Read Always Enough Page 16

  Chapter Sixteen

  Wendy looked at Stefan. “So now that I’m getting good at it, you want to quit?”

  Stefan chuckled. “Actually, now that you are addicted to it you need to quit.”

  Wendy laughed as she continued to play the video game. “You are just upset because I’m beating you. This must be a real blow to your ego. Cory says you are good at this.”

  Stefan glanced down at her. “I know how to distract you.”

  Wendy snickered. “I doubt that.”

  Stefan unwrapped a piece of chocolate. He waved it under her nose. “Are you sure about that?”

  Wendy could smell the sweet aroma of the chocolate. She tried to focus on the game, but the temptation of chocolate was too much. “We have only gone on two dates. Shame on you Stefan for figuring out my weakness when it comes to candy.”

  Stefan chuckled as she dropped the controller. When she reached for the candy, he pulled it away. “What are you willing to give me?”

  Wendy knew he wanted a kiss. She decided to turn the tables on him. “How about if I win this race you still give me the candy as well as the box of it you have in the kitchen?”

  Stefan raised an eyebrow. He was intrigued with her proposition. “What do I get if I win the race?”

  Wendy smiled up at him. “What would you like?”

  Stefan grinned. “I want to take you out two nights in a row.”

  Wendy shook her head in agreement. “I can accept that. I have beaten you just about every time.”

  Stefan sat beside her and picked up his controller. He chuckled as he started racing.

  Wendy realized what the man had done. “You tricked me. I take it you have been letting me win?”

  Stefan winked at her as he easily took first place. “I might have done that. I wanted to be a gentleman about the entire thing. Beating you at this would not have been noble.”

  Wendy giggled. “That nobility went right out the window when we added a prize. You are a scoundrel Stefan. I may have to tell your mother about this.”

  Stefan pulled her into his arms. He kissed her softly. “Are you going to tell my mom about that?”

  Wendy shook her head. Her voice was soft. “I think I will keep that between us.”

  Stefan knew that they needed to talk. He was enjoying their date and dreaded talking to her about some things he had found out. He leaned back against the sofa. When she cuddled into his side, he kissed the top of her head. “The holidays are coming up.”

  Wendy looked up at him. She could tell something was on his mind. “I know they are.”

  Stefan smiled at her. “We will be going to more parties than normal.”

  Wendy nodded. “You told me that. I’m ready. Carla is able to stay with the boys. When you Liam and Trevor need to stay the night at the penthouse, the rooms will be ready.”

  Stefan hugged her close as he got to the point of the conversation. “Wendy, I looked up your old boss on your resume.”

  Wendy didn’t say anything. She waited for him to finish. Her heart was pounding. She had a feeling that she knew what he was going to say.

  “I need you to stay with one of us at all times when we are at these parties,” Stefan said softly.

  Wendy suddenly felt cold. She cuddled closer to Stefan trying to chase away her fear.

  Stefan closed his eyes. He could feel her trembling. “I should have told you sooner. I just didn’t know how.”

  Wendy nodded. “Mr. Jamison will be at the parties, won’t he?”

  Stefan kissed the top of her head. He held her close. “He will be at a few of them. I’m sorry. If you want to stay home, I understand. I won’t make you do anything you are uncomfortable with.”

  Wendy shook her head. “I will not let him keep me at home. I want to go. He can’t hurt me anymore. I don’t work for him.”

  Stefan whispered softly. “We won’t leave you alone. I’ll tell Liam and Trevor.”

  Wendy nodded. She didn’t like the idea of being at a party with the foul man. However, she refused to cower in fear of what he had tried to do. “I trust you, Stefan. I know you will do what needs to be done to keep me safe.”

  Stefan was humbled by her absolute faith in him. He whispered softly. “What have I done to deserve you?”

  Wendy’s voice was soft. “I was wondering the same thing about you.”

  Stefan knew their date was almost over. Liam and the kids would be coming down the stairs any minute. “I think maybe just one more kiss.”

  Wendy sighed as he kissed her softly. When he pulled away, she smiled up at him. “I certainly think this dating thing is quite nice even when you tell me bad news.”

  Stefan could hear Macy and Cory arguing. “Well, I guess that is our cue.”

  Wendy laughed. “Maybe we can make a run for it.”

  Stefan winked at her. “You stay here and get the movie ready. I’ll take care of it.”

  Wendy watched him head toward the sound of little voices. She smiled as she heard him speak to the two children causing issues. Wendy couldn’t help but lose another tiny piece of her heart as he gently explained to them how to be nice to each other. She watched as each child walked into the room and found their corner to stand in. When Stefan walked back in with Sean in his arms, her heart caught in her throat. She glanced down at the DVD player and then up at Stefan. Suddenly insecure she spoke softly. “I’ll go make the popcorn.”

  Stefan was not sure what was wrong. He handed Sean to Liam. “I’ll go help her.”

  Wendy watched Stefan walk into the kitchen. She didn’t move as he walked up to her. Her voice was barely audible. “I can do this.”

  Stefan leaned his hip against the counter. “I know. Wendy, what’s wrong?”

  Wendy felt tears stinging her eyes. She didn’t want this to happen this way. She was supposed to feel warm and fuzzy. Instead, she felt fear. If she was alone in her realization, she had a lot to lose.

  Stefan could see Wendy’s tears. He was not sure where they came from. His voice held concern. “Please Wendy talk to me.”

  Wendy looked up at him. “I… I realized I’m already in love with you. Stefan, I don’t want to be alone here.”

  Stefan smiled as he pulled her into his arms. “I love you too. I’ve known since our first date. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.”

  Wendy glanced up at him. “You do?”

  Stefan touched her cheek. “I love you. I guess we can say you are braver than me. I was afraid to tell you too.”

  Wendy looked down at her hands. “Stefan why is this so scary? I have always imagined falling in love a bit different.”

  Stefan understood what she meant. “When I realized that I was in love with you, I can honestly say I was afraid too. You and I have lost so much. I think it is scary for us because we have a better understanding of what we have to lose.”

  Wendy put her head on his chest. When his arms went around her, she whispered. “We’re in love.”

  Stefan felt her tremble. He kissed the top of her head. “We are in love.”

  Wendy could hear the little voices in the next room. She eased out of Stefan’s arms. “I think we have popcorn to make.”

  Stefan grimaced as Macy’s loud voice reached his ears. “I’m thinking you do. Macy seems to be in a bit of a mood today.”

  Wendy thought for a moment. “I’ll get Macy. You do the popcorn.”

  Stefan raised an eyebrow. “Why?”

  Wendy's voice was hesitant. “She senses things. Her mood may be our fault. Let me talk to her.”

  Stefan had not thought about that part of their relationship. “Ok. You go ahead.”

  Wendy glanced back at him as she headed toward the family room. She followed Macy’s unmistakably angry voice. When she walked into the room, Liam looked surprised to see her. He walked over and handed her the disgruntled child. Wendy pulled Macy
close to her. “I love you.” She whispered softly into the little girl’s ear.

  Macy sniffled. “I love you.”

  Wendy walked out of the room. When they were in the front sitting room, she sat down on a sofa. Wendy didn’t say anything for a few moments. Instead, she cuddled Macy close. After Macy’s tears had subsided, she spoke to the little girl. “You are not happy today?”

  Macy snuggled closer to Wendy. “I not.”

  Wendy kissed the top of the little girl’s head. “Can you tell me why?”

  Macy shook her head. “No.”

  Wendy’s voice was gentle. “Do you know why?”

  Macy shook her head again. “No. I just sad.”

  Wendy continued to hold the little girl close. “Do you know how much I love you?”

  Macy glanced up at her. “No.”

  Wendy stretched her arms out wide. “I love you more than this. I love you higher than the sky. I would never hurt you. Do you know that Macy?”

  Macy’s little face seemed a little less sad as she spoke. “You love me lots?”

  Wendy giggled. “I love you lots and lots.”

  Macy’s brow furrowed. “You love Daddy?”

  Wendy pulled the little girl back into her arms. “Do you want me to love your daddy?”

  Macy shrugged her shoulders. “Daddy still loves me if he love you?”

  Wendy whispered softly. “Can I tell you a secret about love?”

  Macy nodded. Her eyes were big as she waited for Wendy to speak again.

  Wendy’s voice was gentle but sure. “It does not get little. It grows larger. Your daddy loves you more now than he did yesterday. Did you know that?”

  Macy’s eyes never left Wendy’s face as she spoke. “He does?”

  Wendy nodded. “He does. His love for you will always grow bigger and bigger even if he loves someone else. That is how God made us.”

  Macy wrapped her little arms around Wendy’s neck. “I love you and daddy.”

  Wendy hugged Macy tight against her. “I love you and your daddy too.”

  Stefan watched his daughter and Wendy from the doorway. It had never occurred to him that his daughter would feel afraid as she sensed he and Wendy’s growing love. When Wendy glanced at him, he smiled. She had sensed something he had not. He couldn’t help but acknowledge the fact that in his life God had blessed him with two extraordinary women.

  Wendy stood with Macy in her arms. She walked over to Stefan and glanced up at him. When he kissed her softly on the forehead, she closed her eyes and sighed. She smiled as he did the same to Macy.

  Stefan took his daughter out of Wendy’s arms. “I love you, Macy.”

  Macy touched his face with her little hands. “Aunt Wendy says it grows.”

  Stefan nodded. “She is right. I love you more each day. Are you ok now?”

  Macy cuddled into his chest. “I ok.”

  The three walked back into the family room. Liam smiled as he watched Sean and Cory cuddle up to Wendy and Stefan when they sat down. He couldn’t help but think this was a beautiful family God was piecing together. Liam was happy for his brother. God had blessed Stefan even when he was in the midst of doubting.