Read Alien Security: Domination Page 1




  Maurice Osborn


  Maurice Osborn

  Copyright 2015 Maurice Osborn

  Please address all questions, comments, and requests for information to: Maurice Osborn by sending Emails to: [email protected].








  3. WAR







  About the Author


  by Maurice Osborn

  This book is a continuation of my previous two “ALIEN SECURITY” books subtitled, “Beware” and “Freedom”. Those previous books used fictional characters named Tom Evens, Stan Edwards and Linda Davis to reveal the hidden truth about the United States Government’s involvement with extraterrestrial races and showed how malevolent alien beings could be eliminated from influencing humanity on Earth. This current book shows how powerful reptilian forces within the Earth could completely dominate the surface of the planet and turn humanity into their slaves.

  This book continues from where the second book ends in 2008 until a point in time in our future when monumental change and upheaval prevails globally on the Earth. In order for readers, who have not read the second book, to understand what is involved at the beginning of this book, a portion of the last chapter is included in the Recap section here.

  In this new book, Tom Evens and Linda Davis settle down to live a comfortable life together in retirement. However, the Queen of Reptilian humanoid beings within vast cavern city complexes underground, becomes enraged about the attack on two of her soldiers and starts a global war with humanity. What happens after that is not pleasant for the reader to follow.

  My purpose for writing this book is to demonstrate what life could be like for humanity if it fails to become aware of the existence of other intelligent beings in the universe and does not determine how to interact with them. There are both, benevolent and malevolent alien beings here among us and it is hoped that this book will help humanity to handle the monumental challenges before us. The importance here is that humanity becomes informed and prepared for the days ahead. Good luck to us all.

  (Back to Contents)


  Lieutenant General Tom Evens is at a U.S. Army infantry staging area at Fort Lewis, Washington State to supervise the boarding of troops and supplies. When ready, Tom sends the loaded trucks to McChord Air Force Base with instructions for them to board the lead plane with their supplies and wait for his arrival. Next, Tom directs the convoy of remaining trucks to the medical center where the staff and their supplies get onboard.

  Then, Tom directs the convoy to a Military Police headquarters building and those troops also get onboard with their supplies. Finally, the loaded trucks are driven to the tarmac of McChord Air Force Base where a rental truck and news van are being loaded onboard the aircraft. Tom directs Linda and the MPs to board the plane with the rental truck and the medical staff with their supplies in the other plane along with a news van and crew. Finally, Tom boards the lead aircraft with the combat troops onboard and they become airborne.

  Tom and Captain Rawlings of Foxtrot Company are sitting behind the pilots in the cockpit. Tom asks for the microphone for the loud speakers onboard the aircraft and presses the “Talk” button. He says, “Members of Foxtrot Company, this is General Evens. The time has come for you to become informed about the details regarding this secret mission. This is a rescue mission for thousands of innocent American children being confined and tortured at the U.S. Naval Air Weapons Station at China Lake, California.

  “The torture of those children is a part of the secret Reptilian Illuminati program to create human slaves that is based upon a process to induce torture in order to keep the children traumatized and receptive to obeying commands. After years of torture and ritual abuse, these human beings are then trained to become assassins, sex slaves, and perform other forms of servitude for the rest of their lives.

  “Upon being informed of these unlawful activities, the President of the United States has authorized any and all means necessary to rescue those children in order to bring public attention of these atrocities so that all aspects of this abuse can be stopped and have all those responsible brought to justice. You men have been selected to rescue those children and subdue everyone involved while in public view for the world to see on national television.

  “This mission will not be easy and your lives will be in constant peril. We will be landing at the naval air base under the pretense of an emergency landing. When you disembark, you must enter and overtake any personnel in the two hangers at the Northeast end of the air base as quickly as possible. This is a secret mission. Not even the Secretary of Defense or the Joint Chiefs of Staff are aware of this mission.

  “The Marines in charge of base security will have no knowledge of the children and they will assume that we are attempting to steal the weapons stored there. I will attempt to make contact with the base commander and inform him about our mission as soon as possible, but you may be called upon to use any and all means to defend yourselves and protect the children in the hangers.

  “Every means possible has been taken in order to preserve secrecy of this mission. However, if secrecy has been breeched, then we may find that there will be nothing there when we arrive. In that case, return to this aircraft for immediate departure. If that is not possible, then surrender until the President is able to resolve the situation. Is that understood?” The troops shout, “Yes Sir!”

  Next, Tom says into the microphone, “If there is anyone here who does not wish to take part in this mission, raise your arm now and you will be relieved.” No one raises their arm, so Tom says, “Very well. We are all in this together to preserve freedom for all Americans, especially the children. I am proud to serve with each and every one of you. I want the officers and NCOs at the front of the aircraft for a briefing now. That is all.”

  The unit leaders gather around the General at the front of the plane. Tom lays down an enlarged satellite view of the China Lake base for all to see and says, “This is the layout of the air base at China Lake. It has three runways arranged like a triangle. The base of the triangle is a runway that runs East and West.

  “We will be initially approaching from the Northwest and appear to be landing on the runway that runs Northwest to Southeast. This will enable us to get a good view of the base before we land. However, our pilot will tell the control tower that he is unable to land and must go around to the other runway that runs from the Southwest to the Northeast. Our objectives are at the end of that runway.

  “The large hangers on each side of the Northeast end of the runway are suspected of housing the children. This plane will stop at the end of the runway. Your forces will divide, gain access to those hangers, and overtake everyone inside. You will probably need to use explosives or primer chord to get the doors open. Once inside and you have taken control over whatever you find inside, you should expect that there will be elevators to underground tube stations where the children are normally taken after their programming. Be prepared for possible attacks from there.

  “Also, prepare your men now for what they can expect to see inside the hangers. There will be thousands of small wire mesh cages stacked in rows from floor to ceiling with a naked child or infant inside each one.
The cages are charged with electricity to shock the victims. You will need to disable the power to those cages, which is under computer control, before being able to remove the children. There will also be flashing lights inside.

  “It will be your task, once you gain entry into the hangers, to overtake and subdue everyone involved, shut off power to the cages and flashing lights, and prepare to defend the outside and inside of the hangers from attack. How you do that, gentlemen, is up to you.

  “Once the presence of the children is confirmed, I will attempt to contact the base commander as quickly as possible in order to prevent any bloodshed. However, understand that the Marines will be well trained, equipped, and fanatical about repelling our assaults on these hangers. I leave you to your deliberations, gentlemen. Good luck.”

  Next, Tom goes to the cockpit and briefs the pilots of what will be expected of them when they arrive at China Lake. At the appropriate time, the pilot radios to the other aircraft in their flight of four that he is experiencing hydraulic problems and is changing course to land at China Lake. The other three aircraft are instructed to continue on to Edwards Air Force Base.

  When the aircraft enters the China Lake airspace, the pilot radios, “China Lake Tower, Air Force C17 26234 is eight miles Northeast. We are declaring an emergency. We are loosing hydraulic pressure and request immediate landing.” “Roger Air Force 26234, China Lake Tower. Make a straight in approach on runway 16. You are cleared to land. There will be emergency services at the end of the runway when you arrive.” The pilot radios back, “Roger China Lake Tower. Air Force 26234 is cleared to land on runway 16.”

  Tom and the Company Commander position themselves with binoculars at the port side windows. As the aircraft makes a low approach above the runway, they see that the hanger to the left of the Northeast runway is completely enclosed while the hanger on the right has its doors open, revealing fighter aircraft inside. As the aircraft pitches upwards at the end of the runway, the pilot radios, “China Lake Tower, Air Force 26234 was unable to land. We are losing control. Request immediate landing on runway 03.”

  The Air Traffic Controller thinks to himself, This is strange. That aircraft is not loosing any hydraulic fluid. And, why does it have its aft loading door open? The ATC radios, “That’s a negative, Air Force 26234. That is a restricted area of the base. Make a 360 degree turn and land back on runway 34.” The pilot radios back, “This is Air Force 26234. We cannot make that turn. We will either land on runway 03 or ditch.”

  The ATC turns to the Tower Chief, who nods his approval, and then radios, “Air Force 26234, China Lake Tower. Turn right for short final. You are cleared for landing on runway 03. Be advised. It will be some time before emergency services will arrive.” The pilot smiles and says, “Roger China Lake Tower. Air Force 26234 is cleared for landing on runway 03.” Tom exhales in relief.

  As the aircraft banks to the right for landing, the Company Commander tells his men to prepare for landing, to disembark when the plane stops, for the hanger on the left and to disregard the hanger on the right. When the aircraft lines up for the landing, the pilot tells Tom, “Sir, don’t you think that you should be preparing to disembark with the others?” Tom says, “Oh shit” and then sits in back with the troops.”

  The aircraft lands smoothly and rolls to the end of the runway. Just before the aircraft comes to a complete stop, Captain Rawlings shouts “Lock and load” and then “Follow me!” Tom does his best to keep up with the troops, who take up positions around the hanger. An explosive charge is set at the handle of a door. When it blows, pry bars are used to open the door.

  The lead troops enter the hanger with their rifles at the ready and go to a control room. They find three men in lab coats sitting before computer consoles. The squad leader shouts, “Get on the floor now! NOW, NOW, NOW!” One of the men attempts to press the alarm button, but he is stopped and thrown to the floor. The other men lay on the floor and all three of them are bound by their wrists and ankles with tie wraps. Then, they are interrogated.

  While this is taking place, other squads move throughout the hanger and try not to look at the cages of children. As they encounter people working there, they are also ordered to lie on the floor, their arms and legs are bound, and they are interrogated. The troops also burst into small rooms where children are being raped and tormented. These men are not treated as well by the troops as the others that they found.

  The troops also burst into medical offices where Naval Officers are examining some children. These men are also bound and interrogated. With the help of some cooperative prisoners, they learn where the elevator is to the tube station underground. This is guarded by several men. The troops also find out how to shut off the flashing lights and the electricity to the cages. Some of the prisoners begin to cry when they come to realize what they have done and their potential for punishment.

  When Tom enters the hanger, he sees the children in the cages and is told by Captain Rawlings that all is secure. Moments later, a soldier informs the Captain that three HMMWV vehicles have been sighted coming towards them. He runs outside to ensure that his troops are ready for them. Tom runs into the control room, looks up the telephone number for the base commander and calls him.

  Outside, the vehicles stop about 100 feet away when the troops inside them observe men pointing rifles at them. A Marine Second Lieutenant gets out of the vehicle and says, “Attention! I am Lieutenant Roberts of the 22nd Base Security Regiment. Who is in command here?” The Company Commander says, “I am U.S. Army Captain Rawlings of Foxtrot Company, 4th Battalion, 39th Infantry, of the 9th Infantry Division out of Fort Lewis, Washington State.”

  The Lieutenant says, “Well Captain, you are in a restricted area of this base. There will be a battalion of Marines here in a few minutes. I want you and your men to lay down your weapons, surrender peacefully, and I promise that you will be treated fairly.” The Captain says, “I’m afraid that I cannot do that, Lieutenant. I am under orders by the President of the United States to secure this building and everything in it.”

  Just then, several trucks arrive with a Company of Marines that disembark and surround the hanger with their weapons at the ready. A Marine Captain moves forward and is quietly briefed by the Lieutenant. The Marine Captain says, “Captain Rawlings, this is Captain Edwards. I am ordering you to have your men lay down their weapons and surrender peacefully or I will order my men to open fire. I give you three minutes to comply.”

  Captain Rawlings asks, “Have you ever been in this hanger, Captain, or do you even know what is in here?” Captain Edwards says, “No, this hanger is off limits to all unauthorized personnel and I have been charged with the responsibility of keeping it secure. That means keeping it secure from you, Captain.” “Well Sir, I also have orders from the President of the United States to secure this hanger and that is exactly what we intend to do.”

  The Marine Captain says, “I don’t give a damn who your orders are from or what they may say. They could be from the Queen of Sheba, for all I care. If they were actually from the President, I would know about it. You have two minutes left to comply.” The two officers take cover and order their men to be ready to fire.

  Just then, a HMMWV vehicle comes down the road honking its horn and flashing its lights. It parks next to the Lieutenant’s vehicle and a naval Admiral gets out. He walks over to the Marine Captain and whispers something in his ear. Then the Captain tells his men, “Marines, stand down and return to your vehicles.” Tom exits the hanger and asks, “Did I miss something?” Captain Rawlings says, “We were just about ready to be slaughtered until that Admiral arrived. Other than that, nothing much happened.”

  The Captain tells his men, “Relax gentlemen, but stay alert.” Tom walks over to the Admiral, they shake hands, and he says, “Admiral, I am General Evens. We spoke on the telephone. Thank you for your assistance in this matter.” The Admiral says, ??
?I verified your information. The President made it very clear that I was to provide you with every assistance.”

  Tom says, “Well, we could use your help right now. I have three C-17 aircraft that need clearance to land here with additional supplies and personnel and they will need clearances to depart as well.” The Admiral says, “Very well” and then uses the radio in his vehicle to contact the control tower with the clearances. Tom watches as each plane lands and taxis to where they are.

  The first aircraft opens its aft cargo bay door. The General’s Aide, Captain Peterson, and the medical staff disembark and come running over to Tom, who tells the staff to enter the hanger and care for the children inside. As they go inside, Tom says to the Captain, “Thank you for arranging things at Edwards Air Force Base. Did you have any problems?” “Not after the President told them to cooperate. By the way, the rental truck is being unloaded now. I believe you may know the driver.” Tom smiles and nods his head.

  Next to disembark are the Military Policemen and the JAG representative from the second plane. They run over to where the General is standing. Tom tells them, “Our combat forces have taken over this hanger and apprehended the people there. Inside, you will find thousands of children kept in little cages and tortured with electricity to turn them into slaves. I believe that you will find this activity to be unlawful. Please conduct a criminal investigation, take possession of those people that you find to be in violation of the law and release the rest.” They enter the hanger to do as requested.

  Linda Davis drives the truck up close to Tom and asks, “Where do you want this, General?” Tom smiles and says, “Park that next to this hanger, lady, and get back over here.” Linda says, “Yes Sir”, parks the truck and then runs into Tom’s waiting arms. They kiss and hug just as the news van pulls up with a camera pointing at them. The driver asks, “Where would you like us to park, General?” When Tom and Linda see the news van, they suddenly separate and act dignified. Tom tells them to park anywhere that they can get a good television signal and prepare to broadcast a statement by him.