Read Always Enough Page 20

  Chapter Twenty

  Wendy sat beside Stefan in church. She almost groaned out loud as Pastor Dale spoke. She frowned at Liam and Trevor as they tried not to laugh and failed.

  Pastor Dale looked out at his congregation. “I would like to address a different topic today. As Christians, we are called to look different to the world. We are also called to be examples. We are called to do things that would not cause others to stumble. I’m not just talking about those that are not Christians. I am also speaking of those that are family. Our children brothers and sisters need to see our actions reflect our faith.”

  Stefan grimaced as he turned in his Bible to the first passage. First Thessalonians chapter five verse twenty-two was a passage that unquestionably addressed he and Wendy that morning. As innocent as their actions were, it did appear to the children as something wrong.

  Wendy listened to the pastor explain the first passage. She glanced at Stefan and knew he was feeling the same way she was.

  Pastor Dale spoke from the pulpit. “I know that many of us do things that are innocent. I’m asking you to think about what those ‘innocent’ acts look like to others. Are your actions looking anything but innocent to others? Are you avoiding the very appearance of evil? When you don’t do this, you are setting yourself up to be what the Bible tells us not to be.”

  Stefan was beyond uncomfortable as he turned to the next two passages in his Bible. First Corinthians chapter eight verse nine and Romans chapter fourteen verse thirteen were both very precise about not causing others to stumble. He knew what Macy had thought that morning. He also knew she didn’t understand the dynamics of an intimate relationship between a man and a woman. She only knew that they could not be a family until he and Wendy were married. What she saw was the opposite of what he told her was right. Even if it truly wasn’t wrong, it still looked that way.

  Wendy listened to the sermon. She took notes as he asked them to make a list of things that were innocent but didn’t look that way to others. She knew that there were a few things she needed to be more careful of. She was convicted in a new way to be the person Christ called her to be. As she continued to write, certain things became glaringly obvious to her.

  Stefan leaned down and whispered. “I hope you are ready to set a date. I also hope it is soon.”

  Wendy glanced up at him. She pointed to a few of her notes and smiled. “I am ready.”

  Once the pastor ended his sermon, he opened the alter for prayer. When Stefan stood and held out his hand, Wendy took it. The two of them went forward and put their relationship in the hands of God. They understood the delicate souls that God had entrusted them and promised to do a better job protecting them from appearances that would hamper their spiritual growth.

  A few hours later Stefan and Wendy looked at the calendar. Wendy was getting a bit nervous as they looked at dates. “That is very close.”

  Stefan nodded. His voice was gentle. “Why are you upset?”

  Wendy looked at her hands. She didn’t know how to explain her feelings to Stefan. The thought of being married was intimidating to her. “You have been married before. Stefan this is unknown territory for me. You know what happens after you say ‘I do.' I’m still figuring out how kisses make me feel different.”

  Stefan touched her cheek. When she closed her eyes and leaned into his hand, he smiled. “You trust me more than you know. I will keep you safe as you figure the rest out.”

  Wendy nibbled her bottom lip. She thought about what he was saying. She tried not to panic at the thought of being married. She glanced up at Stefan her heart was in her eyes.

  Stefan smiled at her. “Instead of March why don’t we go for April?”

  Wendy knew one month should not make that much of a difference, but it did. She closed her eyes relieved. “That sounds perfect.”

  Stefan chuckled. “You do know? I want you to be comfortable too. I don’t want you to take everything I say and run with it. I want your point of view as well. It is ok to tell me what you want and how you’re feeling.”

  Wendy glanced up at him. “I don’t know why I felt so out of control there. The thought of March was terrifying to me.”

  Stefan tugged her into his arms. He kissed her softly. When she leaned into him, he deepened it.

  When their kiss ended, Wendy’s voice was thoughtful. “March doesn’t sound so bad.”

  Stefan chuckled. “I take it you liked that kiss.”

  Wendy knew she was blushing. She put her forehead on his chest. “Let’s just say I can see the benefit of having a March wedding.”

  Stefan watched her as she took another look at the calendar. He smiled as she pointed to the third weekend in March. He glanced down at her lovingly. “Are you sure?”

  Wendy smiled up at him. “I am positive.”

  Stefan winked at her as he took her hand. “I guess we go tell the others now.”

  Wendy let him lead her toward the kitchen. Before they entered, she stopped and looked up at him. “Maybe just one more kiss I want to make certain this is the right move for us.”

  Stefan did not have an issue with that request. He knew it was time to end the kiss when his thoughts started wondering.

  Wendy caught her breath. “I hope we can make it to March.”

  Stefan laughed. “I was thinking the same thing. We need to wait until we are married to kiss like that again.”

  Wendy blushed as she glanced up at him. “That was a very impressive confirmation.”

  Stefan shook his head and chuckled. “You are fun to convince.”

  Wendy put her hand on her cheek. “I need to stop blushing before we go in there. You and I both know one of the kids will say something.”

  Stefan laughed. “My guess would be one of the boys. They really like pointing your color out. If you were wearing shorts, we know Macy would be the culprit of your embarrassment.”

  Wendy giggled. “She sure would be.”

  Stefan watched Wendy’s color return to normal. He smiled down at her. “Are you ready now?

  Wendy nodded with a grin. “I’m ready.”

  The two entered the kitchen. Stefan put the calendar on the counter and pointed to the date. “This is the weekend we decided on.”

  Carla had joined them for lunch. She looked at the date and then at Wendy. “That is not that far away. We need to get shopping.”

  Gretchen agreed. “We should make it a date for next Saturday. I’m sure Stefan will be all right with the boys.”

  Stefan looked down at Wendy. “I know I’ll be okay. If you want to go, I think you should.”

  Wendy smiled at the other two women. “I guess it is settled then. We go dress shopping next Saturday.”

  Gretchen looked at Aaron. “I think we need to stay here until after the holidays. I want to have fun with this.”

  Liam kissed Wendy’s cheek. “Congratulations. I would say welcome to the family, but you already are part of the family.”

  Wendy smiled at Liam. “Thanks.”

  Trevor kissed her cheek too. “I’m happy for both of you.”

  Stefan grinned as his brothers hugged him. He remembered a conversation that he and Liam had when he had first hired Wendy. “It seems you are right Liam. I think I am a bit drawn to my new assistant.”

  Liam laughed. “You were furious with me for pointing that out.”

  Wendy looked at Stefan surprised. “You were mad?”

  Stefan glanced at her. “I went out of my way to hire you because you were not flirty only to figure out I would not mind you flirting with me. It was a bit frustrating.”

  Wendy giggled. “I bet it was. I can’t say I had the same problem at all.”

  Stefan frowned at her. “You are such a brat.”

  Wendy wrinkled her nose at him. “I know.”

  Stefan’s cell rang. He winked at her before he walked away to answer it.

/>   Wendy glanced at Liam. “I bet you showed lots of mercy toward your brother while he was dealing with all those feelings. Didn't you?”

  Liam chuckled. “You are absolutely being a brat now.”

  Stefan walked back to the group. “Malcolm is on his way over. I’m thinking we may have a new person coming to our church. He seems a bit upset with the sermon he heard today.”

  Trevor was surprised. “Malcolm is back in church?”

  Stefan nodded. “He started going back before Labor Day.”

  Cory looked at his aunt. “I can’t wait until Uncle Stefan is with us all the time.”

  Macy frowned at Cory. “Me too?”

  Cory put his arm around Macy. “You too… You are going to be my little sister.”

  Wendy smiled as Macy put her arms up. She picked her up and nuzzled her blond curls. “Does that make you happy?”

  Macy wrapped her arms around Wendy’s neck. She whispered softly. “I want you for mommy.”

  Wendy hugged her back. “I want you too.”

  Stefan watched Wendy and Macy interact. His father was beside him. “I love watching her with Macy.”

  Aaron followed his son's gaze. “She is an extraordinary woman. Your mother told me the first day we met her that she wanted to keep her.”

  Stefan chuckled at the information. “I bet she did.”

  Aaron glanced at his son. “I really am happy for you. You have been blessed with two pretty unique women in your life.”

  Stefan nodded. “I always wondered why God took Deanna. For the last few months, I have thought about it from a different point of view.”

  Aaron looked at his son curiously. “How have you looked at it?”

  Stefan tried his best to explain it. “I guess my mind was saying that if the plan was always to take her maybe God blessed her too. Some people never know love. They don’t know what it is to hold their newborn in their arms. Deanna was able to do those things. It hurt to lose her, but if that was my calling, I’m glad she had Macy and me. My only regret is how I acted after her death.”

  Aaron was impressed that Stefan had been able to see Deanna's death from another point of view. They may never know on this earth if that was how it was to be looked at. It was nice that Stefan didn’t need to comprehend it now for him to accept it.

  Stefan looked at Wendy. “I am not guaranteed tomorrow with her. If God takes her too, I would hope that I could trust Him now like I didn’t before.”

  Aaron watched Wendy laugh at something Gretchen said. “I’m thinking God is going to let you keep her. I can’t see how His plan would be otherwise, but I am happy to hear that you are willing to understand He is in control.”

  Stefan nodded. “It was the hardest thing I have ever had to acknowledge in my life. Now if you will excuse me, I think I need to go hug a very special lady.”

  Wendy glanced over at Stefan. When he smiled and walked toward her, her heart beat a bit faster. His love was written on his face. When he pulled her into his arms and hugged her close, she whispered. “I love you, Stefan.”

  Stefan kissed the top of her head. His voice was emotional. “I love you too. I am so happy that God saw fit to bring you into my life even when I didn’t deserve you.”

  Wendy closed her eyes and enjoyed the warmth of his embrace. She felt beyond blessed that God had chosen such a loving man for her. She smiled as she realized March suddenly seemed far away. "I am blessed too, Stefan."

  Aaron and Gretchen watched the couple. They held hands and smiled at the picture of their son and his future wife.