Read Always Been Mine Page 15

  “If that’s what you want to call it.” She giggled.

  Alex hugged her again squeezing her with a groan. He still couldn’t believe what an enormous weight had been taken off his chest tonight. Valerie was coming home with him, and she was never leaving. There was still the issue of Bruce. He’d get back to that soon enough, but at the moment he just wanted to enjoy his long-awaited reunion with his future wife. Normally he’d be filled with raw anticipation but now an overwhelming tenderness consumed him.

  When they got back to the bonfire, the first to make eye contact with him was Sal, and he smiled. He saw that Alex held Valerie’s hand firmly in his. The second they stopped walking, he waited only for her to slip on her shoes before wrapping himself around her from behind. He loved that she always wore the highest heels she could find, even for the beach. Her sandals must’ve been at least three inches tall. She looked so damned sexy in them.

  Valerie unwound his hands from her waist and pulled him toward their chairs. Leaning over, she said something to Isabel after sitting down. Alex took the seat next to her, never once letting go of her hand. When Valerie finished chatting with Isabel, she leaned over and whispered. “Of course she’s okay with Romero taking her home.”

  Alex glanced over at Isabel and Romero. Romero pulled Isabel to him and whispered something that cracked her up. He hadn’t seen Romero so well behaved at a gathering with alcohol in… well, ever. He’d always been the fun loud and loaded guy at these kinds of gatherings. He was so distracted with Isabel now he wasn’t even drinking.

  He would’ve never put those two together. They were completely different. But there was no denying they were enjoying each other. Alex just hoped Romero wasn’t toying with Valerie’s roommate. He knew how much she meant to Valerie.

  They hung out for what seemed like an eternity before making their exit. As discreet as he thought they’d be, there was no hiding the looks he got from all the idiots including his own brothers. Sal bounced his eyebrows at him when Alex tossed him his keys.

  He drove back to his place and even though Valerie’s car was a stick, he wasn’t able to keep his hands off her the whole way.


  They barely made it through the door when clothes started flying off. Alex picked Valerie up in his arms, kicked the door shut with his foot and took her into his room.

  He slowed the pace once he had her in his bed. He’d always done that. It drove her insane, but he always said he wanted to enjoy every minute. He took his shirt off, revealing his massive chest and biceps, and crawled on top of her. She kissed him deep, running her hands along his hard back. She couldn’t get enough of his lips, his tongue, the taste of him.

  She kissed him as savagely as he kissed her. Then his mouth moved all over her. Her ear, her chin, her neck—he made his way down slowly, causing her to arch her back. He sucked one of her nipples just hard enough to make her cry out with pleasure.

  “God, I’ve missed you, baby.”

  “I missed you too,” she promised breathlessly.

  There would never be another man that made her feel like Alex did, no question about it now. She pressed her body against him and moaned with anticipation. From this, his breathing grew faster and heavier. While his hands caressed and teased, Valerie ran her hands over his rock solid arms.

  He continued to run his thumb against her nipple while sucking on the other one. As long as the wait had been, Valerie couldn’t believe he was taking his time. She wanted him in her now. She was so ready. All she could do was gasp with pleasure as his tongue tugged at her nipple.

  His hand moved slowly down her stomach making her tremble. When he reached down into her panties, she felt his breathing get rougher. “Alex, please.” She could barely get the desperate plea out.

  He pulled at her panties, ripping them in the process, and she moaned, spreading her legs for him, willing him onto her already. His big hand cupped her and he groaned. His finger moved slowly in between her legs. Valerie licked her lips and kissed his beautiful hard shoulder. His finger found the most pleasurable of places, and he toyed with it. “You’re so warm and wet, sweetheart.”

  He lifted his face to hers. Even his breath against her lips was a torment. But he didn’t kiss her. His piercing eyes watched her as his finger played with her slowly. She wriggled and gasped squeezing her eyes shut. She was going to climax much sooner than she’d expected. She bit her lip and spread her legs wider as her arousal heightened to a place only Alex could take her.

  The expression on his face was pure awe. He was enjoying making her go wild.

  “Alex,” she gasped.

  “Go with it, Valerie. I wanna feel you on my fingers.”

  His finger moved faster now but rhythmically. So, perfectly, she wouldn’t last much longer. She could feel the build up. Her body tingled in delight. Then just as she felt her arousal peak, he leaned over, licked her bottom lip, and whispered. “You’re mine, Valerie, and always have been.”

  She cried out as the lightening bolt of sensation overwhelmed her entire body. The finger that devastated her senses slid into her and moved around, making her orgasm that much stronger. She closed her eyes tight. His finger never stopped as she moaned, unashamed.

  Catching her breath was a struggle. When she opened her eyes, he was still staring at her. “Beautiful, baby.” Then he donned that perfect smile. “My turn.”

  Valerie lay there still breathing hard and enjoying the aftershocks. All her senses were still at their peak.

  She didn’t realize, that Alex had stripped down to nothing, had slipped a condom on, and was now on her. His chiseled body was beautiful. She’d only seen sculptures that even came close to his. Everything was perfect, and then she saw it as big and ready as she remembered and fantasized about all this time away from him.

  Immediately, she was aroused again. She spread her legs in raw anticipation and he lowered himself onto her. She arched her back, letting out another moan when she felt the hot wet tip touch her. Her hips lifted eagerly.

  She was still throbbing, and yet she felt so ready for more. Alex put his hand behind her waist lifting her to him and entered her. He slid in, thrusting slowly at first.

  “I’m sorry, baby. I can’t hold back anymore.” He strained to speak.

  “Don’t” She wrapped her legs around his big hard waist wanting him in her deeper and harder.

  Alex groaned louder, and she felt another climax building. Valerie lifted her hips wanting him as deep as possible. Each time she got closer and closer and when she finally cried out in pleasure, Alex groaned loudly. He buried himself in her and held tight. She usually loved watching him come, but she was busy enjoying her own immense pleasure. It was stronger than the first time. She continued to moan softly with every throb.

  Alex laid his body on her gently. She felt his heart pounding against her own heaving chest.

  “Never again.” He gasped.

  That confused her. “What do you mean?”

  “Never again will we be apart.”

  Valerie smiled. “I love you, Alex.”

  “I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of hearing you say that, sweetheart.” He lifted himself on his elbow and kissed her. “I love you, too. Forever.”

  Valerie still couldn’t believe the impossibility of this night. If she woke up in her bed and this all had been a dream, she was going to kill someone.


  The next morning, Alex was up early, annoyed that he hadn’t anticipated last night going so well, and didn’t schedule enough people to cover him today. He wanted nothing more than to stay home and enjoy Valerie all day. Instead, he’d be at the restaurant all day.

  He just poured himself a cup of coffee when Valerie walked into the kitchen. She wore one of his t-shirts and nothing else. Remembering he’d torn her panties off last night, the thought of nothing on underneath gave him an immediate erection. “I’m sorry, Val. I didn’t mean to wake you.”

  Valerie smiled, walking to hi
m. “After the night we had, I thought we’d sleep for days.”

  She wrapped her arms around his waist. He kissed her head and frowned. “I have to go into the restaurant today. But I’m gonna try to duck out of there early.”

  Valerie looked up at him. “That’s okay. Do what you have to do, just don’t disappear on me.”

  “Never again.” Alex leaned down and kissed her.

  She looked so beautiful even in the morning. All her makeup was gone. Not that she wore that much, but after several sweaty rounds last night they’d taken a shower together. Her face was breathtakingly fresh.

  Thoughts of everything they did last night flooded his mind, and he was ready to take her again. But it would have to wait. Time wasn’t on his side this morning but there were a few things Alex wanted to get straight with her immediately.

  “You want coffee.”

  “Mmm, yes please.”

  Valerie walked over to his breakfast nook and sat down at the table. After pouring her a cup, he brought it over to her and sat down next to her. “So, tell me about this asshole who’s harassing you?”

  Her expression changed at once. This obviously was not something she’d been expecting to talk about this morning. But if she was in any kind of danger, he needed to know now.

  Valerie avoided his eyes and sipped on her coffee. “He’s angry.”

  “About what?”

  Alex watched as she did everything to avoid looking at him straight in the face. She gripped her mug. “He blames me for getting thrown in jail.”

  Alex stood very still and breathed in deeply. If she told him this guy had done anything to hurt Valerie, he didn’t want to lose it. “Why?”

  Valerie glanced at him then looked back at her mug. He hated seeing her so tense. He leaned over and put his hand on her knee. “Baby, just tell me.”

  Valerie finally looked him in the eye. “We went out for a few weeks, and he started getting really weird on me, then I found out he was married. I broke it off immediately but he became obsessed. He followed me around and called nonstop. I warned him I would tell his wife if he didn’t stop.” She stopped and glanced up at the ceiling and took a deep breath. “When he didn’t stop, I called his wife and told her. She was hysterical. Apparently, it got so ugly when she confronted him about it, he pulled a knife on her. She pressed charges, and they locked him up. He was supposed to do three years. Instead, he got out after only nine months. Now he blames me for everything wrong in his life. His divorce, the loss of his job, the fact that he can’t see his kids. Everything. He says I did this to him.”

  “That’s bullshit.”

  “I know, but he’s not all there. He thinks I need to make it up to him one way… or another.”

  Alex stared at her big frightened eyes. Why hadn’t he hit the asshole harder? He’d knocked him out, but now he wanted to kill him.

  “How come no one ever told me about this?”

  Did Angel know? He must have. Sarah would’ve told him. He concentrated on remaining calm.

  “I begged Sarah not to tell Angel. I didn’t want you to know. It was so mortifying.”

  “Valerie, the guy’s a maniac. That’s not your fault.”

  Valerie shook her head. “But it is. I should’ve never gotten involved with him in the first place. I should’ve known from the moment I started to get to know him how disturbed he was.”

  “No.” Inundated by a gentleness he’d never felt before he caressed her face. “This isn’t your fault, babe.”

  He couldn’t help thinking if he himself hadn’t been such a stubborn ass for so long, she may have never met this guy. “So, has he been specific about what he wants, or is he just taunting you?”

  She stared at the floor. “We never did anything more than kiss... he says since he lost everything for me, it should’ve at least been worth it… he wants us to…”

  Never. Not in Alex’s lifetime. The animal wouldn’t get within miles of her. He’d make sure of that.

  “And…” Valerie stopped.

  Good God, there was more. “What?”

  “He said it’s going to happen no matter what. He’s already showed up at one of the properties I was at for an inspection and tried to corner me.”

  “What happened?” Alex realized he spoke through his teeth now, but it was all he could do from completely losing it and going out to look for Bruce right then.

  Valerie stopped clutching the mug and put her hands together on her lap. “He’s determined to ruin me if I don’t give in to him. He’s starting with my reputation at the office, my sanity.” She looked up at Alex. “I’m pretty sure he’s following me again. I can feel it. He knew every time I was with Luke. Just the other morning…”

  Alex studied her expression. Something seemed to have come to her. “Just the other morning what?”

  “He called the morning after I had dinner with Luke.”

  It took Alex a second but he figured out why she’d stopped. “Just the other day? I thought you said you’d broken up with him weeks ago?”

  When Valerie’s eyes met his, she seemed nervous, and Alex felt a new tension in his muscles. Whatever it was, he was getting it out of her today. All of it.

  “Well, we’re still friends. We have to be. We work together.”

  The deep breathing wasn’t working quite as well, anymore. He didn’t like where this was going.

  “We had dinner the other night after work.”

  Alex remained cool. He did not intend to blow up the first morning after they’d gotten back together. He spoke calmly but firmly. “First of all, all the dinner or lunches or anything with Luke are going to stop, right?”

  Valerie nodded.

  He stared at her for a moment. Her agreeing so easily should’ve been more satisfying. Knowing she’d be seeing the guy everyday took from the satisfaction, still he continued. “But you’re telling me the text yesterday is not the first time he said Bruce has threatened you? There’ve been more times?”

  “Just that one other time,” she said quickly. “The morning after we had dinner.”

  “Which was?”

  Valerie avoided his eyes again. “Friday.”

  Alex was glad she wasn’t looking at him or she might see how incredibly annoyed that made him. He was determined to get through this without blowing up. “Anything else I need to know, Z?”

  “That’s it. Other than he calls my cell all the time, but I don’t answer.”

  Alex got up and walked to the sink. He poured his coffee out; his appetite for anything right now shot.

  Valerie stood up and walked toward him. She put her arms around his waist. He was completely tense but her touch soothed him. “Alex, I hate to burden you with all this. You have so much on your mind already. Let me handle it. I don’t want you worrying.”

  Was she insane? The guy was threatening her. “Valerie, I want you to tell me everything when it comes to this idiot, right down to every call you don’t answer.”

  She looked up at him and frowned. “Everything? Really?”

  “Yeah, really.”

  She nodded and put her head against his chest. “Okay.”

  Alex rubbed her back and kissed the top of her head. He’d been a fool to keep her out of his life for so long. She looked up at him. “Are we good?”

  He smiled. It amazed him that minutes ago he felt ready to tear down a wall with his bare hands, and now just having her in his arms soothed him so deeply. What peaked now was his curiosity, and he reached down under her shirt. He’d been right, she wasn’t wearing any panties. His hand caressed her naked behind. Feeling a rush of heat, he picked her up. Instinctively she wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck.

  He’d always loved that about her. She was always so ready for him. He devoured her mouth, walking over to the pool table in his den. He set her down and pulled the shirt off. Seeing her completely naked in the daylight on his pool table had him so hard it hurt.

  But he had something els
e in mind first. Part of that conversation left him wanting to make sure she knew no other man could love her as much as he did. He wanted to drive her insane with pleasure. “Lay down for me, baby.”

  She did as he asked and he pulled her legs up, kissing her inner thighs. Her trembling aroused him to no end. All his muscles clenched at once. He worked his way inward. Kissing and sucking her soft inner thighs, and he spread her legs wide. She was so petite. It was easy to pull her behind off the pool table and closer to his face, his mouth, his tongue.

  Alex licked his lips, taking in what his dumb ass missed for too long. This was just the beginning of making up for lost time.


  The front door had all three locks on, including the inside chain. That was odd. Maybe Isabel got the creeps being alone. Valerie sure did when Isabel was gone overnight, but Isabel normally didn’t. That suddenly worried Valerie. Had Bruce come by and spooked Isabel? She knocked softly and waited. When Isabel didn’t open up, Valerie began to fish for her phone in her purse.

  Thankfully, she heard the chain unlatch. Her phone was hopelessly buried somewhere in the pit of her purse. Isabel opened the door. She appeared to have just gotten out of bed. “Were you still asleep?”

  It was only nine but Isabel was usually out of bed by eight on the weekend. It drove Valerie crazy, because she’d always liked to sleep in. Isabel just nodded and hurried back to her room. “I’ll be right out.”

  She was wearing a robe. She never wore a robe. Valerie dumped everything down on the sofa then rummaged through her purse again for her phone. The phone in the kitchen started ringing.

  “I got it.” She yelled, still digging through the messy purse.