Read Always Enough Page 3

  Chapter Three

  Stefan rang Wendy’s doorbell. His brothers and their assistants were waiting in the limo. He smiled as Wendy answered the door. He was surprised when she grabbed his arm and dragged him inside her apartment. “I don’t know what kind of reward to give them for being so good. All I can think of is baby dolls and ponies. They may take me out if I get either of those for them. Help me.”

  Stefan glanced down at two cherub-faced little boys. He chuckled at their wide-eyed mutinous expressions. “I take it that you started to promise them something but didn’t finish your ideas. They look ready to riot.”

  Wendy nodded. She looked up at him with imploring brown eyes. “What do little boys really like? They have all sorts of cars, but I want to give them something special. I thought they were going to tie me up and put me in the closet when I turned on Beauty and the Beast.”

  Stefan grimaced as he chuckled. “I’m thinking I would be doing the same thing. You don’t put that movie in for a little boy. You could always promise to buy them, Peter Pan.”

  Wendy thought that sounded grand. She spontaneously hugged Stefan and then turned to address the boys. “Sean and Cory, you both, have been so well behaved this week. Would you like me to get you a new movie?”

  Stefan grinned at the look on the boy's faces. They still needed convincing. He spoke from behind her. “She was thinking about getting Peter Pan.”

  Sean looked at his older brother. “Does that have girls and princesses in it?”

  Cory nodded. “It does, but they aren’t princesses like the others. Wendy is just a girl. The other is an Indian princess. It has way more boys than girls, and it has a pirate too.”

  Sean smiled up at his aunt. “I will like a movie if Cory does. I like that Aunt Wendy is in the movie too.”

  Cory rolled his eyes. "Aunt Wendy is not in the movie. The girl has the same name is all."

  Wendy smiled as Mary walked in from the kitchen. She was thrilled that Stefan had solved her problem for her. Peter Pan was her solution, and she was going to run with it. “It is settled then. I will get you the movie, and you two will continue to be well behaved.”

  Stefan watched as the littlest one gave Wendy a sloppy kiss.

  Cory started fidgeting. His eyes held worry. “You will be back?”

  Wendy nodded. “I will do everything I can to come home to you Cory. I give you my word.”

  Stefan could almost taste the little boy’s fear. He was curious how Wendy would handle it.

  Wendy knelt in front of Cory. “I know you worry. I am so sorry you do, but you have to know that even if I don’t come home, God loves you. He has not let you down and He won’t.”

  Cory nodded. He kissed her on the cheek. “I don’t think He plans on taking you too. I still worry, though.”

  Wendy agreed. “I don’t think God will let anything happen to me either.”

  Stefan was furious that Wendy would answer the child like that. When they left and got into the elevator, he spoke to her in anger. “Why didn’t you just say you were coming back? He needed you to tell him that you were coming home. What were you thinking?”

  Wendy looked up. Seeing the anger in her boss's eyes, she backed away from him. A lump formed in her throat. She answered truthfully as she tried to swallow the fear she felt. “I told him my thoughts. I will never tell him that 'nothing' will ever happen to me. I am giving him the same answer my sister did when she was alive. He never said the last thing to her, though. I think he really does trust that God won’t let anything happen to me. Why does that bother you?”

  Stefan glared at her. His anger was evident in his eyes. “What if you don’t come home?”

  Wendy started to get sick. She had only ever seen anger like this one other time. Her old boss had backed her against a wall when she had rejected the pass he had made at her. He backed down when she threatened to call for help, but she had been terrified. Her voice shook as she answered him. “If I tell him I’m coming home and I don’t, what am I saying then? I’m doing my best.”

  Stefan shook his head. When the door opened, he was surprised when she darted out of the elevator.

  Wendy could hear Stefan’s footsteps behind her. She walked faster until she was almost running. Her fear kept her going.

  Liam and Trevor stood outside the limo. Liam looked at Trevor. “Something isn’t right. She looks terrified.”

  Wendy felt Stefan’s hand on her elbow. She shook it off and turned. “Do not touch me! I won't let you hurt me.”

  Stefan was surprised by the fear he saw in her eyes. He put his hands up. “I’m sorry. I was trying to figure out why you were running.”

  Wendy’s voice was choked. “You were so angry. I didn’t understand where it came from. I… I didn’t want to be your target if you lost control. I didn’t want you to harm me.”

  Stefan could see his brothers waiting, but he knew he needed to clear the air with her. “I’m sorry. I know you don’t know me, but I promise you I would never lay a hand on you in anger.”

  Wendy looked at her hands. Her voice shook a little. “I… Maybe I overreacted.”

  Stefan’s voice was gentle. “You didn’t overreact. I was angry, and I did nothing to hide it. You didn’t know that I would not hurt you. I’m sorry I let my anger show like that. Are you ready to go?”

  Wendy nodded. When he took her elbow, she tried not to tremble.

  Liam looked from Wendy to Stefan. His voice held concern. “Is everything ok?”

  Wendy didn’t make eye contact as she nodded her head.

  Stefan told them the truth. “I just acted like a jerk and scared her. Once she realizes I mean what I say, I hope she will be ok.”

  Liam looked at Wendy. “Are you ready to go?”

  Wendy looked at Stefan. She needed this job. The look on his face said that he really was sorry. She answered softly. “I’m ready.”

  Stefan glanced at her. He really was sorry for his behavior. When he touched her elbow to guide her into the limo, he was glad she didn’t tremble at his touch.

  Liam smiled at Trevor. They both were curious about this strange relationship between their brother and Wendy. Stefan might not know it, but he cared what his new assistant thought.

  It took the limo about twenty minutes to get to the estate that the party was at. As Wendy got out, she turned and looked at Stefan. “This is not a house. This is a mansion.”

  Stefan could see the awe in her eyes. He looked at Liam and Trevor. This estate was smaller than theirs. In fact, each brother had their own sizable living space aside from the kitchen area that they shared. The Felix’s mansion had seven living areas. Each area had at least three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a sitting area. Their home was enormous.

  Wendy felt Stefan’s hand on the small of her back as they started toward the mansion. She glanced at Liam and Trevor and realized they were not treating their assistants the same way. She glanced up at her boss worried again that he might be being forward.

  Stefan could see the play of emotions on Wendy’s face. When she looked up at him, he spoke softly. “They have been here before and know where they are going. I'm keeping you close so you can learn.”

  Wendy nodded and smiled relieved. “Am I that obvious?”

  Stefan chuckled. “Maybe only to me you are.”

  The two walked into the foyer. Wendy leaned against Stefan and whispered. “If my mouth drops open please shut it for me. I find that kind of behavior appalling.”

  Stefan grinned down at her. “I can do that.”

  Trevor looked at Liam as he watched Stefan and Wendy walk in front of them. “He is more interested in his new employee than he realizes.”

  Liam agreed. “I think she is interested in Stefan too.”

  Stefan turned and looked at his brothers. “I’m showing Wendy how we socialize. Are you two and you
r assistants ready?”

  Liam nodded toward Violet. “She is already talking to the person given to her.”

  Stefan followed his gaze. He turned back to Wendy and spoke with a grin. “I guess it is our turn.”

  Wendy nodded and allowed him to continue guiding her. She watched and listened as he spoke to the man in front of her. She paid close attention to how he phrased things. When the man turned and talked to her, she was ready.

  Stefan smiled at Wendy’s ability to speak as he did. She didn’t give too much away but still said enough to keep the client interested in what their company had to offer. When the man walked away, he leaned down and whispered. “You are a fast learner.”

  Wendy giggled. “I was more or less mimicking you.”

  Stefan watched as her eyes continued to go around the room. He was curious what she was doing.

  Wendy acknowledged the question before he asked it. “I’m making a note of the exits. It is my habit.”

  Stefan chuckled. “Am I that obvious?”

  Wendy used his words from earlier. "Maybe just to me."

  The two continued to talk with clients for the next two hours. Wendy had to use the restroom. She asked one of the staff if they could direct her and started that way. She waited her turn in line. The women ahead of her were talking loudly. She could not help but hear their words.

  Darlene looked at her friend Jessa. “Did you see who Stefan Felix is with tonight?”

  Jessa snickered. “That dress she is wearing leaves a lot to the imagination. I’m trying to figure out if she is his date or his assistant. She is dressed like his assistant, but he seems awfully protective of her.”

  Wendy looked at the lady beside her and giggled. “Those two are kind of rude.”

  Darlene continued to talk. “I hope she is his assistant. I love how that man looks in a Tux.”

  Jessa snickered. “You and half the female population think he looks yummy in a Tux.”

  Wendy really had not paid attention to that feature of her boss's wardrobe. She looked around to see if her boss seemed yummy. When she spied him, she grinned and whispered. “I guess he is passable.” She made a mental note to tell her boss what these two were saying. It was hysterical.

  Jessa grinned. “I know I would love to take his wife’s place.”

  Darlene giggled. “You and me both… She has been dead for almost two years. I wonder how long he plans on mourning her. From what I hear this is the cutest assistant he has gotten since her death. He does not tolerate flirts.”

  Jessa spotted Wendy. She knew the woman had heard them. She decided to ask Wendy questions herself. “Are you his date?”

  Wendy shook her head no. “I am his assistant.”

  Darlene gave her a condescending look. “I’m thinking even his assistant should be dressed better than you are. What bargain store did you get that thing from?”

  Wendy chuckled. “You are going to have to do better than that to bother me. I’m his assistant. As you said I’m new. Of course, I can’t just go out and buy an expensive gown. I’m happy with who I am.”

  Darlene was now curious. “We really don’t bother you, do we?’

  Wendy shook her head and stepped forward as the line moved. “Not at all…”

  Jessa was curious. “Why?”

  Wendy shrugged her shoulders. “I guess I have more important things to think about.”

  Darlene snickered. “What could you have to think about that is so important? You are not that old at all.”

  Wendy had no intention of answering her. She smiled at them. “I think it is your turn.”

  Jessa looked at Darlene. “Is she dismissing us?”

  Darlene shook her head. “I do believe she is.”

  Wendy grinned. “I’m not dismissing you. I’m choosing to remain mysterious. If a girl doesn’t have a wardrobe, she has to have something on her side.”

  Jessa laughed. “I think she is trying to make us feel better about dismissing us.”

  Wendy really had to go. “I am flattered that you both are so interested in me, but I really need to use the restroom. If you two aren’t going to use it, may I go first?”

  Darlene and Jessa stood aside and allowed her to go. A few minutes later Wendy emerged from the bathroom. She passed the women. “You both have a great evening.”

  Stefan watched Wendy walk toward him from across the room. He was very curious what Wendy had said to the two women that she had been talking to. Their faces looked like they were confused and offended all in one.

  Wendy grinned at her boss. “Well, Mr. Felix what should we do next?”

  Stefan nodded toward the women. “What was that about?”

  Wendy snickered. “I don’t think you want to know.”

  Stefan looked down at her. The twinkle in her eyes made him curious. “I think I do.”

  Wendy stood back and looked at him from the top of his head to his feet. She grinned. “They were saying that you looked yummy in a tux. They also insinuated I look a bit underdressed.”

  Stefan could actually feel himself blush. He knew Wendy saw it too. The little imp looked like she wanted to laugh in his face.

  Wendy nibbled her bottom lip. She was doing her best not to laugh at Stefan’s blush. When she looked at him, she grinned. “I did tell you that you didn’t want to know. However, you really are a lovely shade of red. Let me see if I can find your brothers. I am almost positive they do not want to miss this.”

  Stefan tugged her hand when she started walking away. “You are a brat. Why did I hire you again?”

  Wendy giggled. “I think it has to do with the fact I’m brilliant. According to them, I’m not much to look at, but hey I have my brain going for me.”

  Stefan chuckled. He shook his head. “It doesn’t bother you, does it?”

  Wendy looked up at him. “I have a lot more to worry about than how I look. Like I told them, I’m happy with who I am.”

  Stefan shook his head. “You are actually very cute. I think they are wrong.”

  Wendy started to nibble her bottom lip. She didn’t want this man to notice her like that. She glanced up at him as insecurities began to surface.

  Stefan realized what he had said. His voice was soft. “I promise I didn’t mean that in an inappropriate way. What they are saying is wrong. I just wanted you to know that.”

  Wendy nodded. She looked up at him. “I just get nervous I guess.”

  Stefan started walking with her. He glanced down at her. “Was his pass that bad?”

  Wendy visibly shuddered at the thought. “I had to threaten to call for help. He had no intentions of letting me go. I was frightened when he pushed me against a wall.”

  Stefan could see how a simple comment he made would make her nervous. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize it would bother you. I just wanted to assure you the women were wrong.”

  Wendy nibbled her bottom lip again. She had seen this man angry and didn’t want to repeat that. Wendy was worried but didn't want him to know. She pasted a smile on her face and said softly. “There was no harm done.”

  Stefan could tell she was done with the conversation. He pretended to believe her as they continued to socialize. When she glanced up at him a few minutes later, he leaned down and spoke to her. “I know you are upset with me. I’m sorry. You don’t have to worry about me. I’m not going to hurt you in any way. You don’t have to pretend to be ok.”

  Wendy could see he was sincere. She glanced down at her hands and then back up at him. “This time I mean it when I say no harm done.”

  Stefan was relieved she believed him. “Now Ms. Collins let’s wrap this evening up and go home to our kids.”

  The two finished the night and did exactly what Stefan suggested. They each went to their homes and to the little arms that waited to hug them.