Read Always Been Mine Page 12

  There was no doubt about who made the calls. Valerie wanted to kill him. She was definitely going to look into getting a restraining order on Bruce, possibly even sue for defamation. She started getting a definite feeling she was being followed, but she was more angry about it than creeped out.

  Of course, Luke denied the accusations made on the calls, but some people in the office were beginning to look at her differently. Valerie wanted to believe that she imagined it. She was so mad at herself for getting involved with either Bruce or Luke in the first place. She’d worked too hard to have people believe she was sleeping her way to success.

  Twice, she got into it with Luke for things she thought he was doing to save face. He sided with another agent in the morning meeting about something she knew she was right about, then later he claimed he misunderstood.

  “Why are you here so late?” Luke startled Valerie. She was deep in thought when he stuck his head in her cubicle.

  She looked up at him. “I was just finishing up writing up a counter offer.”

  “Another one? That’s great.”

  She smiled but wasn’t feeling it. She hadn’t talked to Luke in a couple of days and thought maybe he was still angry about her calling him out about the meeting incident. She hadn’t been very nice about it.

  “So, you’re done?”

  Valerie glanced up at him again and then around at her messy station. “Yeah, just about.”

  “Listen Val. What do you say we go grab a drink, kind of a peace offering?”

  Valerie shook her head but smiled. “No, I don’t think so.” She stood up and began gathering things to stuff into her briefcase.

  “Why not?”

  “Because I don’t think us going out in the first place was ever a good idea. We both knew it would be frowned upon, and now look what’s happening.”

  “C’mon Val, since when can’t two colleagues get together for a drink after work? I know a place that serves the best peach Mojitos. Ever been to Moreno’s?”

  Valerie’s face shot up from her briefcase expecting to see a smirk on his face, but he was serious. It took a moment but then she couldn’t help laughing. “You wanna take me to Moreno’s?”

  “Yeah, why’s that so funny?”

  Valerie pictured herself walking in there with Luke while maybe Angel or possibly even Alex waited on them and laughed even harder.

  “What?” Luke obviously didn’t get it, but he seemed pleased with her sudden change in mood.

  She hadn’t laughed so hard in a very long time. When she was finally composed enough, she wiped the sides of her eyes. She’d been so uptight lately she actually felt some of the tension release. “You know what? I think I will have that drink with you after all. Only not at Moreno’s.”

  Valerie was starving—as usual, so they went to an all-you-can-eat sushi bar. She began to give him a vague explanation about Moreno’s, and then decided just to tell him the truth. They weren’t seeing each other anymore, so, what did it matter?

  Luke took it in stride and didn’t ask any more questions. He teased her about the amount of food she could put away. They talked about the seminar that Valerie had no intention of canceling. She was counting on George Stone to pull her out of this mood.

  Luke wasn’t the wittiest. He was a bit too uptight for that. Maybe it was that she was already in a giggly mood from his invitation to Moreno’s, but she laughed a lot through out dinner.

  In the end, she was glad she went. It was nice not to think about Bruce or Alex for at least a few hours.


  First thing Friday morning Valerie got a call on her private extension from Bruce. “You must not care too much about your reputation in that office. Do you?”

  Valerie stood up. “Your calls are doing nothing to change what anyone here thinks about me. Everyone thinks you’re a psycho idiot. You’re not taken seriously, Bruce.”

  “You better watch what you say to me, Valerie. I swear to God I’ll make you regret it.” His tone was much harsher than she heard before, and it sent a chill up her spine.

  “You don’t scare me, Bruce,” she lied. “I saw what you were made of at the club. Why don’t you just do us both a favor and get a damn life? I want nothing to do with you and never will.”

  “I had a life, darling. A good one, until you ruined it. Remember that!”

  Valerie squeezed her eyes shut. He was going to blame her forever. “You ruined your own-”

  “Tell me something, darling. Is Luke the first man you’ve been in love with?”

  Jesus, for someone who thought he knew so much, he had no idea how far from the truth he was. Apparently, he fell for her story. Hadn’t he noticed she wasn’t seeing him anymore?

  “Yes.” She kept her eyes closed, concentrating hard on sounding as sincere as she could. Not wanting anyone in the office to hear her, her voice was barely a whisper. “I’ve never felt for anyone the way I feel about him.”

  “But you broke up with him. Why?”

  Her eyes bolted open. How could he know? She heard his maniacal laughter low at first then louder with more conviction. The line suddenly went dead. Squeezing the receiver she stood there even after the dial tone started blaring in her ear. With a deep breath, she hung it up. She had too much on her mind to add this to her plate.

  Valerie was out of the office most of the day showing properties and meeting with potential clients. She managed to keep her mind off Bruce. She went back to the office and worked for a while before finally calling it a night.

  It was already getting dark and she walked quickly through the empty parking lot. Her briefcase weighed heavy on her shoulder, and the stack of files she carried rendered her completely vulnerable if anyone approached her. She thought she heard footsteps behind her but decided she was just being paranoid. Still, she picked up her step, feeling her heart beat a little faster. She’d almost reached her car when she heard the footsteps again.

  “Hey, Valerie.”

  Valerie jumped and half the files she held dropped to the ground. She spun around, ready to scream until she saw Alex staring at her wide-eyed.


  “I’m sorry, Val. I didn’t mean to startle you.” Alex felt terrible. He was down on one knee immediately, retrieving the papers she’d dropped.

  “Oh my God.” She put the stuff she managed to hold on to onto the trunk of her car, and then leaned against the bumper. Her hand clenched her chest. “My heart almost stopped, Alex.”

  “I can see that.” Alex glanced up at her from where he finished gathering her things. “I’m sorry. Why you working so late anyway? I was beginning to think maybe you got a ride home and just left your car overnight.” Among many other infuriating things he’d been imagining she could be engaged in at this late hour in an empty office. He’d been this close to barging in there to find out for himself.

  “I’ve been swamped all week.” She was still catching her breath.

  Alex stood up, holding the files in his hands. He glanced at them and hoped her getting them in order wasn’t what had kept her at work so late. They were a mess.

  His eyes roamed over her as they always did when he saw her. She looked fantastic. The gray skirt suit she wore made her blonde highlights seem brighter and it brought out the sparkle in her big dark eyes. Eyes that were entirely too frightened still. He frowned knowing he’d been the cause.

  He held on to the files while she opened her trunk, and noticed her hands trembled when he handed them to her. “You alright?”

  She nodded but didn’t say a word. He handed her the rest of the files. When she closed the trunk, she finally glanced at him. Alex noticed her eyes glimmered. Had he really scared her that bad?

  “Are you crying?”

  She shook her head and let out a laugh. “You just scared the hell out of me, that’s all.”

  Alex looked around at the empty parking lot and pressed his lips together. “Well, it is pretty dangerous you being out here so late and all alone. You

  “No it’s not that, I work late all the time. It’s just that… well,… nothing. I’ve just been a mess lately.” She leaned against her car and tilted her head slightly. “So, why are you here?”

  Alex stared at her, wondering why she was so jumpy. Was that idiot still harassing her? Then he thought about her question. “I wanted to talk to you.”

  He hadn’t been able to wait until tomorrow. There was always the possibility she’d show up with Luke and ruin the whole bonfire idea. He knew it was a risk. But the last weeks had been the most agonizing weeks of his life. So, he decided he’d take his chances.

  Her expression was unreadable, and she didn’t say anything for few moments. “About what, Alex?” She finally asked.

  “I know you’re with someone now.” His own words were hurt. “But I thought maybe you could hear me out.” For once, she didn’t avoid his eyes. She stared right at him. “Can we go somewhere and talk? I’ll buy you a drink. It’s the least I can do after scaring the hell outta you.” He smiled and thought he saw corner of her lip lift a little. “Might help calm the nerves?”

  To his surprise she agreed and rather quickly. “But just one. And we’ll have to take two cars. I can’t leave mine here.”

  “I can bring you back, and we’ll pick it up later.”

  Valerie shook her head. “There’s nothing around here. We’d have to drive all the way back.”

  “Or we can drop off your car at your place.”

  The expression she made at that was a strange one. She seemed almost alarmed. “No,” she said firmly and walked around to get in her car. “Just follow me. I know a good place we can talk.”

  Alex followed her and thought about the uncompromising attitude she had when it came to dropping off her car. Was there someone there that wouldn’t be pleased seeing her get in his car? He rolled his neck and tried cracking it, something that always helped calm him even if only a little. He didn’t want to blow it tonight with his temper, so he took a deep breath before getting out of his truck.

  The place Valerie chose was a trendy pizza and brewery place. Alex smiled as they walked in. He knew she would pick a place with food.

  They slid into a booth in the corner. Since it was Friday night, it was already packed, and there a Padre game was on the big screen. Some of the people watching the game were pretty loud. Not exactly the atmosphere he’d hoped for, but it would have to do.

  “As much as I scared you, I thought you’d want a place where you can get a shot.”

  “Oh, they serve shots here.” She grinned.

  The waitress came over and looked at Alex, but he gave Valerie the go ahead with a gesture. She never disappointed when it came to ordering food.

  “We’ll have the large meat lover’s, deep dish. A large order of wings, extra ranch, and I’ll have schooner of Amber Bach and shot of patron.”

  The server turned to Alex and took his drink order. He ordered the same, minus the shot. He needed a clear head tonight.

  When the waitress was gone Valerie pulled her phone out of her purse looked through it for a moment, then put it back in her purse. That alone made Alex edgy. Was she checking for calls from her boyfriend?

  “So, let’s have it.” She said, and again looked him straight in the eye. “What made you show up at my work and wait ‘til I got out? You’ve never done that before. I’m curious now.”

  Alex drew a blank when he tried to remember all the stuff he’d rehearsed in the car while he waited for her. But he was glad he had her full attention. He was about to start when the waitress brought over their drinks. They thanked her and she quickly walked away.

  Valerie took the shot. His train of thought went off course again, when she sucked the lime wedge and licked her lips. “I needed that.” Her hoarse voice didn’t help either.

  Alex shifted in his seat, trying to accommodate his expanding crotch. It annoyed him how effortlessly anything she did could arouse him. He was a big boy now, who long ago learned to control carnal urges, yet with Valerie all that self-control seemed to fly out the window.

  “Valerie,” He finally managed. “I don’t know how serious you are about this guy you’re seeing, but I want you to know I can’t stop thinking about you.”

  Her expression changed. She seemed… irritated? That definitely wasn’t what he was going for here. “What?”

  “That’s so typical of you, Alex.” She took a sip of her beer. “Why do you think that is?”

  “Think what is?”

  “That you can’t stop thinking about me?”

  Why else? “Because I’m crazy about you.”

  She seemed stunned but only for a second. “You’ve done this the entire time I’ve known you.”

  “Done what?”

  “Turn it off and on. I’ll give you that you enjoy… being with me. You can’t be that good of an actor, but I can’t be like you, Alex. I can’t just be with you then turn around and go out with others like you’re just another number in my contact list.”

  “Well, that’s good to know, but I’m not like that either.”

  Valerie’s sarcastic laugh was so loud the couple in the booth across from them glanced at them. Alex frowned and leaned in a bit, lowering his voice. “I’m not.”

  “Is this really what you brought me here to discuss? Because I’m sorry, but I’ve heard enough of your bullshit to last me a lifetime. ”

  Alex reached across the table and took her hand in his. “Listen to me, the girl at my place was a tutor. I can get you proof of that. It wasn’t the only time I needed to be tutored. I didn’t want you to know what a hard time I was having in school. It was humiliating, okay?” He took a deep breath.

  Valerie glared at him, “She had an overnight bag, Alex.”

  Alex’s brain scrambled to remember. Then it came to him. No wonder she’d been so hysterical. “That was her book bag, Val. She did her school work too, while she helped me with mine.”

  Valerie’s eyes didn’t waiver, but her expression softened a bit.

  He continued quickly. “All those times I’d disappear on you was because I had some damned paper to finish, or I was cramming for a test. I was having a hell of time keeping up. I couldn’t afford to lose my scholarship. I had to keep the grades up. You’ve always been such a huge distraction. Half the time you were all I could think of. ”

  The food arrived and Alex had to take his hand back. Damn, he wished they had gone somewhere else. This was going to be one interruption after another. The waitress put out the plates and napkins. Valerie still stared at him.

  “Anything else?” The waitress asked.

  Valerie never took her eyes off of him. Alex glanced at her then back at the waitress and smiled. “We’re good, hon. Thanks.”

  He told her all about the past year. The restaurant renovations, the wedding planning, all the time his parents spent in Mexico, making his presence at the restaurant more demanding and then about his grandpa’s passing. She listened and ate, asking few questions while he poured his heart out.

  “I heard about your grandpa. I’m sorry. I was going to call you but… ”

  “It’s better that you didn’t.”

  She stared at him, the lament deep in her eyes. “Why?”

  “That wasn’t a good time in my life. It was right after they told me I wouldn’t play football anymore and I lost my scholarship. I wasn’t the most pleasant person to be around those days.”

  He glanced away from Valerie’s compassionate eyes. “I’m over it now. But not over you.”

  Alex didn’t eat very much. He’d done so much talking, yet the food was just about gone. He watched as Valerie drank the last of her beer and stared out into space.

  “What are you thinking?”

  Her eyes were back on him, devoid of any expression. “I don’t know what to think.”

  “You want another beer?

  She shook her head. “I want to go home.”

  This wasn’t the mood he expected
he hoped she’d to be in after spilling his guts. Maybe she was really into her new boyfriend. Maybe Sarah was wrong. Maybe he was too late. He swallowed hard.

  Alex didn’t want to add any more to his already sinking heart. But he had to know, now. Had to know if all hope was lost. “Are you in love with him, Val?”

  Valerie glanced away quickly. He pressed his lips together wishing to hell he knew what that meant.

  He reached for her hand. “Are you?” The panic in his voice surprised him. He wondered if she noticed. He didn’t care anymore, to hell with his pride.


  Relief drained through him. Alex hadn’t even noticed he’d held his breath until he let it out slowly. He squeezed her hand. “Good.”

  He paid and they left, neither speaking as they walked out. They ambled silently to her car. Alex wanted nothing more than to take her in his arms, but he would have to be patient.

  “You’re going tomorrow, right?”

  She nodded opening her car door. He held the door as she got in. She seemed lost in thought. “Are you bringing… ”

  Valerie finally smiled. “No, I won’t be bringing anyone but Isabel to all the wedding events.”

  With the weight lifted, Alex smiled. “With Romero attached to her hip, I’m sure.”

  That made her laugh. She thanked him for dinner and drove off without so much as a hug. Well, damn. Even after all the thought he put into tonight he still didn’t know where they stood. One thing was for sure. Tonight sealed it. There was no way he was giving up on her.