Read Anima Page 20

snippy, but I thought a lion would be above all that.”

  “How do you know what I am?”

  “Like Demetrius said before, I know you better than you know yourself.” He walked over to me, overbearing and threatening at the same time. His confidence was unwavering, his confident stride showing an impenetrable wall. I didn’t like the thought of being overpowered, and involuntarily stepped back. It was as if I had no choice but to obey.

  “Jeez, you just know everything don’t you?”

  “That’s my job, now getting you to stay with us is another part of that job.”

  “I came didn’t I?”

  “Now we both know you had ulterior motives.” He gave me a knowing look and I narrowed my eyes. “Now that’s the look I want!” Their leader clapped his hands and walked up to me.

  “So now that my mission is blown, what do you plan on doing?” I wanted to keep up my bravado for as long as possible.

  “Well nothing, I know you’ll see the light soon so I’m not worried.”

  “Don’t you think you’re underestimating me?”

  “Yes.” He said bluntly and I was surprised at just how high his confidence was, it was inspiring and frustrating all at the same time.

  “So do I get to know the great leaders name or not?” I ask crossing my arms.

  "Only if you promise you won’t tell anyone.” He winked, and even though on the outside he was playful, I could see the threat lying underneath his words. I tried to keep my calm, and my mind fully alert, or he would catch me at any moment.

  “Well that’s unfortunate, now that I’m disappointed, can I go back to the Academy?”

  “How do I know you won’t rat me out?” He came closer, but I stood my ground this time, wanting to show him that I could handle anything he gave me.

  “Well what do you have to offer?” I lifted my head in defiance. He bellowed with laughter, and I was shocked that he even knew how to laugh. It almost contradicted his whole appearance.

  “There’s no way I can let you leave now. You must join us, and I’m assuming you came just for that reason right?” He looked at me with what seemed like pride and greed, and I felt extremely uncomfortable under his scrutinizing gaze.

  “So you plan to keep me here? Like I said, give me some reason that I shouldn’t leave.”

  “Would you listen if I told you your father wants you to stay?”

  My bravado fell, my arms dropped to my sides and my mouth face went slack.

  “What are trying to say?” I said in a whisper, afraid to ask.

  “Do you really want to know?”

  I didn’t answer, didn’t move, and didn’t nod.

  “Well I’ll take that as a yes,” Their leader said, and I looked at him waiting for him to say it. “Hey Lydia, do you remember when you were born and your father wasn’t around?”

  I just stared at him.

  “No?” He shook his head. “Well I should’ve guessed that Irene wouldn’t tell you about me.”

  Hearing my mother’s name snapped me out of my trance and I looked at him with a sudden ferocity.

  “No, she didn’t…” I said, even though that wasn’t completely true.

  “Well either way, you have returned to where you belong, so it all worked out.”

  “So because your my newly found father, I should just join you?” I said letting my emotions start to show. I started taking deep breaths to calm myself, but it didn’t work out very well. My tail popped out, my ears shot straight up, and I felt my claws start to come out. My teeth were bared, and this time I could stop it.

  “She’s changing!” I heard someone yell from behind me. There was awe, and yet some fear in the Demetrius’ voice. I wondered just how much Hunters could really do to us, when even they were scared of us. I felt that glow that I saw my mom give off when she transformed in front of me before. I felt my body contract and stretch in order for me to take the form of a lion. The world seemed to spin, and show a golden glow. I wondered if that’s what it looked like to them, but there was no way I could give off a glow like that.

  “Stand back, she could attack any second now.” Demetrius cautiously stepped backwards, and I smirked that he seemed to lose some of his cool edge. He must’ve seen my smirk as something different because he flashed out a pair of daggers instantly. I felt my heart race from seeing how quickly and efficiently he handled the blades, showing he’s killed an Anima before.

  “Put it down, this seems to be the first time she’s transformed fully and might not be able to control it.” My newly found father said with warning in his voice. I swung my mane-covered head his way and bared my teeth. He looked at my with awe and pride, and it made me sick to think this man used to be like me; still is.

  “Can you change back now Lydia?” He asked in a calm and convincing voice. I felt myself needed to listen to him, but I had no way of knowing how to change back.

  “Just let you instincts take over,” Reading my thoughts “Remember how it felt to be in your human form, and let your body take back its original shape.”

  I closed my eyes and felt my claws start to retract, my teeth shorten, my tail disappear and my mane fade into messy golden hair. My body started to hunch over until I was kneeling on my hands and knees breathing heavily.

  I heard clapping.

  “That was amazing.” Demetrius said in awe.

  “So I take it you can’t transform?” I cracked my neck, and stretched my body.

  “No, but it doesn’t mean I can’t take you out with one blow.” He seemed to have gotten his earlier confidence back, but at least I knew it could be shaken.

  “Want to test it out?” I smile, and he smiles back. He started to roll up his sleeves and I did the same, but we got interrupted by my dad.

  “You can test it out all you want when you start training with us.” My dad said with an underlying note of authority.

  “How did you suddenly make the decision I would be staying with you Brian?” I ask unable to admit he was my father.

  “I do wish you would call me dad, but since it’s so new, I will let It slide.” He sat on the corner of a medieval looking desk and crossed his arms.

  I looked at him levelly, waiting for him to continue.

  “You liked the power you felt when you transformed right?”

  I just looked at him, wondering if that was true.

  “You get that from me, and soon you will want more of it.” I tried not to show my disgust with that statement, which was that reason why he ruined my mom.

  “How would I get more than I already have?” I ask looking at Brian from the corner of my eyes.

  He smiled. “I knew you had my blood in you,” He came up to me and put his hands on my shoulders. I refused to show how much I wanted to slap them off and looked at him with what I hoped was curiosity.

  “So how do I get it?” I urged

  “By joining us, and becoming a spy.” He said simply.

  “And how will that help me?” I ask suspiciously.

  “You’ll learn just how powerful we can be, and want to be a part of it.”

  “So will these training sessions help me be as strong as a Hunter?”

  “Even better than, since you’re an Anima as well.”

  I pondered over everything he said and felt the need to get stronger burn within me, reminding me how much alike me and Brian were.

  “You will start immediately.” He clapped his hands once, and snapped his fingers. Demetrius came to his side and listened intently to the orders of his leader. They both never took their eyes off me as they talked, making me know they didn’t completely trust me yet. It was better than I thought, since having them trust me right away would be even more suspicious.

  “You will return to the Academy now, with this cell phone.”

  “Wouldn’t they notice, I don’t know…pretty obviously?” I asked as they put the shiny new black phone in my hand.

  As I examined the phone Brian told me what features it had, and who w
ould be the only ones to contact me through it. It seemed Demetrius was in charge of watching me and reporting everything I did to Brian.

  “We will have frequent meetings, and they will know about it. They will just assume you are getting information from us and giving it to them.”

  “How will they know I haven’t betrayed them?”

  “Learn to act sweetheart, it helps if you can lie without giving anything too.”

  “Don’t call me that,” I snapped at Demetrius and turned to Brian “I know how it all works, so can I go now?”

  “Yes, I suppose any longer and they will get suspicious. Alright D go bring her back to the Academy.”

  “Yes sir.” Demetrius, or D bowed (yes he actually bowed) and opened the door for me to follow him out.

  “Did you seriously just bow to him?” I asked as we reached the point where I was to meet Mr. Z again.

  “You will realize how important hierarchy is when you spend more time with us.” D said pulling up to the curb. I got out and peeked back in at him.

  “As long as the time with you is as little as possible.” I smiled before slamming the door before he could respond. I could feel him smiling as I walked back to Mr. Zander.

  I didn’t think I could have been more surprised than finding out I wasn’t really human, but today’s discovery topped it. I guess I should’ve known in the new world there would be only more surprises to discover. Part of me wanted more than anything was to be normal, but another part was excited and curious to find out these new surprises.

  “Did your mission go well?” Mai asked at breakfast. I get back extremely late at night since I have to give a synopsis of everything that happens to Headmaster and Mr. Z.