Read Amatista Page 7

  “Do you want me to spill in her mouth, Liana?” He squeezed the words out through his teeth.

  Liana’s pussy dripped with moisture, clenched and unclenched around her vacant channel. Rather than answer him, she let Kavi continue to fuck Galina’s mouth, mindless with lust just by the sight of it. His thrusts were so powerful that they rattled Galina’s whole frame, causing Liana to tremble with need.

  She felt so desperate, so hungry and eager to have her mouth fucked that same way, that she returned her attention to Ajay and let Kavi watch her in surprise.

  Ajay groaned when the warmth of her mouth enclosed him, fingers threading and tangling through her hair as he began to pump. Groans and moans echoed in the silence of the woods. Liana wanted to touch herself, but she also wanted to cup Ajay’s hard, muscled butt and push him in deeper so she could suck him more. All of him. Take him up to her throat.

  Kneeling side by side, the women sucked them in near identical rhythms, moaning as the men rocked their hips fast and fucked their mouths, an occasional low, deep growl rising up their throats.

  “Do you like his cock, Liana?” Kavi demanded, Galina whimpering on her knees before him, her head moving fast. “Tell me now how well you like it!” Kavi didn’t need to tell Liana how aroused he was by watching her, by being sucked on while he did. Liana knew it by his rough, gravelly tone of voice and the way his chest heaved.

  Yes—yes, Ajay’s cock pleased her. But it wasn’t Kavi’s. And she wondered how Galina found Kavi’s delicious, monstrous cock in her mouth. Did she like running her tongue down the velvety length? Did she ache to draw forth more droplets of rich, salty cum to savor? Did she enjoy sucking on the crown, bumping her lips across the folds, scraping her teeth up the tip? Just the memories of it, the way it felt and tasted, heated Liana’s sex even more.

  “Fumatela sumi valaka!” Ajay demanded, hands clamped in Liana’s hair.

  “Fuck her, Kavi. Ajay wants to see you.” Galina’s words thrust Liana further into a frenzy of emotions. Pressure built inside her, gathering force, the mere thought of Kavi—inside her again—thrusting her closer to her peak.

  She trembled with need when Kavi went to his knees and positioned himself behind her, cupping her buttocks in his hands. He gripped the flesh, squeezing it with a growl while Galina moved closer and slipped an inquisitive hand down Liana’s tummy. Slim female fingers pried her curls open, discovering the wet little nub on top. Liana trembled as Galina rolled the pearl under the tip of one finger, triggering a shock of pleasure. As those sensitive folds melted under her strokes, the turgid, taut head of Kavi’s cock pressed between her lips and she felt him slide an inch inside her. Then another inch. And another. Parting the slick tissues. Stretching it so wide she thought she couldn’t bear to take in any more.

  True to the primitive lifestyle she’d been experiencing, Liana went wild, biting on Ajay’s cock, making him roar and increase his pounding rhythm, his hold tightening on her head. With a violent sound, Kavi pulled back and speared back inside her pussy, deep into her silky sheath. Her muscles rippled around his cock, stroking it with hard, pulsing contractions and sucking him in deeper. Until every pore inside her was filled with him, with Kavi. Female hands continued to touch her, playing with her sex, teasing her into shivers that rocked through her body with a promise of more, longer, fiercer ones to come. A colossal, sturdy, ever-long cock speared her mouth, pushing between her lips to the back of her throat.

  Kavi’s big, hot hands were flat on her buttocks, keeping her firmly in place. Her knees dug into the soil as Kavi fucked her dripping pussy like his life depended on it.

  “Sumi,” he growled, then once again, louder, so that Ajay, Galina and even his mysterious pagan goddess, wherever she was, could hear him. “Sumi!”

  “Yes,” she gasped, even with Ajay’s enormous member sliding into her mouth. She was Kavi’s, all of her, body, heart and soul. Liana would never again believe another cock would taste or feel like his. She would never again think she could get the same pleasure, the same elixir, feel the same passion, with anyone but him. Yes, Ajay was a big, powerful Foher who would arouse any hot-blooded being into lust. But nothing compared to sex with Kavi, where even her feelings were aroused, wild and tumultuous and beautiful. Setting her free, letting her soar.

  And so she did, let go of everything, until she felt herself dissolve into nothingness. A spurt of cum flooded her mouth while a second stream of liquid shot inside her pussy, warming her muscled walls. She felt Kavi’s tremors, heard Ajay’s hoarse cry and a hushed whimper from Galina as she stroked herself to join them. Liana’s eyes had clamped tightly shut as she let her climax take her far away, to darkness and light and a feeling of weightlessness. After those long, blissful seconds, her body sagged to the ground, her mind gone blank.

  * * * * *

  When Liana recovered her senses, it was to find Ajay on the ground, Galina wrapped in his tight embrace. Gone was the wild, reckless Foher of minutes ago and the strong, reliable female Liana knew so well. In their stead were two tender lovers. Ajay brushed back the sweaty brown tendrils from Galina’s forehead as he whispered in her ear. He planted sweet, lingering kisses on her face while he gently caressed her cheek, and she smiled dreamily, basking in those softly spoken words of love and comfort.

  “Come here.” Kavi’s quiet words were like a balm to the longing that had just ripped across her insides by watching this heartbreaking display. She turned away from Galina and Ajay, straddling Kavi’s lap, her breasts crushed against his chest. Liana closed her eyes and leaned her forehead against his shoulder, her arms going around his neck as his strong ones gently rubbed her back. “I wish it would be nighttime now,” she whispered. “So I could cuddle with you until morning.”

  Kavi’s lips brushed her temple then skimmed down to her ear. “I will cuddle you all day if you wish it.”

  Galina’s voice snapped Liana to her senses. “The mark on your back, Liana! Is that…”

  Liana met her friend’s awestruck gaze, her lips curling into a smile. “The map? Yes.”

  “Mipe!” Ajay whispered, softly, reverently as he stared at her back.

  “We must go then!” Galina exclaimed excitedly, already rising. “We must not lead the humans to our home!”

  “We will be there in a moment,” Kavi said with an edge of possessiveness, helping Liana up as he rose to his feet.

  Liana watched in silence as Ajay and Galina quickly dressed and disappeared into the woods. She turned to Kavi as he pulled her into his arms for a tight embrace. “I grew jealous,” he murmured, scraping his jaw across the hair at the top of her head.

  His arms were so massive, the muscles so bunched, Liana doubted she’d ever felt this safe inside the compound. “Were not. You loved it,” she countered with a wide, private smile.

  “I did enjoy watching you, Liana. We are one now, and I am happy to make you happy. But I grew jealous—I am still jealous. I love Ajay as a brother. I would give my life for any of my people, but you…”

  Liana tilted her head back so she could study his face. “Why would you be jealous, Kavi?”

  He let go of her, growing thoughtful as he reached for his skins on the ground and brushed the soil away from them, deftly avoiding her gaze. “Ajay is younger. Soon he might be stronger, maybe the leader.”

  “That wouldn’t make him better,” she said with conviction, taking a step and cupping his jaw with her palms. “At least not to me.”

  He seemed awed by her words, his silky lashes lowering to his cheeks as he kissed her softly, then he pulled back to give her a long perusal. After a long silence he said, in a whisper filled with wonder, “Who are you?”

  Liana stared at him, confused by his question. His hands roamed along her back, gliding down her marked flesh. “Who are you to carry this, Liana?” he asked again.

  It was the same question that had haunted her thoughts for a lifetime. Liana had given her life away in search for the answer. She sighed in resignati
on. She didn’t know where she came from, why her parents weren’t with her or the origin of her mark. But suddenly the past wasn’t important, because she knew what she wanted in her future. And that was all that mattered now.

  His face was warm under her palm, her thumb tenderly brushing his cheek. “It doesn’t matter, because I know who I want to be and who I want to be with.”

  He closed his eyes as if the words hurt. Gently, he took her hand and dragged it to his mouth, turning it so he could kiss each knuckle almost reverently.

  Liana sighed, her eyelids drifting closed to savor his tender touch then opening to gaze at him with eyes that shone with love. “Kavi, I want to help you find your home.”

  His smile was slow, but once those lips had fully spread to reveal his row of pearly teeth, it was breathtaking. “We are near.”

  “We are?”


  Before Liana followed the impulse to leap into a sprint, she snatched her dress up from the ground and paused. “But Lyle is following us. We might lead him right to it.”

  “If we reach it first, we will regain our strength and go through the portal. Nothing could ever breach the rocks once we are in.”

  “Are you sure?”

  He tweaked her nose playfully. “Yes! The amethysts hold power from the universe. The river is weak because we were its strength, as it was ours, but on our return, we will be strong again.”

  Liana wondered why the Fohers had even wandered out of such paradise. “Kavi. Why did your people even leave?”

  He stroked her hair and Liana leaned against his shoulder, ready to swear on her life nothing had ever felt this good. “Some of our ancestors wanted more. To conquer and rule all of Oriana. They did not know they would lose much of their strength when they left. The gemstones make us whole, increasing our power and endurance tenfold, but they were foolish…and by the time they realized, they’d lost their way.”

  Just like Liana. Who’d had a comfortable, blessed life, but had been lured away by the need to know. Who. What. Why. “You say some, Kavi. Do you mean others remained?”

  “Yes, others remained. They are awaiting us, but would put Amatista in greater peril if they came to find us.”

  Liana thought that was a little cruel, for surely one could have been sent to find them at least? If only to point them their way back. “Amatista sounds…incredible.”

  “In my heart I know it is.”

  “And…only Fohers may live there?” If she sounded worried, that’s because she was.

  “Amatista is said to be made up of many people.” He smiled warmly at her. “Little humans too.”

  She grinned, her worry gone. “Fantastic! I say we get going then.”

  As she started to wiggle away he squashed her to him. “You are mine now. Wherever I go, you go. Wherever you go, I go,” he said with a solemn face.

  She swatted his arm. “Do you hear me complaining?”

  * * * * *

  Actually, a while later, he did. Hear her complain. Many times. The rain had been a hindrance to them, but Kavi pressed on. Knowing Amatista was just around the Tekkan River. Nearer and nearer.

  He’d been wading through the water for hours, cradling Liana in his arms. While she did some complaining. More complaining. And then even more complaining.

  “Kavi, put me down.”

  “No.” He was getting ill of speaking the word.

  “You’re tired and I can walk. Really I can.”

  “You are my mate. I will protect you. I will carry you across.”

  “Nobody else is carrying their mates but you!”

  “You are human.”

  “Precisely. I can do it by myself!”

  He kissed her, a hard, dry peck on the lips that only frustrated him because he wanted more. “You are too stubborn. When we settle, I will have to find a way to keep your mouth occupied.”

  By the way her eyes lit up with interest, Kavi could see she was pleased by the idea—and he was much more so.

  After a thoughtful moment she said, “You’re not planning to gag me, are you?”

  “No. I like that little mouth to have its freedom.”

  She grinned up at him, her smile robbing him of his breath. “You will be very grateful for that,” she promised, eyes glinting like gems.

  But that mischievous look on her face didn’t sit too well with him. He frowned. “I hope you aren’t thinking I will continue to let you use that little mouth on my brothers,” he said solemnly.

  A sleek blonde eyebrow shot up, amethyst eyes blinking innocently up at him. “Only occasionally?”

  He realized she was teasing by the smile she gave him afterward—a smile which managed to soften every inch of him. Kavi was sure even his bones were liquefying.

  “Behave,” he said, biting back a smile of his own.

  Chapter Seven

  At one point, Liana thought they’d never get there.

  She was pretty sure they would die trying. Like martyrs or heroes or something. Something she didn’t want to be. And then because she was the only spoiled one who was being carried most of the way, she would get to bury them all.

  And of course then she’d shoot herself.

  They hadn’t slept for two days. Liana had taken naps, of course, but Kavi had gone on without food or sleep during that time. All the Fohers had. Liana had pondered explaining to them the concept of quitting.

  While most might think contemptuously of the word, Liana was starting to like it. But something happened after they took a path between two of the larger Vilde Mountains.

  The mountains loomed above them, towering monsters wrapping the tribe in shadows. The path grew wider then tapered down to a sleek, crooked line around a bend.

  When they followed the curve, all Fohers halted so suddenly Liana feared they’d slammed into a wall. The other Fohers, ones who’d been scouting the areas, had only recently joined the rest of the group, bringing news that had made Kavi none too happy. Liana had known by the darkening look on his face the news was about Lyle, surely hot on their trail. Now she prayed to her lucky stars that what everyone was staring at would be that one thing they sought.

  Her heart began to pound in her chest. “Kavi, is it…?” she trailed off.

  Kavi didn’t answer, instead setting her on her feet before making his way to the front of the line and staring at the sight that had captured all the others.

  Liana scooted up beside him, and when she did, she had to blink several times. Her vision blurred, her eyes momentarily struck by a flash of light, and she had to lift her hands to shield her eyes from the warm, heavy brightness.

  Then she saw it. Amatista.

  Nestled beside the monstrous mountains, spreading far and wide before their eyes, every tone of purple imaginable blinked back at her like a living, breathing treasure. A treasure that stretched at least twenty feet wide from one side to the other and snaking as far as the eye could see, boastings millions and millions of amethysts in all shapes and sizes, glinting beckoningly up to the skies.

  It took Liana’s breath away. Her speech. Her motion.

  All around her, one by one, the Fohers fell to their knees. Tired and haggard, they were rendered incapable of standing at the sight of Amatista. Galina’s face was moist with a fresh path of tears, while Ajay’s jaw quivered with emotion.

  “We’re here,” Kavi said, turning to face her with a look of awe. “Liana, we’re here,” he said in a disbelieving breath. And as if that wasn’t enough, he flung his head back, lifted his fists up to the wind and roared, “We are here!”

  Fohers jumped to their feet, arms thrusting up as high as Kavi’s, their mimicking cries echoing within the mountains.

  And just like that Liana wanted to weep.

  A hundred-year search had ended today. A hundred years without a home, without shelter, without protection, ended right here for the Fohers. And all the years Liana had carried the burden of this map, all the sufferings she’d known because of it, now seeme
d like nothing. That enormous weight, sometimes so heavy on her shoulders, seemed to lift right then, making her feel light as a feather as Kavi swept her into his arms and twirled her around.

  Tiny drops of tears gathered at the corners of her eyes as she flew about the air, laughing with him. She couldn’t have been more grateful that it had been she, Liana, who’d helped bring these worthy, wonderful people home.

  When he set her down, Kavi held her close to him. Liana buried her face in his chest for a moment and then he cupped her cheeks in his hands and pulled back to stare at her. His smile gradually vanished as he gazed into her eyes, his beautiful silver gaze so full of feeling that it made up for the thousand times no one had said I care.

  I love you.

  I will be with you.

  I will protect you.

  And all that she saw there made her heart soar, swelling with the same emotions she read in him.

  “We’re here—because of you,” Kavi said, gently stroking her cheek.

  She curled a hand around his wrist and closed her eyes briefly against the gentle stroke of his fingers. “Kavi, we’re also here because of you, their leader, who never gave up. You never let them down.”

  “You suffered because of us,” he said ruefully, shaking his head. “No Foher will forget that. We owe you our lives—our families’ lives.”

  Slow, languid warmth spread through her womb, her body singing at his nearness. “You owe me nothing. I owe you my life—you made me live again, Kavi. I’ve never known happiness like I’ve known with you.”

  Raised voices intruded on them, a group of Fohers suddenly surrounding them, all talking at once.

  Kavi gave them his full attention while Liana inched closer to him, seeking his body for protection. She didn’t even notice her hands gripping his forearm. “Kavi. What did they say?” she asked when the Fohers fell silent, as if waiting for Kavi to reply. Liana decided the first thing she was going to do as soon as she was able was sit down with Galina to learn the language.

  Luka stepped forward and spoke. Kavi promptly answered him. Then a second Foher spoke up, nodding toward Liana. And so it went until Liana’s head spun from the quick toss and turn from here to there as she tried to keep track of each Foher who spoke. Then, to her horror, all Fohers began to point their fingers at her.