Read Amateur Fireman Page 14



  Impatient though Seth was to talk with 'Lish Davis and his roommatesconcerning what had been done by Sam Barney in the matter of borrowingmoney on the account of others, he made no attempt to leave headquartersa single moment earlier than usual.

  When the hours of labor had come to an end, however, he did not linger,and with a cheery "good-night" to Mr. Fernald, for by this time theteacher and his pupil were on excellent terms, he set off at full speedfor Ninety-four's house.

  Unless they were out on duty, this particular company, since Seth wentto work at headquarters, could always be found on the lower floor of thebuilding at about six o'clock in the evening awaiting the arrival of"their kid," and here Master Bartlett found them.

  From the expression on his face all hands understood that somethingunpleasant had occurred, and 'Lish Davis asked in a tone of anxiety:

  "What's gone wrong, Amateur? Haven't been getting into trouble withJosh, I hope?"

  "Mr. Fernald is mighty kind to me; he says I shall go in the yard nextweek for half an hour each day, an' then you know I'll have a greatchance to pick up points."

  "Once he starts you in there the road is pretty straight up to a job inthe Department. You look so kind-er peaked I was afraid something hadgone wrong."

  "Read that, an' then I reckon you'll think somethin' _has_ gone wrong!"Seth exclaimed as he gave the driver Joe Carter's letter, unfolding thesheet that there might be no needless time spent in mastering itscontents.

  "Read it aloud, 'Lish," Jerry Walters cried, and the driver glancedtoward Seth as if asking permission to do so.

  "Go ahead, Mr. Davis. Of course everybody belongin' to this company hasa right to know all about my business."

  Davis did as he was requested, reading slowly as if enjoying the matterhugely, and interrupted now and then by exclamations of surprise oramusement from his comrades.

  "Well, what do you think of it?" Seth asked angrily when the driver,having come to the end, remained silent.

  "It begins to look as if your friend the detective could manage to takecare of himself by hook or by crook. I can't see that either you or BillDean is bound by any such a transaction, unless you gave Sam permissionto borrow money on your account."

  "Of course we wasn't such fools as to do that! It's a reg'lar swindle,that's what it is, an' if I'd known 'bout it when Dan and me met himdown-town, I'm 'fraid I'd punched his head, even if it would be fightin'on the street!"

  "What's that?" Mr. Davis asked sharply. "Something been going on that wehaven't heard?"

  "I counted on tellin' you; but it seems as if there's always a bother totalk 'bout, so I waited a spell."

  Then Seth gave a detailed account of the encounter with the would-bedetective, and when he had concluded the recital 'Lish Davis lookedaround at his companions as if waiting to hear their comments before heexpressed an opinion.

  "You ought'er lit right out on him," Jerry Walters cried warmly. "Hethinks you won't fight, an' will keep on makin' trouble for you till helearns that it ain't safe."

  "Don't listen to such advice, Seth," the captain added quickly. "You didperfectly right, and are to be praised for it, more particularly sincethe temptation must have been very great."

  Then the men began what finally grew into a heated discussion, as to howthe boy should have acted under such provoking circumstances, and notuntil it was brought to a close did 'Lish Davis give his opinion.

  "I'm allowing that you can't afford to raise a brawl, Amateur," he said,deliberately. "If that imitation detective 'mounted to anything the casemight be different, and though I'm free to say that every man or boyshould defend himself when it's necessary, there's no wisdom in raisinga disturbance while it's possible to walk on. The trouble is that toomany of us are apt to think we can't get away from what appears to be abad scrape without coming to blows; but in nine cases out of ten thatisn't the truth."

  "But what am I to do 'bout this money he borrowed from Joe Carter?" Sethasked as the driver ceased speaking.

  "I can't see that you've got any call to disturb yourself. Write andtell the boy in Philadelphia that the imitation detective had noauthority to borrow money in your name, and let that settle it."

  This did not appear to Seth the proper course, for he felt that he wasin a certain sense bound to prevent Joe Carter from losing anything bybeing thus confiding; but yet he would not have questioned the driver'sdecision.

  "It's mighty aggravating, Amateur, I'm free to confess," 'Lish Davisadded as he noted the expression on the boy's face; "but you mustremember that the poorest way to settle a difficulty is by fighting.When you're where it's got to be done in order to save yourself frombeing hurt or robbed, then put up your hands like a man, first makingcertain there's no other way out. If it's all the same to you, I'mcounting on toddling down to Tenth Street to-night."

  "Do you mean that I'm goin' to school now?"

  "I reckon the time has come when you may as well begin. Jerry Waltersand me have made the trade, so after you've slicked up a bit, drop inhere and we'll start."

  "All right, sir," Seth cried as he hurried away to make ready for whathe knew must be a trying ordeal. He understood that he was remarkablyignorant for one of his years, and had an idea that every pupil in theschool would make sport of him.

  When the amateur fireman arrived at his lodgings he found his roommatesawaiting him, and in the fewest possible words made known Sam Barney'smisdemeanor, producing Joe Carter's letter in proof of his assertion.

  It can well be imagined that both the boys were angry and surprised bythe information, and Bill insisted that all three set out at once insearch of the offender.

  "I've got to start in on school to-night, an' so I can't go," Sethreplied mournfully.

  "How long are you goin' to keep up sich a racket as that?" Dan asked, asif personally aggrieved because such a course was to be pursued.

  "'Cordin' to the way Mr. Davis talks I'll have to stick at it till I'm areg'lar fireman, an' perhaps a good bit after that."

  "Then I'd give up tryin' to get into the Department!" Master Robertsreplied emphatically. "I wouldn't do all that funny business if I never'mounted to anythin' more'n a bootblack!"

  "It's jest what you ought'er do, Dan, if you ever expect to own thatThird Avenoo store."

  "I'd like to know why?"

  "Now, that's a foolish question. S'posen you got the shop this veryminute, an' wanted to write a letter, or figger up how much anythin'cost? What kind of a fist would you make of it?"

  Dan did not reply, but changed the subject of conversation by askingBill:

  "What er you goin' to do 'bout Sam Barney?"

  "You an' me will hunt him up, an' by the time we're through with thechump he won't borrow money in sich a way ag'in, I reckon. Who'll writeto Joe Carter 'bout it?"

  "If Seth is goin' to school he ought'er do that much, 'cause it'll comeright in his line of business."

  "I'll do the best I can at it," the amateur fireman replied readily, andadded as his friends turned to leave the room. "Now, don't have areg'lar row with that chump. It'll be enough if you show him up to allthe fellers as a reg'lar fraud, and then you won't stand any chance ofgettin' into trouble with the perlice."

  "We'll 'tend to the business in proper shape," Bill replied in a meaningtone, and Seth was not sadly disturbed in mind as he understood, orthought he did, that Sam Barney would spend a very unpleasant evening ifthese two acquaintances chanced to meet him.

  When he was alone Seth set about making preparations for beginning hispursuit of knowledge, and the prospect before him was by no meanspleasant.

  'Lish Davis was awaiting his arrival when he reentered the engine-house,and immediately began laughing heartily at the expression on the boy'sface.

  "It ain't going to be half as bad as you're counting on, Amateur," thedriver cried as soon as he could control his mirth, and then the two setout.

  Mr. Davis had but one remark of importance to make during
the journey,and that impressed Seth more than anything which had been said to himthat day.

  "If I'd spent half or even a quarter of my spare time while I was a boy,in study, instead of being only the driver of Ninety-four, I might beher captain at the very least. You may have got it into your head thatfiremen don't know anything except how to use an axe or handle hose; butit's a big mistake. If you want to keep on rising in the Department,you've got to have more book-learning than I was willing to get."

  When they arrived at the school, 'Lish did not spend very much time inintroducing his _protege_.

  "Here's the kid I was telling you about," he said, and then Seth wasleft to fight his own battle.

  That going to school was not as hard as he had fancied was known at theengine-house when the amateur returned shortly after nine o'clock, forthen he said with an air of relief:

  "I ain't so certain but that I'll like it, after I kind-er get the hangof things."

  "Course you will, Amateur, course you will; but it's bound to be hardwork, and there don't seem to be much chance for play in your life theway we've mapped it out for you. All hands of us have been figgering howwe'd kind-er let up on you, and it's been decided that you shall sleephere every Saturday night. What calls come in 'twixt the ending of theschool business and midnight, you're to answer as if belonging reg'larlyto the company."

  Seth's eyes glistened with delight, and when he had gone to his room thedriver said in a tone of satisfaction to his comrades:

  "That kid is bound to make his mark in the Department some day, andwe'll be patting ourselves on the head for having given him a show. Justthink of a boy like him being tickled way up in G when you give him achance to work at a fire! He was reg'larly born for the business."

  When Seth arrived at Mrs. Hanson's he found his roommates awaiting hisarrival.

  "Didn't you find Sam?" he asked in surprise that they should havereturned so soon.

  "That's what we did; met him down by the post-office where there was awhole crowd of the fellers, an' by this time I reckon he don't thinkhe's a terrible big man."

  "What did he say 'bout givin' Joe Carter sich a yarn?"

  "First off he tried to say it wasn't so; but when we flashed up theletter, it was all over, an' the chump couldn't so much as yip, 'cept topromise to pay the bill with the very first money he could scrapetogether."

  "Then you didn't have any row?"

  "Not a bit of it."

  "I was 'fraid you might thump him, an' the perlice would jump in."

  "We didn't reckon on bein' jugged jest 'cause of him," Bill replied,quietly. "Instead of fightin', Dan jest shoved him inside thepost-office quick-like an' I let him have a couple of mighty good clipsalongside the head. When he yelled, we lit out an' come up here. If ithadn't been that you're tryin' so hard to get into the Department, wemight er had a row with the duffer; but seein's anythin' of the kindwould give you a black eye, we kept quiet."

  Dan and Master Dean both appeared to think they deserved praise forhaving been so cautious, and Seth did not believe it would be wise toreproach them for what had been done.

  After this affair there was nothing out of the ordinary in Seth's lifefor ten days or more, except during the two Saturday nights he slept atNinety-four's house, where on each occasion it was his good fortune togo out with the engine.

  At headquarters Mr. Fernald pushed him along in the drill as rapidly aspossible, and he was allowed to devote considerably more than two hourseach day to the lessons.

  At school he made as much advancement as could have been expected, andreally came to look forward with pleasure upon his tasks there, for'Lish Davis's remark as to the value of an education had not beenforgotten.

  Then came the day when he was summoned from the yard where he had beentaking part in a drill with ladders, to meet a stranger who handed him aprinted document, the meaning of which he failed to understand until Mr.Fernald explained that it was a subpoena, or, in other words, a commandfor him to appear in court on the following morning to give evidence inthe case of the State _vs._ Jipson Collins.

  The officer who brought the summons stated that he had served a similardocument upon Dan Roberts a few hours previous, and cautioned Sethagainst failing to obey.

  "I reckon they'll have to get along without me, 'cause I can't leavehere," he replied, as if believing such an excuse must be accepted byany fair-minded judge.

  Then it was Mr. Fernald explained the nature of a subpoena, and Sethwas decidedly surprised at learning that he could, and probably would,be arrested if he refused to obey.

  "There is no need of your coming here at all to-morrow," the old mansaid, "no matter how early you may get out of court. You're needing aholiday, lad, and I'm glad of an excuse for giving you one."

  Not until he returned from school that evening did Seth see hisroommates, and then he found them in a high state of excitement becauseof the approaching trial.

  "Mr. Davis says he shall be there, an' the lawyer is to 'tend right outso's to say a good word for poor Jip when the time comes," Seth hastenedto state, and from that moment until it seemed absolutely necessary theyshould retire, the boys discussed the probable fate of the firebug.

  Next morning when Seth went to the engine-house to perform his customarytask of blacking the men's boots, Dan set out with him, saying as theyleft Mrs. Hanson's:

  "If it wasn't for that Third Avenoo store I wouldn't go down-townto-day, till it was time for the trial to begin; but I can't lose awhole mornin's work."

  "That's the way to stick at it!" Seth cried approvingly. "How much moneyhave you got laid up?"

  "Three dollars an' five cents. Oh, I'm gettin' there, old man, though'cordin' to the way things are workin' it'll take quite a spell."

  "You'll strike a rush some day, an' then it'll pile up in great shape.Stick at it, Dan."

  "That's what I'm reckonin' on doin', an' say, Seth, if it don't cost toomuch, I'm goin' to 'tend out on school, same's you do. Bill has 'greedto come into the snap, an' we'll make it lively all 'round."

  "It won't cost you a cent; Mr. Davis says so."

  "Then we'll begin to-night, but I don't want the fellers to know aboutit, 'cause they'd set up sich a terrible howl."

  Dan did not waste any more time in conversation, but hurried away totake advantage of the early demand for papers, and 'Lish Davis saidsagely when Seth had repeated the conversation to him:

  "Now you can see the result of a good example, Amateur. If you hadkicked against going to school, your roommates never'd thought of tryingthe same game, and so by helping yourself you've gone a long way towardshelping others. Contrariwise, if you'd been cutting 'round town, raisingrows and getting into all kinds of trouble, you'd find them as wouldfollow in your track, so it's a pretty sure thing that a boy is bound towalk straight because of the effect it'll have on others, even if for noother reason."

  Seth made no reply to this brief lecture; he was learning very much oflife through his intercourse with Ninety-four's men, and it seemed tohim as if each day some new idea regarding a boy's work was to begained.

  "Your firebug has his chance this forenoon, eh?" 'Lish asked after ashort pause.

  "Yes, sir, an' I'm hopin' mighty hard that he'll get off this time."

  "I reckon a good deal depends on you and your partner."

  "How do you mean?"

  "If the firebug pleads guilty as his lawyer has advised him to, thejudge will only call on you two witnesses to tell how it happened, so'she can get an idea of about how hard Jip ought'er be punished."

  "Then if we talk smooth he stands a better chance, eh?"

  "That's 'bout the size of it, Amateur."

  During the remainder of the time he spent in Ninety-four's quarters Sethwas unusually thoughtful, and immediately his work was finished he askedthe driver if there was any objection to his going down-town.

  "Now see here, Amateur, there's no call for you to come 'round me with aquestion like that. I'm only too glad you've got a chance to get aholiday, an
d I advise you to spend all the time, till the hour forschool, among your old chums. I don't reckon you've got any big pile ofmoney left by this time, eh?"

  "Well, I don't need a cent, 'cept for my rent, an' that ain't costin'such a terrible pile."

  "Have you got enough to buy your breakfast with?"

  "I'll get whatever I need."

  "See here, Amateur, how much money have you on hand?" 'Lish asked sosternly that Seth could no longer evade the question.

  "Well, I'm broke; but there's no need of my havin' a single cent. Iain't doin' much swellin' lately."

  "Take this," and the driver thrust a dollar in Seth's hands. "I ain'tgiving it to you, so there's no call to kick. You've got to borrow it,or go hungry, and that I'm not minded you shall do."

  "I haven't done anything of the kind yet a while," the Amateur replied,with a hearty laugh, and then he began to speak of Jip once more lest'Lish Davis might take it into his head to ask how long he had thus beenpenniless, for it was nearly a week since he had so much as a nickel inhis pocket.

  "I'll pay back the dollar as soon as I get my month's wages," he said,as, his work finished, he made ready to go down-town, and the driverreplied cheerily:

  "I'm counting on it, Amateur, and I'm also reckoning that you'll come tome again when that's gone, else you and me will have a settling thatwon't be pleasant to one of us."

  Then Seth started down-town with a smile on his face, as he repeatedagain and again to himself:

  "Folks are mighty good to me, mighty good!"

  When he arrived in that locality where he formerly transacted business,his old friends welcomed him heartily, and every one who claimed theslightest acquaintance had a great many questions to ask concerning hisposition at headquarters.

  Not until nearly the hour set for the witnesses to be at court did Sethfind an opportunity of speaking privately with his partner, and then herepeated what 'Lish Davis had said as to the possible effect theirevidence might have in the case.

  "We must be careful to tell the truth, Dan; but there's no need of ourrubbin' it in very bad."

  "That'll be all right," Master Roberts replied confidently. "Jest waittill the judge begins to pump me, an' you'll see how slick I'll make itfor Jip."

  "Don't put it on too thick."

  "See here, Seth, I reckon I know how to run this thing. Don't you worry'bout me; but be kind-er thinkin' up what you'll say."

  "I don't s'pose we'll have a chance for anything 'cept to answerquestions."

  "I'll bet I can sneak in a good word now an' then, never mind how hardthey try to stop me. Say, have you seen Sam Barney?"

  "No; is he goin' to the court?"

  "'Cordin' to the way he's been swellin' hisself out this mornin' you'dthink he was countin' on runnin' the whole thing. He told some of thefellers that the trial wouldn't begin if he wasn't there, 'cause he'sthe only one who can send Jip up the river. Bill wanted me to go in withhim for usin' the chump so rough he couldn't more'n crawl, an' thatwould fix things for Jip; but I was 'fraid it might make talk in thecourt so's you'd get the worst of it."

  "It's better to let him alone, though I'm awful sorry he's so set onthis detective business, 'cause if it hadn't been for that, Jip never'dbeen 'rested."

  At this moment Bill Dean joined his friends with the information thatthe would-be detective had already started for the court-room, andproposed that they set out at once.

  "I'm goin' to get a seat close to that duffer, an' let him know he'llget his face into trouble if he tells any more'n is called for. I wonderwhy he couldn't be yanked up for lyin' to Joe Carter when he borrowedthat money? If he should have a dose of it in jail, I reckon he wouldn'tbe so hot to see Jip sent up."

  Dan was uncertain whether a charge might not have been brought againstthe would-be detective because of what he had done in Philadelphia, butdismissed the matter without very much study, on the ground that it wasnow too late to render such a course of advantage to the firebug.

  Then the three, followed or accompanied by nearly all theiracquaintances, went toward the court-room.