Read Amatista Page 6

  His eyes looked heavy as he stared down at her. “I have dreamed of this. Of mating with you.” Without entering her, the tip of his cock prodded her entrance with little stabs, testing her opening.

  She cradled his face above hers. “Kavi, I’ve wanted this forever.”

  “It will be forever.”

  “Yes,” she breathed.

  He groaned, the tumescent head of his cock pressed against her, still not penetrating. “You are tight.” Sweat glistened on his forehead as he held himself upright, poised above her. “Are you untouched, Liana? I will be gentle.”

  “No!” she cried. “Yes, I mean…I’ve never been touched, Kavi, but don’t hold back. I want it all. I want it…hard. Fuck me. I want you so much.”

  His jaw clamped, eyes darkening in determination as his hips rocked back and plunged. She was so wet, he slipped into her with a single thrust, all the way to her core, so that every muscle inside her clamped around his length.

  A flash of pain jolted through her, and yet Liana found pleasure in that as well. “Yes!” she urged, her hips nudging his.

  Kavi bent to take a nipple into his mouth, his hair falling down her sides like a blanket as he suctioned the hardened peak. Ribbons of sensation unfurled at that sensitized tip, traveling down her belly, her limbs, her calves, until she felt weightless, floating in a sea of sensation.

  He moved inside her, his cock stroking every inch of her. She moaned in bliss while he made a choking sound, as if he too found the pleasure excruciating. His thrusts quickened, his mouth opening wide around her areola before he bit down on it gently.

  “Mine,” he cooed, his hips pumping faster.

  “Sumi,” she breathed. Liana’s eyes had drifted shut, a storm of sensations assailing her. She was savoring every one. The spasms in her muscles, the weakness in her thighs, the boiling heat in her pussy, the little pricks of pleasure on the tips of her breasts.

  Her legs strengthened their hold around him, mindless, lust-filled yelps and whimpers tearing out of her throat as he continued to fuck her. She was so overwhelmed, so unaware of anything else but Kavi. She didn’t even realize her hands were soiled, caking his shoulders in mud when they clamped around them and squeezed. Kavi’s hips pulled back, a choking sound dying in his throat as he gave that last thrust that catapulted her to bliss.

  She went blind when it came, his growl of release echoing in her ears even as she released her own hoarse cry of ecstasy.

  For a full three minutes after her blissful voyage, all Liana could think was—wow!

  While Kavi…

  Liana feared he’d fallen asleep, he was so still.

  Nudging him off her with great effort, she flipped onto her stomach and watched him sit up beside her, still looking rattled. Shooting him a mischievous smile, she nodded toward her back and said, “Mipe.”

  Kavi scowled in confusion, his gaze slowly drifting to her back. Only then did he see the mark. And grumbled out a breathless word she was sure must have been a curse.

  Chapter Six

  Kavi stared, resisting the urge to rub his eyes, sure they were playing games on him. All speech had left him and his heart had barely begun to resume its normal rhythm before it began to race again. All across Liana’s back were scribbles. Letters. In red and green ink, and a drawing of a long, crooked path in dark brown. The colors looked glossy over the smooth, fair skin of her back, too beautiful to have been caused by anything but magic. “What is this?” he whispered, his hand trembling as he reached out to her.

  Almost afraid to touch it, Kavi traced the long, sleek path with one finger, whispering hoarsely, “This is magic, Liana.”

  Turning her head to one side and resting her cheek on her arm, Liana closed her eyes and sighed dreamily. “I’ve had it all my life. I try to ignore it…I can’t even see it without a mirror, of course. But sometimes,” she confessed, her voice dropping to a murmur. “Sometimes it’s been a great burden to carry, Kavi.”

  Kavi’s throat tightened with emotion. He wanted to weep for her. For the little girl charged with the enormous responsibility of this map. For the woman who obviously thought it was the only reason she held value. For the mate he loved and wanted to protect with his life. And for his people—for there, on her beautiful marked back, was the key to their long-lasting exile. There, on her back, one word stood out among the rest…


  “Can you read it, Kavi?”

  He was too overwhelmed to think right, but he concentrated on her question and stared at the marks, trying to breathe out the words. “I believe so.”

  “I didn’t know you were looking for it…but I know that this is the reason you were captured. This is why so many Fohers have been killed, Kavi. The humans can’t read it, and they need you to do so. This is why Lyle needs me.”

  Kavi couldn’t tear his gaze off her back, and he stared at it with eyes widened with wonder. His chest felt crowded, weightier than a thousand human shuttles, grander than his home planet. “It’s all here,” he said. “It is all on your back, Liana. The way to Amatista.”

  Liana smiled and squirmed restlessly. “Well, go on! Tell me,” she prodded. “Is it near?”

  It took Kavi a moment to make sense of the drawing. When he finally did, he started to nod. Through the Grymbid Woods. Past the Tekkan River. Around the Vilde Mountains.

  The sound of giggles made Kavi jerk his face up. Galina was rushing across the greens, Ajay hot on her trail. Her dress was partly removed, baring her chest to the sunlight, her breasts bouncing freely as she sprinted toward the river. Liana, seemingly aware of the noises behind her, went utterly still, and Kavi rose before they reached them to make his presence known.

  Liana, so used to protecting the map, quickly sat up to face them so they couldn’t see it, unwittingly revealing every inch of her nude body. Ajay and Galina both paused before her, and it seemed like even the breeze that had played around the woods just before had stilled. Ajay’s eyes went brilliant as they slowly traveled down her neck to her breasts. Kavi stepped forward, speaking gruffly to him in their language. Liana didn’t understand a word they were saying. She was too busy blushing to notice. She did hear sumi a couple times, which pleased her.

  Ajay argued, his eyes turning obsidian, never straying from her breasts. Her nipples embarrassed her all the more when they pebbled, hardening like rocks and turning pinker. The way the handsome Foher set his jaw and braced his feet apart made Liana’s legs began to feel weak. He looked…he looked…ready to charge. His tanned skin had taken on a crimson hue, his nose appeared slimmer over his flaring nostrils and every prominent muscle in his body emanated tension.

  Belatedly, Liana covered her breasts, and just the feel of her palms against her nipples sent tiny rivulets of pleasure down to her sex.

  “Liana,” Galina gently said, kneeling beside her while the two Fohers continued to argue. “My mate wants to show you his cock.”


  Then— “What?” Shaking her head, Liana looked dazedly up at Kavi. He’d turned away, his posture as rigid as his fists by his sides. He was staring off into nothingness. “W‑what does she mean, Kavi? What were you talking about?”

  Something wild shone in his eyes when he turned to face her. “Your body captivates him.” Kavi spoke so tightly his neck seemed to have thickened. “He wants you…” He paused, swallowing hard. “To see him.”

  By the time Kavi finished speaking and Liana risked a look at the young, muscled Foher standing beside him, Ajay had dropped his skins to his knees. And there, on display a few feet before her, was his very long, very solid, very capable cock. Liana gulped back saliva and then gulped again, eyes completely round.

  “You’re…you’re serious,” she squeaked, forgetting about her breasts and covering her cheeks with her hands to keep all three of them from seeing how flushed she’d become, and maybe to keep her jaw from falling too.

  Of course, Ajay had reason to want to show her his cock—it was huge. A pri
me example of a cock. As delicious-looking as Kavi’s. Ajay was also handsome in a bit of an intimidating but still very appealing way. He was cupping his balls as he stared down at her, a hand curled around his girth. His dark cocoa eyes had sparks of light in them and she could feel heat lick through her sex like tongues of fire.

  Ajay whispered to her. His voice was rough like tree bark, the words indistinguishable. “Musi unmi valaka?”

  “What? Kavi, what is he saying?” Liana asked in alarm, hands splaying over the earth as she pushed herself an inch back.

  Kavi’s eyes had hardened to steel. “Ajay wants to know,” he strained out, “if you wish to taste his valaka.” Kavi’s breathing was irregular, the sound of it hollow.

  Liana could barely draw in a breath herself. Her cunt clenched, a flood of moisture coming forth. She stole a look at Galina, who’d risen and stood a foot away from her mate, all three of them staring down at her. Galina was smiling wistfully, her dark eyes hooded as she began to nod. “You help me suck my husband’s cock, yes, Liana?”

  If Liana’s expression didn’t change, it was because her eyes couldn’t possibly open wider and her mouth had no more room to open. “Galina. You can’t mean you want me to?”

  “Yes, I do. It pleases me to see my husband find pleasure. Fohers like oral play. Kavi does too.”

  Liana’s gut tightened, her sex wetting even more. “I—Galina, this is…” Crazy! Liana’s face shot up to Kavi. “Kavi, please…what do you want me to do?”

  Truthfully, she really did want a taste. She’d watched Ajay before—she’d almost wanted to take Galina’s place when Kavi wouldn’t touch her—and now Galina’s words seeped into her mind like the worst sort of temptation Liana had ever known. All she could think of was tasting that long, hard organ before her. She’d become fascinated with cocks since the day she’d seen Kavi’s. And good Lord, this one was just as appealing. A pearly drop of moisture clung to the darker skin around the head, the shaft slightly quivering in the air.

  And now another cock had risen up, hardened just like it.

  Kavi had gone completely stiff. Yards and yards of his muscled, golden flesh glistened before her eyes. He was still naked, as glorious as before or even more so, now that he was Liana’s mate.

  Taking a step forward, he cupped her chin and raised her face to his inquiring eyes. Those silver slits glimmered behind his swarthy lashes. “Do you want to?” he asked in a gruff whisper.

  She wished he weren’t giving her a choice. His question caused her flesh to flare, summoned up sensations, desires and wants she wasn’t even familiar with. “But…is this usual?”

  “Do you want to?” Kavi repeated, a hard edge to his voice.

  Briefly taking in his open-legged stance, she searched for answers on his face and felt frantic when she couldn’t find any. Heat burned deep in Kavi’s eyes, while dark, thickened veins corded the length of his cock—living, pulsing proof of his arousal. And yet there had been no hint of desire in his voice when he’d asked, which only confused her all the more. She knew he was aroused, but also suspected he was angry. “What do you want me to say?” she asked quietly, her lip starting to quiver.

  In a voice so ragged she scarcely understood, he said, “Tell me what you want, Liana.”

  “I do. I want it,” she confessed, cringing when she heard the words aloud—and his sharp intake of breath. Did it make her horrible, this curiosity, this inexplicable eagerness for a taste? But oh, Ajay’s valaka was too mesmerizing not to want.

  Galina knelt beside Liana and curled her fingers around Ajay’s shaft. “Come,” she whispered to Liana. “Come taste it.”

  Liana couldn’t even answer, for Galina was already guiding the ruddy head into Liana’s mouth. Driven by instinct, Liana’s lips parted, her tongue extended to feel the glide of his thick length against it. In the space of a breath, her mouth was full of Ajay’s cock, her lips closing around his width. Her breasts tingled, his cock vibrating in her mouth as he groaned long and loud. His hand came up to cup the back of her head and press her closer, his cock lodging in deeper. Liana whimpered, the satiny length of him stretching her mouth so wide that breathing became even harder. Kavi’s nearby growl rumbled in the air, the sound skimming across her flesh, making every little hair on her arms rise.

  For Liana, it was just as exciting to know that Kavi watched as it was to suck on Ajay. He stood beside them now, opposite Galina, and out of the corner of her eye she saw him stroke himself, play with his cock, work it. Hand clamped around it, he glided it up and down.

  “He likes how you taste him,” Galina said, still kneeling beside her. She moved her head under Liana’s chin and grazed her lips over Ajay’s balls while Liana continued to explore him.

  Ajay’s big, sturdy body shuddered without control. He whispered. Something indiscernible, an endearment maybe, for the tone was as tender as it was rough. “Sumakilina.”

  Her heart drummed fast, her lungs laboring hard to draw in oxygen. Perspiration gathered between her breasts, on her belly, her neck, the force of her need so acute the muscles inside her cunt ached painfully. Liana could hear Kavi’s breathing, fast and shallow like hers. Like Ajay’s. Like Galina’s.

  Ajay spoke again, a rumble of words she didn’t understand but nonetheless found arousing. “He wants you to eat his cum,” Galina whispered.

  Liana tasted it already, her tongue swiping along the tip of that invading cock, drinking up the droplets. Galina moaned as she opened her mouth around his balls. “Mmm.” That lone sound was whispered against the sac. Then a louder, deeper one rang in the air soon after as Kavi’s hands quickened, both of them now tugging at his cock, hard and fast.

  Liana felt dizzy, weakened by the rhythmic stings between her legs, the hot little pulses on her nipples as she watched Kavi’s hands swipe over his length, again and again.

  Galina was now engrossed with Ajay’s member as well, purring softly as Liana ran her tongue over his length. As Liana’s tongue reached the root of his shaft, the other female’s tongue unexpectedly brushed hers—silky and hot—and Liana had a sudden urge to follow it. When she did, Galina’s mouth parted for her, a slight suction drawing her tongue into her friend’s honeyed mouth.

  Lightning shot through Liana’s spine, so quick and shattering that she tore away with a fierce jerk. Galina drew back slightly, licking her parted lips as she studied her, gauging her reaction. “Our bodies are the greatest gift the goddess has given us,” she said in a husky tone. “We treasure each other’s as if it were our own. Let me give you pleasure.” As she spoke, her hands cupped Liana’s breasts. Only barely. A touch that felt like a whisper—and only teased her nipples into a sharper pain.

  Liana’s eyes fluttered shut, a sigh drifting out of her. Galina’s hands weren’t like a man’s. Not possessive. Not powerful or dominant. They were light and feathery as they caressed. Agile as the tips of her fingers ran across her rigid nipples. And they felt marvelous, eliciting a tiny moan of pleasure from Liana as she pictured what it would feel like for a woman to suck those rounded little nipples. A woman to caress her long, slender fingers through Liana’s swollen labia. A woman’s sleek, velvety tongue prying its way into her sex.

  “Musi unmi valaka!”

  Ajay’s sharp command came simultaneously as his hands fisted in Liana’s hair, pulling her mouth back to his privates. He shoved his cock into her mouth and Liana took as much of the thick rod as she could.

  Galina pressed her lips to her ear. “Will you let me eat Kavi, Liana?” Her voice trembled. “The sight of him stroking his cock, of Ajay deep in your mouth—I am very aroused.”

  Liana drew back, resting on her haunches. “Kavi?” Her eyes rose to his brilliant silver ones. His face was ravaged with desire, his dark, silky hair billowing behind him. Her heart leapt to attention and what she was sure couldn’t get wetter suddenly did. How beautiful he was. Magnificent. Like a thing of nature. Glorious as he masturbated, pleased himself with those big, capable hands.
  “She has sucked me before,” he rasped, hands tensing around his cock. “Ajay has asked me to please her in the past.”

  Before Liana could respond, Galina leaned forward and gripped Kavi’s powerful thighs, his cock rapidly disappearing into her mouth. Liana felt her stomach constrict when Kavi dropped his head and emitted a deep, piercing growl of pleasure. Muscles in his chest and abs flexed and tightened, his hips rolling.

  Lust rushed through her veins, quick and hot, kicking her into motion. Taking Ajay’s cock in her hand and stroking it gently, Liana leaned toward Kavi and licked her tongue across his full, prominent balls while Galina’s mouth worked busily along his shaft.

  “Kavi, you taste so good…” Galina slid her head back, taking only the tip and suctioning hard before loosening the grip of her lips around him. “Liana wants you for herself, I think.”

  Oh yes, Liana did want Kavi all for herself. Nothing could compare to Kavi. Her Kavi. Sumi Kavi.

  “I am yours, Liana.” Kavi gripped the back of her head and offered his cock, groaning when her mouth took him in, his voice hoarse as he said, “Does his cock taste like mine? Do you like it as you do mine?”

  No! No! No!

  His hands shifted, tightly gripping her jaw, eyes flashing with emotion as he continued to plunge his shaft into her mouth. “My body aches to watch you—and my heart wants you to stop.”

  Liana was going to come just by his words, just by the feel of that cock sliding to and fro across her tongue. Incomparable. Perfect. Then quick as it filled her, it was gone. Kavi, gripping Galina’s head now, sank that same perfect cock into her mouth. Then he withdrew and plunged in again. All while Liana watched, mindless with lust, dizzy and breathless by this wild whirlwind of arousal. And she felt what he’d felt. Lust at the sight of him, horny and desperate to come, and pain from what sharing him did to her insides.

  Galina whimpered each time Kavi’s cock dipped, sliding a trembling hand down her body, touching her dark, moistened curls, circling her clit as Kavi pumped harder. His gaze clashed with Liana’s.