Read Amatista Page 8

  Her eyes turned huge. “What?” she asked in bewilderment.

  Taking her by the waist and securing her to his side in a gesture full of possessiveness, Kavi gave her a reassuring smile before he turned to the group and continued to converse, Liana all but forgotten.

  She glowered, tapping his shoulder to get his attention. “Kavi, if you’re talking about me, I think it’s very rude, especially when I have no idea—”

  “We must open the portal,” he interrupted.

  Liana was immediately suspicious. “What has that to do with me?”

  His smile, slow in coming but quick in its effect, warmed her cheeks to a reddish hue. “You are the key.”

  Liana started. “Me?”


  Her head spun from this sudden, unexpected revelation. She was the key. And she had no idea—absolutely no idea—what to do.

  They’d found Amatista after days and nights of hardship. Now it seemed as if all eyes were being drawn to Liana, their hopeful, expectant gazes wrenching her heart. “Kavi,” she said nervously. “How am I supposed to open it?” Her hands shook at her sides while claws of fear scraped up her throat. What if she couldn’t open it? What if she failed the whole tribe after everything they’d been through?

  “I am unsure.” Kavi’s gaze drifted past her shoulders, toward the rocky river. “But it is written, on your back, that you are to open it.”

  “Is that all it says?” she asked him softly. “No instruction on how, no clue, just that?”

  Kavi’s eyes smoldered. He whispered, “I love you.”

  “It says that?”

  “No. Liana, I love you.” He took her face gently and his lips met hers lightly, tenderly kissing her. “I am here. You are not alone.”

  “I know you’re here,” she said with a nod, and that knowledge indeed made her feel a little powerful.

  Plus, how hard could opening a portal be?

  She guessed all it took was simply believing in it.

  Determined to get her new family home, she wound her way through the group until she’d reached the edge of the dry river, even more magnificent up close. The wind kicked up, flapping her hair behind her as she spread her arms, palms facing the skies. Her eyes drifted shut and she whispered, “Open.”

  She gave it time to do so, and when she opened her eyes, a smile danced on her lips—lasting only a second when she realized nothing had happened. “It’s not working,” she said with a shake of her head, whirling to stare at Kavi. “It’s not working, Kavi.”

  He was chuckling. Chuckling. The lug. “Are you a witch, Liana? A magician?”


  “Then why did you expect a magic river to obey you?”

  She flung her arms up high. “Well, I thought it would!”

  Smiling, Kavi drew closer to her. As if sensing her growing frustration, he took her upper arms and gently squeezed. “Liana, I ache to have you for myself, to show you how much I want you. Get us home. Use your touch, walk into the river, claim it as yours as you claimed me.”

  Liana closed her eyes and leaned into him. “Kavi, I want you.”

  He made a choking sound, hands reflexively tightening on her arms. “I need you. Please do this now, so I can have you. Touch the river, Liana, and think of me.”

  He sounded desperate, eager to enter into this home his ancestors had left, this home with locked doors with no one to open them but her.

  Liana nodded, rubbing her palms against his strong, hairless chest before she pulled away, turned to the brilliant river and thought, Sumi Amatista.

  Drawing forward, she tested the area with one foot first. Then, finding a flat spot, she moved the other forward until she stood just past the edge of the river, and slowly made her way toward the center, balancing her weight with her arms.

  “Sumi Amatista,” she whispered, bending down so she could touch her fingers to the rocks. The tips were blunt, no doubt the effect of a hundred years of wait and wind. She stroked them with her eyes closed, loving the hard, raspy feel of them under her hands.

  She continued to stroke the area, running her palms over the rocks like she’d done to Kavi’s chest, memorizing the texture like she knew his. Enjoying the feel of it. Thinking—sumi.

  A gun blast broke through her concentration then a rock exploded behind her, tiny pieces of it hitting her exposed flesh.

  “Step away from the rocks,” a deep, ominous voice said.

  Liana gasped at the sound of the voice. Her gaze whipped up to find Lyle standing several yards behind the startled Fohers, his gun trained on Liana’s forehead.

  Liana held her breath, hands motionless over the rocks, heart pounding fast.

  Quickly, the Foher children were ushered to the side while the Foher males stood to face their enemies, their stances proud. But Liana knew. She knew the Fohers were tired and hungry, and she realized by the concerned look on Kavi’s face that he knew they weren’t fit for battle. The humans, too, looked haggard, their clothes damp and dirty, but the wild spark in Lyle’s eyes put Liana at unease. He looked like a man who’d do anything, anything to win. He’d done so much damage already!

  Kavi had turned to face him, fingers curled around the dagger slung behind his back, easing it off the sheath. “We do not wish to fight you,” Kavi said, shifting the dagger to his side.

  Lyle was looking at Liana. “Come forward,” he said in a commanding voice. “Step away from the amethysts.”

  Liana frantically began to touch the amethysts, looking for a way to open the portal. Her mind raced, pleading to the river. Please open up, open up, please, please, please!

  “Stop I said!” Lyle thundered.

  But Liana did not stop, knowing if she managed to get the Fohers inside, they would be safe.

  “Stop or I’ll shoot! I know where Amatista is, I don’t need you anymore, Liana,” Lyle threatened. His words halted her as fast as a stroke of lightning directly on her chest, and she felt a big lump of emotion clog her throat as she looked at Kavi.

  That instant, her gaze collided with his, his silver-gray eyes glowing with menace. His features had darkened with rage. The emphatic shake of his head told her all she needed to know—he didn’t want her to stop. He looked like he would make sure she didn’t stop.

  The native Foher cry rang out, Kavi the first to shout it, and the sounds of fists, bodies and weapons against bones and flesh filled the air as the groups of men and Fohers charged and blended into one big mass of chaos.

  Liana’s whole body shook, fear rendering her motionless for a brief second then spurring her to movement.

  “Open!” she cried, now on all fours, her knees bit by the rough stones as she crawled, feeling for something, anything which might get the blasted portal to open.

  Then it happened—her hand closed around a heavy, round rock that instantly heated her palm like a torch. She screamed, jumping to her feet from the shock, only to stumble.

  It was like walking on marbles, the rocky, purple surface suddenly rippling under her, moving as if it were alive. Liana gasped, watching the amethysts swirl like waves beneath her feet, rocking her.


  Light blasted up all around her, colors danced before her eyes—a massive whirlpool of light twisting up from the amethysts, refracted by each to create a huge, glowing sunlike spectacle spanning the width of the lake, blinding in its intensity.

  “Inside, inside!” She heard Kavi’s voice from afar. Fohers came from everywhere, crowding around her, making her even more desperate for Kavi.

  “Kavi!” she screamed.

  She was grabbed, a familiar female voice filtering through her panic. “He is keeping the humans away.”

  The rocks under her feet seemed to melt, her feet sinking into what felt like a thick, syrupy substance. “No, no, no! He’ll be killed—Kavi!”

  She could not pull her feet out. She tried but she was being sucked in with amazing force, first to her ankles, then her calves, her whole body slowly
being dragged into a rich, purple pool of liquid. Amatista had come alive—and it had turned into a monster. The hungry gurgling sounds of the mass shook her to her core, the power of the river whipping around her with fury, smothering her will and energy. Liana strained to look around her. She knew Galina was nearby but failed to see her among the all-consuming, incandescent light. “Galina?”

  “I am here, Liana. Kavi is keeping the humans away. If they follow us, the river will drown them.”

  “What? Why? Galina, what have I done?”

  “We are entering the portal and hold the key among us. Amatista is gaining strength, as are we. Can you not feel it? If the humans follow us into the river—they will drown. The portal will swallow them.”

  “But…!” He could be left behind! He might not reach the portal—he could leave her when she’d just found him! “Kavi!”

  The light was growing too hot to stand, the viscous substance reaching all the way up to her knees and still starved for more, its dimmed gurgling sounds turning into a soul-shattering, animal roar.

  And at that moment Liana knew the river would swallow them too. Oh God, please don’t! Panic closed her throat, her lungs. She heard gun shots, the harsh, quick blasts exploding in her ears. “Kavi!” Liana screamed, covering her ears in an attempt to shut out the terror in her voice.

  And then he was there, wading through the liquefying substance, pulling her into his arms and almost smothering her face as he pressed it to his dampened chest.


  “Kavi…!” She hugged him tight, inhaling his scent as the light grew brighter and brighter and they were sucked down to their waists, their chests. “Kavi, we’re going to drown!”

  “We are not, Liana. Let it take you.”

  It was the last thing she heard before she was swallowed, the breath knocked out of her as her head submerged and her body rocked in a tailspin. The steady arms that held her were ripped away. She screamed in silence, reaching out to nothingness. Her head swam, dizzied as the liquid vanished from around her, replaced by blackness and a fierce tornado of air. A distinct impression of being cleansed assailed her, but her fear was stronger, tightly wrapped around her belly, squeezing hard. Liana closed her eyes and helplessly thought, Amatista, is this your welcome for those you love?

  Everything stilled with a sudden jerk, the feeling curiously resembling the jarring landing she’d experienced when arriving by shuttle on this planet.

  Her heart thundered, her limbs feeling burdensome as they lay over a bumpy surface. Liana pried her eyes open and tried to make sense of where she was. She was sprawled on her back, barely able to move. Dazedly, and with painstaking slowness, she sat up, her hands testing the rugged amethysts beneath her—hardened once again.

  Puzzled Fohers were littered across the river around her, some lying on their backs, others starting to sit. Galina tossed her hair from side to side, looking dizzy. It was as if the river had two faces, and they’d surfaced on the opposite side of it. Dried. Cleansed. And confused.

  The looming Vilde Mountains were no longer in sight, but rather the river sat amidst a pure stretch of green that curved down into a slope, and a horizon so beautiful she could only stare. The skies had darkened to a faint pink hue, spreading like a blanket above them, and suddenly she had no doubt that yes, there was indeed magic here. In Amatista.

  “Liana.” Kavi sounded agitated as he helped her to her feet, his hands coming to cradle her cheeks. “You are unharmed.”

  “Kavi, are you all right? Is everyone all right?” Her voice shook, hands trembling as she wrapped them around Kavi’s thick wrists.

  “We are unharmed.”

  “And Lyle?”

  “He is gone, Liana.” He pressed his thumb to her lips, caressing the plump lower curve as he stared into her eyes. “He will not threaten us again.”

  “Did…did he drown?”

  A distasteful grimace settled on his features. “No. He was a coward at the first, and a coward in the end. He did not follow me.”

  “But he shot at you?” she asked, concerned.

  His lips curved into a boyish grin. “He missed. The light—it is hard to aim with blinded eyes.”

  “Kavi, I was so afraid.” Her arms went around him, needing to feel his hard, thick-boned body close to hers. Then more of their surroundings began to filter through her hazy senses, and she smiled up at him. “Kavi, you are home,” she breathed. “Your people are home.”

  “Yes,” he said gruffly, eyeing her lips in hunger. “And all I can think of—”

  “There is the city!” Galina shouted as she stood at the edge of the river, pointing down the grassy incline.

  “Come,” Kavi told Liana, lacing his fingers through hers as he pulled her across.

  Stepping beside a grinning Galina, Liana’s first thought was that she was dreaming.

  They stood atop a hill, looking down at a valley dotted with pristine white houses graced with silver rooftops that glittered like diamonds. The instant the other Fohers stepped forward to have a look, figures began to flood the city streets. Although Liana couldn’t make out their faces clearly, she could make out their clothes. Very fine clothes made from shimmering fabrics and draped over straight, regal-looking postures. A wave of shouts and cheers erupted, ringing in the darkening night, and Kavi took Liana’s elbow and kept her by his side as they descended down the slope.

  The streets rang with celebration as the groups met with tears, laughter and joy. People whistled, hugged and cried together, clutching each other for minutes at a time. Some pressed their hands to their chests, looking up at the skies and praising their goddess.

  Liana wept with them. She stood among them all, occasionally being hugged and squished, then busily wiping the never-ending stream of tears that slithered down her cheeks. When Kavi noticed, he took her face in his hands and brushed the tears away with his thumbs. He kissed her before whispering, “I am happy.”

  Liana could only nod, choking on more tears. Yes—yes, she was also happy. She was in love. And she’d brought her love home.

  A short time later, the Fohers were escorted to private chambers, with whispered assurances that they would meet the elders as soon as possible. Liana couldn’t have been more grateful when she and Kavi were led into a quaint little home, a steaming meal served upon a small table soon after, candles lit all around them.

  She knew that very instant she’d found heaven here, in Amatista.

  Chapter Eight

  They had a roof over their head and a comfortable bed with silky sheets, the latter of which alone seemed to delight her. Her happiness reached deep into Kavi, making him smile to himself.

  On the edge of the bed, Kavi removed his clothing, watching her sigh in delight as she rolled from side to side across the bed, a smile as wide as Amatista itself shining on her lips. “This is wonderful,” she said, finally getting settled on her stomach. Kavi stared at her bare rump with interest, watching it wiggle as she got more comfortable. She sighed in contentment and Kavi thought that if she assumed she was getting sleep now—she was one sorry, confused little human.

  “You are wonderful,” he whispered, as naked as her now, his gaze roving up her lean, tanned legs, lingering on the ripe curves of her bottom.

  He leaned toward her, his hands cupping her bottom as he bent to kiss each tiny scribble on her back. One by one, he placed slow, dry kisses over the map—over a life’s worth of pain in the woman he loved, forever marked in her soul, and which had been his people’s salvation.

  Kavi felt humbled, and he’d never held something so revered and dear to him. Her skin was warm under his lips, softer than the sheets. Liana sighed under his kisses and Kavi’s loins stirred to life as he slowly brought his tongue forth to play. He laved her skin, savored her taste on his tongue, his body temperature rising.

  “I want you.” He squeezed her cheeks, his tongue slipping between them, tracing the crevice with a slow, long lick. “Liana, you have given me everything I
have longed for,” he whispered, closing his eyes for a brief moment. “No. More. More than that. Everything I have dreamed.”

  A tremor ran through her. “Kavi…” She thrust her rump toward him. “Touch me.”

  Kavi felt feral with the need to take her again, mark her as his, forever and ever and ever. He slipped an arm around her waist and drew her up to her knees, then pulled back to gaze at her. The shift in position exposed her to him, presenting him with a perfect view of the tiny puckered rosette of her ass, the swelling pink labia and the glossy blonde curls that surrounded it. Her sexual organ was like a shell—perfect, moist and unique. He watched as he inserted one broad finger inside the lips.

  She yelped. Shuddered.

  “Does this please you?” he said in a voice that rasped, his cock jutting out and quivering painfully. He was soaked with cum already. His balls tight under his cock, laden with seed.

  “Yes. Please. More.”

  Kavi pushed his finger in and out of her, watching as he did so with eyes that felt like fire. Her pussy drew his finger in. Sucked it in almost like her mouth had sucked his cock. Her soft, wet tissues felt like a clamp around him. It drove him mad with the want to pump into her. Through the opening between her parted thighs, he could see her breasts, pink nipples puckered, staring down toward the bed. They jerked when she rocked her hips against his finger, and he wished he were nearer so he could take one in his mouth and suck.

  “I want to be everywhere,” he said, his voice rasping in his throat as he used his other hand to run his thumb across her other tight and rosy hole. Watching greedily, he played with both, his chest rising and falling with each labored breath. Liana yelped when he inserted his thumb into her ass and began to pump both digits in her. “I want to know all of you. Every little orifice in your body.”

  Liana flung her head back, her hair falling down her sides as she pushed back her ass so he could fuck both entrances. For a moment, she lifted one hand and squeezed her own breast, whimpering as she did. Kavi could barely keep his weighted eyes open as he watched her fingers clench around that breast, her thumb brush across the nipple, tugging it as she moaned and pushed back against his fingers. He almost rubbed himself against the bed. Wanting to come by the mere sight of her and how hot she made him feel.