Read Alien Dinosaurs Page 3

Moral 4 - Love is bigger than anything else in the world (like money, fame etc)

  Moral 5 - Don't give up at any stage in your life as the help may arrive from nowhere (Reference: End of chapter 8).

  Moral 6 - If we try hard, we can achieve even some of the unachievable goals (Reference: Steve's Quest).

  Moral 7 - We should not take our planet for granted. We should try our best to preserve this planet and it's species from human originated dangers. I am not saying, we should not inject an antibiotic in to our body to kill a deadly virus (to recover from or to prevent illness) or we should be vegetarians. I am talking about the little sacrifices here or there that will make a huge difference to the environment like consuming less plastic, fossil fuels, electricity, and trees from the forest etc. Otherwise, Beware! As dinosaurs are arriving and they will do to us what we are doing to those animals and if we are unlucky they might not have environmentalists or blue cross members.


  Chapter 10 - FAQ

  Question 1 - I had read this book and enjoyed it, but how can I recommend it to my teenage friends, as the story looks like a one targeted for children?

  Answer - In my humble opinion, this story is suitable for all ages. But if your main concern is that this story is lacking a romantic track then I have a workaround. Suggest your friends to read this book with the following assumptions.

  Assumption 1 - Steve and Sarah are not a father and a daughter, and instead a married couple or an engaged couple or lovers (as you wish) (optionally you can also change their names as you wish).

  Assumption 2 - Tirae is not a child (an adult) and Xeta had proposed marriage to her which she was not interested. So to get rid of him, she asked him a human since she knew that he could not fulfill her request. But he took it seriously and started the quest.

  Question 2 - It seems like more children will enjoy this book if it is presented in comics form with professional grade graphics. Do you have any plans for this?

  Answer - Well! I had created this book with the limited time I had for this activity (mostly during weekends & weekdays' evenings) as I am busy with my day job. Also my drawing skills are poor (By the way, I was the one who created the cover page for this book). So, if you are a publisher then you can contact me via email if interested in publishing a better version of this book (to be created by your in-house team of artists and editors). On the other hand, if you know publishers who can do that then you can refer this book to them.

  Question 3 - Why in this book, and in many other books I had read, and in most of the dinosaurs’ films I saw, dinosaurs always eats humans? In other words, couldn't you think about a story where dinosaurs won't eat humans?

  Answer - Of course! (It is possible) but I thought it would be like a pizza without any toppings. We all love dinosaurs eating humans (as it adds a bit of spice to the story), isn't it? (Unless if it is us). Even in this story, I had tried to show dinosaurs in a positive light and covered an unusual friendship (with a human). Anyway! Here are some stories I could think of.

  Story 1 - Let us assume the name of the distant planet as Drypton and instead of a group of dinosaurs, only one dinosaur (say a T-Rex or a Spinosaur for example) arrives on earth. It has some super hero powers like emitting a laser from its eyes, dodging bullets, flying etc. Its main weakness is a stone which came from his planet along with him which is called as Dryptonite. When he flies, peoples will say "Look! It is a bird!", "No! It is a plane!", "No! It is a Super...". Only god can save those tall buildings or roads when he is fighting. So! I think the better title for this would be "HanDino".

  Story 2 - Same as Story 1, but instead of those super hero powers, he can spit a spider web from his forelegs or mouth and hop across buildings (please don't ask me whether the buildings will hold his weight). As you had guessed the title would be "SpiderDino".

  Story 3 - Unlike Stories 1 or 2, he don't have any powers. So the biggie uses his advanced gadgets to fight crime. He wears a bat costume to hide his true identity from the humans (what a clever idea!). As you had guessed the title would be "BatDino". There can also be other stories with similar theme like "IronDino", "Captain Dino" etc

  Story 4 - I am tired! So I will tell you only the name of the titles with a short hint. They are "Dhor" (he will have a hammer in his foreleg), "Bulk" (When he is angry, he will turn from a velociraptor in to a huge green dinosaur), "Kung Fu Dino", "Ninja Dinos" etc

  Story 5 - The dinosaur without any super hero powers lives alone on an island. A group of humans goes to that island to shoot a movie. A friendship (is it?) is formed between the lead female actor and the dinosaur and the story continues. The title could be either "KingDino" or "DinoKong". But don't assume that humans will capture the dinosaur using some bottles of chloroform. If they try that, then the dinosaur will shoot them with his laser gun.

  Story 6 - A small dinosaur (a velociraptor) hides on the backyard of a boy's house and both of them then becomes friends. The title would be E.D (Extra Dinosaur?!)

  Story 7 - The heroes are same as in Stories 2 to 4, but fights for their fellow dinosaurs (i.e. both dinosaurs and humans coexists on earth) and this time the buildings won't be affected.

  Story 8 - How about a history based mystery. Archaeologists study a temple in a mysterious village and finds pictures of a dinosaur which the villagers had believed as god. They then find the bones of the dinosaur and paleontologists then take over the site. To their astonishment, they discover that the dinosaur had lived there just 3000 years ago. Based on clues, they then discover the history (like the dinosaur helping the villagers from external threats) and the spaceship that the dinosaur had used to travel to earth. They might even bring back a dinosaur or two alive using the devices and the DNA samples inside the spaceship. The two dinosaurs may fight each other (one the hero and the other the villain) for an epic battle.

  Question 4 - Are you going to write books for those other dinosaurs based stories?

  Answer - Don't worry! I won't give that torture to you. Consider those small stories as a bonus for this main story. You can also unleash your imagination to expand those stories yourselves.

  Question 5 - Okay! Can we expect a sequel for this book?

  Answer - My answer would be neither yes nor no as at the moment I have at least three different stories (totally different genres with respect to each other as well as this book) pending to be written. I would wait till I get an interesting story based on this theme that would be better than this. I could even create a prequel to this story by expanding the chapter 3 with some sub plots like a human trying to save his loved one who was imprisoned (by the dinosaurs) with the help of few good dinosaurs and they are saved at the right time after the announcement of new laws. There could also be other options for the climax like both of them dying or ... Okay! I can hear you screaming "Stop! Not again!". Let us move on to the next question.

  Question 6 - Okay! Take your own time, but at least tell us what will happen after the climax of this story?

  Answer - Well! Dinosaurs and Humans may live happily ever after (or another crisis may arrive that nobody cares). How about this, the Dinosaurs after few years turns themselves in to Humans (may be for space constraints) and the earth is full of humans with two major classes Aliens and Humans. The Aliens might outsource some of their work to Humans who are working in call-centers (finally! a chance for humans to avenge aliens with their language/attitude), software companies, factories (to assemble parts) etc

  Question 7 - Why you had killed Tirae (as she is just a child)?

  Answer - No! I didn't kill her. Actually, it was the school bus' driver. By the way, you can reread the Moral 2 again. Also, if you had read Answer 1 (and made the assumptions mentioned) some of you might welcome this fate.

  Question 8 - How come a T-Rex and a human be friends?

  Answer - Well! It is absolutely possible. Many humans have birds like pigeons, parrots etc as pets and not all of them eats them.

  Question 9 - How
come a T-Rex could beat a Baryonyx?

  Answer - Well! It is possible. Please watch the movie "Ice Age 3" (once again, if you had watched it already) if you don't believe me.

  Question 10 - Steve's quest is highly improbable. How was it possible? Or how could he even think it was possible?

  Answer - Like Question 9, I would suggest you to watch movies like "The day after tomorrow", "2012", "The Matrix" etc

  Question 11 - Are you indirectly suggesting harsh punishments for bigger crimes, like throwing a criminal in to a hungry lion's cage?

  Answer - No! That one would be highly barbaric (No! I am not talking about the existing laws in various parts of the world. I don't want to start another debate here). You need to see the law from a dinosaur's point of view that we are just a food for them.

  Question 12 - I had read this book and enjoyed it but how can I pay you small money) for this as a complement?

  Answer - At the moment, the best way to complement me is to make this book popular by recommending (or sharing) it to the persons in your contact list (through media like email, twitter, facebook, your blog, sms etc as well as through your words). You can also provide positive review/feedback about this book on various distribution channels where this book is available.

  Question 13 - Are you an Australian?

  Answer - No! I had used Australia as it fulfills all of my requirements for this story like 1) a decent sized continent (neither big nor small) 2) surrounded by ocean 3) which is isolated from all other continents so that there is clear boundary between humans and dinosaurs

  Question 14 - You had mentioned the title for this chapter as FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions). Who had asked those questions?

  Answer - Well! They are I, me, myself, the person I saw in my mirror when I was alone in the room (Ghost?) etc.

  Question 15 - Tell us about yourself?

  Answer - I am an Indian who is working as a software engineer in an Indian company. I am currently living in Chennai (Tamil Nadu state) who speaks Tamil (So please bear with my English).

  Question 16 - What are the tools you had used to create this book?

  Answer - Most part of this book was created using Free(dom) software like GIMP (to create front cover as well as editing the pictures used inside the book), gedit (To type the contents of the book in plain text format), openoffice/abiword (to check spelling and grammar as well as to convert plain text file to RTF) etc which were came bundled as part of ubuntu linux distribution (lucid lynx). The dinosaurs pictures used in this book were taken from openclipart library (public domain). All the fonts used in the pictures were came bundled as part of the linux distribution. So I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of them for their contributions to the society. Some proprietary software was also used for final touch up.

  Question 17 - How will you look like?

  Answer - Very ugly. See my picture below


  Question 18 - How to contact you?

  Email id : mailto:[email protected]

  Facebook Page :

  Twitter :


  Published by LazySoftwareEngineer


  The End


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