Read Amateur Fireman Page 15



  The door-keeper of the court attempted to check the rush which beganwith the entrance of Seth, Dan, and Bill; but it was impossible becauseof his delay.

  He had at first objected to admitting the amateur fireman and hispartner, but they speedily proved they were entitled to enter, byproducing the subpoenas, and as he stepped aside for them to go in,the following came on with a rush as powerful as it was unexpected.

  The official would have swept down upon the offenders and literallydragged them out, but that 'Lish Davis, who was standing just inside thedoor, said with a laugh:

  "I don't reckon you've got time to sort 'em, Mr. Officer. A kid is to betried for arson this morning, and more'n likely as not half the crowdhas been summoned as witnesses, for it's only through his acquaintancesthat anything can be proven."

  The door-keeper looked for an instant at the buzzing throng which hadsettled down upon the front seats, and, understanding what a difficulttask he might be setting himself, evidently decided that Mr. Davis wasin the right.

  Sam Barney already sat on the front row of seats allotted to spectatorswhen Mrs. Hanson's lodgers entered, and although Seth would have beenbetter pleased to remain at a greater distance from the would-bedetective, Bill Dean forced him along until they were directly behindJip's enemy.

  "Don't speak to him," Seth whispered. "I'm sorry we're so near theduffer."

  "It's jest where I counted on gettin'," Bill replied, in a tone ofsatisfaction. "I won't have any row with the chump, but only shake himup a bit."

  "If we make any noise, all hands will be fired out."

  "Watch an' see how quiet I'll be," Master Dean replied, and then beforehis companion could check him, he had leaned over and whispered in Sam'sear: "Be mighty careful you tell the truth in this court, or I'll letout to the judge what you did in Philadelphy, an' then perhaps JipCollins won't be the only prisoner 'round here."

  Master Barney turned quickly, and an expression of disquiet came overhis face as he saw who were directly behind him.

  He did not venture to make any remark, nor did Bill think it wise torepeat the threat; but he shook his fist warningly, which served thesame purpose.

  "Be quiet," Seth whispered imploringly. "It would be terrible if we gotinto a row here, for Mr. Davis is standing close by the door watchin'us."

  "I won't do a thing till we get outside, unless it happens that I haveto tell the judge 'bout Sam's borrowin' that money," Master Dean repliedin a tone sufficiently loud to be heard by the alleged detective.

  Then the attention of all the sidewalk merchants was attracted to theopposite side of the room by Dan Roberts, who whispered loudly, pointingwith outstretched finger:

  "There he is! There's Jip!"

  The prisoner was being led in by a burly policeman, who kept a firm holdon the boy's collar as if fearful he might make some desperate attemptat escape, and there was not a person in the court-room, with theprobable exception of Sam Barney, who failed to feel a certain sympathyfor the frightened lad.

  "That's his lawyer--the little feller with the big nose," Dan whisperedso loudly that not only his friends in the immediate vicinity, but allthe attorneys within the enclosure, set apart for their especial use,heard the words, and much merriment ensued, during which the cause of itlooked around in surprise, unable to discover the meaning of it.

  Seth and Dan, who had never before attended the trial of a prisoner,expected there would be considerable ceremony, in which policemen wouldplay a prominent part; therefore the case was begun and gone on with tosome extent before they were aware of the fact.

  It is true they saw Jip Collins standing up while the clerk read from apaper a quantity of words which had no meaning to them, and after atime, the prisoner was allowed to sit down again.

  Then the "little man with the big nose" talked to the judge as ifconfiding in him some secret, after which the clerk called loudly:

  "Daniel Roberts! Daniel Roberts!"

  Seth's partner gazed about him curiously, never once thinking the clerkreferred to him, until 'Lish Davis, coming swiftly down from his stationnear the door, leaned over and pinched Dan's ear as he asked:

  "Why don't you answer to your name?"

  "Is it me they mean?" Dan asked, and at that instant the clerk repeatedthe call.

  Dan looked about him in perplexity, uncertain as to what he should do,until 'Lish reached over to seize him by the collar, when he cried in ashrill voice:

  "Here I be, Mister!"

  "Come forward to the witness-stand," the official said sharply, whilethe spectators laughed heartily.

  It was several moments before Master Roberts could be made to understandexactly where he should go, and then, assisted by 'Lish Davis and theclerk, he finally gained the stand, where he stood gazing around withthe most friendly expression on his face.

  For some reason no question was asked immediately, and after waiting twoor three moments, Dan, believing the judge was ready to hear his story,began earnestly:

  "You see, it's jest this way: Jip, he didn't count on doin' anything offcolor, an' if it hadn't been for Sam Barney----"

  "Silence in the court!" the crier called, and Dan looked up in surpriseat being interrupted so soon.

  "He didn't reckon on bein'----"

  Dan stopped again as the same voice called loudly for silence in thecourt, and then the attorney employed to defend Jip explained matters bysaying:

  "You must wait until you are questioned, Daniel. There will be ampleopportunity to give your evidence."

  "Dan ain't goin' to let any chance slip him," Bill Dean whisperedconfidentially to Seth, and Sam Barney said in a tone sufficiently loudto be heard by those immediately behind him:

  "He's a reg'lar chump, else he'd know enough to behave hisself on thewitness-stand."

  "He'll behave himself outside on the sidewalk in a way you won't like ifyou shoot off your mouth too much," Bill whispered, and Seth shook hisfriend's arm warningly lest he disturb the court by his threats.

  'Lish Davis evidently saw that there was bad blood between the allegeddetective and Seth's roommate, and at once forced the boys on the frontseat to move nearer together until he had room to sit where he couldkeep all of them under his eye, a proceeding which caused the amateurfireman great relief of mind.

  After what seemed like a long time in waiting, Jip's attorney asked thewitness:

  "What is your name?"

  Dan appeared surprised at such a question, and after some slighthesitation replied:

  "Why, I'm the feller you told to come here. Didn't you hear the man callmy name? This is where they said I was to stand."

  The judge rapped smartly on the desk in front of him, and Dan turnedquickly to see what had happened.

  "Answer properly the questions asked of you!"

  "That's what----"

  The attorney interrupted him by asking as before:

  "What is your name?"

  "It's Dan Roberts, of course, an' I was----"

  "Are you acquainted with the prisoner?"

  "Do you mean Jip? Why, of course I am; him an' me used to work togetherwhen he lived with Seth Bartlett----"

  "Answer only the questions asked of you!" the judge said sternly, andfor the instant Dan was abashed; but quickly recovered himself as heremembered what Seth had said regarding the possibility of aiding Jip byhis evidence.

  "Where were you when he set fire to the shed in Baxter's lumber-yard?"

  "Now, see here, mister, Jip never 'd done that----"

  "Where were you?" the attorney repeated, speaking so sharply that forthe moment Dan was startled.

  "Why, in the shed, of course, we----"

  "Had you heard the prisoner threaten to set fire to the shed?"

  "He didn't mean a word of it; did you, Jip? He was----"

  "Unless you answer the questions which are asked, and in a propermanner, we shall find some means of punishing you," the judge saidsternly, and Jip's attorney whisper
ed a few words in the ear of thewitness, which had the effect of checking him for the time being.

  He was questioned regarding what he had heard Jip say as to burning theshed; how many times such threat had been repeated in his presence, andwhat the prisoner had told concerning the crime after it had beencommitted.

  It was the last question which set loose the floodgates of his speech,and, regardless of the judge's warnings or the attorney's nervousgestures, he said, speaking rapidly in order that all might be toldbefore they should check him:

  "Jip, he was awful sorry 'cause he'd done it, an' said he'd squarethings if we'd let him. He wouldn't even put up his hands when I wasgoin' to thump him, an' if Sam Barney hadn't wanted to show hisself offfor a detective there wouldn't been any fuss like this. What does heknow 'bout bein' a detective? Why, I wouldn't----"

  By this time the court officials managed to stop the flow of words; butnot before he had shaken his fist in the direction of Sam, and causedeven the judge to smile.

  "You may step down," the clerk said, after order had been restored, andDan asked innocently:

  "Ain't you goin' to give me a chance to----"

  "Step down!" was the stern command and Master Roberts was forced toobey, much to his displeasure.

  "I'll bet I'd fix things if they'd give me a chance," he whispered toSeth as he took his seat; "but that lawyer 'Lish Davis hired don't'mount to a row of pins."

  Then the amateur fireman's name was called, and he proved a moresatisfactory witness to all concerned than had Master Roberts.

  He replied briefly to the questions, and when the examination was endedthe judge asked how Jip had behaved after the crime was committed.

  Then it was that Seth had an opportunity of telling how penitent thefirebug had appeared to be; how eager he was to do all in his powertoward repairing the wrong, and declared he did not believe the prisonerwould "go crooked again."

  'Lish Davis next went on the stand, and although he could not swear toJip's repentance, he testified that the prisoner himself had sent in thealarm, and succeeded in saying many a good word for the boy.

  "That driver is a dandy!" Dan whispered approvingly. "I wish the lawyerwas half as good."

  Master Roberts was better satisfied with the attorney a short timelater, when he made a plea that sentence be suspended on the prisoner,who had promptly confessed his guilt, and even at the moment when thecrime had been committed did all in his power to repair the mischief.

  Then two or three others had something to say; but they appeared to betalking privately with the judge, rather than conducting the case, andto the great surprise of all the small spectators Sam Barney was notcalled to the witness-stand.

  The fact that he had compassed the arrest of the prisoner was not evenmentioned, much to the delight of Dan and Bill Dean, each of whom leanedforward from time to time to ask in a cautious whisper as to when the"big detective work was goin' to be showed up?"

  After a time it seemed to those in the front seats as if the prisonerhad been forgotten by the court, for nothing was said to or about him,and Bill was on the point of asking Seth if the trial was concluded,when the judge ordered Jip to stand up.

  Then he lectured him severely on the crime of arson, explained how manyyears of his life would be spent in prison if the provisions of the lawwere carried out to their fullest extent, and finally announced thatsentence would be suspended during good behavior.

  At this point 'Lish Davis left the court-room as if he no longer had anyinterest in the proceedings, and after a certain time the attorney ledJip out of the building, the latter's acquaintances following in abody.

  "Is it all over?" Dan cried, seizing the attorney by the arm in order tohold his attention, and before the gentleman could speak, Sam Barneycried vindictively:

  "You can bet it ain't all over! I've been buncoed by a lot of cheapfiremen, an' don't count on holdin' my tongue. You'll see Jip Collins injail again before he's a day older."

  "Yes, it is all over," the attorney said in reply to Dan's question. "Solong as Jip behaves himself, nothing more will be done; but if he shouldgo wrong, sentence for this crime will be pronounced, and most likely hewill be given the extreme penalty."

  "Can Sam Barney have him arrested?" Dan asked.

  "No one can trouble him on this charge while he lives an honest life."

  "Then I'll see that that duffer holds his tongue!" and Bill startedtoward the would-be detective in a threatening manner; but the latterwas not minded to take any chances of an encounter.

  He turned and fled instantly Bill made the advance, and did not haltuntil he was half a block or more away, when he shouted:

  "Wait an' see what I'll do to all you chumps who think you're so awfulsmart!"

  "I'll give you a chance of seein' what I'll do, an' without muchwaitin', if you make any more cheap talk!"

  With this threat Bill turned his back on the disappointed Sam, and Sethbegged of him to remain quiet.

  "It's all right now," he replied complacently. "I've had my say, an' ifSam knows what's good for him, he'll keep his tongue quiet. There ain'tany reason why I shouldn't fight, an' he'll soon find it out."

  Then Seth turned to the attorney, who was yet talking with Jip, andasked:

  "How's he goin' to pay you for lookin' after him?"

  "I don't expect he can. The bill was settled by some firemen belongingto Ninety-four engine."

  With this the lawyer, after advising Jip to call upon him from time totime, went his way, and Mrs. Hanson's lodgers stood looking at eachother as if expecting some important proposition was about to be made.

  "It won't do to take you up to our house, Jip, 'cause there are three ofus already, an' the boss of the place can't have all the boys in thecity runnin' in an' out there for sixty cents a week," Seth saidhesitatingly, wondering what could be done with the lad who had been puton probation.

  "I ain' thinkin' you could take me there," Master Collins repliedpromptly. "Now I'm out, I'll begin to sell papers down by the ferryagain, 'cause I've got fourteen cents left, an' if Sam Barney leaves mealone, I'll pull through all right."

  "If he so much as looks crossways at you, I'll give him something toremember me by," Bill cried.

  "It's a good thing to get right at your work," Seth said approvingly."Stick at it, an' us fellers will come to see you whenever we get achance."

  "You've been mighty good to me, all three of you, an' I only wish Icould----"

  It was impossible for the penitent firebug to say anything more. Thetears he had been holding back since he first appeared in court now cameout in full force, and, seated on the curbstone, he gave full sway tothe sense of loneliness and shame in his heart.

  Mrs. Hanson's lodgers soothed him as best they could, and not until hewas ready for business once more, with a bundle of evening papers underhis arm, did Seth think of leaving him.

  Dan and Bill had both equipped themselves for work, and promised to havean eye out for Jip during the remainder of that day at least; therefore,Seth believed himself at liberty to follow his own inclinations.

  "I want to go up to the engine-house for a spell; but I'll be in theroom in time to go with you to school," he said to Dan, and the latterreplied cheerily:

  "All right, we'll flash up there by dark, and you needn't be 'fraidanybody will get the best of Jip while we're round."

  Ten minutes later Seth was in Ninety-four's quarters, standing in frontof 'Lish Davis, as the latter asked sternly:

  "Why didn't you stay down-town an' enjoy yourself? That's what I toldyou to do."

  "I can have more fun up here, an' I didn't think you'd care if I loafed'round till it was time to go to school."

  "Care? Of course we don't, Amateur; but you ought'er have some change;there's no sense in hanging on here all the time."

  "I don't see very much of you, an' perhaps----"

  "You're reckoning that we may get a call, and you'll have the chance togo out with us?"

  "If there was one, I'd like----"
  Mr. Davis interrupted him by saying with mock seriousness:

  "I'm afraid, Amateur, we shall have to hire a back-yard somewhere, andkeep a little blaze going so's to amuse you."

  Seth laughed heartily at this conceit, and then bethinking himself thatthere was no reason why he should not give the men's boots an extrapolish, brought his outfit from the chamber above, although JerryWalters insisted strongly that he should sit still "and visit with 'em."

  To do this work he had drawn on an old pair of overalls to protect hisblue trousers, taken off his coat, and was in full working costume, whena "click" came from the Morse instrument, and the men were already ontheir feet as the alarm began to sound.

  "Am I in it?" Seth cried eagerly, as the horses dashed out of theirstall, and 'Lish Davis replied, while attending to his portion of thework:

  "I reckon we shall have to take you along, Amateur, seeing 's this fireseems to have started jest when you got into trim for hard work. Swingalongside the engineer, and we'll allow you're one of the company."

  By the time the driver ceased speaking the engine was on its way out ofthe building, and Seth, swaying to and fro, clung for dear life to theguard-rail, as the mighty machine was drawn swiftly over the pavement.

  "There's no chance of our getting first water this time, even if we aretaking the mascot with us," Jerry Walters said with a laugh, and Amateurknew there were no less than three engines stationed nearer thesignal-box, from which had come this alarm, than was Ninety-four.

  "A nasty place for a fire," the engineer said as the engine, followinganother an hundred yards or more in advance, rolled on toward a block ofapartment houses, from the centre of which could be seen dense clouds ofblack smoke ascending.

  "And it seems to have a good start," Walters added.

  Then Ninety-four's hose was coupled on, and, without attracting theattention of the driver, Seth followed Joe Black and Jerry as theydragged the nozzle up the steps to the entrance of the threatenedbuilding.

  "Get back, Amateur!" one of them shouted, and the boy cried imploringly:

  "Please let me go as far as you do! It's my first chance, an' I've gotmy old clothes on!"

  "All right; but have an eye on yourself, and see to it the battalionchief don't spot you," Joe Black replied carelessly, and Sethcongratulated himself that he had gone to Ninety-four's quarters insteadof spending his time down-town.

  The fire appeared to have its strongest hold in the shaft of theelevator, coming from the basement, and the two men whom Seth wasfollowing, joined by Ben Dunton, dragged the long length of hose up oneflight of stairs to the landing where tongues of yellow flame wereapparently coming through the very floor.

  Once they were in position for battle with the foe directly before them,Jerry Walters ran into the adjoining apartment, and shouted through theopen window.

  Even where he stood, shielding his face with his arm as best he couldfrom the intense heat and blinding smoke, Seth could hear the cry:

  "Ninety-four! Start your water! Start your water!"

  If there was any response those on the landing did not hear it; but afew seconds later the leathern hose began to stiffen and round out intoshape, and then with a mighty rush that threatened to wrest the nozzlefrom the three strong men who were holding it, a jet of water struck theburning floor with a force that would have shattered less substantialtimbers.

  "Hurrah for Ninety-four!" and Seth sprang to the hose, intent on doing afull share of the work even though his face was almost blistered by theheat.

  "Get back, Amateur, get back! It's too hot for you here!" and Ben Duntonthrust Seth aside with his elbow at the very instant a wild scream washeard on the stairway in the rear of the firemen.

  Turning quickly Seth saw dimly through the volume of choking vapor theform of a woman, and it seemed to him that Ben Dunton was trying toforce her down the stairs when she shrieked:

  "There's a child on the next floor!"

  Jerry Walters and Joe Black could not leave their places of duty; butBen Dunton sprang forward, and almost instinctively Seth followed, thesmoke being so dense at the top of the stairs as to screen his movementsfrom the view of those at the nozzle.

  For an instant he fancied Jerry called his name, and then he was gropinghis way upward, half-blinded, choking, but eager to do what he mighttoward a rescue.

  He gained the second landing.

  Here everything was obscured by the black smoke, and he could no longersee Dunton, although now and then a crashing noise as of wood beingsplintered under heavy blows told, as he believed, that the bravefireman was intent on the effort to save life even though his own mightpay the forfeit.

  Then with a roar the flames burst from the elevator shaft directly infront of him, and he staggered on along the hallway, hardly knowing inwhich direction he was going until, from behind a door near at hand camethat which sounded like the crying of a child.

  He had only to turn the knob in order to gain an entrance into theapartment, which seemed entirely free from smoke, as compared with theplace he had just left.

  On the floor near the window sat a child crying piteously, and Sethcaught the little thing in his arms, thinking it would be possible togain the foot of the stairs, where he had left Black and Walters, beforeeither he or his charge should receive serious injury.

  Thus laden he ran toward the hallway, but only to retreat.

  The flames were pouring up through the shaft, spreading out in everydirection, and forming such a barrier as he could not hope to pass.

  He shouted for Dunton, but no reply came, and for the briefest intervalof time he despaired.

  Then came into his mind as clearly as if the words were yet beingspoken, what he had heard said to one of the classes concerning justsuch peril as he was in at that moment, and without delay he returned tothe room, closing the door behind him to shut out the noisome vapor asnearly as might be.

  "Don't cry, baby, don't cry," he said soothingly to the screaming childas he ran here and there looking for something with which to carry intopractice the lesson he had received.