Read All In Page 9

  “Why are you answering my daughter’s phone, Mr. Blackstone?”

  “I’m surveilling her old number, Mrs.—? I’m sorry, I don’t know your name.” I wasn’t going to give it to her on a silver platter. Brynne’s mum would have to ask me. Nicely. So far, I wasn’t impressed.

  “Exley.” She waited on me to say something but I didn’t. I play poker and I know how to wait it out. “Why are you surveilling her phone?”

  I couldn’t help smiling. We both knew who had won this round. “Yes, well I deal in security, Mrs. Exley. It’s my job. Brynne’s dad hired me to see to her safety once Senator Oakley was being vetted. I’m not going to be coy with you either, ma’am. I know why her safety’s at risk and so do you. I know everything.” Now I paused for effect. “She’s told me what happened to her at the hand of Oakley’s son.”

  I heard a sharp inhale and would have paid money to see her face, but alas, had to use my imagination. “You’re the one who bought her portrait aren’t you? She told me about you buying her nude photograph and taking her home after. Something you should know about Brynne, Mr. Blackstone, is that she loves to shock me.”

  “Is that so? I wouldn’t know about that, Mrs. Exley. Brynne’s never mentioned you to me before last night. I have nothing to compare you against.”

  She seemed to ignore my veiled insult and went for the kill. “So you’re in a relationship with my daughter, Mr. Blackstone? I can read between the lines and make assumptions as well as the next person. And Brynne is my only child, and contrary to what she’s told you, I do love my daughter and only want what’s best for her.”

  “Ethan, please—and yes, I can equivicobly say that I am in a relationship with Brynne.”

  I reached for a fresh cig and flicked my lighter open. Really? This woman didn’t know who she was playing with. We could go on like this all day and I would still win. “And I do too.”

  She was silent a moment and then asked, “You do too, what, Mr. Blackstone?”

  “Love your daughter and only want what’s best for her. I’ll keep her safe from any danger. She’s my responsibility now.”

  Again I could only imagine her rolling her eyes at what I’d just said and wondering how my girl put up with all the disapproval from this woman. I caught that she didn’t take me up on the offer of my first name either. It made me sad for Brynne. Especially since I’d longed for my mum my whole life and here was Brynne with a mum censuring her every decision. I would rather have the loving memory of a mother I’d never had, than have to put up with this dragon lady for a lifetime.

  “Well then, may I please have her new phone number since she didn’t see fit to give it to me herself?” She sounded more like the wounded victim now, and intent upon dismissing me as quickly as possible.

  And I was smiling now. I fucking love a winning hand. “Oh please, no, Mrs. Exley, don’t take offense. This all happened very sudden last evening. Brynne told me something yesterday and I made the decision that she needed a new mobile number. It’s that simple. She just hasn’t had the time to get in touch with you yet, I am positive that’s why.” It was easy to be magnanimous when you held the better cards.

  “You made the decision, Mr. Blackstone?”

  “Yes.” Man, my ciggie tasted divine.

  “Why are you making those decisions for Brynne?” Mummy had claws it seemed.

  “Because like I said before, Mrs. Exley, I’m going to keep her safe from anyone or anything that tries to hurt her. Anyone…or anything.” I inhaled a lung-full of cloves and savored the taste.

  She got quiet then. I waited her out, and eventually she gave in. “Brynne’s new number, Mr. Blackstone?”

  “Certainly, Mrs. Exley. Tell you what. I’ll text her new number to you from my mobile, and that way you can have mine as well. If you have any concerns about this situation with Brynne or any inquiries into her past from media or otherwise, I’d like you to share with me. Please call me any time.”

  Our conversation wound down very quickly after that and I was more than a tad drained once we hung up. My God, she was difficult. Poor Brynne. Poor Tom Bennett. How in the hell had he ever hooked up with her? Could not see how that relationship ever got off the ground, and I didn’t even know what she looked like. I bet she was beautiful though. Cold, but beautiful.

  I texted Brynne’s mum with the new number and a short message: Pleasure chatting you, Mrs. E. –EB- and grinned the whole time I was doing it.

  Brynne sent me a text about an hour later: U talked to my mom?! :O

  Oh boy. Mummy had already got to her. I hoped I wasn’t in too much trouble. I texted back with: Sry baby. She rang on ur old mobile and not so happy when I picked up :/

  Brynne hit me right back: Sorry u had to deal w/ her. I’ll make it up to u. ♥♥

  I had to grin at that. I typed: u gave me 2 ♥’s!! I accept ur offer, baby…and she wasn’t that bad. I figured a white lie wasn’t going to hurt in regards to my girlfriend’s mum. That woman was not nice.

  There was a bit of a pause before she responded but it was worth it when it came through. U made a big impression on her. I’ll tell u later tonight. Have to go to that lunch now. Miss xxx ♥

  I caressed the words on the screen, not wanting to close the message out. She called me baby. She said she missed me. She left me kisses and hearts. I tried not to read too much into it, but still it was hard not to. I just wanted what I wanted and I didn’t want to wait for it a moment longer.

  My musings were interrupted when Frances rang in and reminded me I did indeed have a company to run. “I have Ivan Everley on the line for you,” she said on speaker.

  I told her to put him through and picked up. “You’re finding trouble again aren’t you,” I said sarcastically.

  “Another death threat came through, E. This time to the World Archery Federation Office. I don’t give a shit about it, but those fools at the Olympic Commission won’t insure a venue for me to announce the competition without some assurance from you. The truly mad are ruling these games I’m telling you and I don’t have time for this bullshit.”

  “Don’t I know it. I’ll speak to them but I think we should meet to go over the schedule so we can get the security nailed down for you,” I told him.

  “What are you thinking?”

  “I don’t know, lunch? I can have Frances set something up for when you’re free.”

  “That should work. I’m really grateful for you, E, or I don’t think I’ll be announcing at the games at all. Your company pulls some influence with those morons running things.”

  “Speaking of morons running things…Ivan, you’ve just reminded me of something. Aren’t you on the executive board at the National Gallery?”

  Ivan snorted. “Yeah, you could say that. Why? And I’ll pretend you didn’t just insult me because I’m magnanimous like that…and family.”

  “Right, cousin.” I rolled my eyes. “My girlfriend studies art conservation at University of London. She’s American and needs a work visa to stay here indefinitely.”

  “Wait. Back your arse up. Did you just say your ‘girlfriend’? The elusive Blackstone is off the market? How is this possible, mate?”

  I should have known I’d get harassed the moment I opened my mouth. I laughed a little awkwardly. “I hardly know, but yeah, she’s brilliant at restoring paintings and she really loves what she does. And I really don’t want her visa expiring…”

  “I hear you, E. I’ll ask. There’s this event coming up at the National actually. The Mallerton Society—”

  “Oh yeah, she told me about that. I’m taking her. She been working on one of Mallerton’s paintings actually. I know Brynne can explain it much better than me. I’ll introduce her and you’ll see what I mean.”

  “I look forward to meeting the American beauty who snatched your cock off the one-night-stand circuit.”

  “Please don’t tell her that when you meet her or I’ll have to look the other way at all those charming death t
hreats you receive so regularly from your loyal fans.”

  He laughed at me. “You know, E, if you want her here indefinitely all you have to do is marry her and she won’t need a work visa.”

  My mind went on over-capacity the second he said the words “marry her” and I found myself fumbling for another ciggie from the desk drawer.

  “You did not just say that to me, even though I shouldn’t be surprised, you’re such an ignoramus. You of all people endorsing matrimony—that’s the most hilarious thing I’ve heard all year coming from your mouth, or should I say, your idiot arse.”

  My cousin laughed some more at my expense. “Just because my marriage was an immense cock-up doesn’t mean yours will be, E.”

  We’ve definitely reached the end of this conversation, Ivan. I’m hanging up on you now.” I could still hear him laughing when I pulled the receiver away from my ear.


  Picking her up from work was something I looked forward to and today was no exception. Everything was good until that text came through on her mobile. Now I was just plain old desperate to get her in my sights.

  I pulled into the Rothvale lot, parked and watched the doors where she would exit the building; my conversation with my cousin still niggling at me since we’d spoken, and honestly had infected my imagination with all kinds of madness. Marriage…seriously?! How about an exclusive, committed relationship for starters?

  The idea of marrying anyone had never been on my life list. I just didn’t see such a future in my cards and never had. The institution itself held my utmost respect, but in all likelihood a person with my lifestyle and baggage would be, most certainly an epic fail as a husband. There was so much shit in my closet, going so far back, I could hardly separate to a time when I might have turned out normal.

  My sister was married, and very happily too, with three beautiful children. Hannah and Freddy were a standard to aspire to I suppose, I’d just never thought to. My sister had done the domestic route and blessed our dad with grandchildren, and basically gotten me off the hook from having to compete. I mean, Hannah did it so well there was no need for me to feel the pressure.

  I decided to call her while I waited for Brynne to come out. I grinned when she picked up on the second ring.

  “How’s my little brother?”

  “Losing his mind with work,” I told her.

  “That’s not the only thing you’re losing your mind over, or so I’ve heard.” Hannah could be very smug and annoyingly so when she felt like it.

  “So Dad got to you and blabbed already did he?”

  “He’s really worried about you. He told me he’d never seen you looking like that, not even when you came home from the war.”

  “Hmmm. I shouldn’t have gone over there and said all that stuff to him. I am such a wanker for doing it. I’ll make it up to him somehow. So how are things with my big sis?”

  “Good try, E, but I’m not going for it. My brother finally falls in love with someone and you think I am just going to let that juicy tidbit fall away? What do you take me for? We both know who the smartest sibling is here.”

  I sighed at my sister. “Not arguing with you on that point, Han.”

  “Wow. You really have changed haven’t you?”

  “Yeah, I guess I have. I hope it’s for the good. And Dad can stop worrying about me, we’re back together now so I’m no longer the wretched, broken creature he last saw.”

  “Have you been reading poetry, Ethan? You sound different.”

  “No comment,” I said through her sarcasm. “Listen, I wondered if I could bring her up to your place for a weekend. I think Brynne would love Halborough and I’d rather like to get her out of the city for a few days. Can you and Freddy squeeze us in?”

  “For you? For the chance to meet this American who has transformed my aloof, unattached little brother into a sappy, love-sick, drinker of Mexican beers? No problem.”

  I laughed. “Good. Let me know the dates, Han. I want all of you to meet her, and your lovely home would be the perfect place to do that. And I miss the kids.”

  “They miss their Uncle Ethan. Okay…I’ll check the books and let you know when. It’s starting to get busier with the games coming.”

  “You don’t have to tell me that. The whole city’s gone mad and we’re just in June!”

  We hung up and I looked out the window waiting for Brynne. I pulled out her mobile from my pocket and brought up the text that had ruined my otherwise peaceful day. Some bloke named Alex Craven from the Victoria & Albert Museum that I would just love to turn into a eunuch: Brynne, Lovely seeing you again today. Brill on the Mallerton too. I’d very much love to take you to dinner and discuss further how we can get you on staff. Didn’t know you modeled but now I’ve seen your pictures I must know more! –Alex

  I am sure I cut the side of my tongue from gritting my teeth together. The urge to reply back was something I wanted to do so badly I could taste it next to the tang of blood in my mouth—along the lines of: Sod off, you idiot tosser. She’s taken and her man will cut off your balls if you so much as think about her naked. –Ethan w/ the big knife. Of course I didn’t, but just barely.

  God, how to handle myself? I was no bloody good at this sort of thing. Jealousy sucked and I would be in for a shit-load with Brynne. Part of the package with her when she was so beautiful and on display so prominently. I needed more reassurance from her and I was pretty sure she wasn’t ready for giving me any more just yet.

  The passenger door opened and in she came, plopping on the seat, flushed from a dash through the light drizzle that’d started in the time since I had parked. She grinned and leaned toward me for a kiss.

  “Well there you are,” I said and pulled her against me. Her skin was a little cold but her lips were warm and soft for me.

  Fuck yes, for me!

  I plundered that mouth of hers and held her face to mine, claiming her with my tongue deeply so she could feel how much I wanted her. She allowed the invasion at first and I didn’t let up until she squeaked, telling me I needed to back off. I released her and leaned to the side in my seat to look at her.

  “Sorry, that was a little beastly of me.” I gave her my best chastised look.

  Her face changed and her eyes got that searching look in them. Christ, she was beautiful. No wonder cocksuckers named Alex wanted her naked. I wanted her naked. Like right fucking now! Her hair was down today and she had on a dark green jacket and a scarf. The color was lovely on her, picking up the green and hazel in her eyes, and she had a few drops of rain sprinkled in her hair.

  “What’s wrong, Ethan?”

  “Why do you think something’s wrong?”

  “Just a really good hunch,” she smirked, “and the tongue lashing confirmed it.”

  I shook my head. “I just missed you is all. How was your luncheon with those colleagues you wanted to impress?”

  “It was awesome. I got to share about Lady Percival’s restoration and it really gave them a hook to remember me by. I hope something comes of it. Maybe it will.” She smiled. “And I owe it all to you.” She kissed me once on the lips and took my chin in her hand.

  I tried to smile back. I thought I did, but apparently I suck at faking my feelings just as much as I suck at dealing with my jealousy. Oh something will come of it, baby. Alex Craven will get a hard-on and the hook will be remembering your naked pictures, not the soulful Lady Percival holding her rare and precious book! Mallerton’s paintings can go to rot, it’s Brynne Bennett on his cock that he wants!

  She sighed at me. “Are you going to tell me what’s wrong? You just growled and I’m pretty sure growling is not a universal signal for happiness and harmony.” She looked very annoyed with me.

  “This came through a bit ago.” I set her mobile on her lap with the text on screen.

  She picked it up and read it, swallowed once and then looked to the side at me. “You got jealous when you saw this.” Not a question.

  I nodded at her. Might a
s well let it all hang out while we were at it. “He wants to fuck you.”

  All men do when they see your nude photographs. I wasn’t moronic enough to say that to her, but man I could sure think it if I wanted. It was the bare naked truth!

  “I highly doubt that, Ethan.”

  “Is he gay then?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t think Alex is gay but I don’t really know.”

  “Then he definitely wants to fuck you.” I said grimly out the window now coated with drizzle and setting a mood in perfect harmony with how I felt.

  “Ethan, look at me.”

  The tone of her command shocked the hell out of me. And got me hard.

  I looked over at my girl who had come to mean so much to me in such a short time and wondered what she wanted to say. I didn’t know how to share her, or how to not be jealous, or how to be the graceful partner of a nude art model that other men only wanted to drool over or fantasize about fucking. I just didn’t know how to be that man.

  “Alex Craven is not a he.”

  Brynne rolled her lips together to keep from laughing outright. It didn’t matter. I was relieved enough to take her teasing and then some.

  “Oh,” I managed, feeling very, very foolish, “well then, you should go to dinner with Alex Craven and I’ll wish you a ton of luck, baby. She sounds like she really wants to hire you.” I nodded.

  She laughed at me and said, “You worry far too much, baby.”

  I leaned toward her lips but didn’t touch them. “I can’t help worrying, and I love it when you call me baby.” I kissed her again, this time not like a Neanderthal, but how I should have kissed her in the first place. I threaded my fingers around her head and tried to show her what she meant to me. I pulled back slowly with a few nibbles to her bottom lip, bringing my hand down the side of her face and down her neck. “I want to take you home now. My place. I need that…badly.”

  I hope she knew this was my version of a request. I’d asked her to bring enough clothes for a few days but couldn’t be sure she’d actually done it. I just wanted her with me all the time. I couldn’t explain it any different than a very deep wanting…a requirement of having her right there for me to talk to and touch. And fuck. It made me such a needy bastard but I just didn’t care anymore, and holding back from pushing her was annoyingly difficult.