Read An Okinawan Affair Page 19

  Walking hand in hand from the pay phone near the entrance to Tomari Port, they both turned as one and looked towards the sushi bar that had the freshest fish on the island. At least they thought so.

  "Lunch, Tomi? I'm buying."

  "Is this supposed to get me to forget what you are thinking about?"

  "No. I just thought that you might like some sushi for lunch. And since you aren't going to cook for me, I think I should fill up while I can.

  You seem to be thinking that I have some ulterior motive for taking you home so early in the day."

  "That is very smart. I'm not sure that I understand everything that you are saying for sure.

  Hai, I would like very much to have sushi for lunch. We'll take it home to eat in our own quiet home. Maybe with some soft music from our new stereo while you show me what you are thinking about." Tomi looked him in the eye as a soft smile spread across her face. She tightened her grip on his hand and playfully swung their arms up to her shoulder.

  "Sounds great to me. Would you like to order our sushi?"

  "You're chicken to speak Japanese, that is why you want me to order lunch."

  "Honto. You are very smart, Tomako Tomanaga. A lot smarter than your humble servant."

  "Who is my humble servant supposed to be?"

  Feigning surprise, Brad opened the sushi bar door for Tomi. "Why me of course."

  Tomi started to laugh, her face was aglow as she buried her face into Brad's shirt sleeve. He could feel her snickering quietly as they waited for their sushi.

  "Can you walk up the stairs, or should I carry you?"

  Shaking her head, holding the rail with her right hand, and taking Brad's hand with her left she started up the stairs.

  They climbed the three flights without speaking. Nearing the top Brad spoke. "Can I have my hand so I can unlock the door? Dozo."

  Tomi stepped out of her slippers, took the boxes of sushi from him, walked over and placed them on the kitchen counter. She turned back to him. "Would you hurry and get your boots off."

  "What's your hurry?" Brad asked when he closed the door and met her halfway across the room. She launched herself and all 90 pounds landed in Brad's arms.

  "I love you. Oh, I love you so much, Brad-san." She almost hollered. "Hold me, kiss me, dozo."

  Brad felt her tongue probe his lips and slip between his teeth and he relished her taste. Their hands slid down each others bodies until each gently caressed the other's butt. Gradually, gaining courage from the other, they hugged harder drawing the other closer.

  "I love you so much, Tomi." Brad repeated several times between passionate kisses, and hearing her murmurs of love at the same time.

  "I must take a shower, Brad." Tomi pushed him away gently and very reluctantly.

  Stepping back, but still hanging on to her with both hands on her tiny waist. "Yeah, me too." Pulling her back to him, he kissed her deeply before just standing still to enjoy the feel of her small warm body against him.

  Giggling, she pushed him again freeing herself from his hands. She went to the chest of drawers and took something from her bottom drawer and slipped into the bathroom asking as she did, "Please put the sushi in the refrigerator, Brad. And make us some ocha, dozo."

  "It's your turn, Brad." Tomi stepped out of the bathroom wrapped in a huge bath towel, her hair still wet and a smile that was so soft and gently that it made Brad's heart and stomach flip.

  When he passed her on his way to the bathroom he paused, placed a hand on her shoulder, leaned down and kissed her tenderly on the lips. "I love you."

  He barely heard her, "I love you too."

  Brad stood for a long time under the shower enjoying the hot water. His mind was flying and zipping around the happenings of the last several weeks. Thoughts and visions of Tomako. Her reactions to what was said and what she had said to him. How she made him feel comfortable around her friends at the Kokusai Coffee House. How Mama-san treated them as a couple and him as family, not a stranger. The reaction of his fellow Seabees and their pushing for him to bring Tomi into their midst.

  "Did you die in there my Love?" Tomi had opened the door and walked into the bathroom. She had on a soft green yukata with leaves and flowers spirally around and down the length of her body.

  "I'll be right out." Brad answered turning off the shower before pulling back the shower curtain and stepping out of the tiny shower stall.

  Looking at him and meeting his eyes with a definite gleam in her eyes, she threw him a soft warm towel, turned and left just partially closing the door behind herself.

  He dried off, put on the yukata that Tomi had hung on the back of the bathroom door.

  He expected to see her sitting at the table drinking hot ocha, but she had already got under the futon and was watching a pair of fishing boats coming into Tomari Port.

  Without moving Tomi spoke. "I want you to hold me and for us to take a nap together."

  He slid under the futon with her and when he touched her, she came back against him. She doesn't have a robe on. Brad thought when he felt the warm bare skin of her arm and shoulder.

  Sliding his hand down her side he touched the silk of her panties and felt her shudder. Just a very small tremor that traveled the length of her body.

  Tomi turned towards him and the futon fell back off of her shoulders. She raised her arms to hold him and he saw that she had on a red lacy bra.

  He took her in his arms, pulling her closer.

  She hugged him and drew even closer placing a knee between his legs.

  He kissed her softly several times while running his hands up and down her back then onto her butt. She wiggled closer and gently thrust her hips up against him. Her hand crept down along his stomach and stopped on the tie to his robe.

  Brad cupped her breast as he started to kiss her more passionately. She responded to his kisses and touch by moving her hips against him and tugging on the tie to his robe.

  He gently raised her upper body to give him room to reach the clasp of her bra. Her small breasts were now totally exposed. Her nipples pinkish beige and hard when he kissed one then the other.

  Tomi moaned softly and twisted from the waist up thrusting her breasts towards him and his waiting mouth. "Please, your mouth." She took her left breast in her hand and offered it to him.

  Brad ran his hands down along her hips slipping them under the waistband of her panties. Gently he raised her hips and cupped a cheek of her butt in each hand pulling her against him.

  Tomi moaned between kisses and pushed against Brad's chest so that she could finish untying his robe and tugged it open. She pressed her bare breasts against his bare chest while kissing his face and neck continuously.

  He felt her small hand slid down across his stomach reaching for his crotch. Finding what she was reaching for, Tomi slowly felt and caressed him. "Am I hurting you? I have never touched a man like this. Please, Brad, tell me if it is what you want."

  "It's great and feels wonderful." He answered and slipped her panties down over her hips. He felt her stiffen to his touch as her panties slid lower towards her knees and his penis touched the inside of her thighs.

  "It's okay." Brad said in response to her movements. He finished taking off her panties but moved his body back away from her a little bit. "I love you and we can slow down." He felt her tears smearing on his shoulder when she snuggled her face into him and felt her slowly shuddering as she cried trying not to let him know that she was.

  "I'm sorry, Brad. It is not you. You don't have to stop. I want you to do what you want."

  "Shhh. Just relax and rest for a while. We have never touched like this before. I want to get used to feeling your bare skin and delicious body."

  "Delicious? Like food?" She sniffled as she tried to control her tears while she hung onto him with one arm and caress him with the other hand. Smiling a little, she looked into his eyes. "I am food?"
  "Oh, yes. He answered when he bent to her breasts and ran his tongue around one nipple then the other making her moan and hang onto him tighter.

  "I'm scared. I know that you won't hurt me like the other men did. But I'm not sure that I can make you happy. That you will be disappointed with me.

  It is not so important that I am happy. Just knowing that you love me and want me is enough."

  "I'm not sure that is true, Tomi. It can be good for you, and you deserve for that to be. The way you feel now tells me that it can be good for you if we take our time and if I make sure it's good for you."

  "Honto? That will be nice if it is so and you stay with me. I am also afraid that it will be very hard for you and you will leave."

  "Who left you, Tomi?"

  "I did have a GI boy friend once." She spoke shyly and very low. We were going to have seiai one night in a hotel. I got very scared when he hurt me just a little. He didn't mean it. He was very young and I am sure had no more experience with women than I had with men. I hollered and cried. He got very scared and upset and left me in the hotel room. I think he was angry also.

  I'm sorry I didn't tell you before."

  "It's alright. You did tell me that you tried twice to make love and it was bad for you."

  "Honto." I think that it is me, so I tried to do it with an Okinawan who I worked with in the Giagonji coffee house. I was very scared, but I let him do it. He seemed happy and it didn't take very long. It did hurt me a little and I felt no good feelings. Not even as much as I have had with you. You do make me feel good."

  "You'll be fine. Let me hold you and we'll just lay here and touch each other."

  He pulled her back into his arms and they meshed together. Touching each other from chest and breasts, to stomach and stomach, thighs to thighs and feet intertwined.

  He felt and heard Tomi's breathing change as she relaxed and he was sure that she was asleep.

  They were laying with the futon pushed down to their waists. The mid afternoon sun was coming through the glass sliders and warming them in its radiant heat.

  Brad had felt Tomi turn over earlier and now she lay on her other side snuggled up with her back to him. She was gripping his hand tightly against her bare breasts. He could feel her warmth on his belly and felt himself pulsating against her butt. She sighed softly and pushed back against him as she pulled his hand further down and tighter against her breast.

  "Are you awake?" She asked in a whisper and rolled towards him and onto her back still clinging to his hands.

  Instead of speaking, Brad raised up enough to reach over and kiss her on the lips, her neck and started to work his way down her naked body. He paused at her breasts and when she moved her hand he kissed and sucked on each nipple.

  Tomi moaned softly and brought both hands up and her arms around his neck hugging him. She arched her back in response to his touches and kisses while he continued to work down her body.

  "I love you, Brad. Ohhh, please."

  "Did I hurt you? He paused and looked at her face. She had her eyes closed, breathing through her mouth and started to arch her back again.

  "No. I feel good. Don't stop, please."

  Brad slid her body around and on top of him. Opened her legs to straddle his hips and drew her onto his body. "You stay there. You can put me in you as easy as you want. Slowly and make yourself feel good."

  Tomi had stayed on top of him stretched out full length. She was squeezing him with her thighs and kissing him wherever she could reach with her lips and tongue. They were both breathing heavily in shaky rasping breaths as their passions slowly diminished. They were quiet for a long time.

  Brad was caressing her back and shoulder and felt the cool perspiration on her skin. He reached over and pulled the futon over them.

  "MMM, that feels good." She moved against him.

  "What feels so good?"

  "All of it. Making love with you. Your hands, your lips, your tongue. The warm sun. The futon. I have never felt like this in my life."

  "I'm glad. I feel great also. I knew that you would be a great lover and I love you dearly." Brad answered as he put his hands on her butt and pulled her into him wiggling his pelvis as he did it.

  "OHH. I'm not sure I can stand that.

  Hai, I love you too Brad."

  "Really? I don't believe you. Want me to stop?"

  "Iie." And she tightened her thighs together.

  "Oh, yes, I do love you takusan and takusan more."

  He felt the chill. The sun had come down closer to the horizon over the East China Sea. They were lying scissored together, her breath softly warming his neck and her leg thrown over his hip. They had kicked the futon off onto the tatamis. Not wanting to wake her, but very much wanting to see her whole body he slowly raised his upper body.

  Tomi let her leg slid off of him and rolled onto her back. With no sign of shyness she looked at him with a beautiful sparkling smile. She stretched with her arms over her head. "We slept a long time, neh?"

  "Hai. I'm hungry. For food," he added quickly.

  Smiling, she looked at on him then reached out and ran her fingers across his chest, up across his chin, touched his lips before pulling him down to her and kissing him passionately on the lips.

  "Laughing, Brad asked, "what is that for?"

  Smiling with the somewhat mysterious look she could get, Tomi shook her head negatively. "No reason, except that I love you."

  "Really, why would you do that?"

  "What? Love you, or kiss you?"

  "Oh, I know why you love me. I'm irresistible to older women."

  "Iie! No!" Then she became shy. Looking away and starting to reach for the futon to cover herself. She stopped, stood up, still naked. "Do you think I have a good body? Or am I old and starting to have an old body?

  "Jesus, Tomi, you are only 35. You have a great, gorgeous body which I love to look at. And you really do turn me on."

  "Aren't I too small? My breasts are just sukoshi. My legs are small and short."

  "My dear, you are a petite, small woman. All woman. Your curves are all in the right feminine places. I love your breasts. They are small, but fit the rest of your body. And they're pointy, your nipples stick out and make you dangerous."

  Still standing, Tomi came to him and hugged his head pulling him into her tummy. "Thank you, Brad-san. She smiled as he kissed her flat tummy, then started to laugh. "You're tickling me."

  Do you want your yukata, Brad?"

  "Hai, dozo.

  Hai. I'll make us kohi." Tomi answered while she reached for her yukata.

  "Put your red bra and panties back on, dozo."

  "You like them, neh?" Tomi answered smiling her mischievous smile that made her look so young.

  "On you, honto. I mean under your yukata. Then I can use my imagination to what you have on."

  "You are very bad. You have turned me from an innocent unmarried lady to a hot woman who is desired by a man whose appetite for me does not stop. But I like it. Love it. And him." Still naked she crossed the room and held up her face to be kissed. Is this safe to do or will you take me back to bed?"

  "I'm too hungry." Brad answered after he had kissed her lips. "You're safe for now."

  "For now? Does that mean you still want to make love to me? After all that I have put you through since we met, you still want to take me to bed?"

  "I think so. I'll know better after I eat and get my strength back."

  They sat in a comfortable quiet together on the same side of the small table. Eating sushi and sipping on hot coffee, watching a couple of fishing boats getting ready to leave Tomari Port.

  "We have some yakamesa in the refrigerator if you are still hungry, Brad."

  "I'm fine, Tomi. I will have more coffee though. Is this from the coffee house beans that Mama-san gave to us?"


  Do you want to buy a
television, Brad? We will not always want to go places especially when we both work all day."

  "Sure, I'll check the prices at the BX and we can shop the Okinawan stores Saturday or Sunday and see what we want."

  "I will buy it. I do have money put away. I am not a bar girl who has no money."

  "I know that and I do know that you work very hard. We'll split the price. Half and half. Okay?"

  "Yes, that will be good."

  "I see that you didn't put all of the futons away. There is still one bed." He commented and reached for her hand.

  Tomi colored quickly and looked down at her empty coffee cup shyly. She took Brad's hand on the table between them. Still looking down for several more seconds before meeting his eyes. Her bright smile spread across her face, she raised his hand and rubbed his knuckles gently across her lips.

  "I don't want to sleep alone anymore. I want to feel your body against me when the spirits wake me up in the middle of the night. Then I can go right back to sleep knowing you are there to protect me from any evil that might come into my dreams. I won't wake up scared anymore.

  Do you not want to sleep with me?" Her mischievous look replaced her smile as she slipped out of her yukata.

  "Is it bedtime?" Brad asked when he stood and dropped his yukata onto the tatami floor.

  "Eeee! You have no clothes on." Tomi said quietly with her mischievous look still in place.

  She reached behind her back, unhooked her bra and dropped it on the floor. Brad stepped closer to her and she closed the distance placing her arms around his neck. Sliding his hands down her body to her hips, Brad slipped her panties down onto her thighs. With small steps she stepped out of them before he picked her up and laid her gently down onto the futon.


  On Wednesday morning just before 0600 Tomi and Brad left their apartment together. Tomanaga-san drove them to the Naha front gate where Tomi could wait for the bus to the EM Club. Before he jumped into the waiting jeep with McCorkle, He started to give her a hug and she surprised him with their first public hug and long lasting passionate kiss. "Good luck my Love. Have a good day and only think about me after you have finished your road. I love you." Tomi spoke softly as she nuzzled his neck. She then turned and walked to the now waiting Navy bus.