Read Always Enough Page 21

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Wendy glanced around the party. She looked up at Stefan. “I’m thinking it will be ok for me to go on my own.”

  Stefan didn’t even speak. The two of them were in the middle of a nice sized fight. The fact that one of the client parties was that night did not help them hash it out. He knew she was upset with his decision to keep close to her. Regardless of the fact that they were fighting, he had no intentions of leaving his guard down.

  Wendy frowned up at him. “Stefan, we can’t fight here.”

  Stefan took a deep breath. He glanced down at her. “We aren’t. I don’t want a fight to be the reason I let my guard down. If something happens, do you honestly want to ask me to live with it?”

  Wendy shrugged her shoulders. She was miserable. They had been fighting since that afternoon after their premarital counseling appointment. One of the clients he had assigned her was closer to them now. “I can see what you are saying. He is right there now. Can I please go?”

  Stefan nodded. “I’ll watch you from here.” He observed her as she walked over to the client.

  “Trouble in paradise?” Malcolm spoke from beside him.

  Stefan glanced at his friend. “She is being completely stubborn. I am trying to figure out how to get her to see things my way.”

  Malcolm glanced at Stefan. “Because her way is wrong…?”

  Stefan shook his head. “It isn’t that. I guess… I don’t know.” He was suddenly frustrated with the fact he had been asked that question.

  Malcolm nodded. “So, let me get this straight she isn’t wrong, but you are mad. Am I missing something in all of this?”

  Stefan frowned at his friend. “Are you saying she is right?”

  Malcolm held up his hands. “I’m not saying anything. You told me she wasn’t wrong, but you want her to see things your way. I’m wondering if you tried to see things her way or if this is a one-way street.”

  Stefan watched Wendy talk to the client. She was laughing and smiling, but he could tell neither reached her eyes. “If I have to be honest, I guess I didn’t.”

  Malcolm raised an eyebrow. “Has she tried to see it your way?”

  Stefan honestly didn’t know. “I can’t answer that. I honestly don’t know but if I had to guess I would say no. Neither of us tried to see the other’s point.”

  Malcolm watched as Wendy started back toward them. “I suggest you both get your tempers in check and talk. There could be more than one answer to this.”

  Stefan nodded. He watched his friend walk away. Looking down at Wendy, he knew she felt just as upset as he did. He just was not quite sure how to talk about it. Regardless of his thoughts now, this was not the place to speak about it.

  Wendy felt Stefan’s arm go around her. She leaned into him seeking his comfort. She was mad at him, but that didn’t mean she stopped loving him.

  Stefan kissed the top of Wendy’s head. “We will talk after. We can be mad and still be in love.”

  Wendy nodded. His silence had been unnerving. In her eyes, it was cruel. She knew they needed to speak about that as well. It helped to know he was willing to talk. Her heart was still hurt however the pain eased at Stefan’s willingness to talk.

  Stefan saw a client he needed to speak to. He guided Wendy toward the man. He felt her stiffen beside him. Following her gaze, he became more confused. “You know him?”

  Wendy nodded as she leaned closer to Stefan. “I went to college with him.”

  Zane walked up to the couple. He smiled at Wendy. “I thought that was you.”

  Wendy glanced up at him. “How are you?”

  Zane looked at Stefan. “I’m fine even though you broke my heart.”

  Wendy frowned. “I hardly broke your heart. I’m thinking more like your ego.”

  Stefan watched the man laugh. He tried not to get jealous but couldn’t seem to help himself. He looked at the man. “How did she break your heart?”

  Zane laughed. “She is right. It was my ego. I spent an entire semester building up the courage to ask her out. When I did, she turned me down flat. Wendy didn’t date. Every one of us guys thought we would be the one to change her mind.”

  Wendy frowned again at Zane. Her voice was angry. “You all were hurtful about it. If you want to tell the story, I suggest you tell it all. You all took bets on who would be the one I said yes to.”

  Stefan put his arm around Wendy. He knew she was upset. He didn’t care what it looked like if he comforted her. He looked at Zane.

  Zane glanced from Wendy to her boss. He hoped that he and his friends had not set her up to be preyed on. He also knew he had a job to do. He was a bit torn about doing it now.

  Wendy looked at Stefan and then at Zane. She realized that Zane had walked up to them when they had started walking toward him. “Is Mr. Felix your designated client?”

  Zane glanced at the couple. “He is.”

  Stefan looked down at Wendy. He knew she was still upset. “Should I give him a chance?”

  Wendy nodded reluctantly. “The past is just that. I’m ok now.”

  Stefan decided to make sure Zane realized who the woman he hurt was. “My fiancée says I should give you a chance. I’ll listen.”

  Zane’s relief was evident. He was thrilled Mr. Felix was willing to listen to him. He was more thrilled that he had not set Wendy up to be hurt by others.

  Wendy listened to Stefan and Zane talk. She watched Liam make his way toward them. When he was beside her, he nudged her with his elbow. “You two still fighting?”

  She nodded her head. “We sure are. We plan on talking after the party.”

  Liam glanced down at her and grinned. “I think you should tell me what you are fighting about. I may be able to help.”

  Wendy laughed drawing Stefan and Zane’s attention. Both men listened to her answer. “I have no intentions of telling you what we are fighting about. You just want to be nosy.”

  Liam chuckled. “You are right. You have to admit fighting after the second premarital counseling session is interesting. How could I not be curious? Did you realize you were getting the cranky brother?”

  Stefan shook his head. “You need to mind your own business.”

  Liam raised an eyebrow. “I do not have any business to mind. I like yours better.”

  Stefan turned back to Zane and started talking to him again. The young man was actually making some nice points. It was time to get some information and then finish up. He still had other clients to speak with.

  Wendy stayed beside Stefan the rest of the night. She could tell he was still mad and she knew she was too. They chose not to allow that to stay between them. When it was time to leave, she was ready.

  Stefan sat beside Wendy in the limo. After taking Liam and Trevor’s assistants home, they headed for the penthouse. He knew that both he and Wendy would need to keep their tempers in check. He also knew he needed to listen with the intent of seeing her point of view.

  Wendy did not like fighting. The closer they got to the penthouse the more nervous she became. She glanced out the window as they pulled into the parking garage under their building. She whispered softly to herself. “I hate this.”

  Stefan heard her whisper. He agreed softly. “I do too.”

  Wendy took the hand Stefan offered as they exited the limo. She was sad when he let go of it as they walked toward the elevator.

  Stefan knew he should have kept her hand. He also knew he had let go of it to hurt her. When they stepped into the elevator, he glanced down at her. He saw the tears that she was trying to hide. Taking her hand in his, he whispered softly. “I’m sorry.”

  Wendy continued to look at the ground. Her voice was also a whisper. “I’ll live.”

  Stefan was confused by her words. He glanced at Trevor and was surprised to see the anger in his brother’s eyes.

  Trevor c
ould see Wendy’s distress. That Stefan was trying to hurt her was obvious. That Stefan regretted it was also obvious. It didn’t change the fact he wanted Stefan to know that he had all intentions of holding him accountable.

  As they entered the penthouse, Stefan led Wendy to one of the setting rooms. His heart broke when she looked up at him. Tears streamed down her cheeks.

  Wendy’s voice was choked. “You can’t treat me like that when we fight. You can’t treat me like I’m not loved. It hurts. I do not want to survive in this. I want to grow and thrive not just live day to day hurting.”

  Stefan watched her put her face in her hands and sob. He felt genuine remorse for his actions. He sat down beside her and pulled her into his arms. “I love you. I really am sorry.”

  Wendy cried against his chest. She didn’t hide the pain he had caused her. When his arms tightened around her, she started to calm. “I love you too.”

  Stefan waited until she calmed completely. He knew they still had to talk about the crux of their fight. He decided to be as honest as she was. “Why don’t you want me to take care of you?”

  Wendy was thrown by his question. She leaned away from him. “Is that what you think?”

  Stefan nodded. “I don’t see what else it could be.”

  Wendy realized how wrong she had been in her thinking. “I want to keep working because I love what I do. I would do it for free and let you take care of me if that’s what you want. I know once we have more kids that will change. I just want to be there with you right now.”

  Stefan made a face as he realized he had not understood her intent. “I thought it was because you didn’t trust me to take care of you and the boys. I’m sorry. I didn’t understand.”

  Wendy looked at Stefan. “Stefan, I want to stay your assistant. I can work from home on some days and come to work with you on days we have meetings. I can spend three days a week with Macy and Sean while the other two I’m with you. I know you will take care of me. I want to still take care of you. I like that we make a good team. I don’t want to give you up in that way.”

  Stefan could tell she had put a lot of thought into what she was saying. “I have to admit I would miss not having you near me at the office.”

  Wendy glanced up at him. “Can we compromise? I love being your assistant. I do not like the idea of anyone else being there for you as I am.”

  Stefan could not find fault with her argument. “I would like to compromise. With the number of meetings we have, it may pay for you to come in with me on Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays. That schedule can always change if it needs to.

  Wendy was relieved. “Thank you for seeing my point of view. I love you. I would have stayed home. I would have been sad doing it, though.”

  Stefan leaned down and kissed her gently. He pulled her close. When he pulled away, he spoke softly. “I am sorry I was cruel in my anger. I will need to work on that.”

  Wendy leaned up and kissed him softly. “We are human. I’m almost positive this is not going to be our last fight.”

  The two chatted for a few more minutes before they each headed toward their rooms. They both were ready to speak once more with Pastor Dale. The counseling was doing what it was intended to do. It was hashing out the thoughts of two separate people so they could become one. It was a bit more painful than either realized, but the benefits seemed to make sense.