Read Always Been Mine Page 24

When he got to the car, he sat down next to Angel in the front seat. His mood hadn’t changed. Before getting back with Valerie, he would’ve ribbed him about being so damned whipped he couldn’t go a week without seeing Sarah. He might’ve even been a little annoyed by it, but now he understood completely. Hell, he was considering staying at his parents or even the restaurant tonight just so he wouldn’t have to go home to an empty bed.

  “After tomorrow, dude,” Alex nudged his sulking younger brother, “you’ll not only be spending every day with her, you’ll have her every night too.”

  Angel glanced at him then back at the road. A second later, as if the thought set in, he smiled.

  Alex smiled looking out the passenger window, his thoughts immediately back on Valerie’s safety again. He was more determined now than ever to catch this guy. If the law wasn’t going to help he’d have to do it himself. He’d already told Romero tonight that he wanted more than just a background on Bruce. He wanted everything on the guy. He’d gone too far tonight. It was personal now.


  Maybe it was liquid courage, but Valerie had originally planned on wrapping the painting and taking it to wedding. She knew she wouldn’t be there when Sarah unwrapped it, and she kind of wanted it that way. Now she was feeling a little brave. The painting still sat in her closet.

  Without giving it another thought, Valerie jumped off the kitchen counter and rushed toward her room.

  “Where you going?” Sarah asked.

  “I have something for you.”

  She was going to bring it out into the kitchen, but the girls were all in her room within seconds. The nerves hit her all of sudden.

  “What is it?” Isabel looked around her room curiously.

  Valerie glanced at Sarah, unbelievably beginning to feel choked up. Damn beer. “Okay, I don’t want you to think this is something I’m expecting you to hang up or anything. You don’t need to feel obligated, Sarah.”

  Sarah smiled. She knew Valerie painted, but Valerie rarely shared any of her paintings with anyone besides her dad and Isabel. Even Alex had only seen a few.

  “So, if you don’t-”

  “Oh, just show it to me already!” Sarah giggled.

  Valerie took a deep breath and slid the closet door open. She pulled out the sheet-covered painting but hesitated about removing the sheet.

  Isabel crossed one arm over her chest and held her wine with the other. “Valerie hon, if you don’t take the sheet off already, I’m going to.”

  “Yeah, Val. I’m dying!” Sarah added.

  Valerie pulled the sheet up slowly. When it was all the way off the girls all gasped. She turned to Sarah, whose eyes had welled up.

  Valerie bit her lip. “You like it?”

  Sarah’s hadn’t taken her eyes off of it. “I love it.” She glanced at Valerie. “I haven’t seen that picture in years.”

  “Valerie, it’s beautiful.” Sofia stepped forward to get a closer look. “You did this?”

  Valerie nodded, almost losing her balance when Sarah suddenly hugged her.

  Sara cried, probably a mixture of emotion and the wine. “This must’ve taken you forever to paint.”

  Sniffing away her own emotion, Valerie wiped her eyes. “Not forever, but I did spend some time on it.”

  “This is amazing, Valerie.” Isabel stood in front of it, admiring it.

  Sarah pulled away to look at it again. “I want it at the wedding tomorrow. It’s perfect. This brings back all the memories of when we first fell in love. Angel’s gonna love it, Val. Thank you so much.”

  Valerie couldn’t help feel warmed by her sincere gratitude. But she hadn’t expected this. Here she’d been so nervous about showing anyone, and now the painting would be on display in front of hundreds of people. Her insides turned as the reality of it hit her. Everyone she knew would see her work now. She tried to think of a way out of it but Sarah looked so excited she didn’t have the heart. Damn.


  The Wedding

  Alex watched Valerie get dressed after getting back from the salon where she’d done her hair, and he still couldn’t get over how amazing she looked in her bridesmaids gown.

  The color scheme Sarah picked was chocolate brown and beige. With the exception of Valerie, the bridesmaids’ and even the mothers’ gowns were dark brown accentuated with some beige. Valerie’s long gown was a solid brown. Her big beautiful dark eyes looked even bigger and brighter.

  The entire wedding party now stood just outside the back entrance of the church waiting for the signal to enter. Alex glanced at the limousine parked just out front. Sarah had yet to make an appearance. She hid behind darkly tinted windows. Alex wondered if Valerie would want all of this someday. She’s never mentioned what kind of wedding she’d want, even hypothetically. Maybe because he’d come across as so damn commitment-phobic for so long she was afraid any talk of weddings would completely scare him off.

  The organ began to play inside the church. That was the signal. Alex took a quick inventory of his surroundings. The thought of that animal doing anything to disrupt the wedding made him clench his teeth.

  Luna, Sarah’s mom, tapped his arm. “Are you nervous?”

  Alex smiled down at her. “Not at all.” He held his arm for her, and she wrapped her hand around it. He’d be escorting her in since she was single. Sarah had never met her father. Her childhood best friend’s dad, the only father figure Sarah had ever known, would be giving her away. They’d driven in from Arizona just for the occasion.

  The wedding party began walking in one couple at a time. Alex hadn’t really expected everyone on the guest list to show up. There were just too many, but from the looks of the packed church, they’d all made it.

  By the time he made it to the front of the church, he could see the nerves had finally gotten to Angel. He stood with Romero and Eric on either side, stone faced. Alex was sure it had nothing to do with the fact that his brother was about to take the biggest plunge of his life. The amount of people packed in the church and the possibility of him screwing something up during the ceremony was likely the reason.

  His parents, the last to enter before Sarah would make her entrance, reached the front. The organist started the intro to “Here Comes the Bride” quite dramatically. Everybody in the church stood and all eyes were on the back door.

  And then, there she was. His mother mentioned that every bride looked beautiful on her wedding day. She’d hit it on the nail—Sarah was breathtaking. Alex glanced at his brother. Angel stood there with his eyes glued to her in complete awe. If Alex didn’t know any better, he’d think Angel might cry.

  Alex brought his fist to his mouth, smiling. That sap never had a chance. From the moment he’d met Sarah way back in high school, he was a goner. If things had been any different, Alex might’ve talked him into waiting a little longer, live a little before getting married. But it was obvious that to Angel, his life couldn’t get any better than when he was with Sarah.

  That made him wince. It wouldn’t be fun, but he had to eventually give Angel the heads up about Bruce mentioning Sarah by name. No matter how unpleasant that would be, he needed to make sure Angel was on alert.

  When it came time for Sarah and Angel to read their vows, Alex glanced at Valerie. She watched them intently, obviously moved by their words. Someday, and the sooner the better, they’d be exchanging the same vows. It didn’t matter if it was in a packed church or a courtroom in front of a judge. All that mattered is that it be official. Maybe it was all this wedding business, but for some reason, making Valerie his wife had suddenly neared the top of his priority list, second only to getting the psycho locked up.

  After the ceremony, the entire wedding party—minus the newly married couple—climbed into a limo and headed to the local state park, Mount Soledad. Hours later and a million photos taken by the annoyingly energetic photographers, they were finally free to get back in the limo and start the party.

  They toasted with champagne and blasted
the music. Sofia and Valerie even stuck their heads out the sunroof. They were back in within seconds, immediately realizing the damage the wind had caused their very expensive hairdos. They seemed upset at first, then burst into laughter. Alex was glad, since there was no way he was going to hold it in. He and the other guys were already laughing.

  Back at the restaurant, it was another waiting game like the one outside the church. The host lined them up again just outside the upstairs banquet room. They would queue up the music and introduce the wedding party as they walked in. This was way too much formality for Alex’s taste. He’d give Valerie whatever she wanted, but he was keeping his fingers crossed this wasn’t it.

  Abba’ s “I do, I do, I do,” started up and they began filing in as the host introduced them. Once the entire wedding party was at the head table, the lights dimmed and the music changed to Barry White’s, “My First, My Last, My Everything.”

  The spotlight brightened the empty doorway.

  “Ladies and gentleman,” the host announced. “Please stand with me and welcome the newly married couple, Mr. and Mrs. Moreno.”

  Everyone was on his or her feet as Sarah and Angel walked through the door. Applause and cheers greeted them. They hadn’t even reached the table when glasses began clinking. Not that Alex hadn’t seen enough of these two kissing already, he still turned to see a smiling Angel and his blushing bride kiss each other tenderly. Again, everyone clapped and the party was on.

  Alex sat at the head table as Valerie walked over to speak with her dad and step-mom. They sat at the same table with his parents and Sarah’s mom.

  “I got someone good for you.” Romero said as he took the seat meant for Valerie next to Alex.

  “Who?” Alex glanced over to make sure Valerie still sat with her dad.

  “It’s a little shady. This guy does intelligence work for the government. I asked around, and he’s the best out there for this kind of stuff. These jobs he does strictly on the down low. But there’s a reason why he’s willing to take the risk.” Romero’s eyebrows lifted in warning.

  Alex waited for the catch.

  “He’s not cheap. We’re talking big bucks, Alex and there’s no guarantee that –”

  “Do it. I don’t care what it costs.” Alex’s eyes were still on Valerie, now on her way back to the table. “I need the best. Do whatever you have to do.”

  Romero stood up when he saw her coming. He put his hand on Alex’s shoulder. “Consider it done.”

  Alex smiled as Valerie reached her chair.

  She leaned in, her hand on his thigh. “What’s that big smile about?

  Alex put his hand over hers and squeezed. “Have I told you today how beautiful I think you are?”

  Valerie brought his hand to her face and leaned her cheek against it. “Yeah, a few times, actually.” She smiled, putting his hand back down on her thigh. “But you can say it all you want. I don’t mind.”

  Alex pulled her chair closer to him with his free hand and kissed her. “You are so beautiful.”

  The glasses started clinking again. Valerie’s attention went to Angel and Sarah. “They look so happy.”

  “They are.” Alex took advantage of the moment. “So, is this what you want?”

  Valerie tilted her head. “What do you mean?”

  “A wedding like this, with all the bells and whistles?”

  She seemed to think it through for a moment. “I dunno. I’ve never given it much thought.”

  Probably because he’d never given her much hope. He squeezed her hand, suddenly annoyed with himself. “Well, start thinking about it.”

  Their salads arrived, halting their conversation for the moment. Alex scanned the room for the fifth time since they arrived. He still wondered if Bruce had actually been in the restaurant last night. As crammed as the place had been, he could’ve easily managed to blend in the crowd.

  Romero’s firm had swelled into twelve employees now, and Alex hired them all for tonight. For the sake of anyone wondering why so much security, but mostly so Valerie wouldn’t get suspicious, he had them all dress the part. Some looked like waiters. Others dressed up like guests. With Valerie by his side all night, Hank was on foot patrol downstairs. As the only one of Romero’s guys that knew what Bruce looked like that’s exactly where Alex wanted him.

  His scanning stopped at the painting that sat on an easel near the entrance. He leaned over to Valerie. “Did you see that painting of Angel and Sarah? I just got a glimpse as we walked in but it’s a damn good painting of them.”

  Valerie turned to him with a strange expression, then smiled. “I painted that.”

  Alex stared at her for a moment, unsure if she was serious. She smiled, her face turning a bit crimson. “You did?”

  She nodded. Yeah, she was definitely blushing. Alex stood up.

  “Where you going?”

  Alex looked back at her, still not sure what to think. “Seriously, you painted that?”

  “Yes.” Her flushed face brightened even more.

  “Why does that embarrass you?”

  “I dunno. Sit down, you’re making me nervous.”

  “No. I gotta get a better look now. Come with me.” He took her hand. She hesitated for a second but then stood up. They walked over to the entrance stopping a few times to greet some guests and family.

  When they reached the painting, Alex couldn’t take his eyes off of it. It was amazing, the detail extraordinary. She’d even caught the twinkle in his lovesick brother’s eyes. He’d seen some of Valerie’s paintings in the past, but none of them even came close to this. “Valerie, this is incredible. Why didn’t you tell me about this?”

  She tilted her head gazing at the painting. “I was going to bring it back to your place this morning to wrap it up. I would’ve shown you then, but I couldn’t wait for Sarah to see it. So, I showed it to her last night and, well… she flipped when she saw it and said she wanted it displayed at the wedding.”

  Alex let the your place comment go, but did say, “How come you hadn’t brought it home? You’ve been going back to the apartment to work on it all this time?”

  For the first time since they’d been standing there, she looked away from the painting and turned to him. “No, it’s been finished for weeks.” She shrugged. “I was nervous, I guess, about showing it to anyone. Isabel hadn’t even seen it.”

  “Is that right? You hadn’t shown anyone until last night?” Alex turned back to the painting. It really was a work of art. He had no idea Valerie had all this in her.


  Alex brought his attention back to her when she didn’t finish. She glanced around, suddenly visibly nervous. Bruce immediately came to mind. Alex followed her gaze but she didn’t seem to be looking at anything in particular.

  He squeezed her hand. “What is it?”

  Her eyes met his for a second then they were on the painting again. “Luke saw it.”

  Alex let that sink in and tried desperately to not let the discomfort those three little words gave him manifest. “Did he now?” An older couple moved in close to take a look at the painting. Alex and Valerie moved out of the way. “When was this?”

  They started making their way back to the table, and Valerie spoke as she glanced around the room. “The day Bruce tried to force his way in my apartment. Remember I told you I was picking up a painting I wanted to get framed?” She glanced at him.

  Alex nodded but said nothing.

  “Luke called, and when he said he was in the area, I asked if he could stop by and take a look at it. He was there for all of ten minutes. With everything going on, I thought maybe it would upset you further. Even though it was nothing, I didn’t mention it.”

  They reached their table, and Alex pulled out her chair for her. Once they were sitting, he took her hand and kissed it. “Don’t make it a habit to keep things from me just because you think it might upset me. I’m glad you told me.” He kissed her lips. “The painting is beautiful.”

nbsp; He was glad she’d finally come clean about it. But Alex’s unease about her still working with Luke just reached a new height. The fact that Luke had been given privy to something that was so important to her spoke volumes about her relationship with the guy. He squeezed her hand and tried not to let this change his mood. As much work as he’d put into this wedding, he wanted to be able to enjoy it.

  With the first dance over and all the other traditional dances out of the way, it was time for tossing the bouquet. Because Valerie was the maid of honor, she got to be front row center. They played the drum roll counting down starting from five. All the single ladies readied themselves. When they got down to two, Sarah turned around. Rather than tossing it over her head, she threw it at Valerie.

  Valerie was startled but still managed to hold on to it. Some jeered: others laughed.

  “Hey, she’s the Queen tonight. She’s allowed to do whatever she wants.” The wedding host teased into the microphone.

  Sarah winked at Alex, and he smiled at Valerie. It paid to know people in high places. Alex put in the request when it was his turn to do the dollar dance with Sarah. Knowing what that meant, Sarah had been thrilled at the suggestion.

  Valerie shoved the bouquet at him with a smirk when she reached him. “I don’t suppose you had anything to do with this?”

  Alex feigned shock at the mere suggestion. Valerie laughed. “You guys are so bad.”

  The formalities were nearly over. Sarah and Angel stood by the wedding cake, the photographers snapping away as they cut the first slice. Alex would be glad when the photographers were finally relieved of their duties. He’d never posed so much in his life.