Read Aquari Page 2

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  Even for a 500 million-year-old galactic empire, a journey all the way from a peripheral arm across the thousands of parsecs of space to the galactic core would be a long and perilous undertaking. The entire voyage actually took hundreds of thousands of Earth years of gradual migration from star to star at warp drive, which is how galactic civilizations spread. The real amazing thing about this is that galactic civilizations that want to endure, tend to not move toward the harsher areas of the galaxy. Many Eagolim with 4 to 6 thousand Earth year long lives rose to this challenge, committing hundreds of generations after them to the quest.

  Along the way during this time the Eagolim introduced new Golimechoid life forms on different habitable or uninhabitable planets. The Golimechoid were inorganic life that reproduced by reconstructing themselves through a reproductive process that imitated natural DNA-based life, but looked much more like the molting of skin. They were within the definition of what Earthlings would better understand as robots, but Golimechoids were actually the same as evolving reproducing life forms with regular life spans. Golimechoids embodied more complex molecules and elements that the Eagolim found scattered around the galactic center by the vicious black hole 2.7 million solar masses across.

  Ralus Xnoga is constantly throwing a fit against the laws of time and space, which were groomed by the Aigon into the spherical and disk shaped reality we all enjoy on this side of its event horizon. The conditions near the core are so much faster and harsher on so many levels that the migration of the Eagolim against the galactic current, which is constantly scaling down everything outward into the complexities of habitable, met with unimaginable hardship and peril. Whatever drove the determination from one generation to the next is one of the many mysteries of the 2nd age. What became of the Eagolim who made this perilous journey to Ralus Xnoga is not completely known, but their legacy is the existence of Golimechoid life along the Norma arm of the galaxy, and Goag Ralus who orbits Ralus Xnoga with seven gigantic stars that orbit seven of Its 21 appendages. Each of these 7 stars that orbit Goag Ralus has a gas giant planet orbiting the star like a moon.

  The Golimechoid life became better suited to the much more violent and perilous conditions that exist closer to the galactic core. They seldom evolved many functions that required the existence of an atmosphere, and they proved to be nearly invincible to energies and gamma rays that were tossed about in the faster rotating central arm called Norma. The ultimate design of the Nephaprican migration to the core would be established for all ages to come as an enormous construction of the same Golimechoid technology that produced artificial life forms. Golimechoid life thrived where organic life seldom finds a peaceful cranny to thrive and reproduce for very long on this great galactic merry-go-round. Silicon beings also lived under the more extreme conditions for life that exists in this part of the galaxy. More than a few galactic civilizations of Silicon beings still ponder histories that mention this time in the 2nd age, and the exploits of the god-beings that traveled from afar leaving behind Golimechoid life for Silicone beings to get along with. There also exist in the Silicon life histories to be found on the Norma arm, stories of the being called Aquari, who evidently also became involved in the unusual migration of the Nephapricans to the core.

  For the most part Silicon and Golimechoid life forms get along with each other in the Norma arm of the galaxy. Silicon life has definitely benefited from Golimechoid neighbors who are evidently programmed to peacefully assist the survival of terrestrial life on Magphoreus, at least where Golimechoid life perceives no threat. Similar peaceful life-promoting virtues are arguably the very reason for the existence of Goag Ralus.

  Goag Ralus is the gift from the Nephapricans of the 2nd age to the current 3rd age. Goag Ralus is a living being that is dedicated to the dominion of terrestrial life in the galaxy for all time. Goag Ralus encompasses over four hundred solar masses Itself while It orbits Ralus Xnoga, sending gas and debris up a new galactic arm of Its making that condenses under gravitational pressures into the stars of the Fybrolus arm of the galaxy. Goag Ralus has fashioned thousands of customized star systems, which It flings up along the Fybrolus arm to spin into pre-designed galactic orbits of their own further out beyond the core to where the existence of life is less precarious. In this way Goag Ralus has been promoting the existence of life in the galaxy by creating new stars with life giving planets for over 4 billion Earth years now to this very day in the 3rd age of Magphoreus.