Read Always Been Mine Page 11

  “I’m agreeing to talk to you on the phone. Take it or leave it.”

  Bruce lowered his voice. “Was making love to a man who wanted you and only you exciting?”

  Valerie squeezed her eyes shut. She wasn’t bringing Bruce into her private life. Obviously, he knew she’d spent the night but didn’t know what really happened. Still, maybe this would work to her advantage. “Yes, Bruce it was. I’m in love and finally happy. Can you respect that?”

  The line went dead. Valerie took a deep breath and ran her hands over her arms. She gave it a few minutes in case the phone rang again. When it didn’t ring for a while she stood up, and leaned into the cubicle next to her as she walked by. “I’m taking a break, so go ahead and answer the main line if it rings.”

  Andrew, the agent in the cubicle, nodded and gave her the thumbs up as he sipped his coffee.

  She was still thinking about what Bruce said when she walked into Luke’s office. Her expression must have looked as anxious as she was feeling, because Luke immediately asked if something was wrong.

  “I don’t think it’s going to work out.” She stood awkwardly in the middle of his office.

  “What’s not going to work out?”

  “Me and you. I have too much going on in my head right now. I don’t think it’s fair to you.”

  Luke leaned back in his chair and fiddled with his pen. “Don’t use me as an excuse, Valerie. I told you I’m willing to be patient.”

  Valerie shifted her weight from one leg to the other, beginning to wonder why she’d gotten out of bed that morning. “Okay, I’m just not ready for a relationship right now. And to be honest, I really don’t think this is a good idea.” She gestured toward the door. “If anyone out there gets wind of us, it’s not gonna to be pretty. I think its best we just remain friends.”

  Valerie wished he would just agree, so she could get out of there already. But the expression on his face said otherwise.

  “I disagree. I think you are ready for a relationship, obviously not a sexual one… yet. But like I said, I’m willing to wait.” He tossed his pen on the desk. “As far as anyone finding out, how would they?”

  Only because Bruce calling the office again was a definite possibility, she decided to fill him in on it. She explained briefly the latest incidents with Bruce, and the phone call she just received. Luke wasn’t happy.

  “I could care less about him calling here and saying anything, but maybe you should think about getting a restraining order on the guy. He sounds dangerous.”

  Valerie nodded, hoping that was the end of it. “I still think you’re making a mistake about us, Valerie. I really wish you’d reconsider.”

  No way was she having this conversation again. “No, I’m sure, Luke. I’m sorry. I really think it’s best this way. I hope this doesn’t affect our business relationship. I’ll get the tickets to the seminar back to you tomorrow.”

  She started toward the door, angry at herself that she’d forgot them. He’d asked her hold onto them for safekeeping. She planned to avoid any private conversations with him from here on. Giving him the tickets back would inevitably incite one. Maybe she could mail them to him.

  “Keep your ticket, Val. I know how much you want to see him. It was a gift. I don’t want it back. You can have the suite too, if you want.”

  Valerie turned around, his wounded tone adding to her guilt. “Thanks. I’ll get your ticket back to you, but I’ll pass on the suite. You probably still have time to cancel it.”

  She packed up and headed out. From here on she’d be spending a lot of her time outside of the office, at least for a while.


  More than week had passed since Valerie had broken things off with Luke. She managed to stay busy out of the office the whole time. After another busy day of showing properties, she was on her way home when Sarah called her.

  “Hey, Sarah.”

  “Valerie, please tell me you don’t have plans for this weekend.”

  The only plans Valerie had were to sit and veg in front of the television, and as usual, work on the painting.


  “Answer the question.”

  Valerie was cautious. “Not anything solid.”

  “Good. Since Romero and Eric didn’t get to do their stupid bachelor party,” Sarah giggled, “the guys came up with something else.”

  Valerie couldn’t help sniggering herself. She remembered Sarah calling her, worried about the guys planning a bachelor party in Vegas. With Angel not really being a drinker, she wasn’t sure how he would handle himself, drunk, around strippers.

  Valerie had come to the rescue. She had a plan that would have Angel canceling his own party. The thought of Alex around a bunch of money-hungry whores didn’t sit well with her either. Knowing Sofia couldn’t be too thrilled about Eric taking off to Vegas and partying with a bunch of strippers, she gave her a call. Valerie made sure to clue her in and asked her to lay it on thick about Sarah’s bachelorette party when she mentioned it around Angel.

  Lay it on she did. The next day Sarah called Valerie, laughing so hard Valerie could barely understand her. She told her that Angel overheared her and Sofia talking about the party, and the hot “cop” that would be making an appearance to frisk the bride-to-be. Angel had immediately taken her aside to propose canceling both parties. Sarah and Valerie still got a good laugh about it. This should be interesting. “What did they come up with?”

  “Since everything has been so formal up until now, they want just friends, no older folks, no distant family members. Just a younger crowd of singles getting together casually to enjoy one of our lasts weekends being single.”

  Valerie had to smile. Sarah had been far from single ever since Angel staked his claim on her in high school. But she didn’t say anything.

  “That actually sounds kind of nice.” Then it hit her. Alex would be there. “Wait.”

  “No, no wait. I know what you’re going to say.”

  “Sarah, you don’t understand, it’s so hard to be around him.”

  “I know, sweetie, but he’s Angel’s brother. We can’t not invite him. And you’re my maid of honor, Val. It just wouldn’t be the same without you. We’re not even going to be in an enclosed space. It’s going to be a bonfire at the beach, for old times.”

  Valerie sighed. “Okay, I guess.”

  “Yay! Are you bringing Luke?”

  “No.” She hesitated. “He’ll be out of town this weekend.”

  As much as she trusted Sarah not to tell Alex she wasn’t seeing Luke anymore, she had a feeling Sarah told Angel everything. She still needed to arm herself with at least a fake boyfriend if she had to be around Alex. The restaurant incident proved just how weak her resistance to him still was. She still didn’t trust that she wouldn’t give in if he tried to talk her into even one night with him.


  When she got home, Isabel was in the kitchen cooking. It smelled delicious.

  Valerie’s eyes grew wide and, she smiled excited. “Are you making albondigas?”

  It was one of Isabel’s specialties and Valerie’s favorite Mexican meatball soup. She hadn’t made it in a while.

  Isabel smiled at her. “I kind of made Romero mad. So, when it was all said and done and he was over it, he said I owed him albondigas because I’d bragged once that my albondigas were to die for.” She smiled at Valerie. “He’s coming over for dinner.”

  “But you made enough for me too, right?” Valerie rushed over to peek into the soup Isabel was stirring.

  Isabel laughed. “Of course. I told him it was your favorite. He said he’s seen you eat, and I better make enough for an army.”

  “Ha ha.” Valerie leaned against the counter. “So, how’d you make him mad?”

  Isabel made a face. “Well, you know how I was telling you I’ve been trying to slow things down, because I wasn’t sure exactly how serious he was?”


  “A few nights ago, he asked me abo
ut my family. I told him a little about them, he was really impressed.” Isabel stopped to taste the soup.

  Valerie wasn’t surprised Romero was impressed. She sure had been when Isabel first told her about her insanely accomplished siblings. Isabel was the only one that didn’t have a master’s degree, but then she was the youngest and was still working on it. Her oldest sister Patricia was always on her about it.

  “So, yesterday, I was on the phone with my sister Pat at Romero’s place. I didn’t think he was listening to my conversation. I told her I was home getting ready to take a shower. When I hung up, he asked why I lied about where I was.” Isabel shrugged. “I didn’t really have an answer. So, then he asked if I’d even told her about him.” Valerie watched Isabel sprinkle some more cumin into the soup and waited. Isabel turned and bit her lip. “I haven’t.”


  “I don’t need to hear what I know she’s going to say.”

  “What’s that?” Valerie thought she knew. Patricia hadn’t even liked Lawrence the professor. It wasn’t just because he was an idiot. It was because she felt he wasn’t ambitious enough. She thought that at his age he should own his own place by now, not still be living in an apartment.

  Isabel rolled her eyes. “You know what she’s like. Romero doesn’t have a degree. He works security at events and bars.”

  Valerie frowned. “But he’s not just a security guard, he owns the company.”

  Isabel shook her head. “It won’t matter. I promise. She’ll say he’s beneath me, regardless. I can already hear her.”

  That made Valerie mad. Romero was a hard-working honest guy, currently proving that the word commitment was actually in his vocabulary. Unlike some people she knew. “You didn’t tell him all that, right?”

  Isabel shook her head. “No. I just admitted I hadn’t told her about him yet.”

  “What did he say?”

  “At first not a lot, but I could tell he was hurt. Then he asked who I have told in my family. He hears me on the phone with them all the time, so, he knows how close I am to all of them. So, when I said I hadn’t told any of them, that’s when things got heated.” Isabel sighed. “I told him he hadn’t been real clear about what we were exactly. I didn’t want to tell them anything until I was sure. Then he really blew up. He couldn’t believe that all this time I didn’t consider us to be in a relationship already. He started asking if I was still going out with other people. He made a really huge deal out of that and kept asking if I was sure about this or not.”

  Valerie couldn’t help laughing. “I hope you said you were.”

  Isabel stirred the soup some more. “Of course I am.” She turned to Valerie. For the first time Valerie saw the worry in Isabel’s eyes. “I really am, but this is going to be tough. My family is so nit-picky about this kind of stuff and Romero holds nothing back. They’re going to butt heads. I’m not looking forward to it.”

  Valerie rubbed Isabel’s back. “Well, if they really care about you, they’ll just have to accept it.” It hadn’t hit Valerie until this conversation. “I think you’ve really fallen for him, Isabel.”

  Isabel’s expression said it all. She definitely had. Before the shower, she would’ve never imagined Isabel with Romero. This proved the theory even further. Opposites did attract. Isabel had told her sleeping with Romero was different than with any other guy she’d been with. Valerie got the feeling she was holding back the juicy details because Isabel felt bad for Valerie. She knew the struggle Valerie had just trying to get so much as a flicker out of Luke’s kisses. Judging from Isabel’s past experiences with all the uptight guys she usually dated, she was probably enjoying the best sex of her life.

  “Did you hear about this weekend?”

  Valerie groaned. “Yes.”

  “You’ll be okay. Romero just told me about it today.” Now Isabel’s eyes were the sympathetic ones. “I’ll be there with you.”

  Valerie pulled a bowl out of the cabinet. “Is that almost ready? I need comfort food.”

  “Yeah, it’s done.”

  Valerie served herself a big helping just as the doorbell rang. She took her bowl to her room to give Romero and Isabel some privacy. Isabel insisted she didn’t have to, but Valerie wanted to be alone. This week would to be hell, having to prepare herself mentally all over again to see Alex. She’d be back for more soup that was for sure.


  Feeling like a damn nervous teenage kid, Alex approached Sarah as she filled salt and pepper shakers. The restaurant hadn’t opened yet, and Angel wasn’t due to arrive for a couple of hours. This wasn’t a conversation he wanted to have in front of him. He almost stopped and turned around but forced himself to keep walking. She looked up. Her big green eyes sparkled when she smiled. Angel was a lucky guy. He resisted telling her for the millionth time how beautiful her eyes were. Only because Angel wasn’t around, otherwise riling Angel by flirting with his soon to be sister-in-law was one of his most entertaining past times.

  “Hey.” She picked up a few shakers. “Need some?’

  “No, actually I just wanted to talk to you, if you have a minute.”

  He had no intentions about confessing the truth to Sarah about the tutor… for now. All he wanted now was to find out more about Valerie and Luke. He needed a little insight before this weekend. Maybe if he knew a little more, he’d know at least if he had a chance in hell of winning her back.

  “Sure,” Sarah stopped what she was doing and searched his eyes. “Something wrong?”

  “Not really. I was just wondering…” Annoyed, he brushed his sweaty palm on his pants. “How serious is Valerie about this guy she’s seeing?”

  Sarah’s expression changed and her eyebrow went up. “Why, Alex?”

  Alex lifted a shoulder. “I’m curious.”

  “I hope you’re not planning on toying with her again.” She went back to filling the saltshakers.

  “Toying? I never toyed with her.”

  Sarah stopped and looked at him. “Are you kidding me?

  “I know what it looked like, but believe it or not, I cared about Valerie. I still do.” Saying he cared about her didn’t even begin to cover all the emotions he felt for her now.

  Sarah’s expression softened. “I’ve always known you did. That’s why I could never figure out the things you did. Why would you hurt her like that?”

  “It was never my intention.” He glanced away. “I just… it was complicated.”

  He turned back to her and just like that, Sarah’s expression was rigid again.

  “It’s a long story, Sarah. But you have to believe me when I say I do care about her. I need to know if there’s even a chance of us working things out.” He reached over and placed his hand on hers. “Can you help me out here?”

  Sarah pressed her lips together. “I’m not sure she’d be okay with me divulging that kind of information, especially to you.”

  Alex frowned. “I’m not asking for any secrets, just your opinion. Do you think she’s really into him?”

  With a sigh, Sarah gave in. “It’s only been a few weeks that I know of. But she’s known him for quite some time. She works with him, so, I can only assume she got to know him pretty well, before getting… involved.”

  The emphasis on that final word was like sandpaper to an open wound. Alex stared at her hard, not wanting to speak for fear he would explode. As much as he had wanted details earlier, he didn’t want to hear another word. Never in his life had he felt so damn tormented.

  Luke wasn’t someone Valerie had just met a few weeks ago. She’d known the guy for quite some time. They had an established relationship and were now involved. This was so much worst than he thought.

  “Thanks, sweetheart.” He began to walk away. As much as it hurt to admit it, he was probably too late.

  “Alex,” she said. He couldn’t stomach the sympathy in her eyes any longer. “Look at me.”

  Grudgingly, he turned to face her. The sympathy replaced by a determined glare.<
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  “You promise you’re not just looking to just play with her?”

  “What do you mean? I never—”

  “Promise.” Sarah raised her voice. If he hadn’t been so enraged still about the thought of Valerie and Luke’s involvement, he might’ve been amused by sweet Sarah’s sudden hard-nosed demeanor. “Of course I promise.”

  She said nothing for a moment, just stared at him. As if she still wasn’t completely persuaded. “Don’t you dare tell her I told you this, Alex Moreno.”

  He nodded but said nothing, wondering where this was going.

  “She puts up a good act sometimes, like she’s really moving on with this guy.” She paused giving Alex time to grind his teeth. Hearing about Valerie moving on wasn’t exactly what he was expecting when she made him promise. “I can tell she’s trying really hard to get over you. But I think if you try hard enough, she’d be more than willing to give it another shot.” She took one resolute foot forward. “But I swear, Alex, if you hurt her again, I will never forgive you.”

  The tiniest sliver of light escaped through the storm cloud that had loomed over his head for weeks. He walked back toward Sarah and hugged tightly. “Don’t worry. I don’t break my promises. Ask anyone.”

  That’s all the encouragement he needed. He’d get Valerie to hear him out one way or another.


  That week, the office received a couple of calls from someone saying that Valerie was getting special treatment because she was doing the manager. Two different people had taken the calls, and brought it to Luke’s attention.