Read Always Enough Page 7

  Chapter Seven

  Wendy looked at her surroundings a bit confused. Her morning alarm was sounding, but she was not in her own bed. It took her a few moments to remember where she was. She crawled out of bed and went to check on the boys. Looking at her phone, she took some time to read a devotional and pray. After doing that, she headed out of her area hoping to find the kitchen and some coffee leaving the suite doors open.

  Gretchen paused outside the kitchen door. She watched as a young woman started making coffee. That the young woman was wearing one of her boys’ clothes was evident. She frowned up at her husband. “I thought I taught Trevor a lesson about this.”

  Aaron looked down at Gretchen. He was getting ready to speak when a little hand tugged at his shirt. He knelt beside the little boy. “Hello, little man… Who might you be?”

  Sean whispered. “I’m Sean. I got a big boo boo.”

  Gretchen grimaced as the little boy pointed to his head. She knelt beside her husband. “Is that your mommy?”

  Sean shook his head. He sniffled back tears. “That’s my Aunt Wendy. She’s my mommy now. My mommy died.”

  Gretchen and Aaron watched as the little boy walked hesitantly into the kitchen. They stayed out of sight as they watched and listened.

  Wendy watched Sean walk toward her. She held out her arms and gave him a hug. Picking the young boy up she sat him on the counter. “You scared me last night Sean. I was so worried about you.”

  Sean looked miserable as he nodded his little head.

  Wendy spoke to her nephew gently. “Why did you disobey me, Sean? I told you not to jump from the bunk bed to the dresser. I told you that you could get hurt.”

  Sean now had tears running down his cheeks. “I thought I could make it.”

  Wendy cupped the little boy’s chin. “I see. If you had made it would that make it right?”

  Sean looked at her confused. “It wouldn’t?”

  Wendy shook her head indicating that it was not. “Sean even if you had made the jump and not gotten hurt or found out you still disobeyed me. You sin when you don’t obey. Do you understand that Sean?”

  Sean looked down at his hands. “I’m sorry.”

  Wendy hugged the little boy. “I forgive you, but I’m not the only one you need to say sorry too. Like I said when you disobeyed me you sinned.”

  Gretchen covered her mouth as she watched the little boy bow his head. The entire scene brought tears to her eyes. The way the young woman had handled her nephew was beautiful. Her heart was melting at the sight.

  Sean prayed. “Dear God, I’m sorry. I love you, Jesus. Amen.”

  Stefan smiled as he watched Sean’s arms go around Wendy. He looked down at his mom. “I assure you I don’t need a belt.”

  Aaron was surprised. He looked at his son. “She is with you?”

  Stefan looked at his dad. “She is but not like that. She is my new assistant.”

  Gretchen and Aaron looked at each other. As parents, they sent a message to each other that they could always hope. They smiled at their granddaughter who was in her father’s arms. They also noticed another little boy who had his arms wrapped around their youngest son’s neck. Aaron looked at Liam. “Who do you have there?”

  Cory smiled at them. “I’m Cory. I’m six. I’m hungry too.”

  Stefan laughed. “I guess we need to go find something to eat.”

  Wendy looked up as everyone entered the kitchen. When Liam let Cory down, the boy ran into his aunt’s arms. He glanced up at her. “I thought Sean was dying. Miss Mary had blood all over her shirt just like you did with Mamma.” Cory started to get upset as he continued talking. “The men came and took Sean away just like they did Mamma.”

  Stefan looked at Wendy. His voice was a whisper. “You and the boys were there?”

  Wendy touched Cory’s face gently and spoke softly. “We were there. She took her last breath in my arms.” She kissed Cory’s forehead. “Sean is ok. I’m sorry you were scared.”

  Cory wiped at his tears. “I love you.”

  Wendy picked him up and hugged him close. “I love you too.”

  Stefan shook his head trying to erase the image of Wendy watching those she loved die. He knew she and her sister had watched the hotel burn. He had not been aware that she had been with her sister. He knew now was not the time to ask her more about it.

  Liam looked at his parents. He smiled as they realized Stefan was a bit attached to his assistant. He wanted to chuckle at their hopeful expressions.

  Stefan looked at Wendy. “Wendy this is my mom Gretchen and my dad Aaron. Mom and Dad this is Wendy Collins.”

  Wendy smiled at the couple. She was surprised when they each hugged her instead of shaking her outstretched hand.

  Gretchen whispered in Wendy’s ear. “It is very nice to meet you. You can call me Mamma Gretchen.”

  Aaron was not going to be left out. “I, of course, will be Papa Aaron.”

  Wendy spoke. “It is nice to meet both of you. Thank you for the welcome. I have to tell you what great men you raised. They were lifesavers last night.” She winked at them before she added. "They are a bit homely but once you get past their looks..."

  Stefan frowned at her playfully. "Homely? I'll remember that."

  Gretchen and Aaron exchanged a look as Wendy continued to torment their middle son.

  Macy frowned as Trevor picked up Cory and Liam picked up Sean. She looked at her grandmother and whispered. “We has boys.”

  Gretchen chuckled. “I think we can be kind.”

  Macy’s frown intensified as Cory hugged Trevor. “They is my uncles.”

  Wendy was surprised when Macy held her arms out. She took the little girl.

  Macy glanced at the boys. “I has you, aunt.”

  Wendy smiled at Macy. Her voice was gentle. “Sharing is helpful. It means we have a special way of making people happy.”

  Macy looked up at Wendy. She forgot all about teasing the boys and listened to the woman intently. “It is?”

  Wendy adjusted Macy on her hip as she walked over and poured a few mugs of coffee. “It is. When you share, you have an ability to make people smile. Watch…”

  Macy paid close attention as Wendy handed Gretchen a cup of coffee. When her grandmother smiled at Wendy, she looked at Wendy with big eyes. “I sees…”

  Stefan’s heart did a flip as he watched Wendy teach his daughter to share. He knew he would have to evaluate that reaction later.

  Wendy looked at Macy. Her voice was gentle as she continued her lesson. “Now you help with the second one. Hold my hand right here, and we will give Grandpa his.”

  Macy did as Wendy said. When her grandfather smiled, she looked at Wendy. “I share uncles?”

  Wendy nodded. “I think that is a very good idea. When we share, it makes not just others happy but Jesus too.”

  Macy brow furrowed. “Who is Jesus?”

  Wendy realized what she had just done. She hesitantly looked up at Stefan hoping he wasn't mad at her.

  Stefan felt ashamed that Wendy was doing what he should have been doing all along with his daughter. When she looked at him, he smiled. His voice was soft. “Go ahead.”

  Wendy started to explain Jesus in a way Macy could understand. “Jesus is my very best friend. It is because of Jesus we can go to heaven someday. He loves us and wants to be our friend. He also wants us to be nice. I can’t see Him, but I know with my whole heart he is there.”

  Macy looked at her uncle. “Uncle Liam says that my mommy is with Jesus.”

  Stefan held out his arms for Macy. When she went into them, he spoke. His voice held a note of regret. “Uncle Liam is right. I should have told you sooner. Macy, I’m sorry I didn’t.”

  Gretchen looked at Aaron. She motioned him down with her head. When he leaned down, she whispered. “We’re keeping her.”

  Aaron could
not disagree. Watching Stefan's new assistant with Macy and her daddy was touching. Wendy was exceptional. He smiled as he continued to watch.

  Cory looked at Macy. He smiled. “Our mommy is with yours. Our daddy is there too.”

  Macy smile. “I want Jesus. He can be friend?”

  Wendy listened to Stefan talk to his daughter. She walked over and picked up her cup of coffee and started sipping on it. When Aaron and Gretchen walked over, she smiled at them. “If you tell me where things are I can start breakfast.”

  Aaron and Gretchen showed Wendy where things were. It was not long before everyone was helping make breakfast.

  Gretchen watched her sons interact with all of the children. She had been praying for Stefan since Deanna’s cancer had claimed her life. Her son had decided the day that Deanna had taken her last breath that he was done with God. Gretchen knew Deanna would have been heartbroken to know that. The fact was Gretchen and Stefan had gotten into some pretty good arguments about his actions. She showed Wendy where some of the other things they needed were thanking God that He brought this unique young woman into their lives.

  Stefan watched Wendy and his dad joke around in the kitchen. He chuckled as Wendy gave him her infamous frown. Of course, his dad just laughed like he and his brothers did.

  Wendy glanced at Aaron. “I can see where your boys get their horrible sense of humor from.”

  Liam nudged her out of his way. “I need to get something unless you want to get it for me.”

  Wendy looked at the item he was pointing to on the top shelf. She shook her head. “You better be careful. You may be bigger, but I’m not afraid to hit you. I am one tough cookie.”

  Cory piped up at that announcement. “No, she isn’t. A man grabbed….” The little boy’s statement was cut off as his aunt darted around Liam and put her hand over his mouth.

  Wendy felt like she was blushing to her toes. She laughed nervously. “I’m sure they don’t need to hear that story. How about you do Aunt Wendy a favor and keep that between us.”

  Wendy had just finished her little speech when Sean decided to finish the story. “Aunt Wendy punched him right in the nose for touching her butt. Then she hit him with her umbrella.”

  Liam busted out laughing. His eyes were widened in surprise. “You didn’t?”

  Cory was nodding his head frantically while Wendy continued to hold her hand over his mouth.

  Since his mouth wasn't covered Sean was more informative. “He said bad words after she did that. Aunt Wendy said we aren’t allowed to talk like that ever after she hit him again.”

  Wendy closed her eyes as she felt herself turn red. When Liam laughed, she glared at him. She wanted to groan at the tidbits of information her nephew just gave her boss's family.

  Stefan looked at Wendy. That she was uncomfortable about them knowing was evident. He was just getting ready to assure her it was ok when she yelped and jumped.

  Macy looked up at Wendy. “You legs soft. Nanna her legs soft than you legs.”

  Wendy glanced at Macy. She knew her face was only getting redder. “Ummm…. Thank you.”

  Macy was not done. “Daddy come feel. Aunt Wendy leg soft.”

  Wendy started backing away as the little girl continued to rub her leg. She tried to think of something to get the little girl to stop touching her. "Macy that tickles."

  Macy smiled. “I like tickles. Do you like tickles? Daddy loves giving me tickles. He can tickle you.”

  Wendy covered her face with her hands. She was absolutely beyond mortified now. She groaned embarrassed at the things coming out of the children's mouths.

  Cory looked at his aunt. His eyes narrowed as he announced his observation. “Your face looks funny.”

  Sean agreed with his older brother in a thoughtful voice. “It is red. Would you look at that?”

  Wendy glared at Stefan who was now leaning against the counter laughing. “This is not funny.”

  Stefan shook his head. He gave Wendy his honest opinion. “This is hysterical.”

  Cory went to open his mouth again. Wendy was thrilled when Liam picked him up and headed for the other room with him. When Macy and Sean started to speak again Trevor and Aaron each hoisted a kid up and followed Liam.

  Stefan watched his mom follow everyone out of the room. He and Wendy were alone. “Are you ok?”

  Wendy felt him nudge her. She looked up at him. She knew her face was still red. “I’ll live. I can’t believe they all went crazy like that. We need to make sure toast is ready before they are even in the kitchen from now on.”

  Stefan chuckled. “When Macy asked me to touch your legs I almost choked on my coffee.”

  Wendy started putting the pancakes on the hot griddle. “I didn’t overstep with Macy earlier?”

  Stefan shook his head. “I should have been doing that all along. You didn’t overstep anything.”

  Wendy flipped the pancakes. “I was worried.”

  Stefan remembered Wendy's remark earlier about her sister. "Wendy, I'm sorry you had to see your sister die. I didn't know you had been there."

  Wendy looked up at Stefan. Her voice was soft. "I knew the moment I looked at her she was going to die. I was so scared."

  Stefan understood what it was like to stand by helplessly and watch someone you cherish pass away. "If you ever need to talk I'm here."

  Wendy nodded as she wiped a tear from her cheek. "Thanks, Stefan."

  Stefan watched her continue making breakfast. “I’m going to church with my family tomorrow. We will be at your church. Our church has decided to become politically correct instead of Biblically correct. Are you ok with that?”

  Wendy looked up at him surprised and pleased. “You are ready?”

  Stefan nodded. “I am. I want to thank you for being so open with your pain. It has helped me seek God again. You are right. He loves us. I don’t need to understand now. I am willing to simply trust.”

  Wendy was humbled by his words. She smiled up at him. “I’m glad you are ready. I think you will enjoy our church.”

  Stefan had one more question. He didn't want to overstep, but he really wanted Wendy to be close. “So, would you be willing to spend the night tonight and go with us? We can go to church together then.”

  Wendy chuckled. “I can do that. Are you nervous or something?”

  Stefan grinned. “Believe it or not. I actually am very nervous. People see us Felix’s and assume that because we have money, we are different. From the time we were little, our parents have taught us that we are sinners in need of a Savoir. Even when I stopped going to church, I knew that had not changed. I may have pushed it down, but I knew. My need for Christ is no different than yours.”

  Wendy was almost finished making the pancakes. She glanced up at him. “It is sometimes hard to share my story. As you know, I was not the most comfortable telling you. I’m glad I did.”

  Stefan touched her cheek. “You are an interesting character, Wendy Collins. I’m pleased that we are friends.”

  Wendy knew his touch was innocent. It still made her feel funny. She lightened the mood. “As new friends, we can always disappear with this stack of chocolate chip pancakes and eat them all ourselves.”

  Stefan chuckled. “If my parents weren’t here to chastise us I would be with you on that.”

  The two picked up the plate of pancakes and bowls of fresh cut fruit. When the table was set, they called the rest of the group to come and eat. It was a morning full of laughter. It was a morning that held the promise of new and beautiful friendships.