Read Always Enough Page 6

  Chapter Six

  It had been two weeks since Stefan and Wendy had forged a fragile friendship. It was a Friday night, and the two were once again at a function to socialize with clients.

  Stefan leaned down and whispered in Wendy’s ear. “I see our two friends from our very first night out. I’m not sure they spotted me in my tux yet.”

  Wendy followed his gaze and giggled. She teased him with a sparkle in her eyes. “Would you like to go walk by them? They do find you yummy in that tux.”

  Stefan chuckled. “You would like that, wouldn’t you?”

  Wendy looked up at him. Her eyes shined with laughter. “Mr. Felix, you wound me with such accusations. I'm am always proper and restrained.”

  Stefan nudged her with his elbow. “You need to stop picking.”

  Wendy didn’t agree to anything. Instead, she changed the subject. “I believe that man there is the one you assigned me to chat with. It is time for me to earn my money. You go walk by the girls.”

  Stefan watched her walk over to one of his clients. He chuckled as she glanced back at him and winked after making her little comment. He couldn't help but be impressed as she engaged the man in conversation.

  Stefan took his eyes off her and watched his brothers walk over to him. “She sure knows how to talk to them.”

  Liam chuckled. “She seemed like she was giving you some grief before she went over.”

  Stefan laughed. “The first time we ever did this. Two women talked about me in my tux. Wendy likes to torment me about it.”

  The night went on for another hour. Stefan and Wendy found themselves together numerous times comparing notes. As the evening started to slow down, Wendy found herself in the bathroom line once again. She turned and smiled when she heard the familiar voices behind her.

  Darlene spoke. “Well look who we have here.”

  Jessa chuckled. “It looks like your wardrobe is doing better.”

  Wendy laughed. “I got this at the thrift store. I’m glad you like it.”

  Darlene started choking on her drink. She looked at Wendy incredulously. “Are you kidding?”

  Wendy shook her head. “Not at all. I like a good bargain.” She couldn't help but wink at Darlene. "It seems you do too."

  Jessa snorted. “Why do you need to worry about bargain shopping? You are young, and I know the Felix brothers pay excellent wages.”

  Wendy giggled. “I told you I want to stay mysterious.”

  Darlene was not sure if she wanted to be catty to the woman or not. She had seen how Wendy and Stefan talked during the party. A part of her was jealous.

  Wendy looked at the women. “It’s my turn.”

  Jessa watched her walk into the restroom. “She really is kind of interesting.”

  A few minutes later the women watched her come out of the restroom. Jessa stood in front of her. “You have to at least tell us your name.”

  Wendy smiled at her. “I was never keeping that a secret. I’m Wendy.”

  Jessa was getting ready to introduce herself when Wendy’s phone rang.

  Wendy looked at her cell. She was unaware that her face showed her worry. Even to the Felix men who were all across the room.

  Jessa looked at her. “Is everything ok?”

  Wendy answered the phone. It took the Felix men less than a minute to get to her. The panic on her face could easily be seen from across the room. Her voice shook as tears formed in her eyes. “It’s ok Mary. What hospital did they take him to?”

  Stefan listened to Wendy’s side of the conversation.

  Wendy’s voice continued to tremble as tears made their way silently down her cheeks. “I understand that you had to call an ambulance. I just need to know where they took him.”

  Stefan watched the play of emotions on Wendy’s face. When she ended the call, he looked at her. “What’s wrong?”

  Wendy started crying in earnest at his question. “Sean fell and gashed his head wide open. Mary had to call an ambulance. Stefan, he is on his way to the hospital, and he’s alone. The boys are terrified of hospitals. In their eyes, their mom went into one and never came home. I left them, and now one of them is hurt. I'm not good at this mom thing.”

  Stefan could see she was starting to panic. He knew she couldn't blame herself. “I know you're upset, but you need to try to calm down. Wendy, you are a great mom to those boys. I've seen how they look at you, but you have to know accidents happen.”

  Wendy shook her head as she continued to sob. “I can’t do this. Cory was screaming his head off for Mary. He thinks Sean is dying. They both need me.”

  Liam looked at Wendy. “Trevor and I can go to your apartment and stay with Cory. You and Stefan go to Sean. It will be ok.”

  Wendy was shaking. “Mary said there was so much blood.”

  Stefan looked at Wendy. “You can’t panic. They both need you to stay calm. I know you are scared, but you have to stay calm.”

  Wendy’s voice was anguished. “They both need me. Who do I choose? I need Gracie to show me how to take care of her boys.”

  Stefan took her hand. He had to calm her down. “You have to go to Sean, he is alone. Liam and Trevor will go to Cory. Wendy, it will be ok. Let’s get to Sean. Gracie knew you could handle them. I know you can too.”

  Jessa looked at the men. “I’ll go with Darlene if you need to use my limo. We can make sure your assistants make it home as well.”

  Stefan nodded. “That would be helpful. Thank you, Jessa.”

  Wendy hugged Jessa surprising her. “Thank you.”

  Jessa returned her hug. She couldn't help but admire the spunky woman.

  Stefan knew Wendy was close to losing it again. He guided her to the car. “Wendy what hospital?”

  Wendy looked at Stefan. “She said they were taking him to Mount Sinai.”

  Stefan watched Wendy try to calm down as the limo headed toward the hospital. When she couldn’t seem to pull it together, he pulled her into his arms. “It will be ok. You cry now. When we get there, he needs to see you calm.”

  Wendy leaned her head against Stefan’s chest. She felt him rub her back as she continued to cry. When they pulled into the hospital parking lot, she was staring blankly at nothing.

  Stefan touched Wendy’s face. “Are you ready?”

  Wendy looked up at him and whispered softly. “I think so.”

  Stefan took her hand. He didn’t let go as they walked into the ER. He listened as Wendy spoke to the receptionist. When a nurse came out, he put his arm around her as they were escorted to the room Sean was in.

  Wendy looked at Sean. The little boy looked terrified. She rushed to his bedside. “I’m here. It will be ok.”

  Sean sniffled. He looked up at his aunt. “They need to fix my head.”

  Wendy looked at the nurse who was holding gauze on her nephew’s head. She spoke softly. “How many stitches?”

  The nurse answered her gently. “The doctor said at least ten.”

  Wendy pasted a smile on her face. She felt Stefan put his hands on her shoulders and leaned back against him. Looking at her nephew, she spoke to him softly. “I need to you be brave. Can you do that for me?”

  Sean started crying. “I don’t want them to put needles in my head.”

  Wendy spoke gently. “They have to. I’ll be right here. I won’t leave you, but you have to be strong.”

  Sean looked at Stefan. “You won’t leave me, will you?”

  Stefan smiled. “I’ll stay with you and Aunt Wendy.”

  Wendy watched as the doctor came into the room. She knew they were getting ready to start doing the sutures by the Papoose board they were carrying. She leaned against Stefan again knowing this was going to get worse before it got better.

  Stefan leaned down and whispered in Wendy’s ear. “Do not let him see you cry. We both know what is going to happen now.”
r />   Wendy nodded. She soothed her nephew as they positioned him on the board. “I’ll hold your hand down here. They need to do this, so you don’t move.”

  The doctor explained to Sean what he was going to do. He told Sean he would feel the first pinch of the needle, but after that, it would be numb.

  Stefan spoke to Sean. He soothed the child with his words. “You try to take deep breaths when you feel it. Before you know it, you won’t be able to feel a thing. I had to do this when I was your age.”

  Sean looked at his aunt and Stefan. A determined look crossed his face after he heard Stefan’s words. “I can be brave.”

  Wendy held Sean’s hand while her other hand held Stefan’s. She felt the reassuring squeeze the man gave her.

  Stefan kissed the top of Wendy’s head. “It is almost done.”

  Wendy nodded. She watched as they started to numb Sean’s head. “You’re doing great. You're almost done with the pinches.”

  Sean breathed. Tears ran done his little cheeks. When his wound was finally numb, he took a deep breath and looked at Stefan. He whispered. “Did I do good?”

  Stefan smiled at the boy. His voice was gentle. “You did great buddy. Just a little more to go.”

  An hour after they finished the stitches the doctor released Sean. Stefan looked at Wendy. He was aware he needed to be careful how he worded what he was going to say next. “Liam and Trevor are taking Cory to our estate. We will meet them there.”

  Wendy looked at Stefan alarmed. “Why?”

  Stefan held Sean in his arms as they started toward the exit. “You need some help. Let us be there for you. We are friends, Wendy. This is what friends do.”

  Wendy nodded. If she had, to be honest, she didn’t want to be alone with the boys for the night. “Stefan, thank you for doing this.”

  Stefan settled Sean in a booster seat. He hugged Wendy close. “You are more than welcome. I’m glad I could do this.”

  Wendy felt Stefan kiss the top of her head again. She closed her eyes and absorbed the comfort he offered.

  Twenty minutes had passed before they arrived at the Felix Estate. Wendy looked at the size of the mansion. She was suddenly feeling frightened.

  Stefan hugged Wendy close. “You will be okay. The staff has one of our extra living spaces ready for you and the boys. Liam and Trevor are with Cory now waiting for you.”

  Wendy looked up at her boss. “Stefan if my mouth drops open close it for me.”

  Stefan chuckled at her attempt of a joke. “I will. I know you find that kind of behavior appalling.”

  Wendy knew she was trembling. When he hugged her close, she looked up at him.

  Stefan felt a wave of protectiveness engulf him at the vulnerable look in Wendy's eyes. "Let's go."

  Wendy nodded but seemed unable to move.

  Stefan unbuckled Sean as Trevor opened the door and reached for him. He got out tugging Wendy with him. Putting his arm around her, he guided her to the door. He knew she was starting to panic again. “I’m still the same man you eat lunch with.”

  Wendy looked up at him and nodded. “I’m sorry.”

  Stefan held her hand as they followed Trevor to the suite of rooms designated for Wendy and the boys. “I understand. You had a bit of a rough start with bosses. I assure you that you will be all right. You are safe here Wendy.”

  Wendy looked up at him with a timid smile. “I trust you, Stefan.”

  Stefan didn’t know why those words made his heart race, but they did. He smiled down at her. “I’m honored that you do.”

  Wendy watched as Trevor settled Sean in the same room as Cory. She kissed each of the sleeping boys on the forehead. Leaving the door open, she allowed Stefan to guide her to the room she would be sleeping in. It was diagonal from the boys’ room. She picked up a pair of shorts and t-shirt. Looking up at Stefan she grinned. “I take it these are yours.”

  Stefan laughed as he pulled her into his arms. “They are. I’m sure they are going to be a bit big, but the shorts have a drawstring.”

  Wendy wrapped her arms around his waist and put her head on his chest. She whispered softly. “You saved me tonight. I don’t know what I would have done without you and your brothers.”

  Stefan spoke gently to her. “I’m sure you would have done the same for me. Now you get some sleep, and I’ll see you in the morning.”

  Wendy watched Stefan leave the room. After she had got dressed for bed, she put her cell on the bedside stand making sure her alarm was set to get up and have her devotions. She crawled between the sheets and closed her eyes. For the first time in a very long time, Wendy did not even think about crying herself to sleep. Stefan had come through as a friend for her. She went to sleep feeling blessed.