Read Alien Dinosaurs Page 2

  From the submarine, Xeta sends a small crab shaped robot that he controls from the submarine using short range wireless signals to the gate and it is providing video, audio and other information back to him using the same wireless signals. He then sends a humanoid robot that looks like a joker to the gate by cleverly bypassing the surveillance system using the live information received from the small robot. Sarah being attracted by the robot reaches to the other side of the fence through a small opening in the gate. During that time, the soldiers were eagerly debating about something while Steve went to a washbasin. The humanoid sprays a liquid in to her face which causes her to faint immediately. It then takes her back to the submarine bypassing the surveillance system again. After receiving her, Xeta activates a kill switch for the small robot and then starts his return journey. The small robot then started moving towards sea and after reaching there, it self destructs itself without leaving any trail.

  Few minutes later, Steve realizes that his daughter is missing. He searches the whole place and not able to find her. Then he analyzes the video feeds and from that he can guess that she was kidnapped by a dinosaur. But the evidences collected from the feeds are highly unsupportive as the humanoid cleverly bypassed the system. There were few blurred images of it captured by the cameras which are conclusive for humans but not good enough to convince dinosaurs. The human military officials try hard to convince military dinosaurs about the incident but they dismiss it as a hoax. They are also not ready to believe that there are some loop holes in their security system. So the human military officials express their sorry to Steve for not able to help him in this regard.

  Being cornered, he decides to set on a quest to save his daughter from the dinosaurs before it is too late. He borrows some high tech gadgets and weapons from some of his friends after explaining the situation. His friends tried hard to convince him to abandon the quest as it is a suicidal mission but he was not listening and he is ready to sacrifice his life to save her. He borrows a submarine from the military head and starts his mission. The military head also tried hard to convince him but the results were same. He decided to lend a submarine as they do not keep track of it, as humans would not travel on sea after the invasion. So even if he dies in this quest, they don't need to worry about the lost submarine. Even if the dinosaurs capture him and question them about the submarine, they can answer that he had stolen the submarine.

  Steve, having known all the risks, is traveling on the sea with one day lag behind Xeta following the minor trail he left on sea. He believes that he should reach to an unofficial auction site in India as a starting point where his daughter might be put for an illegal auction by the kidnapper for money. He is hoping that his daughter will be alive till that time and he can rescue her on time by traveling faster.


  Chapter 6 - The Arrival of Steve

  After crossing about half of the distance, Sarah wakes up and realizes the situation, she starts screaming which starts disturbing him. He starts feeling compassionate for her when she cries for her father. His mind started to wobble and after thinking about his daughter, he decides to ignore Sarah and he sprays the fainting liquid on her face again. After reaching India, he turns his submarine in to a car and drives it to his friend's home where Tirae was staying since he went for this quest. After finding that his friend is not there in his home, he tries to reach him through his mobile phone but unable to do that. He then decides to return to his house and lock Sarah in one of the rooms to prevent any legal problems.

  After reaching his house, he observes all of his friends and colleagues are there waiting for him. He parks the car on his garage and returns to them wondering about the situation. One of his friends explains with a sad tone that Tirae was dead the previous day while returning home from her school when her school bus had encountered a terrible accident. Some of her friends were also died in the accident and others had various levels of injury. After hearing that, he starts crying aloud and his friends tries their best to console him. After burying her on a graveyard, he returns back to his home. His friends ask him whether they can stay with him tonight for moral support and he gently declines their offer.

  At evening, he recollects the status of Sarah and decides to bring her in to the house from the garage. His Baryonyx (flesh eating dinosaurs which are bigger than tyrannosaurs and was shown in movie Ice Age 3 as a main villain) neighbor Syta's son while playing, watches him taking the girl in to his house. After realizing the situation, Xeta lies to him that she is a toy which he bought for his daughter and enters his house with her. He wakes her up from the faint state and after that she starts screaming again. He calms her down and promises that he will take her back to her father tomorrow. He made that decision after realizing the pain her father would encounter since his daughter's death even though he had other illegal options like selling her under the table for huge money or eating her himself. He also realizes the risk involved in this operation but decides to proceed anyway to remedy his sin. He tries his best to convince her and after few minutes, she starts to trust him even though she was tentative before. An unusual friendship formed between the two and both of them started to play using Tirae's toys to forget their worries till midnight before they go to sleep.

  That night, Steve reaches to seashore on India where there is a huge forest where herbivore dinosaurs lives. He landed there as there is zero security on that area as it is a forest. He parks his submarine inside the forest under huge trees and takes a nap.

  He wakes up early in the morning before the sunrise and starts his journey to the other end of the forest using a jet powered skateboard with a suitcase in his hand. At the other end of the forest, there is a market place where some of the alien dinosaurs sell huge number of herbivore dinosaurs captured from this forest either dead or alive for food. He is assuming that the dinosaur who kidnapped his daughter might sell her under the table on the same market to a wealthy dinosaur.

  Meanwhile, on a different part of the forest, few alien dinosaurs are capturing some of the herbivore dinosaurs using advanced tools and carry them through huge trucks. After traveling few distances, he observes those trucks and decides to travel through one of those trucks so that he can reach the market place without getting noticed by any dinosaurs. He silently follows the last truck and approaches closer to it and then grabs one of its handle. He then kicks his vehicle to the left side of the path where it hides under the dense plants. He slowly goes to the bottom of the truck and hangs there by holding a long pipe with the suitcase placed between his chest and the pipe.

  While traveling, he faces lot of obstructions like branches of huge plants thwacking his body, spikes of plants scratching his body, certain worms and snakes from the plants wiggling on his body which he gets rid by swaying his body, the truck crossing a shallow river completely submerging him which forces him to hold his breath till crossing to avoid drowning etc. He motivates himself to endure the pains to save his daughter. The obstacles start to disappear when the truck is reaching closer to the city.


  Chapter 7 - The Kidnap

  That morning when Xeta wakes up, he discovers that she is missing. He searches his whole house to find her and observes an open window. He realizes that she was kidnapped as she cannot escape through that window by herself due to the height. He then recollects the incident he had with the neighbor's son. He believes that his neighbor might have kidnapped her using robots through that window after learning the situation from his son. He rushes to the neighbor's house where he finds only his neighbor's son. Xeta investigates him about her and his father repeatedly in various tones and finally learns that Syta took her to the market place to sell her under the table for huge money to restore the honor that their family lost since he lost their wealth in gambling. Xeta suddenly rushes to his car and starts traveling to the market to save her on time.

  Meanwhile, the truck finally reaches the market and Steve without
getting noticed by anyone slowly hides behind a car. He then opens his suitcase to take out and wear a costume that imitates a velociraptor. To avoid any suspicion, he searches her daughter secretly even though he is wearing a dinosaur's costume. He finally finds his daughter in a parking lot inside the Syta's car while he is showing her to a billionaire velociraptor to convince him to participate in the unofficial auction. The velociraptor who is a founder of a big software company, then opens his car parked few feet away from Syta's to take out his mobile as it is ringing, but forgets to lock the door.

  When both of them go to the market to wait for other bidders, Steve rescues his daughter using the tools he has on the suitcase. He shows his face to her for few seconds to earn her trust and after opening the door, she hugs him and both of them express their love for few seconds. They then escape from there using the velociraptor's car and after traveling few distances, she asks him to visit Xeta's house to say goodbye. He tries his best to convince her that it is a risky operation which is not worth. He is also reluctant to trust Xeta but he is finally convinced after she explained about their friendship. He drives the car towards Xeta's house based on her directions as she had remembered the path when Syta took her to the market from his home after kidnapping her.

  Meanwhile, Syta learns that the girl had escaped while trying to show her to another dinosaur. He convinces that dinosaur to wait on the market along with that velociraptor while he brings her back. He believes that Xeta might had rescued her and both of them might be on their away to his house. He calls his son through mobile and learns that Xeta already knows the truth. So he sets his journey to Xeta's home. His strategy is to get her by blackmailing Xeta about the illegal kidnap he made. He believes that he can forcefully convince Xeta to partner with him to sell her and share the money to avoid jail.

  While Syta leaves the market to reach Xeta's home, Xeta crossed half of the distance and he is waiting in a traffic signal. At the opposite side of the road, Steve is waiting for the traffic signal clearance. When Sarah is turning her face towards Xeta's car, the traffic signal changed and both of the cars started to travel on opposite directions and both Sarah and Xeta were not able to see each other.

  Xeta stops his car on another traffic signal after reaching three-quarter of the distance and on the opposite side Syta is waiting for the traffic signal clearance. After few seconds, Xeta spots Syta and he immediately tries to grab his attention but unable to do that. The traffic signal got cleared and Syta starts traveling to Xeta's home.

  Xeta is under dilemma whether to follow Syta's car or rush to the market as he is not sure whether Sarah was sold already. He finally decides to go to market so that he can rescue her on time if she was sold already. He believes that even if she was not sold already then he can return to his house and rescue her. While Syta crosses half of the distance, Steve and Sarah reaches Xeta's house. Both of them enter the house as the door was left open by Xeta due to the rush. He carries a small gun with him which he took from the velociraptor's car for safety. After searching the whole house, they realize he is not there. His confidence on Xeta increased after seeing the room with toys spread all over, where they had played yesterday.


  Chapter 8 - The Chase

  After waiting for some time, they have finally decided to leave the place after laying a detailed thank you letter that he wrote on the table. From a long distance, Syta observes the velociraptor's car leaving the house and he starts following it. After entering the jungle, Steve realizes that someone is following them. He also identifies the car and then starts accelerating his car.

  Syta continues to chase them and inside the forest they play cat and mouse. They also try to shoot each other with their guns till those are empty but unable to harm each other. Steve's car stops when it is less than a mile away from the submarine. Both of them start running towards the submarine under the dense plants and trees where it is difficult for Syta to spot them. After running few yards, he throws away his suitcase and carries her on his arms as she is not able to maintain the pace.

  Finally they reach closer to the submarine which is hiding under the trees on the opposite side of a vast open land. Before crossing the open land, he checks whether Syta is there anywhere near. After confirming that there is no threat for them, he starts running on the open land to the other side but suddenly Syta appears there from nowhere. They are trapped and he realizes that they have no way to escape.

  He is disappointed as he realizes that all of his efforts are wasted and he will not be able to save his daughter as well as himself. He is in a way happy that at least he had an opportunity to spend some time with her before death.

  On the other hand, Syta laughs and says few villainous dialogues to them like "This must be my luckiest day!. I got two while I was looking for one!", "What shall I do? Should I sell both of you for huge money?, or should I sell one of you and taste the other myself?, Because I had never tasted a human and I heard they would be delicious.", "Okay! Let me taste the girl as she will go for less" etc and approaches towards them.

  All of them then hear a sound of a car approaching towards them. Both Sarah and Syta identify the car as Xeta's and he park the car near Steve and Sarah. Sarah is happy after seeing him and he explains that he went to the market and learned that she was not sold, so he returned to his house and read the thank you letter which led him to that forest.

  Syta tries to bribe Xeta and having failed that he then tries to threaten him by trying to call police (to inform the illegal kidnap he made). Xeta is untouched by the Syta's blackmails. So Syta decides to sort this out with a fight as he is bigger and more powerful than Xeta whereas Xeta orders Steve to escape from there with her.


  Chapter 9 - The Climax

  Okay! Readers, I can understand that you might be thinking "Ah! We are gonna read a usual and boring climax which will be predictable". Well! I will try my best to keep this chapter and the subsequent one entertaining. So, instead of providing a single climax, I am going to give you multiple choices from which you can choose the one you like. I will also provide my choice as well as the morals of the story after that. So, please don't stop your reading now and finish the book till the end as it might also be fun for you.

  Option 1 - Ah! Pretty usual. Xeta beats Syta who is severely injured and all of the three leaves to their home after saying goodbye and lives happily ever after. Even though it seems easy, it was not, as Syta is powerful than Xeta, Xeta needed to toil hard to win the battle using his brain instead of his muscles.

  Option 2 - Same as option 1, but Syta dies and Xeta goes to jail. He says to himself that it is a punishment for the sins he had done.

  Option 3 - Both Xeta and Syta die in the battle and both Sarah and Steve leave to their home with tears. Syta was the first to die and Xeta before dying says "I deserve this punishment, for the sins I had done to you". Steve and Sarah remember Xeta for the rest of their life.

  Option 4 - Syta kills Xeta and goes to jail whereas Sarah and Steve escapes from the place unharmed. They remember Xeta for the rest of their life.

  Option 5 - Syta kills Xeta, Eat Sarah, and sells Steve for huge money and restores his family's honor.

  Option 6 - Sarah and Steve escapes from the place unaware of what happened to Xeta or Syta and dies at the middle of the ocean. Their submarine stopped at the middle of the ocean and they were either drowned or eaten by any of the sea creatures like dolphins (Oops! Dolphins won't eat humans, so consider whales instead. Wait a minute! I am not sure whether whales will eat humans. So consider a big fish that will eat humans. Okay! now I remember the name, consider sharks ate them), jelly fishes, crocodiles (Sorry! I am not sure whether crocodiles can live in the middle of an ocean. Okay! Consider them as DNA engineered super duper ones), any cretaceous period sea creatures that will eat humans who were created by the intelligent dinosaurs (Finally! something that makes sense. isn't it? nope? Yeah! I got it, the w
hole option rises a question "How come they had not encountered those before (Chapters 5 and 6)?". Well! May be they had used a different path). Life is cruel, isn't it?

  Option 7 - Same as option 6, but they die in Australia the next day by any weird way (like car accident, serial killer who will then be eaten by dinosaurs etc).

  Option 8 - Any other option(s) that you can think of.


  If you ask my choice then it will be option 1 even though it is usual (and probably boring). I love happy endings (don't you?) and this ending seems fair to me.

  Okay! Let us see the morals of this story (in my humble opinion, a story will be complete only when it carries a moral lesson with it, either directly or indirectly). I apologize, if this story has anything immoral which was introduced unintentionally and you can point it to me so that I will see if I can fix it.

  Moral 1 - Justice always win (If you chose Option 1. It is also applicable to some extent for other options).

  Moral 2 - Life is not always fair, especially in this life (not applicable for option 1). It is a strong candidate to believe in afterlife. Well, we can use the same scenario to argue against god, but in my humble opinion the first point of view is better as it increases the morale of the good peoples. Okay! Let us take the debate out of this book. I will rephrase the sentence as "Life is not always fair, so let us be happy with whatever we have and cherish our lives".

  Moral 3 - To err is human (Oops! reread as "To err is dinosaurs"), so we should have the heart to forgive others for their mistakes. Whatever mistakes we had done in the past, we cannot change that, but we can change how we act in the present and future.