Read Alien Security: Domination Page 4

  The UN leader sits down and the Queen addresses the assembly with, “Humans of Earth, I come before you now to offer a truce between our two species that will end the unfortunate violence that has befallen your race and bring peace between us once and for all. I ordered the violence in retaliation for the unprovoked killing of members of our defensive forces by United States military personnel. This was unfortunate. Our two races have lived in peace for millennia prior to this event and we desire to continue peaceful coexistence in the future. However, we will never allow you to attack us ever again. So, with your unanimous agreement, we shall take over the burden of defense for humanity and we will ensure that peace is maintained on this planet forever more while each race lives without interference from each other.” The Queen departs from the building, along with her entourage, and the assembly discusses all that has been offered.

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  Chapter 5



  Tom is awakened by a gentle shaking of his shoulder. Queitel says, “Good morning, Tom. We have almost arrived at the Greatspacer mother craft. I thought you would like to see it as we approach.” Tom quickly sits up, runs his hands over his face and says, “I sure would”. They move over to the control panel where Solmay is piloting her craft. Looking through the windows of the cockpit, Tom is able to see a small dot of light become bigger until it turns into a huge metallic sphere that reflects only a small amount of light from the Sun. Gradually, the speed of their ship slows. Solmay skillfully guides her ship towards the huge sphere. It has a large open hatch in the side of it, about a third of the way up from the bottom, and they slowly fly into it.

  Inside the mother ship, there is a very large hanger with many ships parked inside and only about 100 square meters of space available to fly in. The interior is illuminated from the walls in a bluish colored light. After Solmay parks her spaceship and the atmosphere has been restored in the hanger, she, Tom, and Queitel exit the craft and stand on the metal floor of the hanger.

  Queitel says to Tom, “Well, here we are. The Greatspacer is the greatest ship in its class of mother ships with all of the latest technology known to the Pleiadians. It is its own perfect world and it can fly anywhere in the universe. It houses 143,000 inhabitants. The essential city is located in the ship’s center with the ability to produce everything that is needed inside the ship and it is totally independent from everything else. You may remember that you have been here before.”

  Tom says, “I certainly do, but I forgot how magnificent it is. Could you tell me again? How big is this ship?” Solmay says, “It is more than ten and a half miles in diameter. If you look upwards, you can see the central city with many parks of green plants, trees, and flowers. Above all of that is the control center where we are going now.”

  Tom looks around and notices that beyond the hanger, there are numerous small craft behind transparent walls with many humans and robots scurrying between them. The three of them walk over to a small vehicle and sit down in comfortable seats. It then moves forward and slowly lifts them higher and higher until they reach a side parking area and the vehicle stops.

  They exit the vehicle and walk through a park to a transport beam that takes them to the control center at the top of the ship. They are able to see the whole universe in every direction through the transparent dome on top. The command center has equipment that is arranged like a horseshoe, which is operated by humans, robots and androids.

  Patier is standing in the middle of the horseshoe as Solmay runs over to him and throws her arms around him. They hold each other in a loving embrace. “I have missed you so much, father” says Solmay and Patier responds with, “And, I have missed you as well, daughter. You have not changed much since the last time that I saw you, which is a very good thing. Now, go and say hello to your mother.”

  As Solmay departs, Tom and Queitel walk over to Patier. The commander of this large craft, with the title of Yahway, has a sad smile on his face as he sees Tom. Patier says, “Hello, my old friend!” Tom holds out his hand as he says, “Hello Patier, my dear friend. It is good to see you again. I just wish that it was not under these circumstances.” Patier ignores the hand and hugs Tom, saying, “I am very sorry for your loss. Linda was a wonderful person who loved you completely and cared greatly for telling the truth to humanity.”

  Tom wipes a tear from his eye and says, “Thank you”. Patier next greets Queitel and invites them both to sit with him in his control center. A robot approaches and asks them if there is something that they would like to eat or drink. After their requests are fulfilled, Tom asks, “So, where are we headed now?” Patier says, “That is entirely up to you.”

  Patier thinks for a moment and then says, “Tom, you must not blame yourself for what has occurred on Earth.” Tom is surprised by this and asks, “What do you mean? I was the one who caused the war to break out when I rescued the children and killed the reptilian soldiers.” Patier says sternly, “That was not the reason for hostilities to break out. That was only used as an excuse for the reptilians to attack humanity. In fact, your actions may have saved any chance for humanity to ever become free and self determined ever again.”

  Tom says in amazement, “What are you talking about?” Patier tells him, “It was actually the exposure of the reptilian existence and what they were doing to mankind that caused them to respond the way that they did. Your actions jeopardized their ability to continue creating mind controlled slaves to manipulate humanity and furnish them with a steady supply of people to be sacrificed so that their reptilian hybrids could remain concealed.

  “The reptilians have been involved in the slow, but gradual, undermining of the human spirit on Earth. It began with the introduction of fluoride in the drinking water and toothpaste to cause docile attitudes. Over the years, new viruses were developed and introduced into vaccinations to make people sicker. The HAARP project in Alaska has caused behavior modification in humanity as well as the ability to control the weather. The Genetically Modified foods that people eat are destroying body functions and the Chemicals that are being sprayed in the skies are causing health problems and plant life to be wiped out. Now, there are cell phones and microwave ovens that destroy brain cells and other organs.

  “It was only a matter of time, really, before humanity gave up all of their rights willingly and had no ability to object or question what was happening to them. Now, because the population is still conscious, although greatly impaired, they are still able to think about what is happening to them, if not able to do anything about it.

  “I am sorry to have to tell you this, but all governments on Earth have now capitulated to permitting the reptilians to take over all military and defensive abilities on the planet. The small pockets of resistance that exist are being wiped out and all of humanity is currently being relocated and turned into slaves to serve the reptilian Queen in work camps around the planet.”

  Tom shakes his head in disbelief and asks, “How can any of this be good for mankind? Their consciousness about what is happening to them is only a torment for them. Isn’t there anything that you can do to restore freedom and self determination for humanity?” “I’m afraid not”, Patier says, “We Pleiadians are bound to an intergalactic agreement of non direct interference in what happens on other planets, even if it means their eventual annihilation.

  “There is nothing that we could do anyway, other than directly attack the reptilians above ground and in their underground facilities. But, that would result in even more destruction and loss of life. I’m afraid that there is nothing that can be done at this time. Events must progress naturally as they are doing on Earth for many years before anything can be done to reverse the destiny of humanity there.”

  Tom perks up his head and asks, “But, then something can be done?” Patier says, “Yes. As I said earlier, where we go from here is entirely up to you. If you wish, we will be
glad to take you to our home world of Erra where you will live out the rest of your life in happiness. However, you also have the option of being able to be taken ahead in time to a point in the future where you will be able to do something to cause humanity to regain its freedom from reptilian intervention. It is all up to you to decide what happens next.”

  Tom thinks about his options in silence for quite some time. Then he says, “Patier, my dear friend, if there is any chance for me to be able to help humanity to be free once more, than I would like to take that chance.” Patier responds with, “I am very pleased with your decision. I expected nothing less from you. However, you must consider that, although we will be able to help you covertly, your life will be in constant peril while you are on Earth.” Tom says, “I understand, sir, but I am willing to take that chance.”

  “Very well”, Patier says, “So be it. Our next destination is this same exact location ten years from now.” Tom is puzzled and asks, “Why should we wait ten years? Wouldn’t it be better to begin right away before the reptilians are fully prepared with defensive measures?” Patier says, “I’m afraid that it is too late for that. Your efforts will have a much better chance of succeeding during a time when those in control on Earth have become bored, over-confident, and complacent.” Tom nods his understanding of this reasoning and Patier gives instructions to his staff in the control center to begin making the preparations for time travel.

  Solmay returns and is told about Tom’s decision as well as their preparations for time travel. Tom asks, “What is it like to travel through time?” Solmay says, “Oh, you will hardly even know when it happens. In the fraction of a second that elapses within this craft, we can travel forward or backward to nearly any epoch of time. The hard part is making sure that we do not end up inside of a star, meteor, or other object in space. That is what they are determining now.” Patier happily says, “Our calculations are now complete. We will now move forward to ten years from now in three, two, one.”

  Patier and Solmay watch an apparatus and screens, which suddenly start to come alive with little bodies of light glowing and dimming. Tom hears a tone that sounds like a silent and calming singing of metal. He looks through the transparent dome and sees stars rapidly passing by and then they suddenly blend into a milky white turbulence. This lasts only a fraction of a second before the stars are seen again rapidly passing by at a decreasing speed. During this time, Tom felt a very deep calming sensation inside of himself.

  Solmay starts to say something, but Patier calls for silence. Tom asks, “What has happened? Has anything gone wrong? Did we hit anything?” Solmay tells him, “Do not be concerned. They are just making certain that we are safe where we have ended up and do not need to avoid anything that may be coming our way.” Patier declares, “All is well. We are safe here. We are now 300,000 kilometers from Earth in the year 2018. This is where we must part company and you are to begin your tasks on Earth. You must go quickly since we cannot remain here for very long. I wish you good fortune in your endeavors ahead.”

  Tom says, “Thank you, Patier, for this opportunity to redeem myself once more. Good bye.” As Queitel and Solmay say good bye to Patier, Tom is excited to be able to use the transport beam once again through the hole in the bottom of a metal box. He jumps through the hole and enjoys the view as he is rapidly lowered down to the hanger area. Queitel and Solmay follow him down as though nothing unusual has happened. They walk over and enter their spacecraft. Solmay quickly and skillfully pilots her craft through the hanger door and points it towards Earth.

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  Chapter 6



  Tom becomes excited when he sees a tiny dot ahead of him grow larger. He says, “Alright, I am going home.” Queitel says to him, “I am sorry to break it to you, but you will not be pleased when you see what the Earth has turned into. It is now time for me to help you with a few items. May I see your right hand?” Tom holds out his hand and Queitel brings out a tool and presses it against his hand. It causes Tom a lot of pain and he says, “Ouch! Why did you do that?”

  Queitel says, “I have just inserted an implant device under your skin that will enable you to be tracked by global computers and authorize you to have food and shelter on Earth. But, unlike everyone else’s implant, this one can be reprogrammed so that you can become any person on Earth. This is another implant device that you can leave anywhere to give the monitoring computers the impression that you are in one place while actually in another.

  “These little disks can play various songs of heartfelt music at any volume. And this little device is a powerful lazar weapon. All of this can be concealed in the pit of your arm. I will now instruct you on how to manipulate the people that have been programmed to be mind-controlled slaves. This will enable you to control the people who dominate humanity. And finally, I will tell you the plan for you to free humanity from reptilian domination.”

  Once the lesions have been concluded, Tom is given a one-piece uniform that the workers on Earth wear and is told to put it on. Once Tom has the appearance of a worker on Earth, he watches through the windows as Solmay pilots her craft close to Earth. Solmay says, “We are now in Earth orbit and the space cruiser is now within teleportation range. Lieutenant Peterson appears to be alone on the bridge. Tom stands and says, “Well, I guess that the time is now or never to change the world. Thank you for all of your help. Good-bye.” Tom enters the transporter. A bright light is seen and then Tom is gone.


  A bright light appears and Tom finds himself standing on the bridge of a large military cruiser ship in space. Peterson turns around and is surprised to see Tom dressed in a worker’s uniform. Tom smiles and says, “Hello Andrew.” The lieutenant, who used to be a major and Tom’s aide, says, “General Evens, what are you doing here? I always knew that you would return, but not like this and not now. You have to leave right away before the commander comes back.”

  Tom smiles and says, “Don’t worry. Everything is taken care of. It is good to see you again. I have come to ask you for your help once again to save the world from the situation that it is in.” Peterson is astonished by this and says, “What? Do you mean returning humanity to freedom and self-determination without the domination of the Reptilians or their mind-controlled slaves?” Tom smiles confidently and says, “Yep. That is exactly what I mean. I know what the situation is here and what you have had to go through. But if you trust me, I will show you how this can be done.”

  Peterson shakes his head and says, “I just do not know.” Just then, the Commander of the Cruiser enters the bridge and sternly asks, “What is going on here? What is this worker doing on the Bridge of my ship?” Peterson is frightened as Tom snaps his fingers three times. In a commanding voice, Tom says, “Follow the snaps. Listen and obey my commands.” The Commander stands at attention in a trance state of mind and says, “If you please, Sir.”

  Tom says, “I am Mister Rogers and I have puppets too. I pull all the strings and I pull strings on you. Obey and come forth.” The Commander marches over and stands at attention in front of Tom who says, “On your toes! You will go to your quarters, sleep deeply for two hours, and return here to resume your duties.” The Commander says, “Yes, Sir” and leaves the bridge. Peterson lets out a breath of air in relief and says, “I thought we were finished for sure. That was amazing. How did you do that?”

  Tom tells him, “It is easy to do on the slaves of trauma based mind control. I will show you how to do it in a moment. But first, there are some people that would like to speak to you. You still remember how to communicate telepathically, don’t you?” Peterson says, “Yes. I think so.” He concentrates deeply and telepathically asks: Hello? Suddenly, Peterson hears Queitel’s voice in his head saying: Hello Andrew. He becomes very excited and sends out: Queitel! It is good to hear your voice again, my old friend.
  Queitel responds with: It is good to hear you again as well. Solmay and I are back to help you free your world. You can communicate with us in this manner whenever you wish. We will warn you of problems and provide guidance as needed. Just do as the general says and all will be well once again. Peterson responds with: That is wonderful to know. You can count on me.

  Tom tells Peterson, “I knew that you could be trusted to help. We do not have much time. I will teach you how to control the Commander and other slaves like him. Then, you must take me to your cargo hold of workers and have me locked up with them so that I will be transferred to the surface where I can help the people there.” Peterson responds with: Okay!

  An hour later, Peterson takes Tom to the cargo hold of the space cruiser. The cargo hold is dark with a guard at the entrance to the cage where other workers are kept. Peterson walks over to the sentry while holding Tom by his arm and says, “Worker transfer from another ship. He is to be sent down to the surface with the others.” The sentry responds with, “Very well, Sir.” The guard grabs Tom, forces his hand over the scanner and locks him up with the others. Tom and Peterson take one last look at each other before Peterson leaves.

  Peterson returns to the control bridge of the space cruiser and resumes his normal duties. When the Commander walks back into the room, it is as though nothing out of the ordinary had occurred earlier and Peterson gives his report that all is well onboard the spacecraft. At the end of his normal shift of duty, Peterson is relieved of duty by another lieutenant and he returns to his private cabin. He lies down on his bunk and thinks about all that has just happened that evening.

  Peterson can hardly believe how his life has just changed from one of slavery and constant depression to hope, devotion to a mission of freeing humanity, and visiting with friends once again. He has a big smile on his face as he remembers that Queitel stated that Solmay was with him to help with their mission. It has been many years since he allowed himself to think about the wonderful times that he and Solmay shared together in the past.