Read Always Been Mine Page 23

  They all kicked off their shoes as soon as they walked in. Valerie held in a laugh as she watched Isabel cringe at the sight of shoes flying in all directions. Isabel was a good sport about it and said nothing. Instead, for the first time Valerie had ever seen, she kicked off her shoes and left them where they landed. Valerie knew Romero had a lot to do with Isabel’s newfound liberation from her usual obsessive personality.

  Valerie broke out Sarah’s special wine, the kind that came in a jug rather than a bottle.

  “My Precious!” Sarah clapped her fingers together in front of her.

  Valerie laughed, pouring her a glass. Sarah always called it that, even back in high school. They’d all made fun of her for bringing a cooler with a small jug to the backyard parties rather than just a six pack of beer like everyone else.

  A cell phone rang in the front room where they’d all dropped their purses. “That’s me.” Sarah rushed to her purse.

  “If that’s my brother again, Sarah, tell him to take a chill pill.” Sofia shook her head. “Geez what’s that? The third time in less than an hour?”

  Sarah pulled the phone out of her purse and smiled when she read the caller ID. She looked at Sofia and nodded. “It’s him, again.”

  Sarah took the call in the front room. After everyone poured their drinks, Valerie jumped on the kitchen counter and took a long swig of her beer. Still a little shaken by Alex’s texts, she was determined to enjoy the rest of the evening. “If Sarah could ever pull herself away from her phone,” she said loudly leaning her head in the direction of the front room, “we should play a game.” She turned back Sofia and Isabel, “one of those girlie games like back when we were teens.”

  “Ooh, fun.” Sofia grinned taking a sip of her wine. “I don’t think I ever played any, but I remember hearing about them.”

  “Don’t worry,” Isabel clinked Sofia’s wine glass with her own and took a drink. “I never played any back then either.”

  That didn’t surprise Valerie. By the time she’d met Isabel, they were well past theie girlie teen years. But even in college, Isabel rarely joined her in their drinking games. Once or twice, Valerie had managed to twist her arm.

  Sofia was a whole other story. That poor girl was lucky to do anything with those three brothers of hers watching over her like the secret service, especially Alex.

  Sarah hurried into the kitchen. “Okay, I’m sorry. I think it’s because he hasn’t seen me all week that he keeps calling to check on me.”

  Sofia rolled her eyes but smiled. “You’d think it’s been a month, the mood he’s been in all week.”

  Valerie couldn’t believe it. Those two had literally been inseparable since high school. “You haven’t seen him all week?”

  Sarah seemed pleased with herself, picking up her glass of wine from the counter. “I always said I would do this the week before we got married. I don’t think he ever believed I’d actually go through with it, even after I asked Alex for the week before the wedding off. I’m sure he thought he’d weasel his way somehow and see me.” Sarah giggled and drank some of her wine. “He tried to act like it was no big deal but by Tuesday he was already trying to talk me out of it. Ever since then, he’s been making excuse after excuse why we have to get together.”

  Valerie laughed. She was surprised Sarah had stuck to her guns. She wasn’t sure she could do it. Even now she was beginning to consider taking Alex up on his offer of picking her up. “Okay, so we’re playing girlie games, Sarah. Remember those?”

  “But we have to have a them,.” Isabel added. “In this case, I say all games have to do with looove.”

  Sofia squealed. “I’ve never even had a sleepover.”

  Valerie jumped off the counter and patted Sofia on the shoulder. Poor girl, not only had she dealt with her brothers, she’d also been claimed by Eric the moment she turned seventeen. Sarah told her all about Sofia falling for Angel’s other best friend.

  “Follow me, ladies,” Valerie walked into her front room and turned on the iPod sitting on Isabel’s neat media center. She set the music to a slow and easy station.

  They all took a seat on the sofas except for Valerie who sat on the floor. “Let’s play Truth.”

  “Isn’t it Truth or Dare?” Sarah asked.

  Valerie crunched up her nose, “I don’t feel like doing any dares. Do you? But I’d love to hear some juicy truths.”

  Isabel grinned and lifted her hand, almost spilling her wine. “I’ll start. Mine is for Sarah. Where was the first place you and Angel did it?”

  Sarah turned to Valerie, completely scandalized. “Wait, aren’t there rules?”

  “Yes,” Valerie laughed, “The rules are, the hostess makes the rules. So, answer.”

  Valerie already knew the answer, but she was having fun watching Sarah squirm. Sarah glanced at Sofia. She turned back to Isabel then took a sip of her wine. Just when she was about to answer she decided to take another sip.

  “Quit stalling, Sarah. What’s the big deal?” Valerie tossed her napkin at Sarah.

  “It was at the restaurant.” Sarah put her hands, over her face, peeking through her fingers at Sofia.

  “Oh, Gawd, Sarah. You really think I didn’t know?” Sofia curled her legs under her.

  “Is that bed in the back room still there?” Valerie spent quite a few glorious hours in that bed, back before Alex got his own place.

  “It sure is.” Sofia winked, smiling wickedly.

  Valerie’s jaw dropped. They all burst into laughter. Sarah always told Valerie how brazen Sofia could be. She’d gotten a taste of Sofia’s gutsy behavior over the years. But to have sex in the back of the restaurant with the possibility of any of her three brothers walking in was pure insanity.

  After another hour, not only had Alex, Angel, and Romero interrupted them several more times, but Eric joined in on the check-in calls. Sofia stood up. “Alright, hand them over.”

  Sarah handed hers over, looking very remorseful. Isabel laughed, tossing hers at Sofia without argument. Any other night Valerie would have gladly handed it over, but tonight Alex would hit the roof if she didn’t answer her calls or return his texts. “My dad hasn’t been doing well. I can’t turn my phone off.” She felt terrible using her dad. But it was true. Her dad hadn’t looked very well when they’d gone to see him that week. Her step-mom let her in on the dizzy spells he’d been having for days. Sofia almost gave in.

  “Don’t fall for it, Sofia. He can call her on the house phone. He’s the only one who ever does.”

  Valerie glared at Isabel. Sofia held out her hand. She handed the phone to her grudgingly. “I won’t turn them off, just set them on vibrate. You’ll be allowed to check if your dad called periodically. But the guys aren’t going to die if we ignore their calls for the rest of the night.”

  Valerie wasn’t so sure about that. Sofia placed all the phones on the coffee table. “I need a refill. Anyone else?”

  Sarah stood up. “I do.”

  Sarah helped Valerie off the floor. They moved the party into the kitchen. Isabel threw some appetizers in the oven and poured a few bowls of chips. The girls dug in and continued to play Truth, laughing hysterically at times.

  Even through all the laughter, Valerie couldn’t stop thinking of what the guys must be thinking with none of them answering their phones. Alex was probably having a fit.


  “Ooh I love this song,” Valerie hurried into the front room to turn the volume up. She didn’t really love the song, but she was dying to check her phone. She leaned over, sneaking in quick look at the girls who were very much into the snacks and still laughing.

  She turned to the coffee table. All four phones had blinking indicators of missed calls and texts. Pretending to dance, she inched her way closer to the coffee table. It didn’t matter that the song was a slow soulful song she still shook her thing, bending over as part of the choreography.

  Grabbing the phone with one slick move, she continued to dance with her ha
nds swinging behind her to hide the phone. She turned around sensually, so her back faced the girls and continued to dance as she read her texts. She had several. She read the most recent.

  Angel’s going nuts, Val. Why aren’t any of you answering?!

  There was no way she’d have time to respond to all or even read the rest. She hit the keys quickly to respond at least to this one. All the while, she continued to dance.

  “Are you texting?” Sofia sounded appalled.

  “Get her!” Sarah yelled.

  Valerie jumped on the sofa, giggling, trying desperately to hit send, but the phone was knocked out of her hand when Sarah jumped on her, followed by Sofia. Isabel grabbed the phone off the floor and read the first part of her text aloud.

  “Sorry, babe, my phone was off…” She looked up at Valerie. “Seriously? You’re apologizing for ignoring his calls for what? An hour?”

  Valerie smiled sheepishly. “He worries.”

  Sarah stared at her own blinking phone. Isabel took one look at her then at the blinking phones. “Not you too? Alright, we’re going to have to hide these, Sof.”

  Sofia took all the phones and dumped them in her purse. “There. This is my first girl’s night, and Sarah’s last as a single girl. We’re not gonna let the guys keep interrupting us.”

  Isabel high fived her, “Amen, sister!”

  Valerie’s stomach roiled. She was going to have to find a way to let the guys know what was going on before they all came pounding down her door. She’d never forgive herself if she were forced to let Sarah know what was going on and have her worry unnecessarily. Tomorrow was supposed to be one of the best days of her life. Valerie knew this would definitely throw a damper on it.

  Time ticked away as the girls continued to eat, drink and be merry.

  “I should stop,” Sarah said staring at the mozzarella stick in her hand. “My dress is kind of tight around the middle. I’d hate to look bloated.”

  “Oh, please,” Isabel huffed. “You don’t have an ounce of fat on you. Don’t you run like twenty miles a day?”

  Sarah giggled, taking a bite of the appetizer. “Not twenty but, yeah, everyday.”

  Sofia reached for an appetizer. “I read somewhere online that… ”

  That was it. Online. If Valerie could get to her laptop, she could shoot Alex a quick email. This was perfect. She’d left it in the car. She could send it from there and the girls would never know otherwise. She hopped off the counter where she’d been sitting and rushed into her room.

  “What are you doing, Val?” Isabel called from the kitchen.

  Valerie slipped on her fuzzy Tweetie Bird slippers. She’d have to remember to take these back to Alex’s place. “I gotta get something out of my car.”


  Valerie pressed her lips together. Isabel was being absolutely no help.

  “I wanna show Sarah something.” She walked out of her room and past the girls who were all looking at her funny.

  Sofia’s smiled. “I like your slippers.”

  “Thanks, my daddy gave them to me. I’ll be back.”

  She’d barely stepped out the door when she got the distinct feeling she was being watched. Dread crept through her with every breath she took. It could very well be her nerves, but she could swear she heard something move in the bushes. She opened the trunk as soon as she reached her car.

  Staying aware of her surroundings, as Alex reminded her to do a million times, she walked around the car and climbed into the driver’s side. She locked the doors as soon as she was inside. Of course, the laptop took forever to boot up.

  After finally logging in, she sent a very quick but to the point email. She only hoped Alex wasn’t too wrapped up in trying to get a hold of her, to not bother to check the emails on his phone.

  The laptop went back in her trunk. Isabel was too slick. If she saw her walk in with it, she’d know immediately what she’d been up to. It was crazy how naked she felt without her phone.

  As she made her way back to her apartment, she squeezed the pepper spray bottle, holding her thumb on the button ready to use it. She hadn’t even thought of bringing the taser Alex made her promise she’d carry at all times.

  A car raced into the parking lot, and Valerie froze. It stopped just inches in front of her, the headlights flooding her vision. She shielded her hands over her eyes. Her slippers firmly glued to the ground.

  Her mouth opened, but no sound came out. The passenger door opened slowly. With the headlights still on her, she could only make out a figure. Even with the pepper spray in her hand, she felt completely vulnerable and useless. She couldn’t even move, let alone try to fight.

  “Are you kidding me?” The voice boomed.

  It took her only a second to realize it was Alex. Though relieved didn’t even begin to explain how she felt at that moment, she knew she was in for it.


  Valerie’s startled eyes had never looked so beautiful. As irritated as he’d been with her for not answering her phone, knowing she was okay more than made up for it.

  “What are you doing out here by yourself?” He closed the door to Angel’s car, the tension in his muscles still there. He’d been tense ever since Bruce’s call and it had only gotten worse with every call Valerie hadn’t answered.

  “I had to go to my car.” Valerie walked toward him.

  “Didn’t I tell you to stay inside? This guy was watching you tonight.” Alex glanced around. He probably watched them now.

  “I had to. They’re holding my phone hostage. I went to the car to send you an email from my laptop.” Valerie leaned her head against his chest.

  Alex hugged her, feeling the tension he’d felt all night drain from his body. The other doors opened and Romero and Angel got out. They started toward the apartment.

  “No!” Valerie pulled away from Alex. “Don’t go in there. Angel you can’t see Sarah.”

  “I just wanna make sure she’s okay.”

  “I can see Izzy,” Romero protested. “I’m not the one getting married tomorrow.”

  “She’s fine.” Valerie assured Angel. “Sofia hid all our phones, so we’d stop being interrupted.”

  Eric was the last out of the car and came to stand next to Alex. “Sofia did?”

  “Yes, none of them know about the phone call Alex got. I’d like to keep it that way. No sense in upsetting Sarah for nothing.”

  “It’s not nothing Valerie. The guy is a real psycho.” Alex frowned. Valerie didn’t even know the half of it.

  “You know what I mean, Alex. I’ll tell her all about it after the wedding.”

  “So, this is what you’re up to?” Isabel stood at the door of the apartment, arms crossed.

  Angel and Romero started toward her. “Oh, no you don’t,” Isabel said firmly. “You can’t see Sarah, Angel.”

  Alex, Valerie and Eric followed behind Romero and Angel. “I just wanna ask her something.”

  “You have the rest of your life to do that,” Valerie interjected. “Starting tomorrow.”

  Sarah peeked through the window curtain. Valerie shot her a warning look. The slit in the curtain closed immediately. Sofia stuck her head out the door behind Isabel and waved. “I’m spending the night, Angel. I just read your text. So no, I don’t need you to pick me up.” She laughed a little too loud.

  “Have you been drinking, Sof?” Alex peered at her. He’d seen her drink, though she was only twenty. He’d never seen her drunk, and he didn’t like it.

  “Yes, lots,” She put her hand over her grin and ducked back in the apartment.

  “Are we done here?” Isabel put her hand on her hip.

  Alex could almost picture her handling her middle school students. Romero took advantage and jumped up the couple stairs to give her a quick peck on the lips. “I’ll call you later. Answer your damn phone.”

  Romero and Eric started back toward the car, followed by a very dejected looking Angel. Alex couldn’t help smiling. Amazing how just seeing Va
lerie even for just a moment could change his mood so dramatically. He turned back to Valerie, and placed his hand on her shoulders. Back to business.

  “Hostess with the mostest, we’re waiting on you.” Isabel wasn’t letting anyone off the hook. No wonder Valerie had to sneak out to email him.

  “Give us a minute, sweetheart.” Alex spoke up before Valerie could. He really needed to talk to her. He didn’t care what Dean Isabel had to say about it, but he smiled sweetly anyway. “Please?”

  “Okay, but I’m counting.”

  Alex resented having to rush but did his best not to lose the smile. She walked back into the apartment finally. He wanted to ask Valerie so much about Bruce, mainly what the hell she’d seen in him in the first place. She’d gone out with him for a few weeks—didn’t she once notice what a psychopath he was?

  All that would have to wait. He knew he had very little time, but he had a few very important things he needed to get out.

  “Valerie, I cannot stress the importance of you being careful. I still can’t believe you were out here alone.”

  “I did it for you.”

  “I know, baby, but you still took a huge risk.” He brought his hands up and cradled her face. “I need you to promise me you won’t do that again.”



  Valerie finally conceded. “Alright.”

  After making her promise a few more things and Isabel sticking her head out the door to tell them time was up, he forced himself to pull away and let her go. He waited until he was satisfied she’d locked the door. She peeked out the window and blew a kiss.