Read All for Maddie Page 25

  “I love doing that to you,” he admitted as my breathing regulated becoming stable again.

  “What about you? You planning on walking out there like this?” I asked, rubbing the erection, laying off to the side in his constricted dress pants.

  “Please stop touching it,” he begged. I laughed and pushed him away before I ended up bent over the bathroom counter. I kissed the corner of his mouth and straightened my dress, leaving him to deal with his little problem.

  “What the hell? You just disappear until the works all done? Why is your face all red? Why do you have beard burn all over your neck?” Regan ranted as I returned to help clean up.

  “I just fucked your brother in the bathroom,” I teased.

  “You slut,” she accused.

  I laughed. “I’m kidding. We were just making out a little.” That wasn’t a complete lie.

  We all went out to the back yard once the two proud grandpas had all the Easter eggs hidden for the girls. Maddie quickly pulled on her pink sweatpants with the bunny rabbit in the front instead of the butt where it was supposed to be. Regan handed me a drink as I smiled, watching Alex hold her hand and look for eggs.

  “Geesh Dad, she is still only three,” I accused when Alex took an egg from inside the grill.

  “Yeah, I wasn’t trying to make it hard for her, just him,” he accused, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. Regan sensed some needed privacy and walked over to her mother.

  “You doing okay?” he asked, kissing the side of my head. I think that was the first time in a long time that I didn’t get mad at him for asking me if I was okay. There was a different meaning behind it this time.

  “Yeah, I’m good, Dad,” I smiled.

  “You look good. You look happy and that makes me very happy,” he smiled.

  We both laughed when Maddie sat on the ground not worried about eggs anymore. There was something in that plastic egg. She had to get it open. Alex peeled the paper from the chocolate egg and she popped it in her mouth, ready to find more candy.

  My dad and Dana left to head home right after the pumpkin pie and coffee. Regan and I were on our third drink and sat outside while the girls played with the toys from their Easter baskets. Regan walked in to fill them again when Alex sat beside me.

  “You’re not getting drunk,” he ordered. “Last one, okay?” he said, trying not to sound like a controlling dick.

  “No Alex, that’s not okay. I want to be drunk.”

  “I don’t want you drunk. I need to finish what we started in the bathroom and make love to you later.”

  “That’s why I want to get drunk. I don’t like to make love when I’m drunk.”

  “Then I definitely don’t want you drunk.”

  “Do you know why I don’t like to make love when I’m drunk” I asked, leaning in and kissing him, letting my tongue brush his bottom lip.

  “Uh-uh,” he mumbled.

  “I don’t like to make love when I’m drunk because alcohol has some sort of effect on me that makes me want to fuck. Can’t I get a little intoxicated, leave love out of the equation, and fuck you?” I teased.

  “Hmm mmm,” he mumbled with wide eyes. “Are you drunk yet, we should go,” he tried.

  I laughed. “Not yet.”

  We stayed until almost nine with Regan, Connie, and myself very intoxicated. I continued to give Alex the eye the whole evening. I even went as far as placing my lace panties in his hand after returning from the bathroom. That did it. He was done. He wanted out of there. Maddie whined, not wanting to leave.

  “Let her stay,” Connie slurred. Reagan and I laughed at her loud outspoken response.

  “She’s going home, Mom,” Alex protested.

  Maddie sat on the floor and whaled. “I wanna stay wif Twenton,” she cried.

  Alex picked her up and she arched her back, squirming from his hold. “Maddie, stop. It’s almost bedtime. You can play with Trenton next time,” he said, like that was going to help. She screamed louder as he picked her up, screaming and kicking. She was quickly ruining my sizzling for Alex mood. I hated when she didn’t get a nap.

  Maddie cried the whole way home. I could tell that Alex was getting irritated at her but didn’t say anything. He took my hand and smiled at me. I hoped the mood was salvageable.

  Alex walked in holding Maddie’s hand as she continued to whine, wanting to stay with Trenton. I smiled at the way he was with her.

  “Didn’t you get a new book in your Easter basket?” he asked.

  “Uh-huh, it about a bunny and a little baby chicken,” she explained, whipping her eyes with the backs of her hands. “You read it, okay?” she asked, finally forgetting about Trenton.

  Alex wrapped me in his arms just inside the door, pulling me toward him. I was like butter in his arms. I’m not sure what happened over the past couple days, but I wanted him more than I’d ever wanted anything in my life. My eyes emotionally closed as I buried my face in his neck, trailing my tongue over his jaw line.” I’m going to shower, hurry up,” I pleaded.

  “Come on, Daddy,” Maddie complained, pulling on his pants. I bent and hugged her and told her that I loved her before I stumbled up the steps.

  I swear alcohol released some sort of endorphin that went straight between my legs. I could feel the wetness, the anticipation, and the nerves starting to build. This wasn’t Jaron. This was controlling Alex. I wasn’t sure I could take the lead with him. I was so used to him being the one to dictate everything. I had to try. I had to show him that he didn’t always have to have the control and it was something that we needed to share if we were going to make a go of this.

  I pulled my hair up and quickly showered, running a razor rapidly over my legs.

  “She was out before I finished the second page,” Alex spoke as I exited the bathroom, wearing nothing, not even a towel. This was why I needed to be drunk. I would have never been able to do that sober. I wanted Alex to experience sex with me the way I had experienced it with Jaron. We had done nothing but the missionary style the three times that we had sex. It was amazing and I loved every second of it, but I still liked to be a little jaded I guess.

  “You’re perfect, Whitley,” he softly spoke, closing the gap between us.

  “Don’t touch me, Alex,” I whispered, moving his hands from my hips and holding them to his sides as I warned him with an alluring stare.

  “I can’t touch you?” he asked, turning his head to follow me, circling his body.

  “Uh-uh,” I demanded, making a full turn around him and stopping face to face with him.

  “Okay,” he replied with raised eyebrows. “What do you want me to do?”

  “Nothing. I’m doing the controlling tonight,” I assured him, loosening the already loose tie more. I slowly unbuttoned his shirt, turning my face away when he tried to kiss me.

  “Damnit. Whit, how long is this going to take?”

  I smiled, not letting him see it. “How long is what going to take, Alex?” I asked, pulling his shirt from his slacks.

  “How long is it going to take before you let me touch you?”

  “You’re not touching me tonight. I’m doing the touching,” I assured, unbuckling his belt. He placed his hands behind his head when I released him to my hand, trying not to touch me I was sure.

  I kissed him down his chest and came to my knees. I looked up, seeing him close his eyes and drop his head as I stroked his shaft, establishing pre-come to his head. He moaned when I lightly stroked his slit, licking it from him. He moaned again when I took him deep to the back of my throat, messaging his balls in my hand as I gave him the best blow job I could muster.

  I kept it up for maybe ten minutes before he stopped me.

  “Whit, you have to stop,” he warned the fact that I already knew. I could feel his scrotum tighten and the vein in his shaft pulsating. I knew he was close.

  “Lay down,” I beckoned, coming to his lips. He removed his pants and socks and did as I ordered. I picked up his tie and straddled hi
m on the bed.

  “What are you doing?” he asked as I tied a tight knot around one of his wrists. “That’s an eighty dollar tie,” he tried.

  “Put your hands over your head. Do you really care about the tie?” I asked as he raised his hands letting me tie them around the spindle in the headboard.

  “I don’t know if I like this, Whitley,” he confessed. He couldn’t stand the fact that he wasn’t in control. I found it quite amusing myself.

  “You don’t know if you like this?” I asked, pulling myself straighter on my knees and running my fingers through my wet pussy. His eyes never left my fingers.

  “Maybe it’s okay,” he admitted, watching me rub my energetic clit.

  I smiled a victory smile. “Maybe it would be okay if you licked it, uh?” I taunted, spreading my lips for a better view with my fingers.

  He nodded. He was speechless. “Do you want to lick my pussy, Alex?”

  “Yes,” he moaned licking his lips. I moved over his face and pressed my hips to his already erect tongue. I moved in and back out a few times, teasing and only giving him a taste until I was the one that needed more. Holding my lips apart with two fingers, I twisted my body so that I could stroke him while he did mind blowing things to me with his mouth.

  “I need my hands, baby,” he whined.

  “No, you don’t. Right there, Alex. Yes, oh, fuck yes, mmmm there, baby,” I moaned as I was to the edge, right there at my breaking point when his hands suddenly became free and I was on my back. He lifted my legs and continued his task with his mouth as he inserted two fingers. I couldn’t protest. I was going to come. Alex picked up speed and force, finger fucking me while sucking on my clitoris bringing me to a screaming, outlandish orgasm.

  “Ahhhh fuck, Alex. Fuck me,” I ordered. He didn’t waste any time, he rested my feet on his shoulders and slid into me.

  He was the one to moan that time. I was beginning to think he had scored a Viagra or something when I was at the brink of my third orgasm. He was there too and thrust deep, moaning in sync with me.

  He dropped my legs and then his sweaty body to mine, panting like an overheated dog.

  I ran my fingers through the back of his sweaty hair, trying to regulate my own breathing. That’s when he had to go and ruin it. He rose up and stared down at me.

  “I love you, Whitley,” he declared.

  “Shit, Alex. Don’t say that. Don’t do that,” I ordered, moving from beneath him, disappearing to the bathroom. None of that played out the way it had in my mind. I was going to ride him tied up, make him get behind me, make him do me standing up, nothing went as planned, he couldn’t hand over the control and now he had to go and say the L-word. What the hell?

  I didn’t want to go back out there naked. I sobered up the moment he told me that he loved me. Why the hell didn’t I bring clothes with me?

  Alex did his best to smooth over his comment. I knew he was in love with me, even when I hated him for the things that he had done, I knew it. I felt it in the times that he touched me. I saw it in the way he looked at me, I sensed it when he intently watched me with Maddie. I didn’t know how to absorb it. Did I even want to?

  I couldn’t look at him when I quickly went back to bed. I wanted to go downstairs and sleep alone. He wouldn’t let me, I didn’t even try it. Snuggling to my bare back, he wrapped his arm around my waist, holding my hand. He never spoke and neither did I. We fell asleep wrapped in each other’s arms. Him feeling content and me feeling confused.

  I woke the next morning to him whispering. “Shhh, let’s let Mommy sleep. Come on, Daddy will make you an egg,” I heard him tell Maddie. I opened my eyes, seeing him in black sweats, and picking her up as he kissed her cheek. He quietly closed the door behind them and I took a deep breath. I was sure no man on earth would ever love that little girl like he did. She loved him just as much, but could her mommy love him too?

  Okay, if I was sleeping in this room with him, I definitely had to move my clothes. I had nothing but the dress from Easter dinner. I wasn’t wearing that. Walking to the bathroom to find a towel to cover myself, I saw his dress shirt from the day before. Pulling it on, I rolled the sleeves and breathed in his cologne. Yup, Alex Wesson was no doubt getting to me. Ugh.

  Walking around the bar, I kissed Maddie on the head and looked up to Alex staring with his mouth agape. I knew he was liking me in his shirt, it made me smile and feel all warm and fuzzy inside. For the first time since I was forced to come there, I felt like we were a family. I guess I felt happy. It was a big step for me, but I walked over to him and leaned into him. He knew what I wanted and wrapped his hand around my lower back and kissed me.

  “You look hot as hell. Will you wear that all day?” he teased. I laughed.

  “Your eggs are burning,” I said, spinning out of his arm.

  “My daddy not read this,” Maddie complained, holding the book that she had fallen asleep to the night before.

  “Mommy will read it. Come here,” I coaxed, wanting her on my lap. She slid to my lap and opened the book. She always had to turn the pages which took forever. Her fingers seemed to always turn three or four pages at a time, and of course you couldn’t help her. Her page fumbling gave me the opportunity to gaze across the kitchen to Alex’s constant stare. This was new and different for both of us, I think. We were looking at each other with emotion rather than the constant dirty looks that I had become accustomed to sending his way. My God, I was in love with Alex.

  I finished the book while we ate breakfast together as a family. We really were a family, the kind that women longed for. It was almost unfathomable. I loved it, I truly did.

  “What are you doing today?” I asked Alex as he held Maddie over the sink, washing her hands.

  “I’ve got to work. I just received a new assignment for an amusement park ride. I’m going to have to go to the office. It’s a simulator ride and I need the whole room.”

  “What do you mean the whole room?” I asked not understanding.

  He sat Maddie down and smiled at me. “Come with me,” he requested.

  “No, I don’t want to bother you at work. Maddie will be too much. You can go. We’ll go for a walk.” And once again he took it upon himself to make arrangements. He called Regan and made plans to drop Maddie off at the park where Trenton was at baseball practice. I didn’t say anything. It wasn’t that I minded, it was just that he never asked me anything. He always did what he wanted whether I agreed or not.

  “You can wear my shirt; I love you in my shirt.”

  “If I am staying in your room, we need to move my clothes,” I said, trying not to comment on him going over my head to get a sitter.

  “You’re absolutely staying in our room. I’ll have the housekeepers do that this week,” he offered, spreading my legs to stand between them.

  “Behave,” I ordered as he ran his hands up my bare legs, lifting his shirt as he went.

  “I can’t. You belong in this shirt. You shouldn’t wear anything else,” he whispered hot words to my neck, causing my eyes to close and a twitch right between my legs. I actually moaned a little when he sucked lightly on my neck.

  “Daddy, you fix this?” Maddie asked, pushing him away from me and holding the head to a horse in one hand and the body in the other.

  “Un-oh, I think this horse is done for, you broke it, sweetie. I don’t think we can fix him.”

  “But him need a live in the zoo.”

  “He needs to live in the zoo,” he corrected, but didn’t make her repeat it. “Horses live on farms not the zoo,” he explained.

  Maddie looked up to him confused. “I did ride a horse at the zoo.”

  “You did. The petting zoo, I forgot. You’re right. Some horses do live at the zoo,” he explained, remembering that he did take her to a little petting zoo not far out of Lincoln.

  “Where that book, Mom?” she asked, cocking her hip. I knew what she wanted. She had looked at that page at least twenty times. I got it for her and she sat do
wn on the floor.

  “Sit down, Daddy,” she ordered, looking up, wanting to show him the zoo again.

  I smiled as he sat on the tile in front of her. “I’m going to shower,” I announced as he smiled up at me, running his hand up the back of my leg. Jesus, why did I need sex all the time all of a sudden? I never had sex that often before.


  Alex held my hand after opening the car door for me. He held it through the front entrance, not letting it go after stopping in front of the front desk waiting for the too pretty girl to be off the phone. I didn’t like her.

  “Hey, Janie. I’ve got some work to do here today, anything I need to know about?”

  “Not really, I just sent you an email update. You might want to get ahold of Brayers, he wants a scene re-done,” she replied.

  “I’ve already talked to him. Oh, this is Whitley,” he smiled at me. “This is Janie, my right hand man, the glue that keeps Wesson Simulation together,” he teased.

  “Nice to finally meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you, almost as much as I’ve heard about your adorable little girl.”

  Okay, maybe I liked her a little. “Thank you,” I smiled as I was led down the hall. I was expecting Alex to have some sort of high rise office building with a mirrored floor to ceiling window overlooking the city. It wasn’t what I was expecting. It wasn’t in a busy part of Lincoln at all and sat at the end of a one way street. I expected to see business people coming in and out. There was no one but Janie, and she wore a plain brown skirt and tan sweater.

  “Um, should I be afraid?” I asked when Alex unlocked four dead bolt locks and entered a code.

  He laughed. “No, I have a lot of expensive equipment in here, not to mention a lot of what I do is top secret. I’m pretty important, you know,” he teased.

  “Why is it top secret? What do you mean?”

  “I mean I don’t want anyone else breaking in here and learning my secrets. I don’t have a lot of competition and I’d like to keep it that way.”

  “Where the hell are we going?” I demanded to know, walking through a cold dark warehouse.