Read Alien Security: Domination Page 5

  They first met while his body was recuperating from wounds that he sustained while fighting with the U.S. Army in Iraq. While his body was recovering in a hospital on Earth, his consciousness was with the Pleiadians. That is where he met Queitel and Solmay and learned of the mission for him to help Tom free humanity from alien intervention, which he was glad to take part in.

  Although Peterson developed deeply felt friendships with Queitel and Solmay while his consciousness was with the Pleiadians, his relationship with Solmay became especially close. After his body fully recovered from the wounds, there were many other times when he and Solmay were able to spend time together either on Earth or in her spacecraft. The love that they felt for each other was very strong and passionate. The last ten years, while under reptilian domination, has been especially difficult to bear without their occasional interludes.

  Andrew takes the chance of actually being able to communicate with Solmay once again. He telepathically says: Solmay? He holds his breath in anticipation and is rewarded with the sweet words that he hears in his head: Hello Andrew. He is overjoyed and says: Oh Solmay, I have missed you so much. I had given up hope of ever being able to speak with you again. The love that we shared together is the only thing that has kept me going and not just allowed myself to become a mindless robot.

  Solmay responds with: I love and miss you too. It has been horrible for me to watch how you have been treated on Earth under reptilian control. I wanted so much to rescue you from that environment, but I couldn’t. I love you so much! Hopefully, if we are successful in freeing humanity from reptilian domination, we will be able to be together once again.

  Tears of joy are flowing down his face as Andrew says: Oh Solmay, you have made me a whole person once again, filled with life, hope, and your great love. I feel like dancing! It will be difficult to keep all of my joy inside of myself so that no one else can see it, but you can be sure that I will do my part to help restore freedom for humanity. Take good care of yourself, my love, and I will keep you safe in my heart for ever more.

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  Chapter 7


  A few hours later, Tom is awakened by the shaking of the enclosed cell that he has been confined in. The other people in the cell do not seem to be disturbed by this. They just have a depressed look on their faces. When the enclosure has been transported to the surface, doors are opened and the workers file past many guards and a scanner before entering a building. As each person’s implant is scanned, a beep is heard. When Tom places his hand over the scanner, three beeps are heard.

  The Sergeant of the Guards says, “Hold on. This worker is not on the list of transfers.” The guard who received Tom from Lieutenant Peterson speaks up, “Yes sir, he was transferred over from another ship.” The sergeant says, “Very well, it looks like this is another computer foul-up. Continue.” Tom follows the others into the building with a large room and each one takes a single sized mattress and bedding. They all select a bed, place their bedding on it, and lie down to sleep under the watchful eye of the guards.

  A few hours later, a buzzing sound is heard and the lights come on in this large room with many beds. The people wake up and slowly get out of bed. A guard shouts, “Okay, time to get up, get your selves ready, and have something to eat before heading out to the mine. Let’s go, let’s go. You have a long day of work ahead of you.” The men and women, in identical uniforms, head for the latrines to get themselves ready for the day of work ahead of them.

  One of the workers walks over to Tom and asks, “Say, you’re the guy that transferred in last night, aren’t you? Tom nods his head and says, “Yeah, I came over from the Nevada camp. My name is Tom. What’s yours?” He says, “I’m John. Well, it looks like this is going to be a long, hot day in another Hell hole.”

  About ten hours later, the workers file back into the room from their long day of hard labor. They fall on their beds completely exhausted until a guard shouts, “Okay, let’s go, let’s go. You workers have thirty minutes to clean up and have supper before the line is closed.” The people, with great effort, walk over to the latrine and prepare for the evening meal. After eating supper, the workers rest, play games, or just talk with others.

  Two hours later, the lights are dimmed and everyone quickly falls to sleep in their bed. Tom gets up and walks over to the guard on duty, who asks, “Where do you think you are going?” Tom responds with, “To the latrine.” The guard nods his approval and Tom snaps his fingers three times. In a commanding voice, Tom says, “Get on your toes. Stay on your toes. I am Puppet Master. You’ll speak my words when I pull your strings. I am your puppet. Spill it.” The guard stares in a trance as he repeats the sentence, “I am your puppet.”

  In a lowered voice, Tom says, “Silence. You will hear and remember nothing until someone speaks to you.” The guard responds with, “If you please, Sir.” Tom then returns to his bed and grabs a music disk from his arm pit. John, in the next bed over, whispers to Tom, “That was amazing. What did you do to the guard?” Tom tells him, “Shush. I will show you later. For now, just lay back and listen.”

  Tom turns on the music disk at low volume and beautiful heartfelt music is heard throughout the room. The others around Tom turn over towards him and enjoy the music. Some of them start crying. Tom telepathically communicates: Alright Queitel, I am ready. Queitel responds with: Very well, the first person is named Steven and he is in the bed to the right of you.

  Tom walks over to where the worker is laying and says, “Hello. Are you Steven?” The man says, “Yes I am.” Tom says, “Come with me please.” Queitel silently communicates: His mother is located in the fourth bed from the end, eight rows to your right. Tom leads Steven to where his mother is laying. When they see each other, they embrace each other. Steven says, “Oh Mom, I missed you so much.”

  Tom smiles and silently asks: Okay Queitel, who is next? Tom then hears: The next person is named Gregory and he is in the first bed, two rows to your left. Tom walks over to Gregory’s bed and says to him, “Hello Gregory, please come with me.” Tom then hears Queitel’s silent voice saying: Gregory’s wife is located in the third bed, 14 rows to your right. Tom leads Gregory over to his wife. When Jane sees her husband walking towards her, she says, “Greg, is that you?” Gregory becomes elated and says, “Oh Jane!” They hug and kiss each other as Tom goes to reunite another couple.

  A buzzing sound is heard the next morning and the lights come on brightly. The people wake up and get out of bed with smiles on their faces. The guard is puzzled by this, but says, “Okay, okay, time to get up and get going.” As people walk past Tom, they whisper “Thank you” to him and he smiles.

  Tom sits down at a long table with a tray of food along with other people having breakfast. John sits down next to him and says, “We aren’t supposed to be able to listen to music. That was wonderful! What did you do to the guard that caused him to let us do it?” Tom tells him, “I will show you later. It’s easy. If you like what I did last night, wait until you see what happens tonight.”

  Gregory sits down on the other side of Tom and says, “Thank you so much for enabling my wife and I to be with each other again. I haven’t seen her in two years.” Tom says, “You’re welcome. You should never have had to be separated. You can thank me by making lots of babies. I know that it is forbidden, but that is going to change.” The sergeant of the guard tells the workers, “Alright people, let’s go. You have a lot of work to do today.”

  At the end of the day, the lights become dim once more and everyone is lying in their bed. Tom rolls over toward John in the bed next to him and whispers, “Hey John, are you awake?” John says, “How could I sleep? I can't wait to see what you do next.” Tom whispers back, “I would like you to do something for me. Take this small device and keep it with you wherever you go. It is a duplicate of my implant. I have switched off my impla
nt so that I can go to another compound while the guards think that I am still here with you. I also want you to have this music disk so that you can play music for everyone while I am gone. You remember what I taught you about controlling the guards, don't you?” John takes what is given to him, smiles, and says, “I sure do. I can't wait to have the guards barking like dogs.”

  Tom shakes his head and says, “John, you don't understand. The guards are just slaves. They have no choice and must treat people just exactly as they have been ordered to treat them. They are to be pitied. They have been horribly tortured and tormented their entire lives in order to turn them into slaves. After we have regained our freedom, then they will be able to be de-programmed and become free people as well.”

  Tom gets up and walks over to the guard. He says something to him quietly and then turns up the lights. The people get up from their beds bewildered as Tom turns the music disk on loudly to happy dance music. Everyone is happy and moving to the music. Some couples get up and dance.

  When the song is over, Tom walks to the front of the room. He says to the people, “Hello everyone. My name is Tom. I am glad that you are all having such a good time, but we should not have to hide what is our God-given right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We have been deceived about the need to give up our rights and national sovereignty in order to be safe from alien attacks. We have had our humanity taken from us for far too long, but not much longer. I am leaving now to help people in other parts of the world, but I am leaving a music player and knowledge of how to control the guards with John here and he will teach you how to do the same things.

  “Humanity, all over the world, is rising up and taking our freedoms back. But, our efforts must remain hidden until open hostilities break out. Although you will be able to control the guards, the only way to prevent the Reptilians from killing all of us is by killing them first. They are vulnerable along their spine if you can get in behind them and stab them with knives or other sharp objects. Remember to keep our intentions concealed until the last moment in order to allow time for others to also prepare themselves. Once we have rid ourselves from the Reptilians, then we will all be able to return to our homes and loved ones to live our lives as we see fit once more. Good luck to all of us.”

  Tom walks over to the latrine, makes certain that no one else is there, and closes the door behind him. A short time later, a bright light is seen coming from under the door. John walks into the latrine and comes back out saying, “He’s gone!”


  Tom looks around and sees the familiar faces of Queitel and Solmay in their spaceship. He says, “Hello again.” Queitel says, “Welcome back. You have done very well at that mining camp. Are you ready for another assignment?” “I sure am” is Tom’s response. “Very well, you will need to change into another worker’s uniform. You will next be going to a farming camp where it is harvesting time.” Once Tom has changed clothes and received more components for his next mission, he is teleported once again to the bridge of the space cruiser which is manned by Lieutenant Peterson. This process is repeated many times in the following weeks as Tom visits many work camps on the North American continent.

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  Chapter 8



  The winged Queen Reptilian is sitting on her throne inside the grand hall of her castle underground. There are many other Reptilian civilian and soldier types also in the hall. A General Officer quickly walks before the throne, kneels, and bows his head before his royal queen. Then he says, “Pardon the intrusion, your Majesty, but I come with urgent news.” The queen says, “Very well, what is it?”

  The General lifts his head and says, “One of our spies at a worker installation on the North American Continent uncovered a resistance movement and their plot to regain control of the planet.” The queen becomes enraged and says, “What? How dare they after all that we have done for them? Do you know who everyone is that is involved in this plot?” The general responds with, “No, your Highness.” Without hesitation, the queen orders, “Then kill every human on the continent.” The general obediently says, “Yes, your Majesty. But, what of our human slaves there?” The queen stands and shouts “Kill them all! We have many others where they came from.” The General says “It shall be done, your Majesty” and leaves the hall while bowing.


  In the worker’s quarters, the lights are on, music is playing, and everyone is having a wonderful time. Suddenly, doors burst open and two Reptilian soldiers with flash tube weapons enter the room and begin killing everyone. Many people are killed until some of the people are able to get behind the soldiers and stab their backs with knives. When the Reptilians fall dead, the people grab their weapons and everyone, who is still alive, runs out of the doors.


  On the bridge of the space cruiser ship, the Commander is sitting in his chair, overlooking the command center. Lieutenant Peterson is standing next to him when an officer rushes onto the Bridge, salutes the Commander and hands him a piece of paper. He tells the Commander, “Sir, we have just received orders from royal headquarters to assist in the destruction of all human life forms on the North American Continent. The Admiral of the fleet has ordered the spacecraft carrier to launch all of their fighter and bomber craft in support of the operation and we are being ordered to destroy all worker installations with our main weapons.” The Commander responds with, “Very well, Captain. Target all North American installations and await my command. The Captain says, “Yes, Sir” and leaves the Bridge in order to carry out his orders.

  Lieutenant Peterson walks over to the Commander, snaps his fingers three times, and says, “Follow the snaps. Listen and obey. Leave your shell. Activate machine. Soon you will be purring like a well oiled machine. All of your moving parts are pivotal and gliding with ease. Take my commands while you slip through a window in time. You will speak my words. Belay my previous orders. Target the spacecraft carrier now with the forward batteries and fire. Spill it.”

  With the Commander in a deep trance, Peterson presses the button to the Commander’s public address system. The Commander says, “Belay my previous orders. Target the spacecraft carrier now with the forward batteries and fire.” Peterson releases the button, hears the thundering sounds from the cruiser’s weapons, and watches the spacecraft carrier explode apart. Peterson then tells the Commander, “Target Reptilian headquarters with all weapons and fire. Spill it.” While the public address button is depressed, the Commander says, “Target Reptilian headquarters with all weapons and fire.”

  Peterson releases the button, hears the sounds and feels the entire ship shake from the weapons firing. Next, he orders the Commander, “Silence. Go to your quarters and sleep deeply.” The Commander responds with, “If you please, Sir” and leaves the bridge.


  Tom is with a worker’s colony and watches as they dance and sing to the music he is providing. Just then, he receives psychic communication from Queitel who says: ‘Warning Tom! Some reptilian soldiers are coming to your compound to kill everyone. They know about your efforts to cause rebellion against them.’

  Tom quickly turns off the music and tells everyone, “Warning, warning! Some reptilian soldiers are coming to kill everyone. Quickly hide or prepare to attack them as they come in!” The people do as Tom tells them. Next, Tom goes over to the guard who is standing on duty while in a trance. He claps his hands together to break the spell on the guard, who asks, “What’s going on?” Tom says to him, “There is rebellion! Alert the other guards!”

  After the alert has gone out, several guards rush into the room with their batons ready to stop a rebellion. The guards are led by a man with the rank of captain, who sees the workers hiding or standing by the outer door. He shouts, “What is going on here?” Tom walks up to him and says, “Captain, I am Lieutenant General Thomas Evens in comm
and of all United States armed forces in the Northeast sector. There are reptilian soldiers who will be coming through that door to kill everyone, including you and your men. Do you have any weapons with which to defend these people or yourselves?”

  The Captain is surprised that a worker would talk to him like this and says, “Why no. Why should I believe you?” Tom responds with, “Damn it, Captain! Look around! Does it look like these people are afraid of you or what will be coming through the outer door?” The Captain looks around and says, “Yes, you’re right. But, what can we do against them?” Tom tells him, “Get in behind them and attack their backbones. They are vulnerable from attack along their spines.”

  The Captain orders his men to get ready and Tom goes with the Captain in order to provide advice. Just then, the outer door opens and reptilian soldiers begin running into the room. There are a total of five soldiers with their flash tube rifles blasting at anything that moves. The guards come out of hiding behind them and start beating their batons against the backs of the soldiers. As each soldier goes down in pain, their weapon is grabbed by a guard. Many guards and workers are killed in the battle that ensues. But, eventually, all of the soldiers are killed.

  Tom, the Captain, and the guards run out through the door to the exercise yard of the worker’s installation. It is now daybreak and the sun is shinning over the horizon. A major battle takes place between the humans and Reptilian soldiers. Both sides are firing their flash tube weapons. Tom tells the guards, “Get around to the side of them. You men in the middle, provide covering fire for them. Get the one in the tower…”

  Suddenly, there is a loud screeching sound and the Queen Reptilian is seen diving on the humans, landing, and flinging people to their death. The Queen sees Tom and lurches for him. As she picks him up, Tom reaches for the small weapon in his arm pit and fires it at the Queen. She is hit in the eye and drops Tom with a yell of pain. Tom tells the people, “Fire!”