Read Always Been Mine Page 16

  The phone was on its third ring when Valerie finally found her cell and started toward the kitchen. She was halfway there when a bare-chested Romero walked out of the restroom into the kitchen. They froze at the sight of one another. He wore last night’s jeans and nothing else. Valerie glanced away from his very impressive chest. She knew he had a good build but seeing him shirtless was something else.

  He cocked a crooked smile and gestured toward the kitchen. “You gonna get that?”

  She shook her head quickly. No way was she taking another step closer to her roommate’s half-naked boyfriend. “It’s probably just a fax.”

  That’s really the only reason they even had a landline. Her dad called her on it occasionally when he couldn’t get her on her cell. She’d let the answering machine handle it, if that was the case.

  Her own voice came on the machine apologizing for not being able to answer just as Isabel walked out of the bedroom. She’d donned a pair of denim shorts and a t-shirt. She attempted to calm her wildly tousled hair with her hands. Valerie pressed her lips holding back a smirk. Isabel’s night had obviously been as pleasurable as her own. The machine beeped, someone cleared their voice then spoke.

  “Isabel, this is Michael, I just wanted to tell you I had a fantastic time with you Friday night…”

  Valerie’s eyes grew wide. Isabel started toward the machine, but Romero stepped in front of her blocking her way. To both Isabel and Valerie’s horror, the message went on. “…I’ll be here a little longer than I thought, so, I was hoping I could see you again before I leave...”

  Romero stared at Isabel the whole time. Valerie’s feet were stuck to the floor. She had visions of leaping over the counter and kicking the machine to its death, but it was way too late for that.

  “…I hope we can make this happen.”

  He rattled off his number before the agonizing message was finally over. Valerie didn’t know whether to leave the room or stay there for moral support.

  The room was deathly silent until Isabel spoke up. “Funny story.”

  “Yeah, Isabel? Tell me about it.”

  Uh, oh. What happened to Izzy? Romero looked anything but amused. He backed a step away from Isabel. Valerie still stood there clutching her cell trying to think of something to blurt out that might save the day. But her mind had gone blank.

  “My sister set this up before I even met you—”

  “You were on a date with this guy Friday night?” Romero’s voice rose slightly but his tone was definitely on the verge of erupting.

  As if anyone had asked her anything or was even looking in her direction, Valerie shook her head violently.

  “No, we just had dinner—”

  “That’s a date,” Romero snapped. “What else did you just do with him huh?” His hands flew up in the air before she could answer. “You know what? I don’t wanna know.” He charged toward the bedroom. “Whatever you did, it was fucking fantastic.”

  Isabel’s panicked eyes met Valerie’s as he fumed past her. Valerie gestured for Isabel to follow him. “Go! Explain!” She whispered loudly.

  The bedroom door closed behind Isabel, and she could hear Isabel’s muffled voice plead her case. Romero’s voice boomed but she couldn’t make out all he said. One sentence came through very clear though, because it was the loudest. “You lied to me!”

  Valerie had inched her way into the kitchen. She chewed the nail on her thumb wishing she could think of a way to help Isabel. The bedroom door flew open, and Romero stormed out wearing shoes now but holding his shirt. He glanced at Valerie. The anger in his eyes didn’t hide the hurt, and she felt for him, but not a word came to mind that she could say to fix this.

  Isabel came after him, her eyes welled with tears. “Romero, I’m sorry.”

  “Yeah, I am too.” He grabbed his keys and wallet off the counter. “Go call him back, Isabel. Make it happen.”

  The door slammed shut behind him and Valerie rushed to Isabel. Not sure what else to do, she hugged her tight. Isabel cried softly on her shoulder, then Valerie heard her chuckle sarcastically. Valerie pulled back to look at her. Was she that hysterical?

  “God, I’m stupid.” Isabel wiped her eyes. “This is all because I let my sister get to me about the kind of guys I should date. If I’d have had the backbone to tell her truth, that I was already dating someone—someone she wouldn’t approve of, this would’ve never happened.”

  Valerie bit her lip. “Well, maybe when he calms down…”

  Isabel looked at her exasperated, “It’s not even about the date, Valerie. I think he’s madder about the fact that I haven’t told my family about him. He asked me in there why my sister hadn’t just cancelled the date since I was seeing someone already. When I didn’t answer he stormed out the door before he could even get his shirt on. He couldn’t stand to be in there with me another minute. He thinks I’m ashamed of him.”

  Valerie felt so bad for both Isabel and Romero. “So, what are you gonna do?”

  Isabel grabbed a napkin from the counter and wiped her face clean. She took a deep breath. “I’m gonna call my sister, then I’m going over to Romero’s. He has the whole day off. We were supposed to spend it together.” She scrunched her face. “Maybe if he’s not too mad, we can have lunch with my mom and my sister.”

  Valerie patted her on the back. “Good, Isabel. The sooner you clear this up the better.” She tried to sound as optimistic as she could. “Everything will work out. You’ll see.”

  She really hoped things would. Somehow, she got the feeling it wasn’t going to be so simple.

  This was definitely not the time to fill Isabel in on her wonderful night with Alex. Isabel obviously knew she’d spent the night with him, so, she had to know things had changed. Valerie could give her the details later.

  Isabel rushed to take a shower and Valerie went to call her dad. She could hardly wait to tell him the news.


  Even after the night they’d had, Alex couldn’t wait to get home to be with Valerie again. He talked to her several times during the day. She mentioned her lease again and not being able to move in with him right away, but he’d figure something out. He wasted too much time already being away from her.

  She also said she had something she wanted to talk to him about. He wondered how long it would be before he’d be all caught up with her life. He wanted to know everything.

  Alex smiled when he saw her car was already in his driveway. He’d given her a key that morning and asked if she could be there when he got home. He could certainly get used to this. They still had a lot to talk about, but mostly he just wanted to be with her, as much as possible.

  She was in the kitchen preparing something when he walked in.

  “Hey,” she said over her shoulder. “I hope you’re in the mood for tuna salad. You know me, I’m no cook.”

  Alex wrapped his arms around her small waist from behind and kissed the side of her face. He murmured in her ear, “That’s not what I’m in the mood for eating.”

  Valerie smiled and turned around and kissed him. He kissed her with the hunger he’d felt all the way home. She pulled away.

  “Alex,” she was breathless already. “Let’s eat first. We have a lot to talk about.”

  She turned around and grabbed the bowls of tuna salad off the counter and he followed right behind her. He had to control himself at least until after they settled this whole thing about her moving in.

  “You said you had something you wanted to talk to me about?”

  Valerie nodded her head and put bowls down on the table. “Isabel and Romero broke up this morning.”

  “Really?” Alex thought about the way Romero gazed at Isabel yesterday. “Why?”

  Valerie crinkled her nose as they both sat down. “She went on a date Friday night, and he found out about it.”

  Alex stared at her for a moment before his face soured. “Why’d she do that?”

  He did more watching than listening as she explained the s
ordid story of Isabel, her family, and the blind date. He drank in every detail about her face, her hair, and the subtle movements she made when she spoke. Her big dark eyes shined when she said something that really moved her. She was amazing. He had to stop thinking about what he’d do to her later and pay attention.

  When she was done, Alex lifted an eyebrow and finally ate some of his food. After chewing it he said, “Well, that’s what happens when you lie. Sucks for Romero, but I would’ve walked out too.”

  She looked at him funny. “You think maybe you can talk to him?”

  “And say what?”

  “That she really is sorry. She tried going over to his place but he wasn’t there, and he won’t answer her calls. She was so miserable. I hated to leave her today.”

  Alex didn’t like the sound of that. “Baby, he’s probably gonna be mad for a while as well he should be. But if he does get over it, I doubt it’ll be overnight. I seriously doubt anything I say will change that.”

  She made the most adorable pouty face, and Alex laughed. “He probably won’t even answer my call, sweetheart. Knowing Romero he’s been at the gym all day and by now has had a few drinks.”

  Valerie stood up and walked to the counter to get the rest of the tuna salad. Alex’s eyes followed her very nice behind. “You know,” she said reaching over to the end of the counter for Alex’s phone. “If they get back together, maybe Romero can take over my part of the lease. Other wise I have to stay there ‘til next year.”

  “Next year?” Alex frowned as she sat back down next to him.

  “Yep, just signed a one year lease earlier this year.” She placed his cell next to his bowl and gave him the most beautiful puppy dog eyes. With eyes like hers, he was toast. She did have a point about the lease. No way was he waiting until next year. He’d already taken half the day off tomorrow to get her stuff moved in.

  He picked up his cell grudgingly. “So, what? I just tell him she’s sorry? Didn’t she already say that?”

  Valerie gave him a look. “Tell him to answer his phone, because she really wants to explain, and she’s really upset.”

  Alex went through his contacts. He couldn’t believe he was doing this, only for Valerie. He couldn’t even remember the last time he talked to Romero on the phone. He rarely chatted with any of his friends on the phone, especially not about women. This was going to be awkward.

  The phone was on its third ring. Valerie watched him anxiously. Alex began to get his hopes up that Romero wouldn’t answer when he picked up.


  “Hey, Romero.”

  Valerie stood up and hugged him, then tried to lean in for a listen. Alex backed off and put his finger to his lips.


  “You uh, talk to Isabel today?”

  Romero was quiet for a moment then spoke up. “Yeah, I’m with her now.”

  “Oh, you are? Alright then I’ll let you go.”

  “What? Wait, why?”

  Great, now he’d have to explain he was calling to talk to him about his love life. “I heard about what happened today. I just wanted to see how you were doin’.”

  Another pause from Romero, “What are you? Dr. Phil now?”

  Alex smiled standing up to put his bowl in the sink. “Hey I’m a sensitive guy, what do you want from me?”

  “Dude, get out. Seriously, that’s really what you called for?”

  Alex leaned against the counter and put his arm across his chest. “Yeah, Ramon. I called ‘cause I wanted us to talk about your feelings. Who do you think made me call?”

  Romero laughed. “Ah okay that makes more sense. For a moment, I thought you were getting soft on me.”

  Alex laughed. After hanging up, he told Valerie what Romero said. She was more than appeased.

  “So, that settles it. Romero can take over your part of the lease.”

  Valerie laughed putting her arms around his waist. “We still don’t know if moving in together is something they’ve even talked about.”

  He’d never get over the pleasure of having her in his arms, his life. “Well, next year ain’t happening, Z. You won’t have to pay anything here. So, just keep giving her your half of everything until the lease is up.”

  Valerie peered at him.

  “Why not? It’ll be kind of like before when you would spend several nights a week here, but you were technically still living at your place. Only now you’d be here every night.”

  “I won’t live here rent free, Alex. Besides I thought we agreed we were going to take it slow?”

  Alex leaned over and ran his hand over her perfectly round behind, “We are. First you move in for a while, then we get married.” He kissed her nose and grinned. “And there are other ways you can pay me that don’t involve money.”

  Valerie giggled and kissed him, but then pulled back before he could get too crazed. “I’ll have to talk to her. I have a feeling she won’t want to take money from me, if I’m not actually living there.”

  Alex hid his frustration. “So, don’t tell her you’re moving out then. Just call her every night to tell her you’re staying over again. You’re staying tonight right?”


  He smiled and couldn’t resist kissing her. “I rearranged the schedule at the restaurant, so, I’ll get out of there early tomorrow. You think you can take half the day off?”

  “Yeah, as long as I go in for a few hours in the morning, I can spare an afternoon off.”

  Alex frowned remembering she’d be in the same office with Luke. He’d have to think of a way to change that. He wasn’t going to be able to deal with that for very long. That one would require more thought. In the meantime, he’d settle one thing at a time. “Good, so, I’ll drop you off tomorrow, and when I pick you up, we can go see about getting a restraining order against that guy, then pick up your things in my truck.”

  Valerie unwrapped her arms from his waist and went back to the table. She grabbed her empty bowl and walked it back to the sink “Alex, I told you I have to talk to Isabel first, and I’m not going anywhere near a courthouse on a Monday.”

  Alex pulled her too him as soon as she was close enough. “We can still pick up some of your stuff like more clothes and all your shoes. You can model them all for me tomorrow night.”

  She tried to resist. “Let me wash these dishes.”

  “I’ll get that later.” He picked her up, and she screeched. The visual of her prancing around in her high heels for him and nothing else had done it. “I’m done talking.” Instantly, she wrapped her legs around him, her breathing already labored by the time he reached the bedroom door.


  The next morning Alex dropped her off at her office bright and early. He made sure he got out of the truck and gave her a very public goodbye kiss—a kiss no one would mistake for a friendly goodbye.

  He was just loosening his hold on her when the black jaguar drove in the parking lot. Valerie went tense the second she saw it.

  Luke glanced at them as he drove by.

  Alex couldn’t leave now. He had to check the guy out. The night at the club he’d barely glanced at him before taking off. He watched as Luke opened up the backdoor of his car and pulled out his suit jacket. He was a good size guy, but he had nothing on Alex. The irritation of Valerie having to be in the same office with him all day rubbed Alex like a cheese grater.

  Valerie finished gathering the things Alex hadn’t given her a chance to grab earlier. He’d been around to her side as soon as he stopped the truck.

  “Alright, Alex. I’ll see you around one?”

  Alex looked away from Luke long enough to address her. “Yeah, maybe earlier. I’ll call you.”

  He kissed her one last time just as Luke walked by. He got in his truck and watched as Luke waited and held the door open for her then walked in after her. Oh, this would definitely have to change.


  Valerie sat at her desk still trying to shake the incredible discomfort she
’d felt when she walked into the office with Luke. He immediately asked if Alex was back in her life, and she had no choice but to say yes. She knew Alex would lay it on thick, but she hadn’t anticipated Luke driving up at such an opportune moment. The way Alex stared him down didn’t help either.

  She gathered her things and walked to the conference room with everyone else. She tried concentrating on what Luke was talking about during the meeting. It seemed Luke was avoiding looking her way at all, but she didn’t mind. The last thing she wanted was to get locked into one of his stares. He began wrapping it up.

  “I made a few changes to the uptime schedules. Check your e-mails.”

  That caught Valerie’s attention she was supposed to have uptime that afternoon. It was odd. Luke had always made her uncomfortable from the moment she met him with his excessive eye contact. Then later with his locked stares. Today it seemed he’d gone out of his way to avoid looking her way during the meeting.

  She checked her email first thing when she logged onto her computer. She typically had a ton of email to sift through Monday mornings. Especially if she hadn’t looked at it over the weekend, and this weekend she hadn’t touched her laptop. His email was the very first one, which meant he’d sent it that morning.

  There were only a couple of changes, but he’d changed her uptime to Wednesday afternoon. Valerie felt her face heat. Was he kidding? It was bad enough he’d changed it already from Monday mornings to Monday afternoon. Wednesday was their slowest day, especially for calls.

  Valerie marched straight to his office. He looked up when she walked in without knocking. “I’ve had uptime on Mondays for as long as I can remember.”

  “Yeah,” Luke didn’t miss a beat. “And it’s time someone else got a chance at a Monday.”