Read Among the Stars Page 4

  Chapter 3

  “Rise and shine sleepy head,” I sing cheerfully as I fling open the curtains of my bedroom. The light shines right on Stacy’s face and she groans.

  “Go away,” she mumbles and flips over, away from the light.

  “Come on,” I yank off the covers and jump on the bed, “I made pancakes.”

  “You are the worst friend in the history of friends,” she says, sitting up and holding her head.

  “That’s not what you were saying last night at the party.”

  “Obviously I never knew you were so cruel. God, my head feels like it’s gonna explode.”

  “That’s what you get for drinking so much. I only gave you one beer, remember? The others were all you. Now come on,” I hop off the bed and head downstairs. “The pancakes are going to be cold by the time you start moving.”

  I hear another groan and I laugh as I make my way towards the kitchen. Tyler had done a good job of keeping an eye on Stacy last night but she had swindled a few more beers out of him. When John came to say he was ready to leave, he wasn’t too happy to find his little sister drunker than a skunk. He said she had to stay at my house so their parents didn’t see her. Since I was the only one who didn’t drink, I drove us home in John’s car, including Tyler. In comparison, Stacy was way more intoxicated than the boys. She kept giggling the entire car ride home. She went on and on about how John couldn’t know that she was drunk and she’d lean over and whisper to Tyler that it was their little secret. Needless to say, John wasn’t too happy with my way of keeping an eye on her. He’d get over it though.

  Ten minutes go by until Stacy finally makes her way to the kitchen. She sits at the bar and lays her head on the cold tile. I grab her some pancakes and slide them in front of her with a glass of water and a bottle of ibuprofen. She looks up, sees the ibuprofen, and smiles.

  “I take it back. You’re the best friend ever.” She takes the pain killers and starts eating.

  “I know. You don’t have to tell me. Make sure you go easier on the booze at college, Stace, you’re not the most functioning drunk.”

  “I’m never drinking again,” she says with a mouthful of pancakes. “It’s not worth the hangover.”

  “Uh huh, sure.” I know she will. I just hope she is careful. I won’t be at those parties to watch her like I was last night. Maybe I’ll ask Tyler to keep an eye on her just in case.

  “So,” Stacy is still talking with her mouth full, “anything exciting happen that I should know about? Last night is kind of fuzzy.”

  “Well,” I tap my chin like I’m thinking about it, “not too much. You killed it on the dance floor, gave John a heart attack when he saw you, and oh yeah, you made out with Tyler.”

  “What?” She instantly starts blushing. “Please tell me you’re not serious?”

  “Okay so it was a little more than making out.” I shrug at her and eat my pancakes.

  “This isn’t funny,” she shouts and punches me in the arm.

  “Ouch! Fine. There was no making out. Tyler was a perfect gentleman and you were like a little kid. He even stayed with you while I went out for some air.”

  “Oh thank goodness. I would be so embarrassed.”

  “Only a matter of time,” I mumble.

  “What did you say?”

  “Nothing. Nothing at all.” I give her my most innocent smile.

  She scowls and goes back to eating. The door bells rings and I go to answer it. It’s John and I let him in. He goes straight to the kitchen and helps himself to some pancakes.

  “Yes John, you may have some pancakes,” I say with mock annoyance. He just ignores me and sits next to Stacy. Both of them sit in silence as they finish their breakfast.

  “Geez, you guys sure are fun this morning.” Matching glares is all I get as a response. My cell phone rings and I flip it over to look at the screen. I don’t recognize the number but I’ve been getting a lot of calls since my parents died so I answer it.


  “Ailey? It’s Oliver.” He was the last person I expected it to be.

  “Oh. Hi.” My heart beats a little faster.

  “I hope you don’t mind but I had Caleb get your number from Ben.” I didn’t know Ben had my number. John must have given it to him.

  “Oh no it’s fine, what’s up?” Stacy is mouthing “who is it?” but I ignore her.

  “Well, I was wondering if you would like to have lunch with me today?”

  He wants to have lunch with me? I am not prepared for this. I still have to take a shower, get ready, and I haven’t even told Stacy about him yet. But I really want to go have lunch with him, it was so nice talking to him and I had a hard time falling asleep last night because I was wishing I could see him again. I guess I was silent too long because I hear, “Ailey?” I mentally kick myself.

  “Sorry, yes, I would love to have lunch with you.”

  “Great,” I can hear the smile in his voice. “How about I meet you at 1 at that café you pass coming into town? The one next to the hardware store.”

  “I’ll be there.” My heart should not be beating this fast over a lunch with a guy I just met.

  “See you soon.”

  “Bye.” I hang up and Stacy punches me in the arm again.

  “Who are you going to lunch with?” she demands.

  “A guy I met last night,” I answer simply.

  “And?” she presses.

  “And what?”


  “He’s a friend of one of Ben’s college buddies.”

  “So he’s older. How old?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “What do you mean you don’t know?”

  “I didn’t ask.”

  “Ailey Grant, you stop messing around and tell me!”

  “I’m not messing around!” Teasing Stacy is always fun but now that I think about it I really should probably know how old he is.

  “He could be a serial killer for all you know.”

  “I highly doubt that but it’s not like I’m going away with the guy. We’re having lunch at Kelly’s. I’m meeting him there and it’s a public place so you don’t have to worry.”

  “Tell me you at least know his name?”

  “His name is Oliver.”

  “Hmm. Okay but I expect to hear from you every half hour.”

  “Yes, mother.” I roll my eyes at her. “Anything you want to say John? John?”

  He’s lying down on the counter with his eyes close.

  “John?” I poke him and his shoots up.

  “I’m wake. I was just resting my eyes.” He rubs his bloodshot eyes and lays back down.

  “Good because you guys can clean up. I have a lunch date I have to get ready for.”

  “What? What date? With who?” He looks towards Stacy, confused.

  “Fill him in Stace,” I yell as I run up the stairs to get ready.


  I wait until it is exactly 1 o’ clock to get out of my car. I didn’t want to be late or too early so I got here 10 minutes ago. I’m parked just down the street from the café where I’m to meet Oliver and I’m slightly stressed. For the past 10 minutes I’ve been repeating “it’s just lunch” to myself and it hasn’t helped. Besides school dances, no one has really asked me out on a date. I’ve always seemed more like one of the guys or like a sister to them for the most part. The curse of growing up to together in a small town, I think.

  I take a deep breath and hop out of my car. It takes less than a minute to reach the café. When I get there I see Oliver sitting at one of the outside tables looking at a menu. He looks up suddenly and sees me. I give a small wave and walk over to the table. When I get closer he gets up and pulls my chair out for me.

  “Thank you,” I say as I sit.

  “My pleasure.” He pushes my chair in and takes his seat. “I’m glad you agreed to have lunch with me.”

  “I’m gl
ad you invited me. It was a nice surprise.” He smiles at me and I smile back. He picks his menu back up and resumes looking it over.

  “Do you recommend anything?” His eyes shift from the menu to me.

  “The sandwiches are pretty good but I love their clam chowder. It’s what I always get.”

  “I think I’ll have that then,” he says, setting down his menu.

  The waitress comes and we both order the clam chowder and iced tea. She takes our menus and gives me wink. She’s from my school and we were in track together. I blush slightly but get it under control before it’s noticeable.

  “Here,” he says, “I thought you might find this useful.”

  He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a piece of paper and hands it to me. I unfold it and see it’s a list of places all over the U.S.; some of the places have a star next to them.

  “It’s a list of places I thought you should see on your trip. The starred ones are places that are perfect for star gazing,” he says before I can ask.

  “Wow,” I say, truly grateful. “This is amazing. I really didn’t know where I was going to go. This helps a lot. Thank you so much.”

  “You’re very welcome.” He bows his head at me then leans over the table to point at the list. “They are ordered in which ones I like the best.”

  “So you’ve been to all these places?”

  He nods his head and leans back, “Multiple times.”

  “That’s amazing. Thank you again.”

  I put the list in my purse just as the waitress brings our food. We thank her and start eating.

  “This chowder is really good,” he comments. I’m glad because I’m the only one in my family that ever liked it so I wasn’t sure if he would or not.

  “Glad you like it,” I say out loud. We go back to eating for a while.

  “So tell me about yourself,” I say. He takes a drink before answering.

  “Well, I’m 21,” he starts. “I move around a lot, traveling across the country. Thanks to money I inherited from my great grandparents, I don’t have to work really but I do take little jobs every once in a while. Recently I worked as a firefighter in California. I really enjoyed doing that. Most the time I travel alone but Caleb wanted to spend the summer together so I’m going around with him. We both love the outdoors so we’ve been doing a lot of camping and hiking.”

  “That sounds so fun. Have you ever been out of the country?”

  “I have. That’s an entirely different list I could give you if you plan on traveling abroad.”

  “I think I’ll stick with this country for now.” He laughs and I join him.

  “How about you? Tell me more about you.” He leans forward as I start to talk.

  “I’m 18 but I turn 19 in November. I’ve lived in this town my whole life. I was planning on becoming a journalist but now I’m not so sure. I love the outdoors too and used to go hiking almost every weekend. I did well in school but I wasn’t very sporty until senior year, when I did track. And I’m leaving in a week for a road trip that I’m using the money my parents saved for college for me.”

  “How do they feel about that?” he asks curiously.

  “Uh, they just want me to be happy.” I feel bad. I should tell him they are dead but I’m not ready. I’m not exactly lying either, I really do think they would just want me happy.

  “I think that’s what all parents should want for their children.”

  “How do your parents feel about your choices?”

  He’s about to reply when a man stops next to our table.

  “Oliver, my old pal, how are you?”

  Oliver stiffens and clenches his fists. He turns to look at this new man, as do I. He’s about the same height as Oliver but not as muscular and is dressed all in black. Black jeans, black shirt, black jacket, his hair is even black. He’s wearing sunglasses and I see myself reflected in them as he turns towards me.

  “And who might you be?” He voice is low and it gives me chills. Somehow it sounds as dark as his clothing.

  “What are you doing here, Alexander?” Oliver’s voice is low and dangerous. His warm demeanor gone, replaced with something almost predatory. His eyes seem darker and he looks ready to jump out of his chair. The new guy, Alexander apparently, turns his attention away from me and I let out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding.

  “You know it’s Alex now,” he hisses.

  “What are you doing here?” Oliver repeats. He leans forward in his chair, poised to jump at a moments notice.

  “No hello? Now Oliver, is that anyway to greet an old friend? It’s been ages since we’ve seen each other,” Alex replies, avoiding the question.

  Oliver doesn’t respond. He just sits there, waiting. I don’t know who this guy is but he definitely doesn’t seem like a friend.

  “I’m Ailey,” I say, trying to diffuse the situation, I stick my hand out towards Alex. They both turn to look at me. Oliver looks shocked but Alex just smiles and takes my hand.

  “Ailey? What a pretty name. Tell me, how long have you known Oliver here?”

  “We just met. How long have you guys known each other?” He hasn’t released my hand yet and it’s making me uncomfortable.

  “Oh years. A long long time, seems forever actually.” I try and pull my hand away but he doesn’t let go. I look at Oliver and he looks like he’s about to punch something, or someone.

  “Can I have my hand back please?” I ask firmly. Alex smirks before releasing my hand.

  “She sure is something, isn’t she Ollie?”

  “Don’t touch her again.” Oliver is suddenly between me and Alex. I didn’t even see him get up, how did he move so fast?

  “Are you going to stop me?” Alex replies coldly. His tone chills me. “I remember a time when you stood by and let others do whatever they wanted.”

  “Leave. Now.” Oliver steps in close, there’s barely any space between them.

  “Very well,” Alex steps back and shrugs, “just wanted to say hi. It was lovely meeting you Ailey. Don’t you two be strangers now.”

  With that he turns around and walks away. Oliver doesn’t sit back down until Alex disappears around the corner. I wait for an explanation but none comes.

  “Wanna explain to me what just happened?” It’s obvious he’s not going to tell me on his own.

  “We used to be friends. He made some bad choices, got in trouble, and now we aren’t friends.” Oliver is still tense but he doesn’t seem to be as wound up as before. Seeing how aggressive he got with Alex makes me worry. I know he could have his reasons and the guy did seem odd but it just reiterates what Stacy was saying, I really don’t know him. Being around the same people my whole life has made me a little too trusting when it comes to new people. I need to be more careful with who I let my guard down.

  “Thank you for inviting me to lunch but I really should be going,” I don’t want him to know I’m freaked out so I add, “I’m meeting a friend in a little bit and she gets mad when I’m late.”

  For a moment I think I see hurt in this eyes but it’s gone a second later, if it was there at all. He smiles and nods his head at me.

  “Don’t worry about it, it’s my treat,” he says when I take out my wallet.

  “Thank you.” I stand up and he does too. I wait to see if he says anything but nothing comes. “Well, uh, good bye,” I say awkwardly and turn to walk away.

  “Ailey,” I turn back around to look at him, “I’m sorry I scared you.”

  My heart clenches at the look on his face.

  “What? No you didn’t. I just really have to go meet someone. I had a lot of fun.”

  He simply nods his head and I continue down the street towards my car. Normally I have a great poker face but I must have let something slip for him to know I was scared. Maybe it was just how quickly I left that tipped him off. I feel bad but it’s better safe than sorry in this case. I reach my car and text Stacy to tell her I’m coming over. I need to see what
she thinks about my weird lunch date.


  “I’m telling you Stace, that guy was bad news. It was like he was purposely trying to be creepy.”

  As soon as I got to Stacy’s I told her all that had happened. She was just as weirded out as I was.

  “Maybe they used to be in a gang together and he ran away from them and he has to move around so they don’t find him.” Stacy’s theories tend to be on the dramatic side.

  “This isn’t helping,” I whine and bury my head in her pillow. “This is serious. If they are in something shady then do I need to worry about them knowing who I am?” Her crazy theories were starting to make me paranoid.

  “I think it’s pretty unlikely that you are in any danger. I mean what are the chances that you met rival serial killers and they are in a competition to see who can kill you first?”

  “I hate you, you know that?”

  Stacy stops packing and takes the pillow away from my face. Her face is serious as she stares at me.

  “I honestly think they are old friends that had a falling out. Remember when Sarah got into that fight with that sophomore? That girl went out of her way to make Sarah miserable. I think it’s probably along those same lines.”

  “You really think so?”

  “I do and I wouldn’t worry about how Oliver reacted. I wouldn’t have been too happy either if someone had tried to ruin my date like this Alex did. He was probably just being protective.”

  “Are you sure? You’ve dated more than me. I’m not used to these things.”

  “Have you ever felt threatened by Oliver?”

  “No. Even at lunch I didn’t feel like he would hurt me. I just felt like he would hurt Alex.”

  My gut told me that I didn’t have anything to worry about from Oliver.

  “There’s a big difference between knowing someone is capable of something and them actually doing it, especially if it’s to protect someone they care about.”

  “I know and from what little I know about him he seems like a really nice guy.”

  “From what you’ve told me I think so too. Ben said that Caleb is a good guy too and he only hangs out with good guys too.”

  “When did you talk to Ben?”

  “I had John do some digging while you got ready.”

  “And?” I ask eagerly.

  “Ben is really good friends with Caleb. He said he may be a lady’s man but he’s on the up and up. Ben doesn’t think he would have bad friends. In fact, he said Caleb got into a fight one night with some guys that were trying to spike girls’ drinks. Took them all out by himself. He had nothing but good words about the guy.”

  “That makes me feel better. I’m glad you had John ask.”

  “John wanted to make sure you’d be okay too. He worries about you.”

  “I know he does.”

  Stacy may have eased my fears that Oliver wasn’t a murderer but now I feel even worse for running out on him. Alex was obviously up to no good, I could tell that right away. It sounds like Caleb doesn’t stand for people who take advantage of others so I’m sure Oliver is the same way. It would make sense that if he knew someone wasn’t a good person that he would stand up against them.

  “So are you going to see him again?” Stacy asks.

  “I think after the way I acted, he probably wouldn’t even want to see me again. Plus who knows where I’ll be in a week.” I pluck at the edge of the blanket. It makes me sad knowing I probably messed things up.

  “Exactly why you should, because who knows where you’ll be. You could be three states over peeing in trees and living off the land, who knows? Live in the moment and grab life by those huge muscles you say he has.” She throws her arms around me and gives me a hug. “I want you to be happy. Don’t let fears keep you from living because that’s no way to live.”

  I hug her back and smile. Stacy can be either the silliest or the wisest person I know and I’m glad she’s my bestfriend.

  We let go of each other and she goes back to packing. I don’t know what I’m going to do without her for a whole year.