Read An Okinawan Affair Page 12

  The cruiser was at anchor almost in the exact center of Buckner Bay and as the coxswain got the YFU turned around and headed across the bay, Brad climbed the ladder to the wheel house. The coxswain was a first class who Brad knew from other boat rides. "When did she pull in, George? Early this morning?"

  "Hell no. In time for liberty call yesterday afternoon. The ville was full of fleet sailors last night drinking and hollering all night long. Kept me and my woman awake most of the night. I feel like shit."

  Brad looked the coxswain over and when he came to his bloodshot eyes he wondered just how sober he was. Just what I need, a coxswain with a hangover. I had better tell the guys from the missile shop.

  Brad took another look at the cruiser before going down the ladder to the cargo deck of the YFU where the crane and missile were sitting. He instantly realized that the gray steel side of the ship was growing bigger altogether too fast. Shit, he's going in too fast! The small boat boom and Captain's gig are right on front of him. At the same time Brad saw that the 70 foot boom of the brand new Army crane that he had borrowed, was above the bow ramp of the YFU and right in line with the fast approaching small boat boom and side of the cruiser itself.

  He grabbed the sides of the ladder. Swung himself around and slid down the ladder to the cargo deck. Sprinted to the cab of the crane. Swung up into the operators seat and in one motion hit the starter switch by instinct. He quickly engaged the drive clutch at the same time pulled back on the boom hoist lever. The crane boom lifted out of its cradle and he swung the boom to the left over the truck's cab barely missing the exhaust stack. At the same time the right corner of the YFU's bow ramp smashed into the cruiser's side. The small boat boom, made of a piece of oak timber about 6 or 8 inches around,and held by cables snapped like a twig sending the cruiser's Captain's gig sailing around the YFU's ramp bouncing across the flat plate steel as it went by.

  Brad sat staring at the pieces of debris falling into the bay between the YFU and the cruiser and was surprised when the coxswain got the YFU under control bringing it to a smooth stop exactly below the missile handling crew waiting with their missile on the cruiser's deck. Shaking his head in disbelief, Brad watched the YFU coxswain, who now seemed completely in control, for his signal that he was ready for them to start the transfer.

  He nodded. I guess that means he's ready. A quick look at the missile handlers below him on the YFU's cargo deck and Brad finished raising the boom and started the hook down to them. It just took them a few seconds to hook up the cable sling and remove the last two straps holding the missile to the trailer. A quiet signal from a smiling second class and Brad gently and smoothly lifted the delicate missile up and swung it over the deck of the cruiser and easily set it down on the missile cart the cruiser's crew had waiting for it.

  The whole transfer didn't take 15 minutes. Brad decided to stay in the crane until it was safely back on land.

  Brad returned the crane to a grouchy Army Staff Sergeant who wanted to know why the Navy had to use one of his new cranes and made him come to work early so Brad could sign it out.

  Mr. Mac swung into the Army dispatch center, stared at the Staff Sergeant for a second who sheepishly saluted him before turning and going back into his office.

  "He belly aching again?"

  "Does every time I use one of his cranes. I guess he can't understand that the Navy can get along with the Army civilians who he can't get along with.

  "May have something to do with how you get along with the civilians. I heard and somewhat saw what went on out there this morning. The coxswain will be headed to CONUS by the end of next week. Sometimes it's nice to outrank some people, Brad.

  By the way, you did a great job out there. I am sure there would have been hell to pay if that crane or a missile was damaged.

  Want a couple days off? I think that I can arrange that."

  Thanks. I have the weekend off and may take you up on it some other time."

  "Don't wait long. I'm a short timer. Three weeks left."

  "Where you headed, Sir?"

  "Stateside shore duty. North Island NAS. San Diego, CA."


  Brad had not slept in and it was quiet in the barracks on Sunday morning at 0830. He had already gone downstairs to the Master-at-Arms office to get a cup of fresh brewed Navy coffee before checking to see if Ron Jessup was out of the rack yet. Even when he had spent the night before out drinking, Akabu was usually up and raring to go fairly early in the day. Brad hoped today wouldn't be an exception. Friday evening he and a couple of other motor pool Seabees had talked Akabu into taking them North about halfway up the island to go snorkeling in the pristine waters off Nago City. He found Ron's rack empty and heard the shower running in the distance.

  Brad went back to his locker and finished getting his snorkeling gear together. Carrying his gear, he went back to Ron's rack and found the keys to Akabu's 12 year old Oldsmobile.

  "I have your keys Ron. I'll find Mac and Sherwood and we'll meet you in the parking lot"

  Brad heard a faint Southern drawl 'alright' over the running water before going on his way down one flight to find the other two Seabees.

  Smiling as he bounced out the barracks's door, Ron started talking when he was barely within hearing. "I'm hungry. Let's go to the NCO club for brunch before we go north."

  Since it was his car and Brad knew that the only physical activity Ron would be having today was to raise bottles of Orion beer, he didn't object though he was really anxious to head for the reefs off Nago.

  Wonder if Tomako is working in the Club on Sunday mornings. She never said and I never asked.

  Brad had some trepidation about seeing Tomi. He still wasn't sure how he felt about Yoko's rejection of him and Tomi's acceptance of the situation. Was she just being a good friend or was there something more in her response to my drunken plight a couple of weeks ago? What did she mean when I saw her with Dan and Yumi? Did she really want to see me? She is 8 years older than I am.

  McCorkle, the youngest of the group hollered "shotgun" before Ron even caught up to the group standing next to the car. Mac opened the passenger's front door and stood waiting for the other men to get in back.

  "Do you know where you're going, Akabu?" Brad asked him.

  "Kind of, Brad. You can help me after we get to Nago. I know a nice little bar the Marines go to right off the main drag though."

  "It figures. You really want to go to brunch?" Brad asked, knowing full well that the skinny Mississippian was a perpetual garbage disposal who ate constantly. His food intact and beer intact were in constant competition with each other.

  BRAD HAD DECIDED THAT SINCE IT WAS INEVITABLE THAT HE WOULD SEE AND HAVE TO TALK TO Tomako he was disappointed that she wasn't working. A young Air Force Staff Sergeant, in civilian clothes, was on the reception desk when the quartet of Seabees trooped into the NCO Club. Brad let the other three go towards the breakfast buffet so he could ask the sergeant if Tomi had or was working today.

  No, she doesn't work on Saturday or Sunday mornings. One of us club staff covers the register then. We found it easier because so many unauthorized people try to get in the club." Then he looked directly at the Seabees with a slight smile.

  It was an enjoyable drive up the coastal road with the tropical sun almost overhead as noontime approached. There was little traffic which only increased slightly coming into Nago.

  "You want to turn left at the next side road Ronnie. Then in about a mile the road swings around to the right. After that you can see the reef on the left. Park anywhere along where we are close to the water and there's a sandy beach.

  There are usually some nesans on the beach, Ron." Brad knew that would keep Akabu's attention all afternoon since he seldom spent more than 10 minutes in the water on any afternoon and his fair skin burned really easy. But he could girl watch forever.

  The water was the clearest he had ever swam in a
nd possibly the most comfortable temperature to be in with just a swimsuit. Brad took a deep breath before flipping up on his head and swimming towards the coral reef about 10 or 15 feet below him. He was sure he had spotted the tentacle of a shy octopus before it had pulled it back into the crevasse where it was hiding the rest of its body. Ahh. There you are. How come you're showing your self in the daylight? Maybe a little too big, but everything looks bigger underwater. You will make some fine taco.

  He grabbed at the misplaced tentacle with a diving gloved hand and felt its rough surface slide through his fingers to escape. Returning to the surface for a breath before making a second attempt for the octopus. When Brad approached the hole where the octopus was hiding he realized that the opposite side of the small coral head was cracked also. A quick push with his fins placed him behind the octopus. The smart creature felt the impulse of Brad's passage through the water and jetted itself out of the safety of the crevasse in an attempt to escape. Brad grabbed at the creatures tightly held tentacles and got a strong grip. With a hand full of tentacles and an octopus trying to bite him, Brad shot for the surface.

  Now, what am I going to do with him? Tomako? If she's at home, would know what to do with it.

  "Ron do you still have the bucket in the trunk." Holding the octopus high up out of the water as he waded ashore. "Fill it up would you, so I can put this in it?"

  As they approached Tomari Port from the north on Highway #1, Brad, who was riding shotgun asked Ron to turn at the next street.

  "Where are we going, Brad?" Ron asked when he followed Brad's directions and turned down the narrow street leading to Tomako's apartment.

  "I have a friend who lives down here and I'll drop off the octopus if they want it. Koko. Right here at the new pink building. I'll be right back," he said climbing out of the car and heading around the side of the building.

  He saw her uncle's cab parked next to the stairway. Hesitating for just a second before starting up the stairs. Oh hell, I got nothing to lose. I'm just offering her the octopus. It isn't like I'm asking her to spend the night. A nice thank you for her being so good to me.

  He could hear them talking from outside the door and though he didn't understand more than one in a hundred words, their tone was friendly and he heard distinct laughter from a male's deep voice. Brad barely knocked on the door knowing the apartment was small and it would be impossible for Tomi not to hear him. She answered quickly, almost as if she was standing next to the door.

  "Oh, Brad-san" Then she smiled. Broke into a quiet laugh as she looked him up and down. She turned and spoke to her oji-san who was out of sight behind the door.

  Brad caught 'Brad-san' and something else that might have been about the ocean. She was still smiling happily and her face seemed to remove any feelings that Brad had that he might be intruding or not wanted. Tomako had on a cherry blossom decorated kimono that had several shades of pink and some soft green cherry tree leaves on her obi.

  Wow! I've ever seen her in a kimono. Makes her look so tiny, but gorgeous. A Japanese doll.

  Then it hit him. I have only a swim suit on, and my swim booties. You jerk. "I've been swimming. Snorkeling up north near Nago. Four of us went together"

  "Come in Brad. I know that you are a little strange, but harmless. You know Tomanaga-san. My oji-san. Neh?"

  Brad stepped onto the entry tiles and stopped not wanting to step on the tatami mats with sand covered diving booties. "I have a small octopus that I'm not sure what to do with. I thought you might want it, or if I was really lucky, you would show me how to fix it. I like taco sushi.

  It's still alive. I put it in a bucket of sea water. So if you don't want to mess with it, I'll dump it off the seawall."

  "Mess with it? What does that mean?"

  Her uncle spoke up and Tomako spoke rapidly to him and the two of them smiled and kind of laughed quietly.

  "Oji-san is leaving, but he asked that we save him some of the octopus if you wouldn't mind. He also wanted to know if you needed a kimono to put on as it's getting cold to be dressed like that. I told him that I had one you like and can use again."

  "Sayonara, Brad-san." Tomanaga said before stepping around Brad and going out the door.

  "Sayonara, Tomanaga-san."

  "Where is our supper?"

  "It's downstairs in Akabu's car. I'll go get it."



  "Bring your clothes and shoes up also. You can share my futons again if you would like."

  "Okay. Domo, Tomako."

  Okay, what am I going to tell these drunks? I don't want them to think that something that isn't is. Or to see Tomi.

  "Christ Brad, we were beginning to wonder what had happened to you." Ron spoke up.

  "Especially after that big Okinawan taxi driver came out. Who is he anyhow, Brad? McCorkle asked.

  "He's my friend and his wife is going to take the octopus. I'll take it up to her and he said that he would give me a lift back to the base later when he comes back home." Brad started to gather his jeans, shirt, socks and shoes before taking the bucket and octopus out of the trunk of the Olds. "I'll see you guys back at the barracks later, okay?"

  "See ya. Don't lose my bucket, Brad." Ron hollered as he put the car in gear and headed back towards Highway #1.

  Tomi was standing at the top of the stairs waiting for him and took his clothes from him then pointed towards the kitchen sink while Brad was slipping off his dive booties.

  "In the sink, dozo."

  When Brad turned from the sink Tomi had folded his clothes and was putting them neatly on an empty shelf in her wardrobe cabinet. She came over leaned towards him and kissed him on the cheek. "It's nice to see you. Even if you have no clothes on. Ugh! You taste salty. Why don't you take a shower while I start our dinner. I'm going to the store while you shower. You know where the kimono is, neh?"

  "Sounds good. Hai, I can find the nemaki."

  As she started out the door Brad spoke, "Tomako, Thank you. You look great in that kimono."

  Smiling brightly,looking very young and again defying Brad's impression of how old she was, she answered. "Oji-san and I just came back from the temple. I usually wear a kimono when he takes me there. This one is not my best one. How do you say it, not for dress-up. Not as pretty as some that I have. Arigato goziemashita, Brad-san. You also look great in your swimming suit."

  He smiled and shook his head as she closed the door and he could hear her soft laugh through the door.

  He felt the soft touch of her hand on his cheek which made him snuggle deeper into the silk covered pillow he had laid his head on. He had been watching the sun slowly settling down out over the East China Sea. The hot shower relaxed him and after a day in the sun and water there was no staying awake in the quiet of Tomako's apartment.

  "Are you hungry? Or would you rather sleep?"

  "Mmm. Keep that up." Turning his face into her hand which was lingering on his cheek, he kissed the palm of her hand. "Is that kohi I smell?"

  "Maybe. Would you like some? Or a beer?"

  "Kohi, dozo. I'm hungry so I want to wake up and eat something if you took time to fix it."

  "I did, but it is not ready yet. A sukoshi and it will be ready. You were very asleep. Did you drink a lot of beer today?"

  "No. Only two bottles of Orion. One with lunch in Nago, and one after I got out of the water."

  "You don't drink much do you?" She bent down and again kissed his cheek. "I wanted to see if you tasted better. You do." Laughing at him she stood and went to the stove.

  He watched her walk with appreciation of her small hard body and realized that she no longer wore the kimono. She had put on blue jeans that were snug enough to show her figure but not as tight as those many of the younger girls and bar girls wore. I wonder if she really is 35?

  "Do you want to help me? The food is ready. In the refrigerator
is the taco sushi and some that I got from the sushi bar. But the taco is from our octopus. Just 5 minutes and the gohon will be ready and we can eat. Did you get your kohi?"

  "Got it. Can I try some of the sushi?"

  Brad didn't hear her barefoot steps on the soft tatami mats but felt her nearness before she touched his back. "Sit down with your kohi and try the sushi." Tomako set a bottle of soy sauce on the table, a small sauce dish and another small dish with wasabi. "Be careful. Horseradish is very hot, only use a skosh." She slid the dish with the green horseradish closer to Brad and handed him a pair of lacquerware chopsticks. "You can use these, neh? Gomen, Brad-san. I remember now. At the coffee house you were using them. Kind of."

  "What do you mean kind of? I thought I was doing very good with them. You're picking on me again, Tomako."

  "I would never, what you say? Pick on you." She said with a big smile and laughed not quite so quietly as she turned back to the stove.

  They had been talking softly as they ate, then after dinner while Brad helped her clean up the remains of their dinner they continued like old friends.

  "Brad, have you been back to Kadena Circle to talk to Yoko?"

  He hesitated before answering not quite sure what Tomi wanted to hear or how to answer her. "No. I'm not sure what I want or if I want to hear the truth. Whatever that maybe."

  I want Tomi, but I'm afraid of my feelings for Yoko. Tomi is right though. I should resolve it.

  "You are getting sleepy, Brad. I will fix our futons and we can get ready to sleep before you fall asleep with your head on the table."

  "It's only 10, Tomi. But I am sleepy from all the good food and being outside all day."

  "Remember, I must get up early. You can sleep later. I will fix the clock before I leave for the NCO Club."

  Brad spread his futons next to the open slider as he had before and when he came out of the bathroom he saw that Tomi's futons were again next to his, closer, but still apart.