Read Among the Stars Page 5

  Chapter 4

  After eating dinner with Stacy’s family I decide to head home. Stacy tried to get me to stay over but I still have to pack for my own trip and if I don’t get a start on it I’m never going to get it done. On the way home the wind picks up and it starts raining. Not unusual for the Pacific Northwest but I was hoping for a bit more sunshine. At least I’ll get to go to some warmer places on my trip. It’ll be nice to get away from the rain.

  When I get home I boil some water for tea and turn up the heat. While waiting for the water to boil I double check the doors and windows to make sure they are all locked. Living alone has made me slightly paranoid. Once again I consider getting a dog to keep me company. It wouldn’t be bad to have one as a travel companion either. It’s probably too late to get a dog now though. Maybe I’ll ask John what he thinks. He’s big into dogs and would know what kind I should get.

  The kettle whistles and I go make my tea. Once that is done I head upstairs to start packing. The good thing is that I don’t have to take much besides clothing and things I’ll need on the road. I come from a long line of planners and savers. My grandparents had bought this house as a wedding gift to my parents but my parents had insisted on paying half. It wasn’t long before my fugal grandparents and lawyer parents had the whole thing paid off. They left everything to me in the will. There is plenty of money in the savings account to pay house expenses, go on my road trip, and also, with the help of my scholarships, to go to college. Thankfully money isn’t on my list of worries.

  I decided to keep the house. I just couldn’t get rid of the only place I’ve ever called home. I needed to have someplace I could come back to. After my trip or even if I wake up one day and decide road tripping isn’t working out, I can just head back home. Stacy’s parents offered to keep an eye on the house while I’m gone. We don’t get much crime around here but it’s comforting knowing someone is going to watch over my home.

  I had just gotten out my suitcases when I hear a noise downstairs. I’ve gotten used to hearing noises that the house makes but this didn’t sound like one of those. I stop moving and listen. I hear another noise but this time it sounds like a door shutting. I grab the baseball bat I keep next to my bed and reach for my phone but it’s gone. I know I had it plugged in on my nightstand. Where did it go?

  “Looking for this?”

  I spin around and see Alex standing in my doorway. He looks the same as he did at lunch, sunglasses and black clothes. He holds my phone for me to see.

  “What are you doin-” I start to ask but like magic he’s suddenly in front of me.

  “Right now that doesn’t matter,” he purrs, reaching for me. I swing the bat at him but he grabs it and rips it from my hands. Slowly, he removes his sunglasses and I freeze as his eyes hold me captive. His irises are completely black, no color, just black orbs surrounded by white. “Right now. I need you to be afraid.”

  He grabs me and flings me at the wall like I weigh nothing. I hit the wall and the breath is forced out of my lungs. Alex stands there watching as I try and breathe. I scramble to my feet and run for my bedroom door. He appears in front of me again but I don’t stop. I keep running and plow right into him. He gasps in surprise and we both fall down. I land hard on the floor but waste no time in getting up and running down the stairs. My only option is to run for help. My neighbors are currently on vacation so there was no hope of them coming to my aid. I turn around to see if he’s following me and run right into a wall of muscle. Strong arms encircle me and I’m swept out of the path of a swinging baseball bat.

  Shocked, I look up and see Oliver gazing down at me. I don’t know how he got here but I’m relieved to see him. He releases me and turns around to face Alex who somehow made it down the stairs and was about to bash my head in.

  “You took longer than I expected,” Alex says to Oliver. He holds the baseball bat relaxed on his shoulder.

  “I didn’t think you’d be stupid enough to go after her,” Oliver growls. “Did you really think I would leave her unprotected after the stunt you pulled?”

  “On the contrary,” Alex’s hands tighten on the baseball bat, “I planned on it.”

  Alex swings the bat at Oliver’s head. Before I can warn him, Oliver pushes me out of the way and avoids the bat. He rushes Alex and elbows him in the face. Blood drips from his nose but Alex just smiles and swings the bat again. Oliver blocks it with his arm while using his leg to sweep Alex’s legs out from under him and knocks him to the floor. Oliver yanks the bat away and tosses it across the room. He reaches down and grabs Alex by his coat collar and pulls him up from the ground. He knees him in the stomach and Alex slumps to the ground. Oliver crouches next to him and pulls his arm back for a punch.

  “I don’t know what you were thinking. You know you can’t beat me.” Surprisingly his eyes are full of sadness as he swings his fist towards Alex. Oliver never hits him though. Alex disappears into thin air. Oliver turns around in bewilderment. Alex reappears a second later in front of him and stabs him in the stomach with a knife.

  “You’re getting slow old man,” he whispers. Alex twists the knife and rips it out before disappearing again. Oliver stares at his stomach in shock before falling to his knees.

  “Oliver!” I scream. I run over him and press my hands against the wound to try and stop the bleeding. “You’ll be okay. It’ll be okay.” Blood continues to escape between my fingers, covering my hands and the floor around us.

  Hands grab me from behind and pull me away. I try to hold on to him but the blood makes my hands slippery. Alex laughs and places the knife against my throat. Oliver tries to stand up but falls back to his knees.

  “How are you able to Travel?” Oliver asks through clenched teeth. He’s losing a lot of blood and I don’t think he’ll survive if I don’t get him to the hospital.

  “You have no idea what I’m capable of now.” Alex presses the knife harder against my throat, forcing me to take tiny breaths so I don’t get cut.

  “Let her go. It’s me you want, not her.” Oliver manages to stand up but uses the couch for support.

  “How about we make a deal? You use your power, heal yourself, show her your true form, and I’ll let her go.” Power? What is he talking about? He’s completely nuts.

  “What are you playing at, Alexander?” Oliver growls angrily.

  “Answers aren’t part of the deal. Use your power. Save yourself and save her.” Alex presses the knife harder and I cry out as it cuts into my skin.

  “Okay! Stop! You have a deal.”

  Alex relaxes the knife a bit and waits, looking expectantly at Oliver. Nothing happens at first and I feel like I’m missing something but then I see it. Before my eyes, Oliver changes. His green eyes darken to black and silver, his hair grows longer and stops at his shoulders, his clothes change to leather armor, and a sword hangs at his hip. Bright light shines from his wound for a moment before disappearing. Except for the blood, there’s no evidence of a stab wound. He stands tall and strong like he was never injured at all.

  Alex lowers the knife but I don’t move. I stare at Oliver in shock. What I saw doesn’t make sense at all. Oliver looks at me and I involuntarily flinch at those black and silver eyes.

  “Finally.” I hear Alex whisper and he’s no longer behind me but in front of Oliver. Alex grabs his forearm and Oliver yells out in pain. Black tendrils flow from Alex’s hand and wrap around Oliver’s arm. Oliver tries to pull his arm free but he doesn’t seem able to. It’s like they are connected, bound by black threads. Windows and glass break as he keeps yelling. A strange wind blows through the house and knocks me backwards. I crouch on the floor watching the scene in disbelief. Alex lets go and Oliver stops screaming. The wind stops and Oliver falls to the floor holding his arm. The black bands stay for a moment but then seem to dissolve into his skin.

  “What did you do to me?” Oliver is out of breath as he stands up and faces Alex.

  “What I’m going to do to all of y
ou.” Alex straightens his clothes and turns to me. “Thanks for your help.” Then he disappears again.

  I wait to see if he will reappear but he doesn’t. I sit on the floor, frozen in place. What just happened? What did Alex do to Oliver? Is Oliver okay? How did Oliver change like that? I don’t know how long I sat there running what just happened through my head but eventually I noticed Oliver crouching in front of me. Surprised and a little scared, I try and back away but I hit the wall.

  “It’s okay,” he says. “I promise I’m not going to hurt you. I just want to see if you are okay.”

  I remain completely still as he slowly moves my hair so he can examine the cut on my neck. His eyes and hair are back to normal, as well as his clothes.

  “It’s not deep. Will you let me heal it?” He speaks softly like his afraid I’m going to bolt any second which isn’t far off from what I’m thinking about doing.

  I don’t understand but I tentatively nod my head and he gently places his hand on my neck. His hand warms and his eyes briefly flash to black and silver before returning to green. He removes his hand and I touch my neck to find smooth skin.

  “Are you hurt anywhere else?” he asks gently.

  “The back of my head hurts. I think I hit it when he threw me into the wall.” I answer honestly.

  “May I see?” He reaches for my head but stops before he touches me. I nod again and he softly touches the back of my head while looking for any signs of trauma. “There’s no blood but you do have a bump. I can heal it and also take care of any concussion you may have.”

  “Okay,” I say quietly. He heals me again and I instantly feel better. He sits down in front of me when he’s done and we sit in silence. Eventually I work up enough courage.

  “Who are you?”

  Oliver sighs and looks me in the eyes. His eyes are warm and honest.

  “My name is Orion,” he says, “and I’m a Constellation.”