Read Always Been Mine Page 20

  Valerie dropped the bottles in the trash. They crashed loudly as they hit the bottom. She opened the refrigerator. “He reserved a room when he bought the tickets.”

  Alex straightened out literally feeling the rise in his temper. “I thought you said you never slept with him?”

  “I didn’t.” There was no hiding her irritation now, but Alex didn’t care.

  He stood up, no longer comfortable sitting. “Then why the room, Z?”

  Valerie stared into the refrigerator without saying a word. Alex stalked toward her, his temper pushing with every step. “Why would he get a room if you two weren’t sleeping together?”

  Rationally, he knew it shouldn’t matter. This was in her past. But he wanted it straight. What was the point in lying about it, unless she had reason to.

  She finally turned and glared at him. “I don’t ask you about the girls you slept with while we were apart.”

  He knew it. He fucking knew it. “So, you did sleep with him?”

  “No. I didn’t.”

  “Then why the room?” He wanted to believe her more than ever. It was hard enough to accept how much time she spent around Luke now. If she’d slept with him, it changed everything.

  She finally closed the refrigerator doors and turned to him. “I don’t know, Alex. I guess he assumed we might be sleeping together by then. But I knew things were over between us the same night he gave those tickets to me. I broke things off the very next time I saw him.”

  She didn’t avoid his eyes this time, instead looked straight at him. Every muscle in his body tensed up now.

  “Sweetheart,” she said, reaching for his hand. “I’d tell you the truth if I had. But things were never that serious between us. I never felt anything for him.” She took his other hand and kissed his knuckles then stared in his eyes again. “I wanted to feel something for him. I really did.”

  Alex didn’t want to hear that.

  “But I couldn’t. Isabel kept assuring me I would eventually. It just never happened.” She slipped her arms around his waist and leaned her cheek against his chest. Alex couldn’t hold back hugging her as much as he was still feeling on edge. “All I could think about was you, Alex. The entire time I was with him, every embrace, every kiss.”

  Alex pulled back. She’d killed it. “Stop, Z. I can barely handle the thought of you going out with that asshole, much less the visual of him touching you.”

  Valerie smiled at him, lopsided. “How ‘bout we never talk about this again?”

  Alex wasn’t sure about that, but for now he’d had about as much talk of Luke as he could stand. He hugged Valerie, thinking of everything she’d just told him. He still wasn’t too sure she was telling him everything. One thing he was sure of, he definitely had to come up with a way to get her out of that office.


  The morning went without a hitch. Valerie had a couple of properties to show the same clients from the night before. To her pleasant surprise, Alex didn’t put up much of a fight when she’d told him she was doing it alone.

  A few cautionary warnings were all he gave her, and he reminded her to keep her pepper spray handy. He even left before she did that morning. Valerie felt guilty knowing that he’d probably been in a hurry to catch up since he was busy babysitting her the day before.

  She’d gone back to his place to change. She was supposed to meet Alex at the restaurant, and they would drive out to the church together for the wedding rehearsal. But Valerie was running late. After changing, she called him and told him it would be faster if she met him at the church.

  Just a few blocks from the church, her phone rang.

  “Hey, where are you?” Luke sounded a little irritated.

  “On my way to church, why?”

  “Church? You have clients waiting for you at La Jolla Mesa. Did you forget?”

  Valerie’s jaw dropped. “Oh my God. I completely forgot!”

  She’d scheduled it over a week ago. With everything that happened this past week it had slipped her mind.

  “How do you forget something like that?”

  “This week’s been crazy, Luke. I was going to reschedule, but I totally forgot about it. I’m on my way to my cousins wedding rehearsal. I can’t miss it, because I’m the maid of honor. Is there anyway you can- ”

  She heard him grunt then what sounded like papers rustling. “Shit, Val. Is it just a combo or do I need keys?”

  Valerie put her hand on her face and made a u-turn. “You’ll need keys for the warehouse in the back. I have them on me. I can meet you halfway.”

  “Call the clients and let them know I’ll be late. Don’t tell them you forgot.”

  Ten minutes later, she was at the gas station where they agreed to meet. She dug through the box in her trunk where she kept all her property keys. She still couldn’t believe she forgot. Luke drove up just a few minutes later. He had a stern expression as he drove in next to her car but smirked once out of the car.

  Valerie smiled, relieved that he wasn’t too upset with her. She handed him the keys then gave him a quick hug. “Thank you so much for doing this. I owe you big time.”

  He caught her hand as she pulled away and without warning, she locked into one of Luke’s stares. “Don’t worry about it. I’ve been meaning to ask you, did you ever finish your painting?”

  Feeling a bit uncomfortable, but at the same time surprised that he remembered, Valerie smiled. “Almost. I didn’t have any time to work on it this week. But it just needs some final touches, then I gotta get it framed.”

  “I know where you can get a good deal. Remind me when we’re back at the office. I’ll give you their card.”

  Valerie remembered all the expensive artwork in Luke’s house. She hadn’t unveiled her painting to anyone yet. Not even Isabel. It was still sitting back in the closet at her apartment. She planned to make some time next week to work on it, then take it in to get it framed. The wedding was next week. It was crunch time, but she hoped to get someone’s opinion on it first. She was still so nervous about it. Maybe she could show it to her dad once she framed it.

  “Thanks, I will.” Luke still held her hand and Valerie tugged it away. “I really appreciate you saving me like this. I gotta go—I was already running late before you called.”

  She rushed to the church, making a few unnecessary sharp turns along the way. Fortunately, it seemed they were running late at the church as well. Things had just started when she got there. Alex’s eyes questioned her late arrival but she told him she’d explain later.

  After the rehearsal, they headed to the restaurant for the dinner. Her visit to the restaurant to explain the offer had been so nerve-racking she hadn’t even noticed the pictures on the walls near the bar area. She slowed to examine them.

  “Wow, so many.” Valerie remembered a few pictures of local little league teams hanging on the wall back in the days. Now, two entire walls displayed not only pictures of teams thanking the restaurant for their sponsorship, but awards as well.

  “They’ve accumulated over the years.” Alex made light of it, but Valerie was impressed. Many of the photos appeared to be team parties in the new banquet rooms Alex had told her about. He was in most of the photos surrounded by adoring mini football players wearing their jerseys. Their smiles were big and they seemed to be relishing the moment next to Alex as if he were some kind of celebrity.

  Valerie noted the majority of the dates on the pictures were in the last year. Then she saw the pictures of him with a team on the field and the inscription, To Coach Moreno, the best coach ever! There were names scribbled all over it.

  She turned to him in surprise. “You coached?”

  “Coach.” He pulled her by the hand away from the wall and toward the dining room where the dinner awaited. “I’m only taking a break right now from coaching because this damn wedding has tied up just about every weekend of mine. But the season doesn’t start for a couple months, so, I’ll be good by then.”

e tugged his hand and he turned to face her. “When do you find the time?”

  Alex shrugged. “It doesn’t take too much time. Practice a couple hours a week, then a game or two on the weekend.” He pulled her to him, wrapping his big arm around her waist. “Don’t worry. I’ll still have plenty of time for—”

  She shook her head. “That’s not why I was asking, I’m just surprised you had the time. I know this past year was so hectic for you.”

  Alex kissed her nose. “Yeah, well, I may’ve done things to keep myself as preoccupied as possible, besides the kids are great. I only volunteer seasonally now, but I’m thinking of picking up a year round team.”

  She didn’t think it was possible, but her heart swelled even more now. Even with everything he’d gone through he still found time to volunteer. “Could you be any more wonderful?” She whispered

  Alex rolled his eyes. “It’s just football, Z. I’m not saving lives or anything. I’m coaching a sport I’ve lived and breathed my whole life. I’d hardly say doing something I love on my down time is noteworthy.”

  It was to Valerie. She leaned in for a long, heartfelt kiss.

  “Hey, break it up.” Romero said.

  Valerie turned to see Romero and Isabel stroll in hand in hand. She pulled away from Alex.

  Alex frowned. “Your timing sucks, Ramon.”

  Valerie smiled at the sight of Isabel. She’d missed her. Once seated inside, Alex got caught up with coordinating things in the kitchen. He came over and sat with her and Isabel a few times but each time, he’d been pulled away.

  Valerie hadn’t realized how much she missed chatting with Isabel in person. All week she’d only had short conversations with her on the phone. It was hard to believe it had only been a week, and yet she and Isabel had so much to catch up on. Romero was at the bar at the moment, hanging with Angel and Eric.

  Valerie told Isabel about everything, including her conversation with Alex the night before about Luke.

  “Why do they need to know everything?” Isabel frowned. “I haven’t asked Romero a thing about any of his exes, yet he continues to ask about mine. Don’t get me started on the whole ‘fantastic date’ I had with Michael. He’s still hung up on that, though the last time he brought it up again I told him I was done discussing it.”

  Valerie giggled. With the exception of Eric and maybe Sal, who were a bit more laid back, all these guys were so much alike. She remembered poor Sofia referring to them as cavemen on more than one occasion back in high school. They had made her life miserable protecting her even when she insisted she didn’t need it.

  Nothing had changed, at least not with Alex. He was still over-doing the protecting. He’d already ordered her a taser gun, and Romero would be coming over as soon as they got it to show her how to use it. Valerie didn’t mind so much that Alex was taking such precautions, but she couldn’t help resenting that he was taking liberties in her life without even checking with her. She knew he meant well, but she worried it might become a habit that extended into other parts of their relationship.


  Even though Alex felt a little deceptive about having someone tailing Valerie, he was glad he’d done it. If he didn’t know someone was looking out for her today, he might’ve gone a little crazy wondering where she was earlier. It still made him nervous that she showed up so late. But Romero assured him that if she was in any kind of danger his guy would not only protect her, he’d call Alex immediately.

  Angel and Eric went back to their tables, and Alex was finally going to get a chance to talk to Romero about what he knew so far.

  “You got anything on this guy yet?”

  Romero glanced around to make sure no one was listening. “I was gonna call you back last night. But I figured you wouldn’t be able to talk, and I’ve been with Isabel all morning. This guy’s bad news, Alex.”

  Alex braced himself, even more convinced now that having Valerie watched was the right thing to do.

  “I’m still not done with the whole background check, but the guy’s rap sheet goes way back. This last stint he did in jail isn’t his first. He was in and out when he was younger. And Valerie’s not the first chick he’s stalked. His first wife had a restraining order on him until, get this, she disappeared.”

  Alex went numb. “You’re shitting me?”

  “Nope, I don’t know all the details yet. The guy I have running the background won’t be done for a while, but he called me yesterday to give me that tidbit. Thought it might be something I’d wanna know ASAP.”

  That unfamiliar emotion consumed Alex again. He turned to where Valerie sat laughing with Isabel, so unaware of the amount of danger she was in.

  “When will you know more?”

  “Probably not until some time this coming week.”

  Alex grimaced. He had no patience for all this waiting around, especially not when it came to this. “This guy you have watching Valerie—he knows not to let her out of his sight until she’s with me, even when she’s home right?”

  Romero nodded. “Yep, he followed her even after the church rehearsal, because you two were in separate cars.”


  “By the way,” Romero glanced at Valerie then back at Alex. “Was she supposed to meet up with Luke earlier?”

  Something about Romero’s tone bothered him. “I don’t know. She was showing property all morning. Maybe. Why?”

  “Well, this guy knows he’s looking out for my friend’s girl. So, he thought it was kind of weird that she had a quick meet with this dude. He saw you leave your house this morning, so he knew it wasn’t you.”

  Alex frowned. He hadn’t planted this guy on Valerie to spy on her. He was supposed to be watching out for her, not reporting anything he thought might be suspicious on her part. But he had to admit Romero had his attention. “What do you mean quick meet? Like at one of the properties she showed?”

  “No.” Romero picked up the beer the bartender placed on the bar for him. “She was on her way to the church then she suddenly made a u-turn. He thought maybe she’d caught on to him so he backed down a little. He followed her to a gas station where she met with some dude. It didn’t sit well, with me—he said they hugged, and he even held her hand for a minute there. So, I had him run the plates. Car’s registered to Luke Faust. That’s him right?”

  Held her hand? What the fuck? “Yeah, that’s him.”

  “Yeah, so, I uh…” Romero took a drink of his beer. “Just thought I’d mention.”

  Alex eyed him, knowing exactly what he was thinking, his mood deteriorating with every word Romero said. From the very beginning, his gut told him there was more to Valerie’s relationship with Luke. He wouldn’t have such an issue with it if she didn’t have to see him every day. Incidents like this one were exactly the reason.

  He turned to look at Valerie. Sarah, Sofia, Angel and Eric now joined her and Isabel. He took a long deep breath. This was neither the time nor the place. He’d just have to fight the urge to go ask her why she was late until after the dinner.

  Alex turned back to Romero. “Is that it?”

  “About Valerie and Luke?”

  The sound of that had Alex clenching his teeth. “About everything.”

  “Yeah, for now. I’ll know more soon.”

  Alex’s thoughts went back to Bruce and his missing first wife. His only consolation was with a rap sheet like his, it would be easier to throw him in jail longer if he tried anything. He clenched his fists. The fear of anything happening to Valerie wrenched his insides.

  “Listen, if you get anymore big news like last nights and you can’t talk, text me. I wanna know as soon as possible.”

  “Hey,” Romero pointed at his own chest. “I got this.”

  Alex grabbed a peppermint candy from a bowl on the bar. He popped it in his mouth needing a moment to digest everything Romero had just dumped on him. Getting through the rest of this dinner without being able to ask Valerie about her morning would be a challenge.

/>   ***

  Valerie would be so be glad when this whole wedding thing was over. As happy as she was for Sarah and Angel, she really needed a weekend off. It seemed when she wasn’t working, she was busy doing something wedding-related.

  Tomorrow would be the first Sunday in a while she got to just relax. She was so looking forward to it. No appointments with clients, no dress fittings, nothing but pure self-indulging relaxation…with Alex.

  She drove slowly, with Alex following closely behind. He seemed a bit quiet at the rehearsal dinner earlier. She even caught him spacing out a few times during dinner. Valerie hoped he wasn’t still worrying about Bruce.

  Valerie waited outside the back door for Alex. He’d warned her not to go in the house until he was there with her. She watched as he looked around the yard, making sure Bruce didn’t lurk in the bushes, no doubt.

  They entered the house, Alex up front and cautious. She saw his eyes search the room. Did he really think the situation was that bad?

  “Honey, you need to relax. You’re so tense.” Valerie kicked off her shoes and flung her purse on the sofa.

  After checking the bedroom, Alex made his way back to the front room. Valerie plopped down on the sofa. “Seriously, Alex, would you please bring it down a notch?”

  Alex began unbuttoning his shirt. “So, what happened today? Why’d you get there so late?”

  Valerie’s eyes fixated on his fingers. They were making their way down the row of buttons on front of his shirt. “I’m always running late, Alex. I’m sorry, I’ll have to work on that.”