Read Always Enough Page 4

  Chapter Four

  Sunday morning was there, and Wendy was ready to face the day. This would be her first time serving on the worship team for their church. She was not nervous. She was ready to talk to God in song.

  Wendy sat on her stool and began singing a duet with their worship pastor. She loved this part of the week. It was her time to honor a God that had done so much for her. The words of Glorious Day flowed from her mouth as she worshiped Jesus.

  When worship ended, Wendy found her seat beside her friend Carla and listened to the sermon. The pastor talked about finding peace. This was something that Wendy could say she sought daily. She also knew that there were days she fell very short.

  The fact was she was a mom of two boys she didn’t know how to raise. It scared her to think that they had no male influence in their life to teach them how to be men. She knew that many single moms did this, but she was worried they may have some answers she didn’t. She turned in her Bible to the passage the pastor was reading from.

  The words of John sixteen verse thirty-three spoke to Wendy. Her world was full of turmoil for sure. She lived day to day waiting for the next trial to begin. She struggled to find peace in her world. She knew she needed to focus on the fact that Christ had already seen her future. No matter what happened Christ did have her through it. She felt a deep sense of conviction as she listened to the sermon.

  Although Wendy felt that feeling of conviction, she was also aware that if she thought about it long enough, she would justify her sin of worrying. She was taking notes on things she needed to do. Things that would be done with the purpose of actively seeking peace.

  Carla leaned over. “I want you to know if you need a break I’m able to watch the boys. Sometimes finding peace means taking some time for you.”

  Wendy smiled at her friend. It was always nice to know that her best friend had her back. “I may take you up on that.”

  The two sat and listened to the rest of the sermon. Wendy was touched by her friend’s offer. She was honest enough to acknowledge the fact that she was exhausted most days. This was a life she had not asked for. It was also a life she would not give up for anything. Gracie had talked to lawyers within a month of her husband and parents' deaths. Wendy remembered her sister’s fear that the boys would not have anyone if something happened to her. It had made things easy for Wendy that Gracie had taken the time to ensure her children's future.

  As the pastor ended the sermon, Wendy and the rest of the worship team made their way to the front. Wendy took comfort in the last song that was sung. She stood on stage and sang. She claimed the promise of being able to hide in God and allow Him to bring her peace when life seemed to be too much. As they were dismissed, Wendy felt the stirring of that peace in her heart.


  Liam stood in the kitchen of the penthouse. The men had decided to spend the weekend there since they had clients to socialize with. He put a bite of his cereal in his mouth as he continued to get ready for church. He glanced up and was surprised to see Trevor standing there with his Bible.

  Trevor knew Liam was surprised. The man was choking on his cereal. “I did grow up the same way you did.”

  Liam nodded. He had been praying for both of his brothers to come back to a relationship with God. His voice held emotion. “I know. I guess…”

  Trevor left him off the hook. “I get it. I have not exactly been living for God. I have seen you every Sunday get ready and go. It always made me feel a bit guilty. I know where I need to be. Meeting Wendy has changed me. Her faith is just that. It has been tested. I want to get back to that kind of faith.”

  Liam smiled at his brother. “I’m glad you are coming.”

  Trevor walked over and poured himself a cup of coffee. His voice was thoughtful. “I have been making some pretty stupid choices these last few years. When Mom and Dad moved down to Florida, it made it easy for me to ease my way out of church.”

  Liam said nothing allowing Trevor to speak his mind. He knew some of the mistakes Trevor was talking about. He would never forget waking up one morning to a scantily clad woman sipping coffee in their kitchen like she owned the place. Unfortunately, none of the brothers had realized their parents had flown in for a visit during the night. As long as Liam lived, he would never forget his mother explaining to the young woman in her motherly no-nonsense way that she needed to go and never return.

  Trevor chuckled. “I take it that you are remembering the time I brought Heather home? I may be a grown man, but I felt like I was three that day. Our mother was furious.”

  Liam laughed as he cleaned his bowl. “She could have cared less that you were twenty-seven at the time.”

  Trevor walked with his brother toward the elevator. “She certainly let me have it. I assumed I was too big to get the belt.”

  Liam laughed as they stepped in. “Mom sure did show you how wrong you were to assume that.”

  Trevor pushed the button to go down to the parking garage. He looked at Liam and confessed softly. “I have not touched another woman since that day. I knew what I was doing was wrong no matter how willing she was. I would never want a man to treat our niece like I did her.”

  Liam nodded. “It is hard staying pure. I’ve come close to giving in to temptation. It is difficult saying no. I’m not boasting when I say this, but we are rich and not too bad to look at. I’ve had many offers. I guess I want what Stefan and Deanna had. Their love was genuine. It was Christ centered. I don’t understand why God took her.”

  Trevor followed Liam to the car after exiting the elevator. “I don’t know why God took her either. I am glad you have never allowed that question to cloud your judgment. Once you give it away, it is harder to say no. I know that even though I was not living like I should have been God was the one that helped me. I could not look at another woman without understanding she was someone’s sister, daughter, or even niece.”

  Liam pulled out of the parking space. He looked over at Trevor. “Have you asked Christ to forgive you?”

  Trevor nodded. “I have. I’m ashamed to say that it has only been in this last week that I have asked.”

  Liam grinned. “All that matters is that you did.”

  Trevor sat back and enjoyed the ride. He looked over at Liam. “If Stefan falls for Wendy, she won’t be able to even consider him. He is not living the Christian walk.”

  Liam glanced at his brother. “I have thought of that. I just can’t help but believe that God will work that out. Wendy came into our lives for a reason. From day one I knew she was different. She had no desire to have our attention on her. Stefan is different with her.”

  Trevor looked at the church he had left a few years ago. He watched Liam steer the car toward a parking space. The two got out of the car and headed toward the entrance. When Trevor walked in, he looked at Liam. “I missed doing this.”

  Liam glanced at Trevor. “I missed having you here.”

  The service started. Trevor and Liam prepared their hearts during worship to hear what the pastor’s message would be.

  Liam watched the pastor take the pulpit. He listened to the pastor as he read Galatians chapter one verses six through ten.

  Pastor Keller looked out at the congregation. He knew he had a huge responsibility to the people of this church. What he was getting ready to say was breaking his heart. “As all of you know we had our church denomination’s national conference last week. I have prayed long and hard about what I am about to share with you today.”

  Liam looked at Trevor. “This is different.”

  Trevor had been to church enough to sense that too.

  The pastor paused before speaking again. “There were some things addressed at the conference that were changed. I have searched the scriptures for the justification of these changes. In doing that, I have found only one truth. If I teach that sin is not sin, I will be judged fo
r that. I have found the verses I just read to you as well. I am not permitted as a Christian to preach anything other than the Gospel of Christ. My heart is broken that our denomination seems to be straying from the truth.”

  Liam leaned forward on his knees as he watched the pastor get control of his emotions. He whispered a prayer for the man to be able to finish.

  After gaining control of his emotions, Pastor Keller continued. “It is with regret that I inform you all this will be my last Sunday. I will no longer be a part of this denomination. I will encourage you all to seek churches that speak the truth of sin in love. I have been asked to condone and encourage all sexualities and the exploration of sexual freedom. As you know, there is not one verse in the Bible that gives me permission to do that. While I will always show respect to my fellow man, I will not sit by and love a person to hell. I must address sin as such and not ignore it. My heart is heavy that I must encourage the people I have grown to love to seek a different place of worship. I will not stand down without letting you know that the person who will be taking my place will abide by our denomination’s new nonbiblical outlook. If you have any questions, I want you all to feel free to talk to me about them. I am heartbroken about this and want you all to understand the importance of why I will not and cannot do what they are asking.”

  Trevor and Liam listened as the pastor continued to pour out his heart. They listened to the things he was asked to stop addressing as sin. When it became hard for the pastor to continue, they both prayed that he would have the strength to continue. As the pastor ended his sermon, they looked around and prayed for those that were hearing it.

  Liam was stunned at what the preacher was saying. He had known that Pastor Keller was concerned about the direction the denomination seemed to be heading. Even with that knowledge, he was shocked at what he was hearing. He was also concerned for his brother. This was not how he wanted Trevor’s first time back at church in years to go. It sounded like they would need to find another church. He started praying that this would not discourage his brother from seeking Christ again.

  Trevor leaned over to Liam. “It sounds like we need to start looking around for a solid church. I’m not even sure where to start with that.”

  Liam was relieved. He nodded his head. “I guess we can figure it out this week.”

  Trevor continued to listen as the pastor expressed his concern for his flock’s souls should they decide to stay. He had to agree with the pastor. Staying was a very risky option. He knew his parents would concur with what Pastor Keller was saying. He also knew he needed to call his mom and apologize again for his lack respect regarding Heather spending the night with him. When the pastor finished, he stood as they worshiped again in song before they were dismissed.

  As Liam and Trevor headed back to the car, Liam looked at Trevor. “That was not what I was expecting.”

  Trevor had to agree. “It was an exciting first day back in church. It was also my first test. I’m going to continue to seek Christ even through this.”

  Liam unlocked the car doors. “I’m happy to know that. I was worried about that. I love you and Stefan. It concerned me to know that you two were not ready to face eternity.”

  Trevor buckled his seat belt. “I guess now we pray for Stefan. There are two souls involved in his case.”

  Liam agreed as he started to drive back to the penthouse. “I have asked him so many times about bringing Macy with me. He always says no.”

  Trevor thought of Deanna. “Macy’s mom would be heartbroken to know that Stefan is not taking Macy to church. Deanna loved Christ. She was not afraid to die.”

  The men continued to talk the rest of the drive. They would be going back to the estate later that day but decided to make it a point to wake up early and have devotions together before they went to work. Though the day had some very tense moments with what was going on at the church, it also held promise for a continuing walk with Christ for both men even in the midst of a troubled church.