Read An Okinawan Affair Page 20

  Flopping into the jeep's front seat Brad turned and watched the bus pull away.

  Mac glanced at Brad as he pulled through the gate. "No wonder your keeping her away from the GIs, Brad. She is a very pretty lady. And I do know her from the coffee house, but I didn't make the connection."

  "Do you think anybody else has, Mac?

  "Not that I know of. And they'll never hear it from me.

  The asphalt spreader is at the bottom of the chief's club road and the operator said he would be here before 0700 to help you set it up.

  Did you know that you were going to help him lay the asphalt?"

  "Actually, no. I was hoping he'd bring somebody with him, or Chief Lawton would volunteer. Guess I'm going to became an asphalt expert in the next hour and a half or so."

  "Yeah. Good luck. I'm going to find my roller and stay out of sight."

  It was shortly before 1400 when the last load of asphalt was laid on the far side of the chief's club parking lot. It had turned into a typical August day on Okinawa. A hot sun and gentle off shore breeze. Most of the crew and peeled down to tee shirts or naked backs. Everyone had forgone a sit down lunch and had instead gulped down the sandwiches Chief Lawton had picked up at the chow hall and drank copious amounts of water and Cokes while wishing for icy cold Orions.

  At 1600 Brad, the Chief and all the asphalt crew watched the Army lowboy pull away with the asphalt spreader heading back to Sukiran.

  "What's left Brad?" Ron Jessup asked.

  "Unless the Chief has other ideas, you can all go to Noumanoui and get drunk. I'm going to the flightline snack bar, drink two Cokes then go to the barracks and take a long cool shower, put on a clean pair of dungarees. By that time the road will be cool enough to do a final roll. So I'll come back and finish it off.

  He hesitated. Met the Chief's eyes who nodded slightly. "Then go home to my lovely nesan and sleep for about 12 hours.

  You guys did a great job today and I do appreciate it. And I'm sure that the chiefs will all appreciate us as well as everybody who frequents the club package store."

  "You heard him troops. Get out of here and be at muster, 0800 tomorrow morning. And to repeat what Brad said, thanks and we do appreciate the job you did. Chief Lawton added.

  After showering and putting on a fresh set of dungarees, Brad went back to the motor pool and entered the now deserted Chief's office to use his phone.

  "Hi Love."

  "Brad? Where are you?"

  "In the Chief's office. Can Papa-san take you home? I'm not sure when I can leave here."

  "The road? Is everything all right?"

  "Oh yeah. It went really good. I have to wait for it to cool off a sukoshi more then roll it one last time.

  I miss you. Wish I was on my way home now. But I won't be too late.

  I love you."

  "I love you also. I want you to hold me. Like last night. No clothes.

  Brad, do you think that we could both fit in the shower?" Tomi asked with happiness in her voice. "I think that would be fun. I'm going to wait for you to come home before I take my shower. I must go. I have many customers who want to pay. I love you. Sayonara, Brad."

  "Me too. I love you Tomako Tomanaga. I'll see you at home as quick as I can."


  "Brad, you do realize that Friday is Christmas. That means that Thursday night is Christmas Eve and best of all, we don't have to work on Thursday or Friday." Mike Branch informed him after muster on Monday morning while they were drinking coffee in the motor pool coffee mess. "And, the Old Man told me that he's going to put the facility on holiday routine at 0900 on Thursday. That isn't for general publication. He's going to tell the department heads at the weekly staff meeting Wednesday morning. But he wants it to be a surprise so we won't be told until Thursday morning."

  "It can't be. What's the date Mike?"

  "For sure, December 21st."

  "Well, that's really nice of him, Twig. How come he's doing it?"

  "He and his family are taking the PBY to Japan at noon Wednesday to spend Christmas with old shipmates. Won't be back until Monday night."

  "And you will be off until he gets back? Right?"

  "Well, yeah.

  What are you going to do, Brad? I have the feeling you won't be doing much partying."

  "Actually, Mike, I haven't a clue right now. I never even thought about Christmas until you mentioned it."

  Is your nesan Christian?"

  "No, she's Shinto. And I don't even know what her thoughts of Christmas are about. Whether she celebrates it or part of it, or not. I have no idea.

  But in good American tradition I will buy her a Christmas present and take her out to dinner either Christmas Eve or Christmas Day."

  "Your next stop will be the BX then. On second thought knowing you, You'll go down to Kokusai Dori to get something."

  "Just off the top of my head, with little thought, I think something stateside would be nice. Yumi is still working in the BX. She knows Tomako and will help me pick out something nice. Also make sure it will fit her."

  "When is she going to CONUS? Yumi I mean."

  "A couple days after New Years. The second or third of January."

  "So, her name is Tomako. That's all anybody knows about her except you seem to be really serious. She works in the NCO Club doesn't she? I remember there was scuttlebutt about a nesan in the NCO Club just before Dan left. Also Akabu made a remark about the kawaii nesan hanging around the chief's club road project one Sunday when you were working."

  "Yeah, well Akabu and Uehara both talk too much."

  "You should bring her to the department Christmas party. It's Tuesday night. Like tomorrow you know."

  "I'll have to think about that and also talk to her about it. She's a little gun-shy to be around GIs socially. I won't twist her arm to go."

  Just as Brad reached for the coffee mess door, it swung outward and Chief Lawton stood blocking his exit.

  "Just the man I need. Do you know if the parts were ever ordered for the air cleaner on the crash crane, Brad? I can't find any record of them and Supply doesn't know anything about them."

  "I looked up the numbers we needed and was going to order the whole assembly but the American civilian who left Supply about then, said he would do it and kept the numbers. I guess that he was trying to make work to protect his job."

  "I wouldn't be surprised. He created the civilian job for himself before he retired from Supply as a Warrant.

  Can you find the numbers again and see that it gets ordered this week?"

  "Shouldn't be a problem, Chief. I kept a copy of the numbers in a crash crane file in your office."

  "I should have known.

  Are you going to bring your nesan to the party?" He asked while stepping out of the door and Brad's way.

  "I'm not sure Chief. Actually I never thought to ask her. It's tomorrow night isn't it?"

  "1900 at the Tea House of the August Moon. A 10 course Japanese dinner. Our coffee mess is supplying the drinks. Beer and hard stuff. Take your pick.

  You're driving everyone crazy. There are rumors to who your nesan is and as I understand she is a very nice girl."

  "I'll talk to her tonight, but as I just told Mike, she's very shy around Americans and GIs in particular.

  "Tomorrow night there's a Christmas party at the Tea House of the August Moon that we have been invited to, Tomi. It's the people I work with and I want very much for you to go with me. I want you to see that these people are very nice and will like you. Also, I want them to see what a beautiful woman I found who I know loves me as much as I love her. You don't have to give me an answer now, but I need one before we go to work tomorrow morning."

  "I don't know." She looked down at their hands clasped together on her knees. "I have never been to a party like that, and-----."

  Brad cut her off. "No talking about it now. We have time to talk
about it later. Friday is Christmas. Everybody celebrates it whether they believe or not. Even me."

  Tomi looked at him with her head tilted and a questioning look. "What do you mean, even you?"

  "Christmas is a Christian holiday. I'm not a Christian.

  "Now about Christmas. You know that it is the custom for Christians to decorate their houses and give each other presents, neh? At least to their family and people that they love. Even though I'm not a Christian, but since I love you, I will surprise you with a present on Friday. But I need some ideas of what you would like. I may not get you what you ask for, but I will know what you want."

  "That makes no sense, Brad. Why ask what I want, then not get it for me?"

  "I know. That is what is great about me asking you. Even after you tell me, you will be surprised at what you get, because you will think that I will not get you what you want."

  "You are nekkyo. Crazy. You have sukoshi chinbun. But," she stopped talking as she laughed at him and tried to straighten out her face to finish what she wanted to say. "But I will tell you what I want after you tell me what you want. I also have to get you a present that you will not know that you want or will get. Do I have that correct?"

  "Close enough. You have the idea."

  "So? Tell me what you want."

  "I want you."

  "You have me. As long as you want me I am yours. I do not count as a Christmas present."

  "Okay. A weekend for two at a real Japanese ryokan that has private hot tubs and room service so we can stay naked all weekend and make love, eat and soak in the hot water."

  "That is easy, but who is the second person?"

  "My girl friend of course."


  "Tomako Tomanaga. The little broad that I found in an Okinawan coffee house."

  "She's a little broad? What is a broad?"

  "I really don't know. You said I had sukoshi chinbun."

  "Alright, I want girl things."

  "Girl things?"

  "Yes, girl things. Like panties and bras and panty hose. Light colored panty hose, but bright colored panties and bras."

  "You're pulling my leg right?"

  "Iie. Like these." Tomi pulled open her yukata and showed off her red bra and panties. "Those are the things I don't want because I have them. So I told you what I wanted. Except maybe panty hose. They are expensive and hard to find on Okinawa, but they have them at the BX. Maybe a dress from the BX. A pretty American dress made of nice cotton. Or a muumuu from Hawaii."

  "Okay, I'll jump a plane to Hawaii and get you a muumuu. What color would you like? Let me guess. Light blue with tropical flowers?"

  "How did you know?"

  "That is your favorite kimono."

  Brad got out of bed right after Tomi went into the bathroom and had the coffee made before she came out.

  "Mmmm. I smell new kohi. What are you doing up so early my Love? You should sleep another hour. I know that you’re still very tired."

  "I wanted to have coffee with you, then go to the base with you. You always leave so early every morning."

  Tomi stepped into the small kitchen, pulled open her robe and hugged him.

  "You have no clothes on."

  "Yes. I have my panties on." She ran her hands down his backside and squeezed his buttocks. "I don't think that I should keep doing this. We will be late for work if I do.

  Put my kohi on the table, dozo. I will drink it while I get dressed.


  "Hai, Tomi-chan?"

  "I want to go to the party. Shall I wear my prettiest kimono?"

  "Yes. Your prettiest and fanciest." Brad answered with enthusiasm.

  "Will you buy me my Christmas present now since I'm going with you?"

  "I don't know. If you are good at the party and not flirt with all the Seabees I might consider it."

  "Eeee! That is not what you said last night. You are making fun of me. Neh? I never flirt with men."

  "Iie. You flirted with me for almost three months before I took you to bed."

  "Iie. It was you who was flirting. I was a good girl until you made me a bad girl."

  Tomi came across the room and threw her arms around him. "I like being bad with you." Was spoken softly as she kissed his mouth hard and gently bit his upper lip.

  "That's going to cost you."

  "For sure? Tonight when we go to bed?" And her mischievous smile spread across her face.

  Brad wandered into the BX right after they opened at 1000. He worked his way to the women's clothing section looking for Yumi. Coming around a stand full of dresses he almost bumped in her where she was hanging up new dresses.

  "I need some help, Yumi. I want to get Tomi's Christmas present and have no idea how to go about it."

  With Yumi's help Brad was ready to go to lunch by noontime. He bought a very pretty, light blue floral print silk evening dress and six pair of pantyhose for Tomi and another six pair for Yumi who although she worked in the BX, could not buy anything there.

  "Are you going to have to work on Christmas, Yumi?"

  "From 1000 to 1500. We'll close early."

  Why don't you come to our house after you get off and we'll all go out and get dinner? I don't think that it matters to any of us where we go. It doesn't have to be an American Christmas dinner. How about the Seamen's Club?"

  "That would be fun, Brad. Domo."

  A couple of minutes after 1800 Brad heard Tomi's light foot falls coming up the wooden staircase. He opened the door for her and was attacked by his 5 foot, 90 pound lover.

  "I missed you coming to the coffee house to meet me." She whispered between kisses and hugs. "Mama-san let me off early, then said for you not to stop doing it. It was okay tonight, because of the party, but never again. And if you have to work it's okay." She added. I'll take a shower and be ready quick. We are to be at the tea house at 7, neh?"

  "Hai. You have plenty of time if I let you go and stop taking off your clothes. Mmmm, no bra."

  "Stop that! I have to take them off to shower, but we will do more than shower if you don't stop."

  Tomi finished taking off her clothes dropping them onto the kitchen floor. "I'm wearing my new kimono, neh."

  "Oh, yes. Dozo. I want to show you off."

  She kissed him on her way into the bathroom. You turned the water on for me!" She exclaimed. "Thank you, Brad."

  It was almost 7 when they hurried down the stairs. On the street sat a pink sukoshi cab. "Oji-san said he would pick us up so we would not be too late. He brought me home from Kokusai Dori tonight. I have not seen him for almost a week. He said that he doesn't have to take care of me anymore. That it is now your job to do that."

  I hope that he will still be around for you. And me." Brad added.

  Brad took Oji-san's hand which the big Okinawan offered out the open window of his taxi. "Konbanwa, Oji-san." Brad said and felt the pressure of a big hand on his.

  Many of the Okinawan drivers knew Tomako from riding the bus, but Uehara had been more closed mouth than Brad had given him credit for. Few had made the connection between Tomi, the NCO Club and Brad's nesan.

  Only three Seabees besides, LCMD Tole, and Dan Buckner, neither of which were on the island, knew who she was. Mac McCorkle and Mike Branch both having made the connection weeks ago, were standing together with know-it-all smiles on their faces giving Brad a thumbs up whenever he made eye contact with them. Ron Jessup, Akabu, had greeted them at the door made himself known to Tomi as Brad expected him to, then like the true Southern Gentleman he was, made his excuses and started to hustle one of the tea house waitresses.

  Without a doubt Tomako Tomanaga was the prettiest girl there, was well accepted and was the only Seabee girl friend and nesan at the party. Brad watched as three or four of the wives took her off in a corner smiling and shaking their heads whenever they turned to him. There was no doubting their approval of
Tomi in their smiles and actions.

  After a 10 course tea house dinner and an a couple after dinner drinks, Brad saw that his non-drinking Tomi was showing signs of being slightly inebriated. They were saying their goodbyes when LCMD Tole's replacement and his wife intercepted them near the front door.

  Brad had worked for Chief Warrant Officer Winters in Port Hueneme in 1962 and had great respect for him. But had never met his wife.

  Brad, it's good to see you. We haven't had a chance to talk since I came aboard, but I'm sure we'll get to it after the holidays. Anyway, this is my wife Arlene and this is Tomako I've been told."

  After the men made all the introductions and acknowledgments, they stood talking for a minute when Mr. Winters asked Brad if he belonged to the VFW.

  "No, Sir. I've been there, but never when I had to have a membership card."

  "Arlene and I would like you and Tomako to join us there on New Year's Eve. If necessary I can borrow a membership card for you to use."

  Tomi was leaning against Brad's side and he was sure that most of what was being said was going over her head. He slid his hand down onto her hip and pulled her tighter against him. She smiled and pushed her hip against his thigh.

  "We'd like that very much, Mr. Winters. Can I get with you the first of the week about final plans? I need to get my sukoshi friend home. I think those were the only drinks she has had this year."

  "That will be fine, Brad. Tomi, we really are glad to have met you." Arlene Winters answered for husband before taking his hand and leading him back into the tea house.

  Brad had hailed a sukoshi cab and when it headed north on Highway #1 Tomi who was leaning on Brad spoke for the first time since before they left the tea house. "What time is it, Brad?"

  "2300, 11 o'clock. You okay?"

  "I drank too much. I thought that I was going to be sick. I have not drank anything for a very long time except to share a beer with you. I didn't do anything bad did I?"

  "No, my Love. Everybody thinks that you are a very nice lady and enjoyed talking to you."