Read Anima Page 18

father?” I nodded.

  “He used to go here, but I assume you already knew that.” I answered again with a slight nod. Headmaster turned his chair around and looked out the large window immersing himself in his memories.

  I started to fiddle with my hair (which was a long, wavy mess) when he didn’t say anything.

  “So can I make the worst assumption?” I ask quietly, and Headmaster turned around, seeming to forget I was even there in the first place.

  “Well that depends on what you consider to be the worst scenario. Either way, let’s start with the good things. His name was Brian Raion; he came here when he was a kid just like everybody else.”

  I lifted an eyebrow, and he gave a small smile.

  “Almost everyone,” He corrected. “He showed exceptional talent from a young age, so of course we kept a close eye on him. He realized how good he was and became extremely ambitious; enough that he would do anything for power.”

  “Sorry, but where does my mom fit into all of this?” I ask ignoring the dull throbbing at the thought of her.

  “Ah, right well she always there, always supporting him. They did love each other truly, but he loved power more. They went on a mission together, which is how you were born by the way; and when they came back…”

  I waited for him to continue, although I didn’t really want to hear more.

  “He ended up being a spy for the Hunters, a double agent I guess you could call it.” I felt anger and resentment towards the father I didn’t have any feelings towards before.

  “So in other words, a traitor.” I say bluntly, trying to calm the anger that was burning inside me.

  “If you want to put it that way then yes. Of course none of us knew this at the time, including your mother. Irene also didn’t know that she was pregnant with you.”

  “So how did he get found out, assuming he did?”

  “Ironically your mother, since she was the closest to him after all. When she found out though, she didn’t say anything to him and kept acting like everything was fine.”

  “Why?” I demanded, if I found out that I was betrayed by someone I would just leave them behind.

  “You won’t understand, and for your sake,” Headmaster shook his head. “I hope you never have to.”

  Of course I didn’t understand his cryptic meaning and got a headache trying to wrap my head around what he meant. Eventually I gave up and waited for him to continue, since my mom said she left I knew there was more to the story.

  “Luckily for your mother, she had a best friend named Greg Zander.”

  My mouth fell open, and then some pieces started putting themselves together as he continued.

  “They were inseparable before your father came into the picture, and even afterwards they were close, but not to the extent they were before.” He pushed his glasses higher up on his nose. “He was always suspicious of Brian, and stuck close to Irene, slowly peeling her away from him. She seemed to snap one day and told Greg everything. He wanted to run away with her, but of course she was stubborn, like you.”

  I smiled at the fact that I had something in common with my mother.

  “When she realized she was pregnant with you, everything changed. Her motherly instincts kicked in and she left the Academy in middle of the night.”

  “I thought it was impossible to escape from here.” I speculated and Headmaster chuckled.

  “Nothing is impossible little girl.”

  I smiled. “Really, you couldn’t think of anything more creative than that old man?”

  “Sometimes I remember just how old I am, like today.” He stroked his small beard. “When she escaped, the teachers were frantic, but couldn’t find her anywhere. After a while we decided to announce that she had died on an S class mission.”

  “She was alive though!” I gripped the arms of the chair in a painful grip. “Did she mean so little to this Academy that she just became dead in your eyes?”

  “You should really listen to the rest of the story before you shout little girl.” Headmaster poked his ears, like that would help him regain hearing.

  I relaxed a little in my chair and let him finish.

  “After she left not only the teachers were in a panic, Brian was too. He may have been a traitor, but he still cared for her enough to also escape the Academy and look for her. At that point Greg had told the teachers everything he knew, excluding the fact that she was pregnant since she didn’t even tell him that.”

  “So you didn’t really catch him in the act.” I said bluntly, and wondering once again who the rumored traitor in the school was. I was tempted to ask Headmaster about it, but I know he knows about the rumor.

  “We never thought his ambition could go that far, but that was naivety on our part.” He shook his head in disappointment with himself. “We searched everywhere for him too…and we found him.”

  I waited for him to tell me that my father was dead, but why would that guy mention my father if he was dead?

  “Your father was already a full-fledged Hinter by then. So naturally we tried to capture him so he couldn’t give away our secrets.

  “By capture I assume you mean kill?” I asked unsure of how traitors were treated.

  “Yes, he knew too much, and was too ambitious and greedy for power for his own good.” All I could do was nod, although my lungs felt like they were constricting.

  “Have people put together that I’m the daughter of a traitor?” I ask bitterly.

  “Only the teachers and people who have seen him with the Hunters, but the students now don’t know about those incidents. So to answer your question, no they don’t know you’re the daughter of a Hunter.”

  “Like that makes the situation any better.”

  “Well would you rather they all know?” I answered with a grimace and he nodded with the unsaid that’s what I thought.

  “So what happens now?” I ask

  “Are you saying you want me to tell you what to do?”

  “I’m asking for a second opinion!” I defended.

  “Then let me ask you this; How far are you willing to go? Assuming you want to do what I think you do that is.”

  “If you mean become a traitor, then yes. This place has become my home. I want to protect everyone here and the ones that can’t protect themselves from the Hunters.” The hidden name of my mom was gone unsaid yet lying in the shadows waiting for a chance to be said with confidence.

  “Alright, as long as you are sure of your resolve, then you will start tomorrow.”

  “What can I possibly do tomorrow? Don’t I have to prepare or something?” I said feeling anxiety rise within me, even though I already set my heart and mind to do this.

  “You will be sent out again, and let yourself be found. We know they are watching you especially close.”

  “Where should I go to let them ‘capture’ me? And why would they believe I would betray the academy?” I ask skeptically.

  “You already know all those answers. The best advice I can give you is to use your instincts, don’t overthink anything.” Headmaster replied cryptic as ever.

  “Then let me ask you this,” I said leaning across the desk “What makes you think I won’t betray you?”

  As usual, the old man surprised me by chuckling, mixed with a rough cough here and there. “You and I both know that would never happen.” He gave me a knowing look and I rolled my eyes. “Now hustle back to your room, you have a big day tomorrow.”

  “You sound like my mother now.” I say with traces of longing to see her again. I shook off the feeling, knowing I would help her by becoming a traitor in everyone’s eyes. I saluted Headmaster and walked out the door before his sad, soft blue eyes saw straight through me.

  The smell of food in the morning woke me up with a growling stomach. I opened my eyes and the people I missed the most were all looking down at me.

  “You’re burning a hole in my head, guys.” I say rubbing sleep from my eyes. Lilly and Rose leaned back first with shy smi

  “What can I say, they’re twins.” Alice said with a casual shrug.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” They both chanted at the same time, making us all laugh. I winced, feeling the pain throbbing dully on the back of my head. I reached up to feel the damage, but it was still wrapped up so I couldn’t tell.

  “Can I see the scar?” Mai asked anxiously from the end of me hospital bed. Everyone looked disgusted with her, but I just laughed and turned slightly so she could take off the wrapping.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” a cold voice said from the doorway. Everyone’s attention went to Jeremy who was holding an omelet on a tray. My eyes lit up at the food, and I spoke up to break the silence.

  “Alright, I’m not sharing so you can leave now. I’m really fine now, so go bake me some cupcakes or something!”

  They felt more comfortable with me joking around and the dorm filed out to hopefully make me food.

  “Well, obviously your appetite is back, so you must be fine.”

  “I already said I was, but did you really have to freak them all out like that?” I asked grabbing for the omelet.

  “I just didn’t want them messing with your bandages!” He snapped pulling the plate out of my reach. I grimaced and looked up at him.

  “I heal fast remember?”

  “Vaguely, but just like the gunshot, it won’t heal in just a day!” I made one final attempt for the omelet, but forgot I was on a bed and started to tumble right out of it.

  “Watch it!” Jeremy yelled as he caught me before I fell off the bed, with the food still intact in his other hand. I stuck out my tongue and bonked my head with my