Read Alien Security: Domination Page 2

  With the camera, lights, and sound system ready, Tom says, “Ladies and Gentlemen, I am Lieutenant General Thomas Evens speaking to you at the United States Naval Air Weapons Station in China Lake, California. I am here on a secret mission authorized by the President of the United States.

  “I became aware of horrific acts being committed at this base where thousands of innocent children have been brought here and tortured in order to turn them into slaves. When I informed the President of what was occurring here, he authorized a secret mission to rescue the children here. That is what we have done.

  “I must caution you now that what you are about to see and learn will be horrifying, but the public must become aware of the atrocities being committed at secret bases all across the country in order for this criminal behavior to be stopped and those responsible brought to justice. I would like to introduce Ms. Linda Davis who will explain what is going on and provide a tour for you of the horrors found inside this hanger. Ms. Davis?”

  While Linda is busy with the reporters, Tom goes inside the hanger and finds the medical center Administrator who came with many of his staff. Tom asks for his report of the situation and is told, “We are severely under staffed and overextended to be able to care for all of these children. We have set up a triage center to find those in worse conditions and deal with their maladies. However, many of them will need liquids soon or they will die and all of them are malnourished. Why didn’t you tell me about the torture they were experiencing here?”

  Tom says, “I couldn’t jeopardize security. I told you they were traumatized. We have food, drinks, and baby formula in a truck outside. I will have the soldiers bring it to wherever you want it. We also have diapers, underwear, and clothes for the children. Just tell me where you want it and you shall have it.” “Very well. Tell them to start bringing it all in and set it over there.”

  Just then, there is gunfire and an explosion coming from the underground elevator. Tom draws his 45 caliber semiautomatic pistol and looks to see what is going on. Linda and the camera news crew run over to him while stooped over and take cover with him. Linda asks what is happening.

  Tom says, “Two Reptilian soldiers came up the elevator and started firing their lazar pistols at our soldiers. They returned fire and disabled the elevator, but our small arms are not effective against them. Our grenades and large caliber rifles are more effective, but we are taking heavy losses. Damn it! I just saw Captain Rawlings take a direct hit and go down. If those Reptilians have the same protective shield as their albino leader had when he tried to eat me, then we will have no way to stop them. And since those beings cannot escape, it will be a fight to the finish. Either they will die or we will.”

  Just then, Tom remembers what Queitel told him about the Reptilians and he shouts to his men, “Shoot their backs! They are vulnerable along their backbone! Take flanking positions and shoot their backs!” The soldiers take positions on each flank and start aiming for the Reptilian’s spines. Unfortunately, the Reptilians protect each other’s back by facing back to back and firing at the soldiers. Tom is still in front and now has a clear shot at them. So he stands, takes aim, and fires his pistol.

  Blood splatters and there is a loud roar heard from one of the beings as it falls to the floor. As the other one becomes exposed, it becomes vulnerable to the soldier’s gun shots and dies a short time later. The shooting stops and it becomes deathly quiet in the hanger. Tom runs over to the elevator with Linda and the camera crew following close behind him. They see the two Reptilian entities lying dead on the floor with large gaping wounds in their backs. There are also many soldiers lying in pain on the floor.

  Tom is astonished to see the Captain sitting up in great pain. Tom kneels down beside him and asks, “You’re not dead? I saw you get hit.” The Captain says, “Yeah, the bastard pierced me right through the chest and it hurts like Hell.” Tom looks at the small hole in his chest. There is no blood and Tom can actually see light through it. He says, “It looks like the intense heat of their lazar weapon cauterized the wound. I’ll get you something for the pain.” The Captain says, “No thanks, General. I don’t need morphine like you gave the Colonel” and they both laugh.

  As the medical Administrator tends to the men, Tom orders all but a few soldiers from outside to help with the wounded and the transfer of supplies from the truck. The ones left outside are ordered to stand watch. Tom walks up to the news crew and asks, “How soon can you have this broadcast to a local station?” He is told, “We are live and being carried nationwide, General, and have been since shortly after we arrived.”

  Tom looks directly at the camera and says, “This is General Evens. We have wounded soldiers and thousands of children here. As soon as they are stabilized, we will be transporting those wounded and as many children as we can aboard our four transport aircraft back to McChord Air Force Base and the medical center at Fort Lewis. But, the facilities and resources there are very limited.

  “These children are going to need medical and psychiatric care to help them overcome the trauma that they have endured for so long. I am appealing to the American people to help these innocent victims of brutality with a loving home and caring people. We need help now. Those we cannot transport by air will be left here under the care a medical staff. Thank you for attention. Good-bye.”

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  Chapter 1



  The President of the United States is in a very pleasant mood as he heads for the Situation Room in the White House. He is going there to meet with his staff and advisors regarding the successful rescue of children from the Naval Weapons Center at China Lake, California. It was General Tom Evens who told him about the atrocities that were being committed there, but it was the President who authorized the secret mission for him to rescue the children that were being kept there.

  Not only was the mission televised nationwide, but so was the President’s presentation of the Medal of Honor to General Evens for his leadership in that campaign. He could not be riding any higher in the popularity poles. Tom Evens may have retired from military service, but the President still has much work to do regarding the reptilian alien’s involvement in the confinement and torture of innocent children. The whole country is screaming for justice and answers about how this could have happened.

  The President thinks about how he knew nothing about extraterrestrials when he was elected to the presidency in 2007. He had run on a platform that emphasized issues of rapidly ending the Iraq War, increasing energy independence, and providing universal health care in a campaign that projected themes of hope and change. The change that he hoped for was one of having the United States Government free from control by wealth bankers and industrialists.

  Both, the outgoing president and his father, also a prior president, were closely associated with secret societies such as the Illuminati, Bilderbergers, Council on Foreign Relations, and Skull and Bones who were interested in creating a one world government. The President was well on his way of eliminating ties with people of these organizations when a military coup attempted to take control over the contry and have Americans relocated to concentration camps that were set up throughout the country.

  That is when the President learned about General Evens, who alerted the world to what was happening on national television and helped to free humanity from malevolent alien entities. He arranged to have the General brought before him and aided his efforts to free humanity from the presence of evil alien beings in deep underground facilities around the world.

  Then, the General informed him about the activities at the China Lake Naval Weapons Facility where thousands of children were being toutured in order to turn them into mind-controlled slaves for a secret reptilian society underground. Now that the operation has been a success, the President could not be having a higher popularity rating. The issue facing the President no
w is what is to be done about the reptilians and the atrocities that they have committed.


  Everyone in the Situation Room stands as the President enters the room. There are many smiling faces as he shakes hands and greets each person. He is congratulated and praised by most everyone he greets. When the President sits down, he says, “Alright folks, let’s get this meeting started. We have a lot to discuss. Mister Defense Secretary, would you please inform us about what occurred at the Naval Weapons Center at China Lake in California and what has resulted from that mission.”

  The Defense Secretary clears his throat and says, “Well Mr. President, under your secret authorization, General Evens landed at the facility in an Air Force C17 Cargo aircraft along with a detachment of combat personnel from Fort Lewis in Washington State last Thursday. They forcibly entered a hanger and subdued the personnel working in there. A total number of 946 living infants, 7 dead infants, 1,043 toddlers, and 2,735 children ages 1 through 3 for a total of 4,724 children were rescued from torturous conditions there.

  “However, a battle ensued as two reptilian soldiers arrived from underground in an elevator and began shooting at the soldiers, who returned fire. The reptilians were killed, but 7 soldiers were killed in action, 3 died of their wounds, and 23 are expected to make a full recovery. There were a total of 14 civilians and servicemen in the hanger that were taken into custody and have been charged with murder, child endangerment, molestation, and abuse. However, the investigation is broadening and many more arrests are expected.”

  The President asks, “Is there anyone here who has had foreknowledge of what was occurring at that facility?” The Secretary of State says, “I was aware of the confinement of children at that base, Sir, but I flatly deny having any knowledge about how many children were being kept there, what their conditions were or what was intended to be done with them.” The President says, “Alright Mr. Secretary, could you please explain how you obtained this information and why you did not notify me about this?”

  The Secretary is obviously uncomfortable as he says, “Well Sir, the confinement of children at that facility is one of the terms in a secret treaty that exists between the United States Government and a reptilian race of beings that have existed in deep underground cavern city complexes long before our government was established. It was not deemed necessary to make you aware of this treaty as long as the reptilian activities did not interfere with government policy. Obviously, that situation has now changed.”

  The President is obviously upset as he says, “Very well, I think it is time that you tell all of us what you know about these beings and the arrangement that we have with them.” The Secretary of State says, “As you wish, Mr. President. We are dealing with an ancient race of intelligent reptilian humanoid beings that have scaly rough skin from the Draco Constellation. These beings have elongated heads and pointed ears. Some of the reptilian hierarchy are albino white and do not have the usual green or brown skin colors. They also have conical horns midway between the brow and the top of their skull.

  Their leader elite are known as the Draco. They have special wings composed of flaps of skin that are supported by long ribs, which can be folded back against their body. They are also known as the "Dragon Race" and their symbolism usually includes a Winged Serpent. It was one of these beings who attacked General Evens’ forces as he liberated people at a train station from being taken to relocation camps for servitude.

  These Reptilians have been interacting with Earth for ages. The Draconian Group is part of a vast empire with a Queen as their royal ruler. These beings were the source for some of the legends of the past relating to vampires, Gargoyles and Valkyries. The Reptilians eat humans like we eat chicken. Here in the United States, they have great, underground food-storage rooms full of preserved human bodies including those of children. They are also involved with crossbreeding humans with Reptilians in order to create a slave race of beings as biological war machines, laborers, and manipulators of humanity.

  Our government entered into a treaty with these beings in order to maintain some semblance of control over the situation and prevent their activities from interfering in the affairs of our government. Obviously, that situation has now changed and I have no idea what the future holds for humanity.”

  The President thinks for a moment and says, “Well, the cat is out of the proverbial bag now and the world is crying for justice. They are looking at us for retribution and I want to know what we are going to do about it.” The room becomes silent. The President becomes frustrated and says, “Come on, gentlemen. I go on national television in two hours. What am I going to say?”


  The announcer says, “Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States.” There is great applause as the President stands before the podium. He smiles, then has a serious look on his face as he says, “My fellow Americans, this is an auspicious moment. We can be proud of how our military personnel faced battle with reptilian alien beings and overcame adversity in order to free thousands of innocent children from a life of slavery.

  “A criminal investigation is currently underway to find whoever is responsible for the despicable acts that were committed at China Lake and bring them all to justice. As a result, I cannot comment on that investigation or tell you who is being investigated. The Attorney General will provide additional details as they become available. But, I can tell you that all of the resources of this administration are being devoted to finding whoever is responsible and seeing to it that justice is done.

  “However, the task before all of us now, is the comprehension and determination to deal with what we are currently facing. We now know that we are not alone in the universe and that beings from other worlds have come to Earth for different reasons. We have defeated a race of malevolent Gray beings and have communicated with benevolent races. But, there is something much more serious that we must also become aware of.

  “We have seen how our military forces have engaged in battle with a race of reptilian beings. These entities come from an ancient society in space, which have existed for eons of time in deep underground cavern city complexes on Earth. They are impervious to our technology and they have covertly interacted with humanity for centuries. Now that we know that they exist, we must now determine what to do about them. These are the challenges that have been placed before us today. God grant us the wisdom to do what is right and may God bless America.”


  Deep underground, in her throne room, the Queen of the reptilian race watches the President’s address to the nation. She lets out a loud roar in anger to what was said. She is dressed in a long robe that covers the wings on her back. She is taller than everyone else and she wears a crown on her head. She says to her court of reptilian military generals, advisors and administrators, “How dare that human act as if they were equal to us!

  “We allow them to live on the poisonous, inhospitable environment of the surface in order to function as a living shield around our home here underground. We have lived in relative peace between our two races for centuries. But now, they think they can kill our soldiers and interfere with our activities? Well, they have another thing coming. We will teach them a lesson that they will never forget.”

  An advisor bows and says to the Queen, “Your Majesty, we have a much more serious matter to consider than just teaching the humans a lesson. By taking all of their children from the facility we had on the surface, we have been stripped from the blood supply that we needed to continue the human-looking appearance of our hybrid servants on the surface to do our bidding there. Soon, their bodies will return to their natural reptilian state and they will no longer be able to go unnoticed on the surface. We will lose all control over the humans.”

  The Queen lets out another loud roar in anger. The commanding General of all reptilian military forces speaks, “Your Majesty, I believe that this may provide a great opportunity
for us to finally dominate the surface and cause all of humanity to serve you openly. We already covertly control most of their leadership and their weapons are no match for us. I believe that this incident actually gives us the excuse that we need to openly conquer the entire planet.”

  The Queen thinks about this for a moment and then says to those in attendance, “So be it! It is my commandment that battle plans are to be prepared and all resources are to be put in place for an all out war with the humans. From this moment onwards, we will conquer the entire planet or die trying. And, I want the head of General Evens on a platter for me to eat. Begin now!”

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  Chapter 2



  The newly retired Tom Evens and his lovely sweetheart Linda Davis awake from a good night sleep at her house in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Tom turns over, stretches, and says, “Wow. What a wonderful evening that last night was. I haven’t climaxed so many times in one night since I was a teenager.” Linda giggles and says, “Neither have I”. They kiss and hug each other and then head for the bathroom in order to make themselves ready to start a new day.

  Tom jokes around by saying, “Damn it. Where is my butler? That man is never around anymore to serve me coffee in the morning or lay out my clothes.” Linda smiles and says, “I’m afraid that there are many things that you must adjust to doing yourself now, but somehow I think you will manage.” Tom grins and says, “Gee, I hope so. Life is just so difficult when you are retired.”