Read Anchor of Hope Page 9

  Chapter 9


  Only two more days until the wedding. There was a slight drop in the temperature, which Ashley appreciated during her morning run.

  Jane had finished juicing the fresh oranges as Ashley arrived back at her mother’s house around mid-morning.

  “Thank you.” Ashley sipped the juice. “This is so good.”

  “They’re from Jo Murray’s farm, picked fresh yesterday,” Jane said. “What have you got planned for today?”

  Ashley shrugged. “Nothing at all actually. Do you need a hand getting anything ready?”

  “No, I think we’re all sorted, sweetheart. Just remember you have the final dress fitting this afternoon at 2:15.”

  “I won't forget, Mom. So tell me how this is supposed to work considering I’m not supposed to see the dress until Saturday, but I’m trying it on today?” Ashley raised her eyebrows.

  “Well, we have it all planned out—Gina has a blindfold for you–”

  “A blindfold?” Ashley squeezed her brows together.

  “Yes, then she’ll help you with getting the dress on in the fitting room. That way she can check if she needs to make any final adjustments.”

  Ashley shook her head. “Sure seems like a lot of trouble for just a dress.”

  Jane smiled at Ashley. “It's not just a dress. You'll see . . . on Saturday and not a moment before.”

  “OK, OK. But it better not be some crazy ugly bridesmaids dress with ballooned sleeves and stiff fluoro-colored material from the eighties.” Ashley pressed her lips together.

  “It’s not,” Jane assured her.

  Somehow that didn't ease her mind. Ashley finished her juice and rinsed her glass in the sink, whistling, while Jane began clearing the orange peels off the countertop.

  “You're awfully chirpy this morning,” Jane commented.

  Ashley detected a certain undertone to her mother’s voice, as though she were trying to imply something but didn't want to come right out and say it.

  “Oh, am I?” Ashley said, deciding to play it cool. “Must have been because I got a good night’s rest.”

  “Hmm,” Jane said, as though Ashley’s response hadn't convinced her.

  “Hmm, what?” Ashley asked turning to face Jane.

  “Oh, it's nothing,” Jane said as she wiped the countertop—even though it was already clean.

  Ashley folded her arms and gave Jane a look which clearly indicated she didn't believe it was nothing.

  “I thought it might have something to do with a certain somebody.” Jane raised her eyebrows.

  “Who? You don't mean Jay?” That was exactly who Jane meant.

  “Well, you did spend quite a while with him yesterday and when you walked in that door last night you seemed like a completely different person.”

  “What?” Ashley screwed up her face, hoping to give her mother the impression that she was way off. “No, I was glad that we finally had a chance to clear the air after all this time. I had a good time catching up with him. I think he’s a great friend.”

  “OK, honey.” Jane smiled and lightly wrapped her hands around Ashley's upper arms, looking at her face to face.

  “Well whatever it is, it's nice to see you smile—I mean really smile.” Jane gave Ashley’s arms a light squeeze and kissed her forehead. “I'm going to go and get dressed. I have to meet Pastor Barry to go over our vows, and Karen wanted me to give her a hand in the store but I’ll meet you at Gina’s at 2:15. Don’t forget.”

  “I won’t.”

  How ridiculous. She couldn't believe her mother actually thought there might have been something between her and Jay. She was in a relationship with Steven. And she was happy. Very happy. Maybe she was in a good mood from having had spent so much time with Bryan, Jess, and the kids yesterday? Even though initially she had been scared by the thought of spending time with the children, she was actually enjoying it, and couldn't wait to hang out with them again.

  She thought she had better shower after her run. As she climbed up the stairs her phone rang.


  “Stephanie, Hi.”

  “Ashley, I'm sorry I haven't had a chance to get back to you until now. It has been crazy busy at work. Dianne has had me running around non-stop. I haven't even had a moment to myself. How have you been?”

  “Good, thanks. Listen, I wanted to talk to you about the file I emailed you. I heard there was a bit of a mix-up and that you somehow misplaced it—”

  “I didn’t misplace it.”

  “You didn't?” Ashley frowned, confused.

  “No. You didn’t send it to me.”

  “Yes, I did. On Friday.”

  There was silence.

  “Do you remember? I even asked you while you were at your desk and you said you’d received the email.”

  “I don’t remember that.”

  Either she had truly forgotten or she was flat-out lying.

  “Anyway, it doesn’t matter now,” Stephanie said. “I designed a completely new layout. I had to stay back late at the office to get it done in time, but I think it turned out pretty well. So it’s not a big deal. Dianne’s happy, everyone’s happy.” She sounded smug.

  “Well you wouldn’t have had to stay back late if you had used the one I sent you.”

  There was a long, exasperated sigh on the other end of the phone. “I don’t know what else to tell you, Ashley. You didn’t send me the file. Dianne was super angry.”

  Ashley couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Now she knew Stephanie was lying. It was all a plot to try to put Ashley down in front of Dianne so Stephanie could be praised as the hero.

  “Anyway, I’ve got to go, Dianne is waiting for her coffee and bagel, so have fun wherever you are and we’ll talk later. Bye.”

  Stephanie hung up, leaving Ashley reeling. She was so confused. How could Stephanie do something like this? She’d always gotten along with Stephanie—at least, she thought they had. They were always pleasant to one another at work. Who knew Stephanie could be so conniving?

  The worst part was that she was on the other side of the country and couldn't speak with Dianne personally to defend herself. Now Dianne would think she was irresponsible and unreliable.

  She put the phone down on the dresser in the bedroom and stared at it, contemplating whether or not to call Dianne herself. That could sound quite petty though and it all came down to Stephanie's word against hers. She didn't have solid evidence anyway, not from where she was. She chewed the inside of her lip. It seemed like her visit to Sweet Home was having a negative effect on her life back in New York. First it had caused a massive feud between her and Steven, and now there were issues at work and she was in no position to do anything about it.

  What if she lost her job over this? She felt light-headed, and braced herself against the dresser. In reality there was nothing she could do. She would just have to put the stress aside and get on with her time in Sweet Home. When she went back to New York next week she’d have the opportunity to explain herself, and hopefully reassure Dianne that she wasn’t irresponsible.

  After her shower, she got dressed into a pair of navy cotton shorts with a pretty lace trim and a simple oversized white shirt with a single pocket on the left side of the chest. Her hair was still damp from the shower but she didn't mind—in this heat, it was a welcome relief.

  She still had a while until she had to meet her mother in town, which was a good twenty-minute walk. She loved the trail, especially in springtime when all the flowers were in full bloom and the air was sweetly perfumed with an intoxicating blend of scents.

  She grabbed the local newspaper from the counter, poured herself a glass of cold water and strolled out into the back garden. She sat on one of the white wrought-iron garden chairs and popped her feet up onto the other one.

  It was so peaceful.

  She watched as three butterflies fluttered by, disappearing amongst the tree branches.

  She closed her eye
s and took a deep, cleansing breath.

  Opening her eyes she looked around at all the natural beauty and color. She missed this. The serenity, the calm, the ability to be totally present in a single moment without any distractions or obligations.

  She flicked through the newspaper. There were a few stories about the local sporting teams, charity fund-raisers, local markets and general small town politics.

  She looked at the faces of the people in the article photographs—they looked happy, content even. She was willing to bet that they all knew one another; in a town this small, everyone knows everyone. Everyone always waved 'hello', asked how you were and was always willing to lend a hand when you needed one.

  It made her think of her own home back in New York, millions of people, standing side by side on the subway, walking side by side on the streets and working cubicle by cubicle in the offices, yet no one ever seemed to make an effort to communicate to the person right next to them. Odd. Surrounded by millions of people, yet you could still feel utterly lonely.

  After she finished reading the newspaper she leaned back on the chair and closed her eyes enjoying the moment.

  She decided to start walking half an hour before she was due for the dress fitting, carrying her purse and a bottle of water. As she neared town she spotted a few teenagers running barefoot in the direction of the lake, clad only in their swimming costumes. She used to spend her summers in the exact same way.

  Ashley's mother, grandmother, and Gina were all waiting by the time she reached the dressmakers, even though she was ten minutes early.

  “Hi.” She waved to everyone as she walked in. “What’s everyone doing here? Is this some kind of surprise party or something?”

  Jane laughed. “Were all excited to see you in the dress.”

  Ashley laughed. They obviously didn't get much entertainment in this little old town. Her mother took her purse as Gina showed her to the change rooms, with a black satin eye mask in her hand.

  She left Ashley alone in the change room to remove her shorts and shirt. Gina slipped her hand in through the curtain holding out the eye mask for Ashley. She felt ridiculous putting it on but obliged.

  “OK honey, if you've got the mask on, I'll help you get into the dress now.” Gina said from outside the curtain.

  “I'm ready,” Ashley called back. She heard the faint rustle of the curtains as Gina stepped in and carefully helped Ashley step into the dress, and guided her arms under the thin straps.

  She felt Gina zip the dress up at the back. It felt heavy, but not so heavy that it would be painful to wear for a long period of time. The dress was made of a soft stretchy material, and the snug fit meant she could tell it was floor length. It was driving her insane that she wasn't allowed to peek.

  Gina turned Ashley towards her left and she heard the curtains draw open.

  She could hear the gasps from Jane and Grace, then nothing but silence.

  “Well?” Ashley asked.

  “Oh my,” Jane said.

  “It’s perfect,” Grace added.

  “I don’t think it needs any adjustments,” Gina said as she guided Ashley around in a circle.

  She could hear them as they walked around her. This would have to go down as one of the more unusual experiences of her life.

  “Mmm, I think you're right, Gina. It doesn't need anything else done,” Jane said.

  “All right, let’s get you changed.” Gina took Ashley's arm and slowly led her back into the change rooms.

  Once the dress was off, she heard Gina sneak out through the curtain.

  “OK,” Gina called. “You can take off your mask now.” Ashley lifted the mask and finished getting dressed.

  When she emerged from the fitting room the dress had vanished from sight, much to her disappointment. Jane and Grace both looked pleased. They finished talking to Gina and the three of them walked outside.

  “What have you got planned now, Mom?” Jane asked Grace.

  “I'm meeting Nancy and Patricia for our usual Thursday afternoon catch up.” She turned to Ashley. “We play cards.”

  “Oh.” Ashley smiled and nodded.

  “I'm a bit of a shark.” She winked.

  “Ash, Karen has asked if I can manage the shop this afternoon while she does some deliveries. Are you all right to find your own way home?” Jane asked.

  “Yeah, not a problem. I was thinking of going to visit Bryan and see what the kids are up to anyway. I'll make my way home later on, if that's OK with you?”

  “Of course, honey.” Jane leaned over to give her a kiss on the cheek.

  “Is that Jay?” she asked peering over Ashley's shoulder. “It is!” Jane began waving her hands to signal him.

  Ashley glanced over her shoulder and spotted his truck coming down the street towards them. He pulled his car over and got out. He seemed to be popping up everywhere Ashley went, but then again, of course he would—Sweet Home was a small town.

  “Good afternoon ladies.”

  Ashley gave a quick smile, feeling a bit awkward about their close interactions from the night before. Maybe it was too close.

  “Jay,” Jane said, “I was going to call you this afternoon about the gazebo. Are you still OK to deliver it on Saturday morning?”

  “Yes, that’s fine. What time do you need it?” Jay asked.

  “Early if possible, so we can decorate it with flowers and some material. About eight, if that’s not too early.”

  “Not at all. I'll be there at eight.” He smiled.

  “Thanks, you’re an angel.” Jane smiled at him. She looked at her watch. “Oh, look at the time! I better get back to Karen. See you later, honey,” Jane called as she started walking away.

  “Me too, if I want to make it in time for our mock-tails!” Grace said. “See you at dinner tomorrow night.” She gave Ashley a hug and departed.

  Ashley stood there with Jay, a little uncomfortable and unsure what to say.

  “How is—” Ashley began.

  “I just—” Jay said. They laughed, easing the awkwardness.

  “You go first,” Jay offered.

  “I was going to ask how your neck was. You know, after I almost killed you last night.” Ashley grimaced.

  “It’s OK. Sore, but I think I’ll survive. You’ll have to try harder next time.”

  “What? Oh yeah, very funny.” She shuffled her feet on the ground, shifting her weight. There was that uncomfortable pause again. Jay raised his arm and scratched the back of his neck.


  “So I—” Ashley began.

  “Do you—” Jay interrupted again.

  They laughed.

  “I was going to get a coffee from Bryan’s, If you're not doing anything, maybe you'd like to join me?”

  “Uh, yeah. Sure,” Jay said.

  “OK. Great.” Ashley tucked her hair behind her ear.

  They started walking side by side. Jay had his hands in his pockets.

  “Have you finished work for the day?” Ashley asked. “It seems a bit early.”

  “Yeah, I tend to start earlier in summer so I can finish earlier. It gets too hot otherwise.”

  Ashley nodded, having a sudden unwelcome flashback to her thoughts about him working shirtless. She swallowed. “Do you like being your own boss?”

  “Yes, I get to set my own hours and I make sure I go away on vacation each year, but I also have a lot of responsibility because I have to sub-contract other workers. I have a few employees as well.”

  “From what I've heard, you do an amazing job. Both Bryan and Mom are pretty impressed.”

  “Well I never was too good with words, but I do like to work with my hands.” He held up his hands.

  Jay opened the door for Ashley and they stepped inside.

  Bryan tried to hide his look of surprise, but failed miserably. “Fancy seeing you two here,” he said, leaning on the countertop.

  “The good coffee shop around the corner was closed, so we had no choice but to
come here instead.” Jay frowned.

  “He’s a liar, Ash. Don’t listen to a word he says,” Bryan said, pointing at Jay.

  “Hey, I was about to tell Ashley how you make the best cappuccinos in Oregon.” Jay held up his hands in front of him.

  “He’s an honest man, Ash, speaks only the truth.”

  They laughed.

  “So, two cappuccinos?” Bryan asked, straightening up and holding up two fingers.

  “Yes, please,” Ashley replied.

  They sat down at a table by the window. It was quiet in the cafe.

  “I saw your dad in here the other day,” Ashley said.

  “Did you?”

  “Yeah, he looks well.”

  “He is. He bought a little one-bedroom house on the other side of the lake, a bit closer to town.”

  Bryan brought their drinks over. Jay eyed him suspiciously, as if expecting him to say something, but he didn't. He just kept a smug smile on his face the whole time and casually strolled away.

  “Right. So where is your house? Now that you don't live in the old house.” She took a sip of the coffee. Liquid Gold.

  “You just keep following the road up from the old place, and it’s about two miles on.”

  The cafe phone rang and Bryan answered it.

  “Do you miss your old house?” Ashley asked.

  “Not really.”

  “I thought it might hold some sentimental value.”

  “Nah, it’s just a house,” Jay said, matter-of-factly.

  Bryan hanged the phone up, looking stressed. Again. “Ash, can you do me a huge favor?”

  “Depends,” she said. She was a little wary after her last experience doing a favor for Bryan.

  “Jess is at the hospital with Harley-”

  “What? Is he OK?” Ashley’s mouth dropped open.

  “Oh yeah, he’s fine; he stuck a pea in his ear and Jess couldn't get it out—”

  “Again?” Jay asked, sipping his coffee.

  “Yep, again,” Bryan replied. “The girls finish vacation care at the school at three and I'd pick them up myself, except I don’t want to leave Amanda here on her own.”

  “I would, but I don’t have the car. Mom has it. I suppose I could race down to her work and borrow it.”

  “I could do it,” Jay offered.

  Bryan and Ashley both looked at him.

  “Really?” Bryan asked.

  “Yeah.” Jay shrugged.

  “Thanks, man, you’re a lifesaver.” Bryan patted him on the shoulder. “Just drop them off back here and Jess can pick them up when she’s done. Didn’t I tell you he’s a good man?”

  “Pretty sure you called him a liar.” Ashley cocked one eyebrow.

  “That was in the past, Ash. Let it go,” Bryan said.

  They quickly finished their drinks and took off.

  Jay parked the truck on the opposite side of the street to the school. There were several kids coming out of the school, hurrying over to their parents. Jay and Ashley walked over together. As soon as Meika and Coco spotted them, they started smiling and raced over to hug them.

  Ashley also spotted Nicole, the red-headed woman from the bar the other night. She was wearing a pretty little striped dress. She saw Ashley and walked towards her.

  “Hi, Ashley.” She flashed a perfect smile.

  “Hi. Nicole, isn't it?” Ashley asked.

  Nicole nodded.

  “Bryan asked us to pick the girls up. They’ve had a little medical emergency with Harley.”

  “Oh no. Is he OK?” Nicole asked, raising a hand to her chest.

  “Yes, apparently he has a pea stuck in his ear or something.”

  “Again?” Nicole asked.

  “He always does it,” Meika said.

  “That's because he’s a boy and boys do weird stuff.” Coco was balancing on one foot.

  Nicole turned her attention to Jay. “Jay, I was wondering if I could have a quick talk to you. If you’ve got a minute?” She ran her tongue along her lower lip.

  “Uh, sure.” He glanced at Ashley to check that it was OK. She smiled and gave a little nod, uncertain why he felt as though he needed her permission to talk to Nicole.

  “Come on, girls. Let’s get you in the car.” Ashley smiled. “I'll see you later, Nicole.” She gave a small wave and took the girls’ hands, leading them across the road and over to the car. She helped them up into the back seat and buckled up their seatbelts. She couldn't help but notice Nicole talking animatedly to Jay. She was laughing and playing with her hair and kept on touching his arms.

  Ashley climbed into the front seat and tried not to pay attention. But curiosity got the better of her, and she shifted uncomfortably as she saw he had his phone out and Nicole appeared to be giving him her number. Something stirred inside her and she swallowed.

  Where had that come from?

  She had no romantic feelings for Jay whatsoever, and that unwanted tinge of jealousy left her feeling confused, and even angry with herself.

  “Aunty Ashley, can you come to my assembly?” Coco asked.

  “When is it?” Ashley turned to look over her shoulder at Coco.

  “Next month.”

  “Oh honey, I won't be here then. I have to go back home in a few days.”

  “Why?” Coco's eyes looked sad.

  “Because I have a job I need to return to in New York, and that’s where I live,” Ashley said.

  “I wish you could stay here forever,” Coco said softly, lowering her head.

  Even though Ashley hadn't been frequently present in her nieces and nephews lives they had already formed a strong bond. Ashley's heart ached with the thought that she wouldn't be able to attend their school concerts and birthday parties.

  Meika spoke up. “Miss Davis is my favorite teacher.”

  “Who’s Miss Davis?” Ashley asked “Is that your teacher? The one talking to Jay?”

  “Yeah,” Meika replied. “She is nice. She doesn’t yell at us.”

  “That’s good. It’s good to have a nice teacher.”

  “Yeah, but she has a really big bottom.” Meika giggled.

  “Meika!” Ashley tried to keep a straight face, although she felt like laughing at Meika’s honest remark. “You shouldn't say that.”

  “Why not?” Meika asked.

  “Maybe she's having a baby,” Coco said.

  “Dummy. You get a big tummy when you’re pregnant, not a big bottom!” Meika said.

  “Mommy had a big bottom when Harley was in her tummy,” Coco said.

  “Girls, girls. Let’s change the subject,” Ashley said.

  “Was Miss Davis your teacher, Aunty Ashley?” Coco asked.

  Ashley laughed. “Sweetheart, I think Miss Davis is a bit younger than me.”

  “So . . .?”

  “No. She wasn't. I had a teacher named Mrs Gibson. She had curly gray hair and a big pointy nose and glasses—and she was cranky.”

  Jay opened the door and got in, starting the engine.

  “Hey Aunty Ashley, did you know your name starts with an ‘A’?” Coco asked. “Can I call you AA?”

  “Well, I guess so,” Ashley replied, hesitant.

  Jay laughed quietly.

  “Uncle Jay,” Meika spoke up. “Today we learnt about different countries and we all had to pick a place to do a talk on and I chose Afghanistan. Where you went.”

  Ashley noticed Jay tense up as he drove.

  He cleared his throat. “Did you?”

  Ashley was puzzled. When did Jay go to Afghanistan? He did say he managed to get away on vacation every year, but Afghanistan didn’t seem like the ideal holiday destination.

  “Can you help me with my project?” Meika asked.

  “Yes,” he said, nodding slowly.

  The girls sparked up a conversation in the back seat as they continued along on their drive but Ashley had noticed the discomfort Jay had experienced at the mention of Afghanistan. He seemed to be deep in thought. Ashley didn't know what tho
se thoughts were exactly but she got the general impression that it wasn’t pleasant. He didn't offer an explanation, so she didn't ask.

  Ashley held the girls’ hands as they walked into the café, and Jay carried their school bags.

  Bryan came around the counter to meet them, giving both girls a hug and a kiss.

  “How was school, girls?”

  “Good,” they replied in unison.

  “It’s not school, Dad. It’s vacation care,” Meika corrected him.

  “You want to head out the back and I’ll bring you both a hot chocolate and cupcake?”

  Their eyes lit up. “Yes, please,” they called as they ran off.

  “Bye girls,” Ashley called.

  “Bye AA!” Coco called as she disappeared through the rear door.

  Bryan looked at her and raised an eyebrow. “AA?” He frowned. “What have you been teaching my children?”

  “She's decided that’s my new name.” Ashley laughed.

  “Kids are so weird.” Bryan shook his head slowly.

  He walked back around to the other side of the counter. There weren't as many customers in the café now, and Bryan began making the girls a hot chocolate each.

  “I thought they weren’t allowed sugar?” Ashley asked.

  “Don’t tell Jess,” Bryan said, and looked outside the windows in case Jess was approaching. “You guys want anything?”

  “No, I'm good.”

  “Jay?” Bryan asked.

  Jay was still quiet. “Hmm? No, I'm all right.”

  “Are you thinking of going to the Jamboree tomorrow?” Bryan asked Ashley. A bus drove past, probably full of concert-goers arriving in town.

  “I wasn’t planning on it. Why?” Ashley asked.

  “I think Jess was hoping to take the kids, but she might need a hand looking after them as I’ll be running the food truck.”

  “If she needs a hand, tell her to give me a call. I don't have anything planned.”

  “You going Jay?” Bryan asked.

  “Me? Nah. I think I’ll give it a miss.”

  “Well I should probably head off,” Ashley said.

  “Where are you going?” Bryan asked.

  “Home. Well, Mom’s house.”


  “Yeah, it’s not that far.”

  “Can I give you a lift?” Jay asked.

  “Are you sure? I don’t mind walking.”

  “I actually wanted to check out the back garden, to figure out how to get the gazebo down there on Saturday.”

  “Oh, yeah. Do you want me to give you a hand on Saturday?” Bryan asked.

  “Only if you're not too busy.”

  “No, I've got extra staff rostered on, so that’ll be fine,” Bryan said.

  “OK, thanks,” Jay said.

  “I guess I’m coming with you then.” Ashley smiled.

  “Guess so,” Jay said as he opened the door for her.

  It was almost four by the time they arrived back at Jane’s house. They stepped out of the car and started walking around towards the back of the house.

  “Can I get you something to drink?” Ashley asked as she climbed the front steps to the porch.

  “A glass of water would be great, thank you.”


  Martin was in the kitchen, sitting on one of the bar stools by the counter. He was reading the newspaper and had a cup of coffee in front of him.

  “Hi, Ashley. How did the surprise dress fitting go?” he asked.

  “Ha! I can only assume it went well, as I didn't get a chance to see it. Mom and gran seemed happy.”

  Martin smiled and sipped his coffee. “You want a cup? The coffee machine is on.”

  “No, I’m fine thank you.” She cast a quick glance out the back window and could see Jay. He had one hand on his hip and his other hand was rubbing his beard as he stared at a patch towards the back of the garden.

  That must be where the gazebo is going.

  Martin followed Ashley’s eye line.

  “Is that Jay Henderson?” Martin craned his neck to get a better look.

  “Mmm hmm,” Ashley said getting a glass out of the cupboard. “He’s checking the spot for the gazebo on Saturday.”

  “Have you seen it yet?” Martin asked as Ashley filled a glass with cold water from the fridge.

  She shook her head.

  “He’s done a great job. Your mother is going to be beside herself. You should ask Jay if you can go and have a look.”

  “Hmm, maybe.” She considered. “Do you know what time mom will be home tonight?”

  “Not til late tonight. She called me about twenty minutes ago and said she was going to stay back at work, and then Karen and her were going to go over the final details for all the flowers on Saturday, getting the ribbons ready and so on. One of the advantages of working in the floral shop is that she can get access to a huge assortment of flowers I guess—and you know how crazy your mother is about flowers.” He raised his eyebrows and took another sip.

  Jane did love flowers. In fact, Ashley couldn't remember a time when there wasn't a bunch of beautifully arranged fresh flowers on the table.

  Jay knocked on the back glass door and slid the door open.

  “Come in, Jay,” Martin called.

  “How are you, Martin?” Jay asked as he walked into the kitchen.

  “I'm well. How’s it all coming along?” Martin asked.

  “Good, it’ll fit easily down the back.”

  Ashley handed him the glass of water.


  “I was telling Ashley that I'm sure you wouldn't mind if she went and had a quick look at the gazebo.”

  Jay turned his head towards Ashley and shrugged. “Yeah, if you want to.”

  “Well I wouldn't mind seeing it, but only if you’re not too busy.”

  Jay shook his head.

  “OK, well I guess I'm going with you—again.” Her lips curled up. She had already spent a lot of time with Jay, more than she had expected. She hoped she wasn't becoming an unwelcome guest.

  “I'll see you on Saturday.” Jay waved to Martin as they left the kitchen.

  As Jay opened the front door, Jasper scooted through, almost running into Jay’s feet. “Whoa.” He lifted his foot quickly to let the hideous-looking beast through. “I thought that thing died already. Twice.”

  Ashley laughed.