Read Always Enough Page 22

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  It was two weeks before Christmas. Wendy and Stefan had a meeting with Eve Cantu and Sherrill Miles at the same time. The two women had decided one of Sherrill’s spas would be perfect in one of Eve’s hotels.

  Wendy sat in the conference room reviewing her notes. She kept getting stuck at one of the exits. The fact was it met the building codes. However, it still looked too narrow for Wendy. She glanced up when Stefan walked in. “I can’t get this. It is frustrating me.”

  Stefan walked over and sat beside her. He could see what she was talking about. He put his arm around the back of her chair as he leaned closer for a better look. “I see that it is up to code, but you are right this is way too narrow.”

  She leaned against him without thinking as she scanned the blueprints. She rearranged a few things and then looked at it again.

  Stefan kissed the side of her head unaware they had an audience. “That is perfect. I knew you would figure it out.”

  Wendy giggled when he poked her side. She smiled at him. “You need to be good we have a meeting to prepare for.”

  Eve looked at Sherrill before glancing back at the couple. She gave a small cough to draw their attention to the fact they were there. She was surprised they didn’t jump apart.

  Wendy smiled up at the women. “I had a bit of snag, but I think you will like the result.”

  Sherrill glanced at Stefan. “Did you help her?”

  Wendy was unaware of the women’s train of thought. She answered for him. “He was my cheering section.”

  Stefan chuckled at the look on Eve’s face. He decided to put the women at ease. “What can I say? She is the brains in the relationship.”

  Wendy snorted. “When it comes to the kids you have that right. Which reminds me…”

  Stefan cut her off. He knew what she remembered. “I think they are ready to get to work.”

  Sherrill glanced at Stefan and smiled. “I actually am curious. What were you reminded of Wendy?”

  Stefan frowned. “I think we need to talk business.”

  Wendy winked at Eve and Sherrill. “I bet he does.”

  Eve was intrigued with this relationship. They were not trying to hide the fact they liked each other. She smiled at Wendy. “What did you remember?”

  Wendy smiled at Stefan. “You have witnesses. I thought you liked that.”

  Stefan saw Trevor passing in the hall. “Trevor, Wendy wants to talk to you.”

  Sherrill chuckled as a very nervous looking Trevor walked in the room.

  Stefan looked at Wendy. “It was his idea.”

  Wendy had no idea what they had taught the boys this time. She did, however, know that they did teach them something. The boys were doing all sorts of hushed talking since spending the night with the brothers. Glancing at the men, she took a shot in the dark. “Which part did you each teach?”

  Stefan and Trevor looked relieved when Crystal popped her head in the door. “We need you two for a moment.”

  Wendy watched them leave. She leaned forward and talked to the women. “I have no idea what those three did, but my guess is Liam saw us talking. He is the one that called them out of the room. My nephews have been whispering nonstop. That means those three rascals told them to keep it a secret. You would think I would be ashamed of myself tricking them like this, but when Stefan and I get married, I have to have a clear picture of what I’m up against.”

  The two women now looked at Wendy’s hand. Eve laughed. “I was trying to figure out why you two didn’t seem to mind us seeing that you liked each other.”

  Wendy was surprised. “I guess I assumed most people knew.”

  Sherrill’s spouse was a bit of a stinker too. She smiled at Wendy. “I have all intentions of using this ploy on my husband. He is always teaching the kids something new I disapprove of.”

  The women watched as the men walked back in. Eve almost lost it when she saw Liam with them.

  Wendy didn’t even look up from the blueprints. “I take it you three have your stories straight now?”

  Sherrill chuckled as she realized Liam was going to take the lead. “Now Wendy, we thought they were asleep. Once we realized they were not asleep, we had to explain to them why the game was so violent. Stefan did tell them that you didn’t want them playing shooting games yet. He also explained that the game was for us bigger guys.”

  Wendy was not born yesterday. “You seem to be leaving something out.”

  Stefan looked at Eve and Sherrill. “Maybe we should get back to our meeting. We don’t want to waste these two ladies valuable time.”

  Sherrill waved her hand. “No, I insist you waste my time. This is fun.”

  Eve had to agree. “I would not miss this for the world. I have never seen three men look so guilty.”

  Trevor was done being held hostage. He frowned at Wendy. “Ok. So, we taught them how to land correctly when jumping off the back of a couch. It isn’t like they broke anything. It is all in the landing. In my opinion, it was a public service. It should keep both boys out of the ER.”

  Liam had something to say too. “They insisted we teach them at least a bit of shooting. It isn’t like the guns were real. It was a video game.”

  Stefan added to Liam’s comment. “They were shooting aliens not people. We did explain you never point a gun at another person.”

  Eve put her head on the table. If someone had asked her to stand, she knew she would not be capable. Wendy’s ability to get these men to confess was hysterical.

  Wendy glanced up at the men. “I see. Is there anything else you think you are all leaving out?”

  Stefan couldn’t think of one thing. He was almost positive they had confessed to everything. His eyes narrowed. Wendy seemed entirely too calm. “What else do you know?”

  Wendy knew she was busted. “I can’t think of anything else. I just wanted to make sure nothing was missed.”

  Stefan looked at his brothers. “I think we have just been played.”

  Wendy fixed a few things on the blueprint in front of her. Eve almost fell off the chair when Wendy spoke again. “Like violins…”

  Liam frowned. “You mean to tell me you didn’t know anything.”

  Sherrill snorted. “She does now. You three sang like canaries.”

  Eve added to Sherrill’s comment as she hiccupped in laughter. “They sang like three canaries in harmony.”

  Trevor looked at Stefan. “I can’t believe we fell for that.”

  Wendy glanced back up at the men. “I can’t believe you played violent video games with the boys after teaching them how to jump properly off furniture. I guess we are all a bit in awe right now.”

  Eve was laughing so hard now she was crying. She looked up at the astonished faces of the three brothers. This was the best meeting she had had all week. She had never known the Felix men like this. They were always sure of themselves and professional. There were times she had actually thought them a bit stuffy. They were anything but that now.

  Stefan looked at Wendy. "Can we get on with the meeting now?"

  Wendy nodded as she handed the blueprints to Sherrill and Eve. “How does this look?”

  Stefan glanced at the paperwork. He had to chuckle. “You are extremely good at multitasking my dear. These plans look great. When you add that to the fact you were manipulating us the entire time…”

  Wendy grinned. “Thank you. Now, all we need to do is figure out a way to stop you three from telling our boys to keep secrets from me.”

  Eve and Sherrill talked to the group a few more minutes. The plans that Wendy had tweaked looked great. The women were ready to have each of their lawyers draw up the business contracts. The hotel and spa idea was going to be more than that. It was going to be a new venture involving three companies. It also looked like it was going to be very successful.

  Stefan watched their clients le
ave. He turned and looked at Wendy. “You have been a very naughty assistant.”

  Wendy shook her head. Her voice took on a more serious tone. “You have got to stop telling the boys to keep secrets. It sets them up for danger.”

  Liam didn’t follow her reasoning. “It is jumping off furniture and video games. How can that put them at risk? I’m not following Wendy.”

  Wendy glanced at the men. “I agree. It is harmless when you three do it, but when someone hurts them and tells them to keep it a secret, then it isn’t fun anymore. They are around more people than you three.”

  Stefan had not even looked at it that way. He realized what they had been inadvertently doing. He sat down at the table. “I didn’t think about that. I’m sorry. When you put it that way, I can see the danger you are talking about.”

  Wendy nodded. She smiled. “I love that you three want to teach them things. I’m not mad. You tried to put them in bed, and they got out. Things happen. I do get that. I just want them to know they can tell me anything even if it is bad.”

  Trevor looked at Wendy. “I’m sorry too. Stefan is right. We didn’t think about what we were teaching them. I will do my best to set it right.”

  Wendy smiled at the three men. “I forgive all of you. I understand what it is to get caught up in the moment of fun. And let's face it you three know how to have fun.”

  Liam gave her a sheepish grin. "We do, don't we?"

  Stefan looked at Liam and Trevor. “I think we should back up our apologies with chocolate. She really likes candy.”

  Wendy laughed at Stefan. “You get me enough candy. I’m good. I promise.”

  Liam chuckled. “You seem to have this parenting thing all figured out. Candy may be the reason for that. You have been on your ‘A’ game since Stefan found your weakness.”

  Wendy giggled. “I am not even close to having it figured out. I just know some things from experience.”

  Trevor frowned. “How do you know the secret thing?’

  Wendy looked at the men sadly. “That is why Carla’s sister is so messed up. She was told to keep a secret. Drugs and alcohol are her way of dealing with that dark secret. I was able to learn that lesson from someone else’s experience.”

  Liam shook his head. He was relieved it was not Wendy that had been asked to do that, but he was upset that any child would be hurt and told not to tell. “That is very sad. I was not aware that she had something that caused her to act like that.”

  Wendy glanced at Liam. “You all have helped on that front. The counseling she is getting in rehab has helped her face her past. Clair is even hopeful now.”

  The four of them talked a bit longer. It was almost time for the group to leave. When Liam and Trevor left the room, Stefan pulled Wendy into his arms for a goodbye kiss.

  Wendy looked up into Stefan’s face. “March is taking forever to get here.”

  Stefan agreed as he kissed her one more time. “It certainly is. I love you so much. I’m ready to have you beside me when I wake up in the morning.”

  The two packed up their papers and headed for the elevator. Tomorrow would be another day. It would also be a day that brought them one step closer to their wedding and the start of their lives together.