Read Anima Page 19


  “My bad,” I laughed nervously as Jeremy set me back into place in the middle of the bed. I was going to reach for the omelet again, but I think he sensed it and put in on my lap before I really did fall. I smiled and dug into it wondering when the last time I ate was.

  “Slow down before you get indigestion.” Jeremy scoffed handing me a glass of orange juice.

  “Never get in the way of a woman and food.” I say with as much attitude as possible. He snorted and took my now empty plate. I lie back down, and start wondering how I’m going to pull this off.

  “I’m going now, so make sure to listen to the doctors, and for everyone’s sake don’t throw the tools at them again. Got it?” He warned and I looked out the window, whistling innocently.

  “When did I do that?” I say airily “I don’t recall that.”

  “They tried to take your blood and you threw the needle at the doctor.”

  “It didn’t hit him though did it?” I crossed my arms.

  “Only because you have a bad aim,” He replied blatantly “Now get some rest.” He pushed his finger on my forehead forcing me down. Once he left I felt the pressure of becoming a traitor set on my shoulders. I slowly opened the note that I was given the day I was attacked. All the note said on it was: Central Garden. I didn’t realize that guy Demetrius had put the note in my pocket until after I woke up in the hospital. I put the note back and peeled back the covers.

  I got out of bed, put the pillows and blankets all back in place; like I was never even here. Walking towards the garage where I would meet Mr. Zander. He was the only person I could trust right now. This was technically an S class mission, which will be incomparable to the C class ones that I did before.

  “You ready?” He asked as I got in the car.

  “Ready enough, I don’t really know what I’m doing, but I heard going on instincts is the best way to go.”

  “So young, yet so wise.” Mr. Zander replied pulling out onto the secret street that connects to the underground garage under the academy.

  We made it to the right area where it would be easy to find me and I went alone, trying to seem as inconspicuous as possible. I walked over to a fountain, surrounded by stone paths, and flower gardens everywhere. This was where I needed to be, I could tell. It must’ve been one of those ‘instinctive’ moments I needed more of. I sat on the edge of the fountain and looked into the water. The coins gleamed in the late autumn sun. People’s hopes and wishes filled into one coin might seem ridiculous, but nothing is better than having something to hope for.

  “I knew you would show up soon, but not this soon.” An annoying, yet familiar voice said to me from behind. I looked back at Demetrius who was smirking at me.

  “The only thing that kept me from coming sooner was the fact that I was in the hospital.” I said, my voice dripping honey-covered resentment. He laughed, irritating me more and sat down casually beside me.

  “Sorry ‘bout that, I didn’t think you would be taken down so easily.”

  “Can we get the reason you planted that note in my pocket?” I snapped covering up me embarrassment from being beaten like I did.

  “Of course you highness-“

  “Don’t call me that,” He opened his mouth, and I snapped “EVER.” He lifted up his hands innocently.

  “Okay, okay I got it.” He put his hands back down along with his smirk, and all seriousness took its place. “I assume you’re here because you want to meet your father right?”

  I nodded.

  “Then let’s go.” Demetrius got up and extended his arm. I knocked it out of my way and got up. He put his hands in his pockets and turned around. I glared at his back, but followed like a dog anyways.

  “Where are we going exactly?” I ask seeing if I could get anything out of him. He was too alert for that unfortunately.

  “You’ll see.” He replied in a guarded tone; he knew I was prying. I had to be more careful, and not seem too eager or curious.

  “I’m supposed to report back to the academy you know.”

  “Yeah I was wondering when you would report that your mission was a success.”

  “What do you mean?” I ask cautiously, feeling sweat form on my forehead despite the cool weather.

  “You know what I meant; that you’re here to get captured on purpose.” I froze in my tracks and thought of my next plan of attack.

  “Well I suppose I’ve been caught,” I said catching up with him again. “But seeing as you are still taking me to meet a Hunter, you must not see me as a threat.”

  “That’s one way to put it.” He said causally and kept walking.

  “How do you know I’m not a threat?”

  “I’ve seen you fight, remember?” I bristled at that, but kept my cool and smiled.

  “Then again, you must also see me as an asset since you made an elaborate plan just to try and convince me to join you.”

  “You’re pretty sharp. I can tell the academy has taught you well in the short amount of time you’ve been there.”

  “Well of course.” I say like it should be obvious.

  He gives a low laugh. “You’re right, we did all that just for you, but don’t get too cocky yet. You don’t know that main question: why.”

  My silence was an answer in itself. He seemed satisfied and we stopped bickering as we approached a sleek black car.

  “Nice ride, very…discreet.” I commented getting into shotgun.

  “Only the best.” He slid into the driver’s seat, and roared the engine to life. It was a nice car though, one couldn’t deny that, and it made me wonder where they got the funds for it.

  “You’re wondering how we have the means to live like we do, right?” Demetrius says reading my mind.

  “Maybe, but it’s not like I don’t have an idea.”

  “Well I’m curious to hear it.” He mocked, driving swiftly and efficiently.

  “Well I’m more curious as to why you don’t expect me to betray you as soon as we get to wherever it is you’re taking me.”

  “You answered that yourself earlier.”

  I looked at him with confusion.

  “The fact that you came meant that you wanted to know. Scratch that, you needed to know.”

  “Curiosity killed the cat after all.” I muttered and I could feel him smiling. He looked a lot better when he smiled, for a Hunter that is. He had a clean cut look that I wouldn’t have expected from his personality. His dark brownish-red hair and brown eyes gave a deceitfully calm and warm look. He had his ears pierced, but it somehow fit him in a way most guys couldn’t pull off.

  “We’re almost there, so try to hold your questions for now.” I was about to say something, but bit my tongue when he gave me a sidelong look.

  I kept track of all the details on the way there, storing them in my brain until I had the chance to write it down. Unfortunately by the time he stopped the car, I had forgotten the way there with all the twists and turns he took. I opened the car door in frustration and followed Demetrius an almost castle-like building, which must be their headquarters. We walked into the building and I admired the look of every rich color that shone through the stained glass windows. It was an authentic castle, just like the academy.

  “I know what you’re thinking, and no it’s not just like the academy. Yours is actually built to look that way, this is authentic.” He said gesturing around him. I looked around and he was right, ours seemed real, but it was too modern; this one was preserved perfectly.

  “What is it with everyone and castles?” I say myself as he leads me up a grand staircase covering in a rich blue carpet. The blue was a nice change from all the bright, blood-red at the academy.

  “In here is where you can get your answers that you are so desperately searching for.” Demetrius mocked and I rolled my eyes.

  “And where exactly is here?” I ask knowing there was no point in trying to be covert.

  “Weren’t you paying attention on the drive here?” He asked in fake astoni

  “There were too many damn turns.” I muttered, embarrassed that I could even remember what streets we turned on.

  He patted my shoulder and I hissed, baring my teeth, which had now become a habit.

  “Down kitty, now do you want to meet the leader of the Hunters or not?” I hesitated.

  “Then you have to put the fangs back, and try not to cough up any fur balls when you talk to him.” I could feel myself bristle, but forced myself to calm down.


  “Much.” I said through clenched teeth.

  “Alright, you ready to meet the top dog?” I ignored his analogy as he pushed open the doors. I felt my pulse race, and my palms started to itch as he led me into the start of my revenge.


  Walking into the big room wasn’t as intimidating as I thought. It was just a normal room, well despite the fact that it was inside a castle.

  “It’s been a long time hasn’t it?” A strong loud voice said from one side of the room by a bookcase. His back was to me, and I had a burning curiosity to see his face.

  “What do you mean? Should I know who you are?” I ask trying to hide my disdain at the fact that he might know me. The Hunters ruined my family, just as they did to Jeremy’s and who knows how many others. The man turned around, and I felt like I may have seen him before, but nothing clicked.

  “Don’t be so upset that you know a Hunter, it’s a good thing, trust me.” The man with scruffy brown hair, and green eyes said to me like he knew how I felt.

  “Don’t patronize me.” I snapped, not liking that he seemed to be probing inside my head.

  “Well I knew cats were