Read Always Been Mine Page 21

  “Nothing happened though? You just got caught up at work?”

  He was now working on the cuff buttons. In a second, he’d be out of his shirt completely. Valerie watched, anticipating. If she were with him forever, she’d never get enough of watching him remove his shirt.

  “Are you listening to me?”

  Valerie finally brought her eyes away from his chest and rested them on his face. The coy smirk told her he was easing up finally.

  “Not really.” She smiled and went back to shamelessly enjoying the view.

  “I asked if anything happened to make you late today.”

  Thoughts of Luke interrupted Valerie’s happy ogling. Gawd, she didn’t want to bring him up now. But Alex was staring at her so she figured she may as well get it over with it.

  “I was almost at the church when I had to turn back to meet Luke.”

  “For what?”

  She explained what happened. The smirk was long gone replaced now by an unmistakable glower, although, she could tell he did his best to conceal it.

  “Did you have to get out of the car?”

  Valerie thought about the odd question for a moment. “Well, yeah, the box with all the keys I carry around is in my trunk. I had to get them for him.”

  Alex’s continued to stare at her as if he were waiting for her to say more. When she didn’t, he pulled off his shirt one delectable arm after the other. Valerie sized up his strong arms, his shoulders and that beautiful chest. He wore just a white snug tank now that traced his muscled chest nicely.

  She glanced back at his face. His hardened look hadn’t softened at all. She patted the cushion next to her on the sofa. “Come here.”

  He didn’t move at first then he dropped the shirt on the arm of the sofa. He sat next to her exhaling as if he’d been holding something in.

  “Baby, you need to relax.” She massaged the shoulder closest to her. He was even tenser than she’d expected. “Look at this. What’s the matter with you?”

  He didn’t respond, instead he let his head fall back on the sofa and closed his eyes. Valerie leaned over and kissed his cheek. “I know what you need,” she whispered.

  His eyes flew open making her giggle. She slid off the sofa and positioned herself between his legs. She massaged his hard thighs as she eyed him wickedly.

  Alex was ready and she could see the push against his slacks. She loved how easily she could change his mood even if it was just for the evening. She undid the button on his slacks and slid the zipper down slowly.

  He was immediately out, through the slit in his silk boxers. She touched the wet tip with her finger then brought the finger to her mouth and licked it, all the while, staring at Alex. His big Adam’s apple moved as he gulped, his eyes gleaming with eagerness.

  She brought her hand back down and wrapped it around his length. Alex flinched at her touch. “Relax,” She ordered, smiling at him before bringing her head down.

  She licked the rim slowly as she began to work him softly with her hand. Alex inhaled deeply just as she took him completely. She’d never told him, but he was the only man she’d ever done this to. Sure, she’d performed a few hand jobs back in high school and in her college days. But this, she couldn’t even imagine doing to anyone else.

  There was no mistaking the quiver in Alex’s legs. He groaned, beginning to squirm in his seat, and the taste of salty sweetness becoming stronger in her mouth by the second. He sat up, takning her hand and making her look up.

  “Let’s go,” he grunted through his teeth.

  She pulled away and he helped her up, on his feet immediately, picking her up, cradling her in his arms. “I need you right now.”

  The very thought moistened her panties and she kissed him profoundly. How she went an entire year without him was beyond any comprehension. They’d made love every day since they’d gotten back together, each time feeling more urgent than the last. Tonight was no exception.


  After working out for an hour, Alex headed back to his house to shower. The day before had been the first since he and Valerie had gotten back together without any drama or unsettling revelations. They’d spent their entire day doing one of Valerie’s “Lazy Sundays.” It was heaven.

  It helped Alex rest his rigid nerves for at least a day. But he was back to reality now and with reality came stress. He’d checked and double checked his phone all morning to make sure he hadn’t missed a call from the guy watching Valerie.

  Valerie still hadn’t mentioned anything more about her meeting with Luke. They held hands for a minute. Romero’s comment still gnawed at him. There was no way he could ask her about it. He’d just have to wait and see if she ever brought it up on her own.

  He saw the note as soon as he walked in the door. It was on the dining table. He smiled the moment he was close enough to see what was on it. Valerie had drawn a picture of them. Two stick figures one with circles for muscles on the arms and the other half the size with curls and giant heels. Three hearts floated above them. Just beneath the stick figures she wrote.

  I could never go even a day away from you now. I miss you already. Love you…madly.


  Alex felt like a grade school kid, reading it over several times. He’d die before admitting he’d actually felt flutters inside as he read it. He put the note down and picked up his phone. He text Valerie exactly what he was feeling that moment.

  Just read your note. You never will. I promise. Miss you too and I love you more than you’ll ever know.

  He did miss her. He hated to leave her that morning but Romero had called asking if he wanted to meet at the gym to work out. Alex thought that might be code for something if Isabel was anywhere near him, so he left in a hurry. Turned out Romero really wanted to just work out. He still didn’t know anything new.

  Alex folded the note into a very small square and took out his wallet slipping it under his license, smiling.

  After showering, he headed to the restaurant, again double-checking if he’d missed any calls. He hadn’t.


  The painting turned out better than Valerie envisioned. There was just one small thing she wasn’t completely sure of. Though they both looked just as happy as they did in the picture, there was something so special in their eyes. She didn’t quite see it in the painting. Maybe she was just looking too hard. She gazed at it some more. She should’ve asked Isabel for her opinion. It was just so nerve-wracking, unveiling her work to anyone. She hadn’t even told Alex about it yet.

  That morning she found the card to the framing place Luke told her about on her desk. She’d already called for a quote. The place was only minutes away from her apartment. Since she didn’t have any appointments that morning, she figured she may as Well, get this out of the way.

  Her phone rang. Valerie answered it, still staring at the painting.

  “Hey, did you get the business card I left on your desk?” Luke sounded cheerier than normal. Valerie was glad he’d stopped being such an jerk and went back to acting like before they’d ever dated, though he still looked at her in ways that made her feel uncomfortable.

  “Yeah, thanks. As a matter fact, I’m going over there now.”

  “So, you’re done with the painting? Were you able to capture that nuance of true love that you were so worried about?”

  That made Valerie smile. She wondered if it was part of his management training to somehow remember even the smallest details of long ago conversations. “I think so, but…”

  “But what?”

  “I don’t know. I’m staring at it now. Maybe it’s just me.”

  “Has anyone else seen it?”

  Valerie chuckled. “No.”

  “Well, that’s your problem. Artists are always their own worst critics.” He paused. “Where are you?”

  “My apartment.” She chewed the corner of her pinky nail.

  “I’m only five minutes away. I can swing by if you want. I’d love to see it. I promise I?
??ll be completely honest.”

  Valerie stepped back, as if looking at it from a distance would somehow change her outlook on it. She considered Luke’s offer. What could it hurt? “You’re really only five minutes away?”

  “Closer now.”

  “Okay, I’ll wait for you.”

  Valerie set the phone down and continued to scrutinize the painting. She was being obsessive. She knew it, but this was important. Sarah’s relationship with Angel was what bonded her to Sarah in the first place. Valerie had been there for her through their whole roller coaster beginning. If it hadn’t been for those two falling in love, Valerie may have never met Alex.

  Alex. Valerie winced. He wouldn’t be thrilled about her having Luke over to her apartment. She shook it off. There was no way he’d ever know. Luke would be in and out in five minutes. She’d been alone with him plenty of times at the office. What difference did it make?

  The doorbell rang. Valerie hurried to get it. Luke was suited up as usual. She let him in and walked him to her bedroom, growing a bit unsure with every step. Maybe she should’ve thought this out a little more.

  Luke stopped in front of the painting. He didn’t say anything for a moment, just stared. Valerie bit her lip, her eyes bouncing from the painting back to Luke impatiently. Luke turned to her, his expression blank. “Valerie, this is amazing.”

  She couldn’t help but grin. “You really think so?” She grabbed the picture from her dresser and handed it to him. “This is the actual picture.”

  Luke held it, his eyes lifting from it to the painting and back again a few times. He turned to her with a big smile. “I say you nailed it. Your cousin is gonna love it.”

  He handed her back the picture. “He looks exactly like Alex by the way. In a younger, smaller kind of way, but yeah, the resemblance is uncanny.”

  The mention of Alex reminded her she shouldn’t be there too long with Luke. Valerie set the picture back on her dresser. “I feel better now, Luke.” She glanced at her watch. “Thanks for stopping by and giving me your opinion. I hate to rush you out, but I have an appointment in a couple of hours and I still need to drop this off first.”

  Luke left quickly, praising her painting again before walking out. Valerie grabbed slice of cold pizza from the fridge and groaned after taking a bite. Isabel’s home-made pizza. Just another one of the things she’d miss about living with Isabel.

  She walked in the bedroom to get the painting when the doorbell rang again. Luke must’ve forgot something. She hurried to the door and opened it without looking to see who it was. Her heart nearly stopped at the sight of Bruce standing at her door.

  “I see you’re letting them take turns, Val. Do I get my turn now?”

  It took her a moment to regain her thoughts. Instinctively, she tried closing the door, but he pushed at it. Valerie slammed her entire weight on the door with a grunt, but she was no match for him.

  “Stop right there!” An unfamiliar man’s voice yelled outside.

  The door slammed shut, and she heard running footsteps. Her hands trembled uncontrollably as she fumbled with all the locks. She brought her trembling hands to her face and covered her mouth, peeking out the window. He was gone, and she didn’t see anyone else. Her cell phone rang in the bedroom.

  She started toward the bedroom feeling more alarmed as the reality sunk in. What if whoever yelled hadn’t yelled in time? What would Bruce be doing to her this very moment?

  She picked up her phone barely able to hold it in her still trembling hands. Two missed calls from Alex. It rang again causing her to almost drop it. It only rang once and then stopped, a good thing because she needed to calm down, before speaking to him.

  Something turned in her stomach. She was going to be sick. Dropping the phone on her bed, she ran to the restroom. The phone rang again as she heaved into the toilet. Nothing came out but her stomach roiled again and again forcing her to continue to heave loudly. When it finally passed, she sat on the cold bathroom floor, back against the tub too afraid to try to get up. She feared if she stood it would start up again.

  This nightmare was never going to end. It was only getting worse. She brought her knees up slowly, not wanting to fluster her stomach. Hugging her legs, she leaned her head against her knees. Finally, she had no choice but to accept what Alex had been trying to tell her all this time. She was in very serious danger. Bruce wouldn’t stop until he got what he wanted.

  Something rattled in the front room. Valerie was on her feet at once. Her heart wouldn’t be able to take much more. She looked around for any kind of weapon barely able to breath. The only thing even close to resembling a weapon was a plunger and she grabbed it. The front door opened and she braced herself, plunger in the air, ready to swing.

  “Valerie are you here?” She never thought she’d be so happy to hear Romero’s voice.

  She dropped the plunger and hurried into the front room. He gaped at her. “What happened to you?”

  Valerie knew she looked a mess. The dry heaves had made the tears come in mass. “I came by to pick something up and Bruce,” she stopped, suddenly overwhelmed with the need to cry. “The guy that’s been stalking me tried to force himself in.”

  Romero walked over to comfort her, hugging her softly. “It’s okay.” He pulled away. “Are you hurt? Did he touch you?”

  Valerie shook her head. There was a knock at the open front door. They both turned to see two uniformed officers. “Someone called about an attempted forced entry?”

  Apparently, one of the neighbors had heard the commotion and called the cops. By the time Valerie finished answering all their questions she had about eight missed calls from Alex.

  Romero stayed there the whole time, then went outside when they were done interviewing Valerie. He stood outside chatting with them.

  She called Luke first to ask if he could call to cancel her appointments for her. There was no way she’d make them the way she was feeling. This incident had thrown a wrench in her entire day’s plans. Not only that, she knew she’d be on the phone with Alex for a while. He’d want to know every last detail.

  She dialed Alex, sat on the sofa, and held her breath.


  The morning had started out well, enough. Busy as usual, up to his eyeballs getting things ready for wedding, he’d hardly had time to worry about Valerie. Now he stood out back in the alley behind the restaurant, struggling to remain as calm as he could. It was a relatively cool day for summer, but Alex was burning up. He gripped the phone as he listened to Valerie. He’d spoken to her for nearly an hour. Not once had she mentioned Luke at her apartment.

  When Hank, the guy watching Valerie, called to inform him that he’d just chased a man who tried to force his way into Valerie’s apartment, Alex dropped everything. He was already in his truck when Romero called to tell him. Romero had just pulled into the parking lot of her apartment. Alex was halfway there before Romero could convince him it was best he didn’t blow Hank’s cover just yet. Bruce was still loose, after all. Valerie needed someone watching her more than ever now. Reluctantly, Alex had to agree it was better if he didn’t tell her yet. Not before making Romero promise he’d call the cops and have a report taken.

  Romero promised, then told him about Luke. Like Alex, Romero thought there had to be some kind of reasonable explanation. It couldn’t be what it looked like. Besides, Hank said Luke was there less than five minutes. What bothered him most was that Valerie didn’t mention it. Even if she wasn’t doing anything wrong, that still broke some kind of relationship rule in his book.

  The worst thing about the entire situation was that because Valerie had actually opened the door, they couldn’t go after him for attempted forced entry. It was bullshit. Even though he was still on probation, assuming they ever tracked him down, he probably wouldn’t get more than a slap on the hand.

  Thoughts of Bruce and Luke slammed back and forth in Alex’s head. He dropped the phone in his apron pocket and pulled out his wallet. Leaning his s
houlder against the wall, he pulled out the note Valerie had left him that morning. There was no way Valerie could be doing anything. He felt it in his heart. The note went back in to its safe place. There was just no way. He knew this.

  So, why was he still pacing outside trying to calm himself before going back in the restaurant? With his nerves stretched raw, the adrenaline still hammered through him. It hadn’t stopped since the moment he’d seen Hank’s number on his caller ID. He’d grabbed his keys before he’d even answered.

  Hank was an expensive commodity, but worth every penny. Alex didn’t even want to think how grave the circumstances might be right now if Hank hadn’t been there.

  He’d almost gone nuts not being able to get a hold of Valerie. When he finally heard her voice, even with the questions he had regarding Luke, he was still extremely relieved.

  Finally feeling calm enough to walk through the restaurant without biting anyone’s head off, Alex stepped in the back door. Sergio, one of the busboys, appeared concerned as he passed him. “Everything okay, Chief?”

  They’d all seen how he ripped through the restaurant to get out of there. And he’d been in and out taking phone call after phone call ever since. He demanded Romero call and update with every little bit of info he gathered.

  Alex clapped Sergio on the shoulder. “Yeah, I’m good. Thanks.”

  To his surprise, Sal sat at the computer in the back room. “What are you doing here?”

  Sal spun his chair around. “Dad didn’t tell you?”

  “Tell me what?”

  “I talked to him this weekend. He said you guys were going to be real busy all week. I’m done for the summer, so I told him I’d help out. I’ll be here the whole week. I just gotta go back for one test on Friday, then I’m here until I start up again in the fall.”