this."

  "So leave, get the fuck out. I told you not come back here anyway."

  Alec sighed and shook his head. "Okay, but I will be back in a few hours when you cool off. We really need to talk, you don't know the full story."

  "I'm sure I don't," I said and pushed by Alec and got back to repacking my suitcase.

  Alec lingered behind me for a whole minute in silence before he sighed and left closing the door gently after him. I think I managed a whole two minutes before tears left my eyes and spilled down my cheeks again.