Read Always Enough Page 14

  Chapter Fourteen

  Three weeks had passed since the game night. Wendy had just put the boys to bed when her doorbell rang. She looked through her peephole and became a bit confused.

  Carla spoke from behind her. “Who is it?”

  Wendy shook her head. “I don’t see anyone.”

  Carla frowned in confusion. “Let me take a peek.”

  Wendy watched her friend look out into the hallway. "Do you see anyone?"

  Carla shook her head. "I don't. Let's not open the door. I'm worried it could be Jake."

  Wendy’s cell rang just as she was getting ready to agree with her friend. She answered it as she watched Carla. “Hello?”

  “You have caused my brother and me some problems. We were honestly hoping you would just answer the door.” Damian’s voice made Wendy start to shake.

  Wendy spoke. “I didn’t mean to cause you any trouble. Please leave me alone.”

  Damian chuckled. “You are the politest person I have ever met. My father was smitten with you. He disinherited us you know?”

  Wendy sat down to keep from falling down. "I didn't know." She said softly. When he knocked on the door, she jumped. She watched Carla as she picked up her cell to called the police.

  Gordon’s voice was now on the phone. “I think we would like to come in. Your boys are in there, aren’t they? I bet you would be very cooperative to keep them safe.”

  Wendy could hear the lock being picked. She ran to the door. There were three locks, and all of them were trying to turn. She started crying as she realized all three men were outside her door. She dropped the phone as she stopped two of the locks.

  Damian’s voice could be heard through the door. “Let us in Wendy. We will be nicer if you just take what you earned. You should have kept your mouth shut when my dad came to see you.”

  Wendy didn’t take her hands off the locks. Her hand was cramping with the force they were using to turn the lock. She whimpered as her hand slipped and another lock turned.

  Eric now spoke through the door. “We just want to talk. There is only one lock to go. Let us in Wendy.”

  Wendy knew they would have to make too much noise to get to her if they tried to kick the door in. She ignored the fear their evil voices caused as they tormented her. They thought she would have to give up soon. What they didn’t know was that Carla lived with her. She only needed to hold on long enough for the police.

  Eric’s laugh sent chills down Wendy’s spine. “How long do you think you can do this? There are three of us. We will take turns turning that last lock.”

  As the voices continued to tease her through the door Wendy’s fear turned into anger. She realized the police were probably about there. A part of her wanted to see their faces when they were caught trying to break into her home.

  “Are you crying, Wendy?” Eric’s voice teased again.

  Wendy stayed silent. She held fast to the lock. Carla walked out of the back and held up her fingers. Wendy smiled. In less than five minutes the police would be there.

  Gordon laughed. “I think she is ignoring us. It will be hard to do that once you start getting tired. As soon as we are in, you will not be able to ignore us at all.”

  Wendy sagged against the door as she heard the police start yelling at the men. She covered her face and sobbed realizing what could have happened if Carla had not been there. She would have gotten tired. They would have gotten in. Her neighbors were elderly. She had never seen any of them awake at this time of night. The more she thought about what could have happened the sicker she became. If they had waited for her to go to bed instead of tormenting her, they would have been able to pick the locks. Whatever they had used had worked.

  Carla pulled Wendy away from the door as an officer knocked. She opened the door and allowed the officer inside.

  Wendy walked over to the sofa and sat down. She drew her knees close to her as she watched the officer speak to Carla.

  After an hour, the police had all the information they needed. Carla locked the door behind them and looked at Wendy. “Are you ok?”

  Wendy shook her head. “If they had been smart and not called they would have gotten in.”

  Carla had thought of that too. She sat down beside her friends. “Why don’t we take turns watching?”

  Wendy had heard the police say there was a good chance Eric Stine’s mother would bail the men out. She looked at Carla. “I’ll take first watch.”

  Carla nodded as she walked back to her room. Instead of going to bed, she called Stefan. She knew they needed to leave. She also knew her friend would not ask for help.

  Wendy put her forehead on her knees. She prayed silently that Christ would protect her little family through the night. She asked Him to keep her alert while it was her turn to watch and listen for danger. Twenty minutes passed. Wendy heard a knock at the door. When her cell rang, she answered it as she dashed to hold the locks. “Please go away.”

  Stefan spoke. “It’s me. Let me in.”

  Wendy was confused. “Stefan…?”

  Stefan was furious she hadn’t called him. He had no intentions of speaking to her about it until the next day. “It is me. Look out your peephole.”

  Wendy looked out. She could see all three of the Felix brothers waiting to be let in. She opened the door.

  Stefan knew she was going to be difficult. The fact she hadn’t called them told him this was not going to be easy.

  Wendy locked the door behind her as she closed it. She turned and regarded the men. “Why are you here?”

  Stefan took a step toward her he was surprised when she backed away. His voice was gentle. “It is only me.”

  Wendy was exhausted. She blinked her eyes. When Stefan walked toward her again, she let him hug her. She whispered. “I’m tired.”

  Stefan spoke softly. “Why didn’t you call? Why didn't you trust me to help you?”

  Wendy shook her head. “I don’t know. I guess I thought I could handle it alone.”

  Liam looked at Wendy. “You need to leave with us. You can’t stay here.”

  Wendy shook her head. “I don’t want to leave. What if they come back? Everything I have is here.”

  Trevor looked at her. “What is more important than your life?”

  Wendy whispered softly. “The only things I have left of my parents and Gracie are here. I won’t let them take them from me. I...” Her voice trailed off as she looked down at her hands.

  Stefan gazed at Wendy. “How about we call the office and have one of our security guards do his shift over here? He can sit on a chair outside the door.”

  Wendy thought for a moment. “That is only a temporary fix. What about after that?”

  Trevor coughed and looked at Liam before he looked back at Stefan. He watched Stefan put a lot of thought into his next words.

  Stefan knew she was going to really hate his idea. “After tonight we come back and pack you up and move you Carla and the boys to the estate.”

  Wendy eased herself out of Stefan’s arms. She glanced up at him with a look of disbelief on her face. “What did you just say?”

  Liam grimaced at the look Wendy was giving his brother. He thought maybe he could help. “You, Carla, and the boys would be safer there. Stefan’s idea makes sense.”

  Wendy knew Stefan was right on some level. The idea of what it looked like was not something she wanted to embrace. She already fielded some very tough questions regarding how it looked. “I’m not sure we should.”

  Stefan took a deep breath. “Why?”

  Wendy decided to be blunt. She knew she was going to blush, but she also knew she needed, to be honest. “People that need to see Christ in us are going to think we are sleeping together. You and I both know some have already assumed that. The fact is we are setting ourselves up to do just that if I move in. We are well chaperoned now. If we live t
ogether, there will be times you and I will be alone at the estate. I’m not sure I’ll say no if one kiss goes too far. I would love to say I would, but when it comes to emotions, they can sometimes take on a life of their own. We can't embrace the appearance of sin.”

  Stefan could see her wisdom. He also knew she needed to be protected. He looked at Liam and Trevor. “She is right.”

  Trevor had an idea. “What about the penthouse? They could stay there.”

  Stefan nodded. “That would work. How do you feel about that?”

  Wendy realized it still looked bad. She also knew being on her own was not safe. “I am willing to give that a try.”

  Stefan knew she was overwhelmed. He held out his hand. “Let us help. I know you do not like this, but I promise we will do our best to avoid appearing inappropriate. I need to know you are safe and you need to be safe.”

  Wendy took Stefan’s hand. When he tugged her into his arms for a hug, she couldn't help but giggle. “This is not a very good start Mr. Felix.”

  Liam had called the office. One of the night guards actually lived in the building beside Wendy’s. He was due in at the office in an hour, but instead of going in tonight he would simply walk across the street.

  Carla looked at her friend. “He will be here to watch everything in thirty minutes. Why don’t we pack some clothes for the boys and us?”

  Wendy nodded. She glanced up at Stefan. “How long do you think it will take before we can come back and pack everything else?”

  Stefan thought for a moment. “I can have our penthouse staff come help you tomorrow.”

  Wendy glanced back up at him. “I’m sorry if I don’t sound grateful. I truly am worried about how it looks.”

  Stefan winked at her. “I understand. I can’t say I want that story going around either. I also can't say I want that rumor to be true. It would be best if we avoided that kind of temptation.”

  Liam watched the two women head down the hall. “You are going to let her know that she can’t move out of the security of the penthouse, right? The danger isn’t going to pass just because she finds another place to live. The men will discover it if she moves and take her.”

  Stefan grimaced. “I will. I’m taking baby steps here. She looked ready for a fight.”

  Trevor chuckled. “She is going to be spitting mad when she realizes you didn’t tell her that up front.”

  Stefan nodded. “I know. I’m hoping we are married before she figures it out. It will be harder for her to ignore me if I’m sleeping beside her.”

  Liam laughed. “Good luck with that. I’m thinking unless you go to Vegas you have a week.”

  Trevor glanced at Stefan. “You see your life with her now?”

  Stefan nodded. His voice was thoughtful. “I miss Dee. She will always have a place in my heart, but I am falling for Wendy. She hasn’t shoved her way into my life. She has glided into my heart. I can’t imagine life without her here. I am enjoying my life with her in it.”

  Liam knew his brother still hurt. He also knew that ache had lessened with the arrival of his new assistant and friend. Wendy had been a soothing balm to his broken heart. “I’m happy for you.”

  Stefan looked at Trevor and Liam. “What about you two? It seems to me I am the only brother willing to get married.”

  Trevor chuckled. “I won’t lie. I’m ready. I just haven’t met the right girl yet. I’ll be twenty-nine in May. I always pictured myself as having children by now.”

  Liam had to agree. “I know I’m the youngest, but I am ready too. I know most think I still have plenty of time. I’m only twenty-five, but I am ready for God to lead me to my future wife.”

  Stefan’s voiced an idea. “Why don’t we make it a point to pray about it?”

  Liam looked at Trevor. “I think that sounds like a very good idea. I’m in if you are.”

  Trevor nodded. “I’m in. I like the idea of praying for my wife before I know her.”

  Stefan smiled. “Then it’s settled. We can start praying at night before we head to bed.”

  The three men continued to talk as the women packed. Stefan watched Carla come out with a suitcase.

  Carla looked up at Stefan. “If you want to keep your temper in check, I suggest staying out Wendy's bedroom.”

  Stefan glanced down at her. “Why?”

  Carla shrugged her shoulders. When Stefan headed down the hall to Wendy’s room, she looked up at Liam. “I told her I was cheating to get my own way on this. That nutcase is climbing the closet shelves. She is going to fall and break her neck.”

  Stefan knocked on the door. His mouth dropped open at what he saw. “I think you need to get down from there.”

  Wendy glanced back at him. “I think Carla has a big mouth.”

  Stefan walked over to her. When he held out his hand, she took it. As soon as she was safely on the floor, he spoke. “I’ll make sure the staff brings step ladders.”

  Wendy frowned at him. “I was all right.”

  Stefan didn’t agree or disagree. When he saw her nibble her lower lip, he smiled. “Are you ok?”

  Wendy nodded. “I’m just thinking.”

  Stefan raised an eyebrow. “About what…?”

  Wendy was going to answer him when he seemed to figure it out himself. She sighed against his lips as he kissed her softly.

  When Stefan ended the kiss, he looked down at Wendy. “I’m thinking this isn’t the best room in the apartment for us to be kissing.”

  Wendy looked at the bed and blushed. “I didn’t even think about that. I would have to agree. We are not off to a very good start on this. I'll be glad to get my own place again.”

  Stefan ran his hand on the back of his neck. He made a face and proceeded with caution. "Wendy, can I tell you something?"

  Wendy looked at Stefan. He seemed uncomfortable. "Sure."

  Stefan pulled her into his arms as he spoke. "You can't move out of the penthouse."

  Wendy tried to pull away but darn if Stefan wasn't allowing it. She really wanted to be glaring at him when she spoke. "That is not an option."

  Stefan grimaced at the anger he heard in her voice. "Wendy, I need you to think about this. If you move away from the security of the penthouse those men will get you. Worse than that Cory and Sean may have to witness what happens when they do. There is no place for you to go after the penthouse."

  Wendy's anger started to dissipate. She knew Stefan was right. She was not happy that he was right, but she knew he was. She conceded softly. "I guess I have very few options."

  Stefan's heart was not immune to the hurt he heard in her voice. "Wendy, it will be ok. Let me keep you safe."

  Wendy responded to the caring she heard in his voice. "I will trust your judgment on this. I guess it is almost time to go. Isn't it?"

  Stefan picked up the suitcase she had packed. “The guard will be here soon. Why don’t we go get the boys ready?”

  Wendy glanced up at him. “That sounds like the only thing left to do.”

  The two headed out of the room. The next few minutes were spent gathering kids and clothes. Liam grabbed a chair from the kitchen table for the guard when he got there, and then the group left to go back to the estate. Wendy, Carla, and the boys left to go and seek refuge from another crisis that seemed to arise in their lives.