Read Aquari Page 1


  By DD White

  Contents: Chapters

  Chapter 1 Journey to Goag Ralus:

  Chapter 2 Ploabot and Hanson:

  Chapter 3 Aquari Arrives At Goag Ralus:

  Chapter 4 Eistia the Investigator:

  Chapter 5 Aquari Departs Goag Ralus:

  Chapter 6 Eromot and Morgamor:

  Chapter 7 Svetat and The Multidimensional Ring:

  Chapter 8 The Death of Hanson:

  Chapter 9 The Coming of Aquari:

  Chapter 10 Beataphoriah:

  Chapter 11 Aquari and the Devasuras:

  Chapter 12 The Urania Nebula Event:

  Glossary of Alien Words:

  Contents: Illustrations

  The Mighty Magphoreus:

  Aquari and Turgis Reva:


  Aquari, Goag Ralus, Ralus Xnoga:

  Eistia, Grega, and Morgamor:

  Svetat and Nieniel Smoking Rompass:


  Map of Urania:


  Veldada and the Ministry of Science:

  Begalius as Doldoorman:

  The Coming of Chronolus:

  Aquari, Chronolus, and Saturlus:

  Aquari, Beagud, and Deliadre:

  The Three Ages of Magphoreus:


  Chapter 1: Journey to Goag Ralus

  Deep in the abyss of stars that make up our galaxy the fastest object ever known speeds across the rift between the Orion and Carina galactic arms, on his way to the center of the galaxy. That object is known as Aquari, a being who usually takes the form of a two dimensional circle of light made up of pulsating colors and shapes. It is widely believed amongst galactic physicists who have studied Aquari that he is a being only partly existing in our universe who presents these two dimensions to our reality. That allows Aquari now to travel 707.2 times the speed of light through a kaleidoscopic show of passing stars and nebulae; a show Aquari has never tired of in all the billions and billions of years of Aquari’s known existence. This galaxy, called Magphoreus in the galactic Nephaprican high-language, is understood by galactic cultures to have now been through three ages of existence, each between 4 and 5 billion Earth years of time in length.

  Aquari usually explored more with his travels through Magphoreus, which still unfolded before him like an ever-unfolding fractal. The great galaxy Magphoreus still offers never before seen discoveries and sights to Aquari after over 13 billion years of continuously crossing this galaxy, 153,040 light years across from end to end. Aquari at this point in time/space is determined to get to the galactic core as fast as he can. He seeks Goag Ralus in the galactic core who is a being created by the Nephaprican Galactic Empire in the second age of Magphoreus.

  Usually a galactic civilization spreads slowly from star to star, only appearing rapid when viewed on a galactic scale of time. However, a time existed in the second age when Nephapricans spread their colonies with greater purpose and a determination to reach the very core of Magphoreus, rapidly spinning about the ultimate oblivion of a super-massive black hole named Ralus Xnoga. The Nephapricans created a form of life to survive the more rapid and violent environment of the core, and they evolved this formula for life into an immortal being of several solar masses in size who now orbits the galaxy’s super-massive black hole. The Nephapricans named this created being Goag Ralus.

  The Carina nebulae 9,000 light years from Earth entertains the view of Aquari’s view with a rainbow of gas and dust for awhile before giving way to a less eventful view of passing stars continuously emerging from the depths of space. Aquari allows his thoughts to idol on the events leading to this 42,073 light year journey to the core. A journey that still will take almost 60 Earth years for the fastest object in the galaxy, Aquari. Aquari had been visiting a galactic civilization of Eagolim who are direct descendents of the Nephapricans from 4 billion Earth years before. The Eagolim remained behind after the great disappearance of the Nephapricans over 4 billion Earth years ago in the second age of Magphoreus. These Eagolim were left cut off from Nephapricus in the 2nd age, after the stars of the fabled star-doors Fedor and Gralga went nova. The Eagolim migrate from habitable world to habitable world, spreading agriculture and architecture to sentient beings they cultivate from domesticated species that happen to have the pentanthropomorphic DNA gene switches turned on.

  Aquari visited his old friend Beagud the Eagolim who currently resided on a planet where their subtle influence over the millennia had resulted in a pentanthropomorphic species finally shedding their fur coat once and for all, requiring clothing to stay warm. When terrestrial beings of sentience begin to evolve into galactic beings they stop fitting into their terrestrial environments. Evidence of not fitting in might be a lost fur coat, along with other evolutionary clues like requiring cooked food, or displays of linguistic acrobatics that indicate a highly evolved brain. That is when the species begins altering their terrestrial environment to make the environment adapt to their whims. A species experiencing the nakedness of a lost fur coat is a sure sign of a terrestrial species at last becoming a galactic species.

  Beagud had brought his fleet of fusion powered warp, virtual-particle driven ships to this habitable planet in order to train a naked mammal in the shame required to operate clothing technologies, and also to put the fear of Ei into them. Beagud embodied the blue-skinned humanoid appearance of an Eagolim, a proud descendent of the Nephapricans who, it is said, ruled most of the inner galaxy in the 2nd age of Magphoreus. Beagud sat in the main pilot’s seat on the bridge of the main ship, which he landed in these desert sands of a world orbiting a star, very much like the star enjoyed by Earthlings. Beagud had a hairless human appearance, very much like an Earthling, except he stood fourteen and a half feet tall, sporting a pale, even light-blue, skin tone. He sat in his command chair looking out on the agriculture project on this jewel of a planet. He awaited a visit from the legendary being of light called Aquari. It had been a couple teks (+/-622 Earth years) since he last saw his glowing old friend Aquari, and he had news for the cosmic being from a lot of that time. The galactic year encompassed a very long time, but long times are what galactic beings were evolved to adapt to. Beagud had existed over 6000 Earth years old, and would probably not live to ever see Aquari again. Beagud looked out the observation portal at the jagged horizon of another world, producing yet another specimen of intelligent life. His bluish face cracked a slight smile of pride in his life's mission to be a force for life and good in the galaxy. Beagud felt proud to be a loyal servant of the work of Goag Ralus, promoting the evolution of galactic life out of the life that sprouts from tiny habitable zone oasis in the galaxy, like this planet he had found orbiting a passing star.

  The ancient virtual-particle driven ship called “The Mynervood,” which Beagud inherited from his father who also inherited it through the millennia, had parked on the sandy plane on a tepid desert of a life-giving planet that the Eagolim had discovered in the course of their wayfaring journey around the Orion arm of Magphoreus. The Mynervood had flown the Eagolim across the voids of Magphoreus for over 4 billion Earth years. Its pyramid shape towered over all the other fleet ships both in size and age. Its ancient design of a fusion warp virtual particle drive would be vastly inferior to the fusion warp drives of other more sophisticated vessels in Beagud’s fleet however, the secret to the mammoth Mynervood’s speed included its enormous mass. It is the enormous mass that makes the virtual-particle drive more practical than trying to push a ship that size faster than light by just using a fusion-warp trick. The sheer size of the ship makes a virtual-particle drive only work better and produce, ultimately with constant acceleration, a faster than light situation when a fusion-warp mechanism can then kick in to l
ift the vessel beyond this universe to keep the ship from destruction by its own impossible speed. Aquari had a warm affection for the sight of the familiar Mynervood. So many things in this galaxy were so much more fleeting to an immortal being like Aquari.

  The Mynervood had the old Nephaprican quanta-fusion communication artifact built right into it when they first created this ship. This had been the most amazing and cherished artifact of Nephaprican technology. Much of the Nephaprican technologies are unmatched to this very day in innovation and cleverness. Also like these communication devices, their amazing technologies cannot be duplicated or replicated in the present age.

  Aquari passed through the hull of the Mynervood to present his circular appearance on the bridge before the sight of Beagud, “Greetings Beagud, my old friend.” Aquari utilized his ability to produce audible language. “The Eagolindi of the Vesta star system, where the great Orion galactic arm forks with the Sagittarius arm sent me here to meet with you. I’ve been told you want to operate the old quanta-fusion communicator for me.”

  Beagud in his silent contemplation became suddenly startled from his old memories of Aquari by the being’s actual appearance. Aquari is a two-dimensional circle of light that always presents two dimensions to all viewers regardless of their angle in relation to other viewers. This has an effect on the viewer that leaves them wondering if Aquari exists outside, or inside their own minds. “Hello Aquari, always an honor to behold your presence. I’ve been instructed, should I ever meet up with you again, to have you contact the Eigalli who live on Goag Ralus.”

  “Well this can only be interesting.” Aquari shifted colors advertising a surprised interest. “Any idea of the context for this message I’m about to receive?”

  “It is a clue to the mystery, which you probably already anticipate it to be Aquari. The Eigalli have been picking apart photons from the Orion galactic arm in this area that used to be our empire before we were ran off by unseen forces over 2 million teks ago. The Eigalli think they have now found the long lost star-door Tze-Doldus. Only you can go to the core of the galaxy and then to Tze-Doldus many teks before this ship will be anywhere near it.”

  The long lost white dwarf star called Tze-Doldus had been a remnant of the legendary galactic empire of Nephapricus. They spread their influence and likeness from one end of the inner galaxy to the other because they had developed the most amazing star-powered time/space bending star-doors ever devised by terrestrials. The quanta-fusion communicator became an offshoot technology made possible by this same time/space bending wormhole star-door technology. To this day in the third age of Magphoreus there still exist decedents of the Nephapricans who still maintain these communicators that allow them to communicate anywhere in the galaxy where another of these devices also exist with the correct calibration.

  Beagud activated the controls for the device that already had coordinates set to establish communication with others living over 30,000 light-years away. The holographic image of another descendant of Nephapricans appeared on the contact device. “Greetings Deliadre, it is Beagud, I now have Aquari waiting to be your audience. He has been told that you found Tze-Doldus.” Beagud and Aquari waited there in the uneasy silence of the twenty or so second delay, which accompanied this highly advanced communication device.

  Deliadre had been standing before the quanta-fusion communicator for several minutes since Beagud first made contact, announcing that Aquari would soon be in contact with her. She had an astonishing discovery to convey to her galaxy exploring photonic friend. She wanted to use it to bring Aquari here after all these teks. Goag Ralus longed to hear from Its long gone friend. Goag Ralus longed to hear Aquari bearing tidings of the terrestrial life living so far away from conditions in the core. The galaxy’s center consisted of 150 globular clusters spinning about the core out of dark clouds of dust and gas along a galactic plane of rapidly stirred star soup that violently turned ancient stars into planetary nebulae as they came of age.

  “Hello Deliadre. It is Beagud. I now have Aquari waiting to be your audience. He has been told that you found Tze-Doldus.”

  Thirty thousand light-years away Beagud and Aquari appeared before Deliadre as holographic projections. Deliadre could be classified as also a descendent of Nephapricans like Beagud, however she stood only eight foot four inches with her hairless human form, and nearly a foot of that had evolved into an extra skull above her human-like head housing an extra brain evolved for the sake of adapting to Goag Ralus. Her skin showed also a much darker blue tone than the Eagolim Beagud. This extra brain also allowed her the ability to speak in lights and shapes similar to Aquari’s mood-ring-like form. “Thank you Beagud. I will now address Aquari in my higher language.”

  Deliadre began speaking to Aquari in lights and shapes. When her audible message finally arrived, Beagud did not appear at all left out by this. Although he could not speak the language of lights and shapes he had long since learned how to read it, and if he had anything to say he could certainly still be heard. “I have extraordinary news uncovered by our studies of the electromagnetic spectrum in the Orion arm where the last remnant of the Tze branch of Nephapricus was destroyed. You will just have to return to Goag Ralus to behold this.”

  Aquari did not recognize this woman of Eigalli decent. The Eigalli were a much darker ultramarine blue compared to the very light-blue Eagolim like Beagud. The extra skin pigments protected Deliadre from the harsh radiation in the galactic core. “I do not recognize you. Where is Nieniel?” Aquari continued to ponder her alien form while awaiting reply. The uneasy seconds ticked away.

  “Nieniel was my mother Aquari. It is said the Eigalli live 30 teks, and never 31.” (That’s the same as saying “9,330 Earth years and never more than 9,641.)

  “I am Nieniel’s daughter Deliadre. I remember you from your last visit here.” She stopped the light show to await Aquari’s response.

  “Oh of course! Little Deliadre! How quickly terrestrial beings grow old and pass away on me.” Beagud perceived this typically insensitive response from Aquari, and began thinking that he would one day never see Aquari again. He needed to cultivate a similar friendship between Aquari and his heir and child who had been deliberately also named Beagud the 32nd for the sake of cultivating that aim. Although the quanta-fusion communicator could reach across the galaxy faster than Aquari ever could, Aquari possessed wisdom and abilities far dwarfing any Eagolim technology. Beagud remembered his ancestors the great Nephapricans. Aquari actually knew them and talked with them, allowing them to record studies about Aquari still found in the Eigalli data banks today. Aquari’s nature could be said to be truly godlike, with a long valuable history that goes back as far as the eye of history can see.

  Aquari continued, “I am told that you have found the long lost star-door Tze-Doldus.” Aquari then ended his broadcast of colors and shapes. The 20 or so seconds of lag for her to receive and then respond began.

  “We definitely have located Tze-Doldus, and have discovered that life has evolved again to sentience on the planet Tze-Doldus-2. These beings have begun electromagnetic communications and entertainment that is included with the photons from that location. We have learned that these primitive terrestrial beings have discovered the star-door structure that is still intact on the planet’s north pole.” She wanted to continue, overwhelmed by her own excitement about this discovery, but Deliadre knew it became time to stop and let Aquari absorb this information.

  The information amazed the cosmic being Aquari as much as it had Beagud who had also long sought for information about the legendary Tze-Doldus himself as part of a life’s quest to solve the mystery of the seven lost star-doors that disappeared with the ancient Nephapricans. Needless to say, before hearing this news Deliadre had already convinced Aquari that he had become long over-due for a visit to Goag Ralus who always missed Aquari like a best friend. They shared a friendship that could not be replaced with the ma
ny fleeting mortal races of beings similar to the Eigalli who have sought out Goag Ralus over the millennia to live on Its surface where Goag Ralus provides them atmosphere and lovingly adjusts the gravity for them.

  Those were the events that began Aquari’s forty-two Earth-year long journey to the core of Magphoreus. He departed Beagud with apologies for the short visit, and promised to return. Aquari had a last look at the hairless rodent-like creatures that were working fields of dirt in crude clothing with their simple tools, making irrigation ditches that stretched into the dry sands of the sandy planet. In the distance, giant alien ships oversaw the hairless natives like giant titans that demanded obedience in the way they disfigured the horizon. Obedience would be obtained by fear from these little creatures. They were scared little rodents that were just barely intelligent enough to obey a god.

  That had become the formula Aquari watched the Eagolim spread to different planets occupied by everything from hairless mammals to anthropomorphic reptiles, to even Silicon forms of life in uninhabitable zones capable of knowing the fear of Ei (pronounced Eee Eye.) The old creator god religion of the Nephapricans of Doldorian descent who really were too advanced now to believe any of it themselves anymore became the Gospel according to the Eagolim. You could say they preserved the virtues of their primitive religion and passed it on to new forms of intelligent life through the ages. Nephapricans valued the way a religion could preserve an evolutionary direction of a species with its introduction to higher virtues, instructions for conduct, dietary commandments, and reproductive laws. Indeed a similar virtue helped the Nephaprican species hold together the greatest galactic civilization to have ever existed on the inner arms of mighty Magphoreus. Aquari remained undecided on an opinion regarding this Eagolim practice. He watched it work for many a species from planet to planet, but Aquari also saw an evil with this good, casting its shadows on Beagud’s face as he declared himself the great god Ei himself before the rodents. When Aquari finally departed, Beagud commanded them to cover their naked rodent bodies, and pronounce his name properly, which most newly intelligent species lacked the vocal cords to get exactly right.

  “I command you all to say my name, Ei!”

  “Aaaa Yaaaaa!”

  “Repeat the name again! Eeeeeeeee Yiiiiiiiiiiii!”

  “Aaaaaa Raaaahhhhh!”

  “Again! Eeeeeee Yiiiiiii!”

  “Raaaahhh Nahhhhh!”

  That will go on and on, and they’ll never really get it right. Most newly intelligent animals had quite a way to go before actually blooming into galactic beings. The irony that an anti-evolution-promoting religion that embraced mythological views of reality had been a secret to galactic evolution had not been lost on Aquari. The Eagolim did this in the service of Goag Ralus, who had been created by descendants of their ancestors, and isn’t without some resemblance to their Doldorian mythical creator god Ei. The resulting evolution and intelligence did not disagree with Aquari who always enjoyed being more an observer of evolution on Magphoreus than one who intervenes, although the times Aquari had intervened would also become the stuff of galactic legend.

  Aquari eventually departed the always-migrating Eagolim from deep in the Orion arm of Magphoreus to continue their coveted god act from star to star. The long lost dimly lit white dwarf star-door called Tze-Doldus had finally been found after a space of time exceeding four billion Earth years. In addition to that amazing news, after a couple billion Earth years since the white dwarf companion of the exploding red giant star Tze got lost to the labyrinth of stars in the Orion arm, life again evolved from scratch on the planet Tze-Doldus-2. Not only that, but that life on Tze-Doldus-2 had even discovered the long lost star-door evidently still intact.

  The star-doors were made of stuff that could remain intact for whole galactic ages. Deliadre could have talked Aquari into a journey to the galactic core with much less fantastic information. She had him with news of Nieniel’s death, and Aquari missed his old friend Goag Ralus too. Unlike so many departed friends, Goag Ralus at least didn’t die on him. The forty-two year journey to the core is seldom dull at seven hundred times the speed of light, and no known being knows the twisting and turning labyrinth of stars and gas in the galaxy better than Aquari. Also an intelligence like Aquari’s, with memories reaching back billions and billions of years, is incapable of being bored.

  During the life-sprouting second age of Magphoreus the Nephaprican Empire emerged for a good 700 million Earth years as the first and so far only united galactic empire to span to the far ends of the inner galaxy. Usually a galactic civilization is lucky to inhabit a few dozen stars in a local sector of space, but the Nephapricans found the short cut when they were still but a fledgling galactic species. The Nephapricans were warm-blooded mammals, which is a rare form of life in the inner galaxy compared to reptile. That is probably because mammal life emerges from less ideal conditions of a star’s habitable zone. Planets evolving mammal life tend to have extreme fluctuations in temperatures that make reptile life less successful. The evolution of warm blooded life is common enough in the galaxy, but the problem that figures into the probability of becoming a successful species of intelligent life is that unstable and/or extreme environments are more likely to be subject to catastrophe. In a galaxy that tosses stars around a super massive black hole, a whole planet of life can often be squished just like a bug. It’s easy enough to be a reptile meditating an existence away on an ideal world orbiting an ideal star under ideal conditions for billions and billions of Earth years, but then again where’s the challenge in that? Perhaps this profoundly explains why when mammal life does become intelligent they are inclined to take to the stars while intelligent reptile life would be more inclined to enjoy a purely cerebral existence understanding higher dimensions.

  Mighty Magphoreus

  The Nephapricans nurtured their original civilizations that consisted of three original races, evolved on three separate star systems in an original cluster of 15 stars that were speeding together in unison through a galactic orbit of 35,000 miles a second. These three races were the Pripicans, Nephricans, and Doldorians. Because the cluster provided nearby distances between these independently evolving races on the planets of three separate habitable star systems, eventually one race succeeded in the difficult task of interstellar travel.

  The three races of the original 15 star cluster of the Nephaprican Empire were given a golden opportunity by chance and they played it well. Soon the 5.7 light years between the Nephricans of the star named Ea, and the Doldorians of the star called Dol became a familiar road for these beings. Of the three original races, the Nephricans and Pripicans came to technological maturity almost simultaneously, having discovered each other’s existence when radio technologies were being used for communication. The Doldorians, on the other hand, were probably a thousand Earth years behind when Nephricans landed on their world, and collectively the Doldorians never seemed to recover from the inferiority complex. The Doldorian inferiority actually had an opposite effect since the Doldorians consequently excelled in courageous acts of space travel and exploration. Then the Nephricans, Pripicans, and Doldorians over the next couple thousand Earth years managed to genetically merge into a single race called Nephapricans of the 15 stars as they partook of the benefits of being a galactic civilization.

  As the 15 stars of the original cluster began drifting apart the necessity to continue interstellar commerce led to the development of the wormhole technologies. The fusion energy of each star became deliberately harmonized on the quantum level in a boldly executed harmonic technological feat to alter the fabric of space and time itself. This allowed the Nephapricans to travel instantaneously from the location of any one star to any other one of the original 15 cluster stars. There were offshoot quantum synchronized technologies sprouting off of these 15 star powered star-doors that revolutionized deep space travel and communications. A method of sending messages anywhere in the galaxy to a
similar receiver with only a few seconds of delay existed, which some decedents of the Nephapricans still use today. In this day and age where there are no more functioning star-doors, even the Eagolim are incapable of making any more of these communication devices. The quantum/fusion breakthrough caused the Nephaprican civilization to thrive and become united like no 15 stars in Magphoreus may have ever been, before or since.

  The 15 stars of the Nephaprican civilization remained strong for several millions of years after that wormhole creation event, and the 15 stars of the cluster drifted further and further away from each other, all the way into three of the seven arms of Magphoreus. The 15 stars were still unified by the star-door technologies that spread the similarities of the Nephaprican pentanthropomorphic mammal likeness to nearby stars they passed by over the hundreds of millions of Earth years of what had become a constantly spreading galactic empire. A golden age flourished there in the second age of Magphoreus with galactic commerce, communication, galactic federations, and republics springing up from the 15 stars along with Phase II fusion-warp technologies for interstellar travel that made even thirty light year journeys with faster-than-light fusion-warp technology possible in less than fifteen Earth years. The three original races became more or less a single species called the Nephapricans who dominated lesser races that benefited from the acquaintance of these galactic beings as their stars passed by a Nephaprican star on the great galactic carousel. The Nephapricans however, were mammal and even at that stage of evolution they only lived a few thousand Earth years or so of life.

  With the passage of time and space comes Aquari’s passing of the Carina arm of Magphoreus across the rift of space made up of dimmer, farther apart, old stars, to the next inner arm of Magphoreus called Scuton-Crux. The Scuton-Crux galactic arm is actually another whole galaxy swallowed by the mighty Magphoreus early in the second age. Magphoreus may be the greatest of all galaxies and each mighty arm is the stuff of many galaxies and globular clusters that have been devoured whole in the earlier ages of the galaxy. Life on the Scuton-Crux arm is predominately cold-blooded and reptilian. The passing stars awaken memories that are whole galactic ages away in the past as Aquari traverses this inner galactic arm. The Scuton-Crux arm sends many familiar stars to pass Aquari’s view, which he only reluctantly passes without stopping by to say “hi” to the reptilian friends there who he knows. This arm of the galaxy is the seat of several galactic civilizations of cold-blooded reptilian life known in the galactic high language as Incaprican.

  Stars begin to pass by more and more rapidly as the next galactic arm called Norma begins to pass before Aquari the impossible comet. The inner Norma arm sparks troubled memories in Aquari the cosmic space traveler. In the middle of the second galactic age of Magphoreus at the height of the great Nephaprican Empire Aquari became mixed up with Eagolim who were sent on a journey to the galactic core that took several thousands of Earth years. The stars of the Norma arm display the evolution of Golimechoid life adapting to the harsher conditions of this core region. Something happened on Aquari’s legendary journey with the Eagolim, something more than just the creation of Golimechoid life and the enormous Goag Ralus. Golimechoid life and Goag Ralus both now have significantly affected the nature of Magphoreus for all time.