Read All for Maddie Page 26

  “Almost there,” he promised.

  We turned down a short hallway and he once again unlocked multiple locks before flipping on the lights to something I had never seen in my life. I still wasn’t sure what I was seeing. I guess it was sort of like a studio. There was another room with a glass window off to the side. The walls and ceiling were covered with some sort of white screens.

  “What is this, Alex?” I asked, pulling my hand from his.

  “This is my simulation room. Wait, you’ll see,” he assured me, smiling like a kid in a candy store. He left me, opening the door to his control room. I gasped when the walls and ceiling came to life. I was literally standing in the middle of the rain forest. I had never seen anything so real in my life. I looked at him through the glass, when a warm mist brazed my skin. I felt the humidity just like it was really happening.

  Alex laughed when I ducked. I swear the bird was going to hit me right in the head. “Alex, this is amazing. You did all this?” I was in shock. I thought I was impressed with what he did at home, this was unbelievable.

  “I did. Sit down,” he ordered, joining me and nodding to the middle of the room.

  He sat beside me, holding some sort of modern tablet. “Buckle up,” he warned. He was in heaven. I could tell he loved what he did. Shock wasn’t even close to what I was feeling.

  We both buckled our seatbelts and I wondered why. The room was moving, not us, or so I thought anyway. The simulation chairs lifted until we were off the ground. It was out of this world. All of a sudden it felt like we were flying in and out, through the trees. You could even feel the wind blowing your hair. It was amazing. I’m sure I was wearing the biggest grin ever, holding on to the bar in front of me. It truly did look and feel like we were flying though a tropical rain forest. Alex laughed when I squealed from the dinosaur that came out of nowhere.

  We rode the ride for fifteen minutes never seeing the same part of the forest twice. “You have to show this to Maddie,” I said as he lowered us back to the floor.

  “Maddie has been here a few times. Where do you think I took her to the zoo at?”

  I snapped my head, quickly toward him. “You didn’t take her to a real zoo?” I asked shocked.

  “Uh-uh. This is where we come to the zoo. I’ve tried to get you to come along. You never would.”

  “That’s because I hated you,” I softly spoke, realizing something scary as hell for me.

  “And now?” he asked with a hopeful expression.

  “I love you,” I shyly admitted.

  He leaned in and kissed me. We made out sitting in the simulator seats for what seemed like forever. “Take me to the zoo,” I panted, pulling away. I had to.

  “Do you want to walk through the zoo or ride?” he asked, doing something on the tablet again.

  “We can walk?” I asked. This room was ridiculous.

  “Get out,” he smiled. He took my hand and walked me to the side of the wall. I sucked in air when the whole room was transformed to the most amazing zoo in the world. I shrieked and stepped back when an elephant ran right up to us. It felt like he was going to squish us. Alex laughed as I stumbled a bit when the floor started to move, causing us to have to walk. We were literally walking through the zoo. I felt horrible for being such a prude and missing this with my daughter. I could just imagine the excitement on her face.

  We spent over an hour walking through the zoo, seeing every animal imaginable. When Alex changed the scenery to an aquarium the room was transformed into the bluest water with exotic fish that swam right up to us, and even turtles. He stopped our moving sidewalk, tuned his tablet a little, manifesting a soft piano tune and the sound of the ocean.

  I wrapped my arms around his neck when he dropped his tablet to the seat in the middle. “I’m very impressed with what you do,” I admitted. I’d been living under the same roof with this man for almost a year and had no idea.

  He kissed me, and I parted my lips for him, wanting him to really kiss me. He did. I took a step back and removed my shirt. “Can we make love in this aquarium?” I asked, flipping my hair in a flirtatious manner.

  He didn’t answer, picking up his tablet again. I laughed when a swarm of fish fled to the center of the room to watch. “Take your clothes off,” he requested.

  “You take my clothes off,” I protested. He smiled although I could tell he was having a hard time with the whole needing to be in control issue.

  He walked over to me and spun my back to his front, a little forcefully I dropped my head to his chest when I felt him unbutton my jeans and slide his hand between the elastic of my panties, straight to my throbbing wet sex.

  “You know you fight me on everything?” he asked as his fingers did crazy things to me.

  “Hmm mmm,” I moaned as his other hand grazed my stomach trailing toward my breasts. Teasing me through the satin material first and then sliding it to the side, I moaned again, feeling him twist and tug lightly on my nipple. I could feel his hardness grinding into my back. Reaching around I tried to stroke it through his slacks. He grabbed my hand, holding them both to my stomach, not letting me touch him. What the hell? I swear the man thought he had to be in control of everything.

  I felt the build of an orgasm rather quickly, until I laughed anyway.

  “You’re hurting my ego. Why are you laughing?” Alex asked, paying closer attention to my throbbing nub.

  “I swear that fish just mouthed to me that I was easy,” I confessed. That was what his mouth said. I read his lips.

  Alex snickered. “He didn’t call you easy. He’s breathing.”

  “Fish don’t breath,” I moaned, closing my eyes again.

  “They sort of do. They’re forcing water through their gills to get O2 out of the water.”

  I ignored him. I wasn’t in any position to care about marine biology at the time.

  “Ahhh, Alex,” I whimpered feeling it surface.

  “Come to me, baby,” he whispered in my hair as he slid my jeans over my hips and down my legs, wanting me to step out of them. He lifted my leg with one hand while the other one tantalized my aching clitoris. As soon as I called out, letting go, he thrust his fingers deep inside me, manifesting another moan. I needed to sit down, lay down, something, my legs felt like Jell-O.

  Alex let me go and walked over to the seats sitting in the middle of the room. I watched him take his erect cock in his hand and stroke himself, leaning against the seat as he nodded for me to come to him. He pulled me up holding my hips and easily slid into my wetness. Of course I moaned rather loudly again. Alex rocked me back and forth on his cock briefly. I knew why he turned me, trading me places. He couldn’t get enough force or speed, holding me up.

  Damn, I didn’t want to be there either. I didn’t want to concentrate on keeping my legs wrapped securely around him. I wanted to relax and feel him, all of him. He must have sensed that I wasn’t into it the way he was. He stopped.

  “What?” he asked.

  “I don’t like this,” I admitted.

  “You don’t like this?”

  “Uh-uh, lay me down,” I coaxed.

  He smiled and picked up his room controller and carried me back to the side of the wall. He stumbled a little, almost losing his balance and dropping me. We both laughed as he laid me down. I looked up to the fish aquarium as we moved around the room, laying on the escalating walk. I’m not sure how many times we circled the room, not many I’m sure. At first, I still had a hard time concentrating on him thrusting in and out of me. Not because he didn’t feel amazing. My eyes couldn’t stay off the beautiful images of exotic fish and sea life.

  “Close your eyes, damnit,” Alex ordered. He was close and wanted to make sure I was right there with him. I snickered a little and closed my eyes, trying to forget the fact that we were moving inside of a magnificent aquarium.

  Alex finally thrust deep into me sending us both over the edge. We panted, breathing the same breaths as we came down from our highs and back to reality.

  “What if you want another baby?” Alex said, looking down at me. My eyes were still closed. I was still enjoying the moment, I didn’t want to come back yet.

  “What?” I asked, opening my eyes.

  “I can’t give you another baby.”

  “I know that.”

  “But, you’re so young. What if you want another baby?”

  “Alex, I’m not going to want another baby.” He was thinking about us in the future. Alex and I were an us. Who would have thought?

  “But what if you do? What if I’m never enough for you?”

  “You’re not enough for me. You are the biggest, controlling ass I’ve ever met in my life, but for whatever reason, I have gone and fallen in love with your egotistical, self-centered ass. And I am sure I don’t want any more babies. There is no way I could handle two Maddies.”

  He smiled at my response. “We have the best little girl in the entire world.”

  “We have the biggest bratty little girl in the entire world,” I countered.

  “Yeah, we kind of do, but I sure do love her, and I love you, Whitley.”

  “Hmm, yeah, I kind of love you too.”

  Chapter 16

  Things might have started out crazy. No, crazy wasn’t even close to how things started out with Alex and me. It was absurd, but I was never happier in my life. I loved our little family. I loved the time that we spent together. I loved his family and Regan who was the only one on the planet that knew it all, every last one of my deep dark secrets.

  I finally stopped missing home so much. I didn’t want to go there unless Alex was with me, which he was every time. He still pissed me off on a regular basis, mostly because of his controlling ways, and doing things without asking me first. We argued about it, but I’m not really sure why. It didn’t help, he still did it, and I never won.

  “Eat your breakfast, Maddie. Aunt Regan will be here to get you in a few minutes.”

  “Grrrr, why do you do that? Why is Regan coming for Maddie?” I complained. He could at least run it by me. Damnit, I hated when he did that.

  “I wanna play with Twenton,” Maddie informed me like I was stupid or something.

  “Calm down,” Alex demanded, kissing my hair from behind the barstool. “The zoo is coming today,” he whispered.

  “Oh, well, you still could let me in on what is going on once in a while.”

  “I would have. He just called.”

  I was fine with that, except for the fact that he was a liar. I slept with him. I woke up with him. I fucked him in the shower. He was not on the phone at all that morning, not until that second when he answered it.

  I listened to his conversation, talking about work, something about a 3-D commercial with some perfume and a model. I was annoyed with him again when he dropped his phone and ordered me with a whisper and a nod to get Maddie dressed. I didn’t need him to tell me how to take care of my daughter. I’d done it by myself for three years.

  “Come on, Maddie, let’s get out of this cold kitchen,” I said, glaring right at him. He laughed. The bastard laughed.

  Maddie and I lay across her bed discussing her birthday party once she was dressed.

  “Twenton is going to come too,” she assured me. She loved her cousin. She’d rather play with older than her Trenton than her own preschool friends. Of course Trenton was awesome with her and let her act like her boss and control everything about what they did.

  “Maddie, where is your little ballerina?” I asked, noticing the pink glass figurine missing from her shelf.

  “I broked it,” she informed me.

  “Where is it?” I asked. Alex never told me she broke the little music box, not that, that surprised me.

  “I hide it.”

  I laughed. “Madelyn Rae Bradshaw,” I scolded.

  “Madiwin Way Wesson, that my name,” she corrected. Yeah, I had no say in that either.

  “Where is it?” I asked, sitting up.

  “I show you,” she said, sliding off the bed.

  I followed her to the second drawer of her desk where her crayons were kept.

  “It under there,” she said, pointing to a whole drawer full of toilet paper. I squeezed my lips together trying to be stern and not laugh.

  I moved the toilet paper to discover the little ballerina in at least five different pieces. “You should have come and told Mommy. You could have gotten cut,” I chastised, taking the toilet paper and the pieces from the drawer.

  “Me would get in twouble,” she assured me.

  Alex threw her into the air, causing her to scream. She quickly squirmed out of his arms when she heard Regan call from the living room.

  Pulling me into his arms, Alex kissed me. “Stop being a bitch,” he demanded with half a grin. I didn’t find him a bit funny. I found him annoying and it pissed me off.

  “You did not just call me a bitch,” I fished, trying to pull away from him. He wouldn’t let me.

  “No, I did not. I was insinuating that you’re acting like one. I hate this time of month. I can’t do anything to please you.”

  “It is that time, isn’t it?” I remembered, knowing that by the end of the day, I would have my monthly unwanted visitor.

  “It is.”

  “Okay, you win. I’m a little grumpy.”

  “Well, stop it. I’ve got to go to work for a while. I’ll be home by four. I’ll stop and pick up Maddie. Want me to bring anything special home for supper?”

  “No, I want to come with you,” I said, not wanting to stay in the too big house alone.

  “You can’t. We have a lot of animals arriving today.”

  “Oh, yeah,” I remembered.

  I was annoyed again later on when I started looking at Maddie’s birthday party plans. I wanted to go buy the decorations, pick out the cake, and the theme. Alex already took care of all of it. He hired a crew to handle it all. I loved the zoo theme and the costumed animals that would be there. I hated the fact that I didn’t get to organize any of it.

  It took the toy store almost three hours to put the zoo together. I couldn’t believe it. She was going to love it. It took up half her room, but it was outlandish. There were boxes and boxes of animals. I didn’t let them place the animals. I wanted Maddie to do that. I was going to wrap them and let her have the pleasure of doing that. I couldn’t wait, I felt a little giddy thinking about it. She was going to be ecstatic.

  The two men were finished by one and I decided to run by the little gyro joint over on Maple. Alex loved those things, me not so much, they were too spicy, but I was hungry. I planned on taking him a gyro and making him stop for lunch, and maybe even apologize for being such a bitch all morning.

  I did my hair, makeup, and dressed in new sexy little short outfit that he hadn’t seen yet. Maybe we would visit some erotic island or something before I was out of commission for a few days.

  I should have known. He was always one step ahead of me. I knew his car. Nobody else had a car around there like his. He made sure of that. His white sports car was parked right along the curb. I started to pull over and park behind him when I saw him exit….with a female.

  I turned left instead, parking in a handicap parking spot across the road at the bank. I knew I was being stupid, probably just my PMS getting the best of me. She was more than likely the model that he was working with for the commercial, innocent, I was sure. He was perhaps just being a nice guy and took her to lunch after their session.

  She was no doubt a model. My new sexy little short outfit didn’t do justice to hers and her legs. Oh my god. They went clear to the sky. I hated girls who wore six inch stilettos with shorts, maybe because I couldn’t wear them at all, not if I wanted to stay away from broken bones anyway.

  I suddenly wasn’t hungry anymore. My appetite vanished when I witnessed him throw his head back in a full blown laugh at something she said, and then her arms flung around his neck. Stupid girl. Stupid, stupid girl. I let that son of a bitch get to me. I let myself think we were
in love, we were a family. Stupid girl. I tried to put the car in reverse and leave. I couldn’t stop watching. Maybe it wasn’t what it seemed at all. Maybe it was.

  Alex opened the passenger side door. She kissed him. She fucking kissed him and he let her right before she slid into his car. He walked around to his side, tossing his keys into the air with a big happy smile. I watched him pull out into traffic, wanting to follow him but didn’t. I didn’t need to see anymore. And once again, I was the fool.

  I sent Alex a text, letting him know that I was getting Maddie, and we’d be home later.

  Where are you going?

  Just going shopping for a bit and maybe out to eat.

  Give me an hour and I’ll go with you.

  I kind of just want to spend some time with her alone.



  I didn’t reply after receiving the last one telling me that he loved me.

  I could hear the girls playing in the back yard and walked around the house. They were playing in a water sprinkler with Regan sitting on the patio watching, with a drink of course.

  “Hey, want a drink?” she asked, seeing me.

  “Nah, I’m good. Come on Maddie, let’s go,” I called.

  “No, me have a play wif Twenton. I stay all night.”

  “No, come on baby. We’re going to go shopping,” I tried.

  “Noooooo,” she whined, continuing to scream and yell when the floppy daisy made its way to her, squirting cold water all over her.

  “Sit down, Whit. What’s going on?” Regan asked.

  I took a deep breath and sat with her. I did want a drink. I wanted lots of drinks. “I just watched your brother kiss another girl, a beautiful girl,” I added, picking up her fruity drink.

  “I don’t believe you. He’s so in love with you it’s pathetic.”

  “I know what I saw. He was kissing her, Regan. I’m such a fucking idiot. What the hell is wrong with me?”

  “There is nothing wrong with you, Whit. I’m sure it was nothing. Did you talk to him about it?”