Read Always Enough Page 15

  Chapter Fifteen

  Wendy got off the elevator on Monday morning. She, Carla, and the boys had lived in the penthouse for a few weeks now. She walked toward her office. Seeing Stefan start for his office, she shook her head. “Mr. Felix, I would like a word with you.”

  Stefan grimaced and turned toward Wendy. “Of course, Ms. Collins…”

  The office staff looked at each other. It was evident their boss was in a bit of trouble. Sabrina chuckled as Wendy spoke. “Your office or mine…?”

  Stefan looked around the room. “I think I like the idea of witnesses. How about right here?”

  Crystal giggled drawing Wendy’s frown. She shrugged her shoulders.

  The elevator door opened again drawing Wendy’s attention. When Liam stepped off and then tried to rush back in, her voice stopped him. “Mr. Felix, I would love it if you could join your brother. I need a word with you both. I need a word with Trevor too, but the coward ran when he saw me.”

  Liam frowned at Stefan. “I told you she would find out.”

  The staff were all curious now. Stefan spoke. “Now Wendy... I mean Ms. Collins they are boys. It is our job to teach them boy things.”

  Wendy looked at the men. “I’m trying to figure out how armpit farts are an absolute must in teaching boys to be men.”

  Liam tried to defend them now. “We did tell them it was only to be done with the guys.”

  Wendy nodded. “I would love to hear how saying one’s name while belching is beneficial. Which one of you can explain that to me? I can't wait to hear this.”

  The staff was snickering now. Stefan frowned at Sabrina. “This isn’t funny.”

  Wendy spoke. “That is one thing you and I can agree on Mr. Felix.”

  Stefan decided to see if sweet talking would work. “Is there anything I can do to make it right? I want to help.”

  Wendy nodded. “You can go speak to Cory at school. They just called. It seems your lessons disrupted the entire class. I would also love it if you could let the principal know that I did not teach him those obnoxious tricks. The man thinks I'm responsible for my nephew's antics.”

  Liam’s eyes widened. “That kid really does not follow directions.”

  Wendy shook her head. “I disagree. He followed the directions he wanted to and disregarded the rest. What were you three thinking? I teach Macy how to make cookies and color butterflies. You three teach my boys to act like... piggies. I teach Macy how to be sweet and kind.”

  Stefan smiled and got a goofy look on his face. His voice was soft. “You do a great job teaching her.”

  Wendy rolled her eyes. “I’ll see you when you get back Mr. Felix.”

  Stefan chuckled. “I could have sworn I was the boss here.”

  Liam grimaced. “I honestly don’t think this is the time to bring that up.”

  Wendy watched Stefan head toward the elevator. He gave her a flirtatious wink before he stepped inside. She looked at Liam. “You three are big kids.”

  Liam started walking toward his office. He laughed. “I will not deny it.”

  Looking around the room, Wendy spoke. “Do not leave your kids with those three.”

  Sabrina giggled. “I am so glad you work here. It has been fun coming to work. I bet your boys are having a blast even if they are being taught some things you wouldn’t show them.”

  Wendy smiled as others agreed. One of the men grinned at her. “It truly is a man thing.”

  Crystal chuckled. “I loved it when Mr. Felix said he wanted witnesses.”

  Wendy shook her head. “I could barely get the boys to bed last night. I should have known something was up. I'm positive the other drivers close to me at the red lights could see my blush as I talked to the school.”

  Crystal grinned. "I know it isn't funny, but it is kind of funny."

  Wendy shook her head and sighed. "I guess we should get to work."

  Sabrina handed Wendy some papers. “Here is you next project. I have the details you normally like, but this one has a few twists. I took the liberty of adding some extra notes.”

  Wendy smiled. “Thanks. You surely are getting to know me quite well.”

  Sabrina grinned. “You are welcome. Now I have some work to catch up on and so do you.”

  The two went their separate way. Wendy sat in her office for the next hour working on the project. She glanced up at Stefan when he walked in.

  Stefan sat down. “The school is aware that I am responsible for Cory’s behavior. Cory has assured me he will not be disrupting class again and I would like to take you on a date.”

  Wendy looked up. She was not sure she heard him quite right. “You want to what?”

  Stefan grinned. He leaned forward and put his elbows on his knees. “We have never gone on a date. I want to take you out. I want to court you.”

  Wendy smiled. “You want to court me?’

  Stefan chuckled. “You are not making this easy.”

  Wendy giggled. “I have never had a man ask to court me. What does that mean?”

  Stefan stopped joking and answered her honestly. “I want to marry you some day. I want to get to know your heart. I want to know you on many levels. I want to know who you are without Sean and Cory without work and without others around.”

  Wendy was not quite sure how to take his words. She knew he was serious. He just told her he was interested in her as a future wife. She looked at Stefan for the first time as a future husband. She could see a future with him as well. She was suddenly quite shy. “Ok.”

  Stefan’s voice was thoughtful. “I have talked to Ms. Shelly. She agreed to watch the boys. Can I take you out on Friday?”

  Wendy was more than willing to take this step with Stefan. She nodded. “I think that would be lovely.”

  Stefan smiled at her. “I guess I need to plan our first date. Now I suppose we need to get back to work. We have a meeting this afternoon.”

  Wendy nodded. She watched him leave her office. She tried to evaluate the feelings he always seemed to evoke.

  Taking a deep breath, she finally went back to the work in front of her. She paused only once more to eat a quick bite before it was time for her to go to the meeting.

  Stefan sat as Wendy took charge of the conference room. He had understood early in her employment that she was able to do a better job than him in certain gatherings. He watched her explain the plans to the clients. He had to smile at how confident she was as she spoke.

  Wendy looked at the group of men and women in front of her. She asked for questions at the end of her presentation. When a woman raised her hand, she nodded for her to speak.

  “I am looking at these plans and can’t help but notice both are well within building codes for exits. Is that deliberate?” The woman asked as she took notes.

  Wendy nodded. “I am very deliberate with that. If the building is safe as well as pleasing to the eye, it benefits everyone.”

  The woman nodded as she took notes. She then glanced back up at Wendy. “This is your design?”

  Wendy smiled. “It is my design.”

  “I like it. I am thrilled to see Mr. Felix understands your talent. A colleague of mine lost a hotel a few years ago in Florida. The exits were a problem. It was a miracle no one lost their life. There were people with severe burns, but all managed to get out. That was unacceptable.” The woman said as she packed up her stuff.

  Wendy’s voice was soft. “I do my best.”

  Eve Cantu glanced at Wendy. “Your best is more than enough. Mr. Felix, I would like to stop taking bids from other companies altogether. Your company has always had a great deal of integrity. With your new assistant here, I am more than willing to seek your price first.”

  Wendy sat down. She took notes as Stefan started talking. “I am going to assume you want Ms. Collins doing them with me.”

  Eve nodded. “I definitely wan
t that. I know that contracts need to be drawn up if I make you my exclusive firm, but I would like to give this a go.”

  Stefan looked at his brothers. “This is agreeable to you both as well?”

  Trevor and Liam both nodded.

  Eve glanced at Wendy as she took notes. “How do you feel about this Ms. Collins? We ladies need to stick together.”

  Wendy looked up at her surprised. “I’m agreeable to whatever the Felix brothers want to do. I work for them.”

  Eve chuckled. “I can see you enjoy your work. It is refreshing to find new talent in this field that wears a skirt too.”

  Wendy grinned and nodded her head toward the brothers. “I’m thinking they couldn’t pull it off even if they did try to wear one.”

  Eve laughed as she grimaced. “I can honestly say that mental picture will keep me laughing all week.”

  Wendy watched the woman leave. She glanced at Stefan. “I guess we did ok with that meeting.”

  Stefan laughed. “You have no idea how big of a deal this is. Her coming to us exclusively will be news that gets around. We may end up with a lot more guaranteed contracts after this.”

  Wendy looked at the men. “And that is a good thing, right?”

  Liam shook his head. “You still don’t get it. Your value just went up. People will be looking to steal you away from us.”

  Wendy frowned. “I’m not going to leave you three. You are my new family.”

  Stefan chuckled as he pulled her into his arms. “We didn’t think you were. Even though we are close, it is only fair to let you know you should ask for a raise.”

  Wendy rolled her eyes. “I’m living in the penthouse rent-free. I think we can call that my raise and be done with it.”

  Trevor’s voice was soft. “You honestly don’t care about the money, do you? All the wealth we have means nothing to you.”

  Wendy was confused. “Why would your money mean something to me? It isn’t my money.”

  Liam glanced down at her. “It is a curse and a blessing all in one. I would love to find a girl that likes me for me and not my wallet. That thought is foreign to you because it is something that has not crossed your mind.”

  Wendy knew she was jaded a bit in her thinking. Just not in the same way these men were. “I’m not going to lie to you. I honestly thought most wealthy people were more like Eric Stine and the Blackhart brothers. It never really occurred to me that you could be hurt too.”

  Stefan thought about her old boss. “Who was your old boss?”

  Wendy shook her head. “His name is on my resume. I don’t want to talk about him.”

  Trevor glanced at them. “Why?”

  Wendy was done with the conversation. She smiled at the men. “I need to finish a few things up.”

  Stefan watched her leave. He glanced at her brothers. “Her former boss made a pass at her. He tried to force the issue when she said no. I never took the time to see who he was. I guess I need to.”

  Liam wholeheartedly agreed. “Of course, you need to. He could be at any one of the parties we go to. If he gets her alone again, it may end more like it did at our party or worse.”

  The men talked for a few more minutes before heading to their respective offices. Stefan didn’t hesitate to pull Wendy’s resume. By the end of the day, he had the name of her old boss. Stefan would make sure to be more aware of parties that he and Wendy attended. He had found a woman he could cherish and would do so now by watching out for her. Even if she was stubborn about accepting his protection.