Read An Okinawan Affair Page 11

  The Chief wants you in his office. He said to send Ashamini to put the rudder back on. Lieutenant Commander Tole is on his way down from his office to meet with you.

  "You hear that Ashamini? Is it alright?"

  "I'm on my way as soon as I finish my lunch." He answered.

  Since when does a Lieutenant Commander come to a Chief's office? I can't think of anything I did wrong to get him involved. Brad was thinking as he walked up the grassy knoll towards the motor pool admin building instead of following the paved drive which wasn't as steep but longer. He stopped on the edge of the pavement when the sounds of an approaching vehicle caught his attention. He caught a glimpse of gold on a hat and automatically flipped a salute at them.

  Tall, lean, approaching middle age, and always with a smile on his face Lieutenant Commander Tole stepped out of the carpenter shop's pickup. He threw a kind of salute Brad's way and waited for him to come up to the pickup.

  "It isn't a problem for you particularly, Brad. I just want to hear your version of what happened after you got to the EOD team yesterday." The Commander saw the questioning look Brad had on his face. "You haven't heard what happened this morning in Ozato Village then?"

  "No Sir, I haven't heard anything"

  "Okay, I'll let Charlie fill you in. Let's find him and see if he has any coffee made. I don't mean coffee mess stuff. I mean real American coffee. I know they have a coffee pot hidden in there."

  Chief Lawton met them at the door and motioned officer and petty officer into his office.

  "Where's your good coffee, Charlie?" The Commander asked.

  "Right here, Sir." He answered and opened a small metal cabinet across the room from his desk allowing the smell of fresh brewed coffee to permeate the air in the office. "Black, Commander? Brad?"

  The commander nodded affirmatively as he took one of the seats in front of the Chief's desk."

  "Yeah, black, please Chief." Brad answered.

  "You didn't get a chance to fill Brad in, Charlie?"

  "No, I didn't, Sir. He's been gone all morning laying out the new road to the Chief's Club."

  "So you decided who was going to finish that project?"

  "Yes Sir. No doubt that he can do it."

  "Good luck, Brad. You will definitely need it before you are through with that job." The Commander raised his cup of coffee in a toast to Brad.

  What have I got into? Okay Charlie, what are you doing to me?" Brad was thinking when the Chief sat behind his desk.

  "Brad, in the village of Ozato this morning a 12 year old boy lost an eye and most of his right hand when he tried to take an American made WWII hand grenade apart. Everybody so far involved, are sure it was the same grenade that the EOD had yesterday and it disappeared before they could bring it in with them." The Chief paused to sip his coffee and the Commander spoke to fill-in some more of the details.

  "We just want to hear your version of finding the grenade and what happened afterwards. And then write it up for our files. You have no responsibility at all in the incident. I want you to know that. Most of this will be between us unless something unforeseen comes to light."

  "I don't know how much I can tell you, Sir. When O'Brien and I got there the EOD had all ready dug some ditches to hold the low side tires from slipping further downhill. I suggested that they dig them a bit deeper and to enlarge particularly the one behind the left front tire." Brad went on to describe the grenade, coming out of the ground and then Lt. Anderson placing it in the safety box which was in front of the EOD truck. It was well away from where any of the kids were.

  "There was an Okinawan man with the kids who I think was a school teacher. He seemed to be watching the kids and keeping them away. They seemed respectful of him and not trying to get any closer. But we were also busy most of the time in the back of the truck and they were out my sight."

  When the truck was back on the road, what happened then and who was doing what?" The Chief asked.

  "O'Brien and I secured the gear and cable back onto the wrecker while the EOD team was loading the entrenching tools and stuff that they had out, back into their truck. I heard someone, I have no idea who it was, just one of the new guys, ask Mr. Anderson what he did with the grenade because he couldn't find it. The Lieutenant said that it was in the safe box and the same newby, said that it wasn't there.

  We all looked around for the grenade and couldn't find it. I remember looking for the kids and they were all gone. Not one kid was insight. The Lieutenant said that they would have to come back tomorrow, meaning today, and bring a translator with them in hopes of finding the grenade.

  We all felt that one or more of the kids had somehow got into the box and took the grenade. But none of us saw any kids that close to the truck."

  "Your version backs up the EOD's story all the way." Commander Tole commented.

  "What time did the grenade blowup, Sir?"

  "About 0715 give or take a few minutes this morning. The EOD and translator were already on their way to the village before 0700 hours."

  "Anything that we can do for the kid or family, Sir?"

  "I'll let you know if there is Brad. For the time being keep the facts to yourself for a while. At least until the investigation is over with."

  "Yes, Sir."


  The mess hall was about full to capacity. It was Thursday before payday and most of the NAF sailors and Seabees were too broke to go to Noumanoui or to eat in the NCO club. Brad had just finished going through the chow line and was looking for a seat when he heard his named being called quietly from somewhere near the back of the mess hall. He looked in vain trying to spot who had called him when a Corpsman walked by on his way out.

  "It's O'Brien, Brad. He's in the back corner next to the office. I think he's trying to put the make on the mess chief's new secretary."

  "Thanks, Doc. I see him now. Is he serious or just being O'Brien?"

  "Just being O'Brien. He's just finished his regimen of tetracycline and wants to find somebody to go drink beer with him."

  "Did Sashiko give him a dose of the clap?"

  "Yep. Tom O'Brien went two weeks without even one beer. Know what? He isn't even mad at her. See you later, Brad."

  O'Brien started talking before Brad could get his dinner plates set on the table and a cute nesan in a sparkling white, starched dress waited patiently ready to relieve him of the now empty tray.

  "I'm buying, Brad. Come to the ville with me and drink some beer. I need a night out and want to stay all night with Sashi."

  "Tom, why didn't you tell me about the clap? I know that I haven't been out drinking with you lately, but I'm still your friend. Maybe I could have talked to Sashiko and smoothed the way for you."

  It's alright, Brad. Mike brought her to the NCO Club a week ago and we talked it out. A damn merchant sailor gave it to her on the last weekend that we had the duty.

  So you coming with me?"

  "Sure. As soon as I shower and shave. A couple C/Cs would taste good."

  "Sashi said that Susie was wondering where you had been. She told her that you had gone TDY and would be back pretty soon. Okay?"

  "Whatever. I'm not sure what I'll tell her. I won't get Sashiko in trouble with her anyway. Susie is alright, but I'm not sure about a long term deal. She's too expensive for third class pay. Anyway, I'll be ready to go by 1900 or so."

  Alright smart-ass, what are you going to tell her? I think first you had better decide if you want to live with her or not. That's what she wants. What about Yoko? So she hurt your feelings. Does that mean you won't see her again? You thought that you were in love with both of them.

  Christ, Grow-up! Twenty seven, almost twenty eight years old and women are still driving you crazy and leading you around by the nose.

  But they sure are fun to be with. Brad thought smiling to himself.

  He was so busy with his thoughts that he just stood under the
hot water enjoying the hot massaging effect.

  "Brad, are you going to stay under the water all night? Let's go. I need a beer, it's been two weeks and I'm thirsty."

  "I'm coming, Tom. Give me 5 minutes to shave and dress."

  Sashiko was sitting on the end bar stool closest to the front door when Tom and Brad walked into the Clover Bar. With a bound she was off the stool and in Tom's arms.

  "I miss you soo much Tom-san!" She exclaimed and kissed him passionately on the lips before leading the two Seabees towards a back booth.

  Before Brad could slide into the seat opposite O'Brien, Sashi turned her attention to him wrapping her small arms around his neck then kissing him on his forehead and then as an after thought kissed him lightly on the lips.

  "Susie not here yet. She said that she would be here about ku."

  "Nine, 2100, Brad." Tom helped her out.

  "Hai, 2100 Brad-san. I am glad that you came with Tom-san and Susie will be happy to see you. I get us drinks, okay, Tom-san?"

  "Yes, damn, yes. Bring me two bottles of Asahi and Brad wants a C/C and kori mizu, dozo, Sashiko-san. And get whatever you want. Tea or a real drink, okay?"

  "What are you going to say to Susie, Brad?"

  "Damn, Tom. Are you psychic? That is the question that I have been asking myself since you talked me into coming tonight."

  "Well you'll have a clear field. The Air Force doesn't get paid until a week from tomorrow and the Navy not until tomorrow as you can tell since there is hardly anybody in here tonight."

  "I wish I had the magic answer. I've been going with a nesan from Kadena Circle and I have no idea where that is going to go."

  Sashiko set their drinks on the table. A very tall C/C with kori mizu for Brad, a small glass of something for herself and Tom's two beers. "Taste mine Tom-san, it is rum and Coke. For sure, honto. Kinjo, the bartender, said these are on the bar, but the rest we drink tonight you buy, Tom.

  Susie be here most scratch, Brad."

  Where did she pick up that, Tom?"

  "I don't know. The girls have been using it lately. It's a corruption of something they heard. Probably from some Air Force dude."

  "Hello, Brad, can I sit down?"

  He looked around in surprise. While he was talking to Tom about Sashi's strange use of scratch, he had not seen Susie come into the bar and then come directly to their booth. "Hi, Susie, sure, dozo. Can I buy you a drink?"

  "Domo, I'll get one in a minute. How have you been? I missed seeing you, Sashiko said that you were TDY. Where did you go?"

  "Actually I wasn't TDY, Sashiko was told wrong."

  When Susie looked into his eyes Brad could tell that she was weighing her options. I wonder which way she'll go. Call me on it? Ask me were I've been or drop it. I don't want her to be pissed at me, but I won't lie to her or try to sleep with her just to get laid.

  "I'll go get a drink. Can I bring somebody else a drink?" She started to stand then sat back down when Brad reached for his wallet. He handed her $2 without saying anything.

  "Domo, Brad-San. I'll be right back."

  He watched her while she walked through the nearly empty bar, then stepped up to the vacant bar where Kinjo was at the far end talking to one of the girls he had been trying to put the make on since Brad had known him.

  "Kinjo is still trying to get freebies with Fumiko? Doesn't give up easily does he."

  "They're getting married soon." Sashiko answered. "Fumiko doesn't work in the Clover anymore. The Kokusai Club mama-san made a deal with Kinjo for her to work there. It is a nice bar and she will be safe there. Kokusai mama-san is very religious. She is Shinto, and Fumiko is also Shinto so she will not have to sleep with any GIs if she doesn't want to."

  “That's great for them both. Can I buy them a drink to say congratulations?" Brad asked no one in particular.

  "That would not be right. They have not told any GI's, only some people here." Susie said as she sat next to Brad with her fresh drink.

  He looked in her eyes. "Thanks, I wouldn't want to embarrass them." Then he looked down into her drink and realized that she had a western type coffee cup in her hand.

  "I like coffee after I eat dinner. You know that." She stated as a matter of fact. "Would you like some? Here try this. And she offered her cup to Brad.

  "That's good." He said after trying it.

  "I'll get another cup. Kinjo just made it. Here take this one."

  A small smear of Susie's lipstick was on the rim of the cup and Brad tasted it when he took another sip of the very hot coffee. "That was dirty pool." He spoke out loud unintentionally to nobody in particular. Reminds me of some interesting times.

  There was some small talk amongst the two couples until just after 10 o'clock when Brad stretched. "I'm heading for bed. I've got a busy day tomorrow. Some people have the day off I know, Tom. So enjoy yourselves, kids."

  Susie had been friendly, but a bit more standoffish than she usually was with Brad. She had switched from coffee to her usual soda water and had watched to see how much Brad was drinking.

  "I'll go out with you." Susie said as she slid out of the booth to let Brad out. "Is that alright, Brad?"

  "Sure Susie. I'm just going to catch a sukoshi cab back to the base though."

  "Yes, I know." She answered. Took his hand and started to the door. "You have found a new girl friend? You don't want to sleep with me anymore?" Susie asked while the went down the stairs to the street from the Clover Bar.

  "I did find a new girl friend, Susie. I'm not sure what I want if that is what you are asking me. I liked sleeping with you."

  "I'm not mad, Brad-san. I like you and would have kept sleeping with you and maybe even lived with you if you had asked me. But you didn't and I won't wait for you to unless you can say now that you want to come home with me and will come to my house every night without coming to the Clover Bar."

  "Sorry, Susie. I can't do that."

  I hope she is worth it, Brad-san, because you are a very nice GI and I hope she knows what she is getting. Sayonara.

  "Thanks, can I come to the Clover and buy you a drink sometimes?"

  "Hai, dozo. But I will not sleep with you.

  "Fair enough Susie. I'll see you later"

  If she only knew how close she was to the truth. Well I decided anyway. Maybe I'm losing out with my dreams.

  I wonder what Tomako is doing? I should go see her to thank her again. Well, she as much as said that I could go to her house. Funny, I was thinking about her a while ago when Susie asked me about having another girl friend. Twice in fact, I did it. It wasn't Yoko I thought of, but Tomako.


  Brad had woke up earlier than usual so he went across the street from the Navy barracks to the mess hall for a couple of cups of coffee. It would be a while before the motor pool duty section would come to breakfast so he decided to relax and enjoy his coffee. He had to admit that it was better than the coffee Susie made in the motor pool coffee mess.

  Pretty good coffee actually. Oh shit, what does he want? Brad watched as Mike Branch in dress whites came into the mess hall and waved off the mess cook at the door who wanted to see his chow pass. With a premonition that Mike was looking for him, Brad stood and started across the chow hall carrying his second cup of coffee.

  "You have to be in White Beach by 0730 and ready to load the crane onto the YFU about 0830."

  "Gee thanks, Mike. And whose the great communicator who decided all of this?"

  "Lawton got called at home by that dictating Warrant Officer who thinks he owns White Beach."

  "Yeah, I know who you mean. I just wonder how long he has known that the cruiser would be ready for the missile transfer this morning."

  "Lawton wasn't happy either. Come on, I'll take you to the motor pool."

  "Thanks Mike."

  Chief Lawton was standing outside his office talking to Lieutenant MacDonald
the ordnance officer. The Lieutenant's pickup was parked in front of the dispatch office.

  Brad saluted the officer as he walked up to where the men were standing. "Morning Mr. Mac, Chief. What's up?

  "Sorry about this, Brad. White Beach left us hanging out in the breeze again. But I outrank a certain Warrant Officer out there so it won't be any problem for you. We'll be there when we get there. You can ride with me." Mr. Mac spoke before turning towards his truck.

  "Okay, I'm ready anytime that you are, Sir. How about the Army crane, Chief? Crocker and Johnny Stump only know it would be sometime this week?"

  "I'll call them and let them contact their White Beach equipment NCO. It will be ready for you when you get there."

  "Thanks, see ya later."

  Mr. Mac was a fast driver, but Brad knew it would still take them about an hour to get to White Beach. "How about the missile, Sir?"

  "My crew left with it about twenty minutes ago. They had it loaded on the trailer all week. So when the word came I sent the duty section across island with it. You can have them to rig it for you on the YFU and they'll bring the broken one in later today. Of course it's going to cost me. I had to promise the two of them two days off to go."

  Mr. Mac laughed at the thoughts of a couple of petty officers getting it over on a Mustang Officer. "I would have done the same thing." He said almost to himself.

  Smiling to himself Brad thought, That's why he's one of the best liked officers on this base. I'd work all night for him.

  Rounding a turn shortly after they had turned onto Awase Road, the shortcut to White Beach, Mr. Mac pointed to the Navy vehicle they were coming up behind pulling a trailer with a long tarp covered object. "I thought it was against the rules to haul anything on this road. They might run over an officer on his golf cart." Brad asked, but received no answer. Just the hint of a smile on the officer's mouth.

  That sucker. He told them to take the shortcut.

  The driver saw his boss's truck in his rear view mirrors and slowed down and pulled over to let them pass.

  Mr. Mac pulled around the truck and trailer, blew his horn and waved to the two men in the truck as he passed.

  Having worked with the ordinance team before made it easy for Brad and shortly after he picked up the crane from the Army they had crane and missile loaded on the YFU.