Read Aquari Page 3

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  The eventful galactic core of violently fast moving objects more and more interrupts Aquari’s deep space day dreams of ancient galactic ages. Here explosive electromagnetic nuclear energies bombard every cranny of the Norma arm as it passes by Aquari to become the baby arm called Fybrolus. Fybrolus formed because of Goag Ralus who turns the crushing gravity of the black hole called Ralus Xnoga reluctantly into a force for life in the universe. Aquari points his direction toward the black dot centered in the sky where, in this part of the galaxy there is no darkness or night to be found anywhere except the great hole. That means very little night exists here, at least not without some serious cloud cover. Aquari is closing in on the galaxy’s super-massive black hole where Goag Ralus can be found orbiting Ralus Xnoga at unimaginable speeds.

  Earth astronomers have actually even recently discovered Goag Ralus, and identify It as GCIRS 13E, which orbits the core black hole at 626,300 mph, or 280 kilometers a second. There are seven stars each of several solar masses, which each orbit a separate arm of Goag Ralus. Earth astronomers slightly over estimate the 1,300+ solar masses of Goag Ralus mainly because they mistake GCIRS 13E to be a very rare medium sized black hole. Descendants of Nephapricans, and many other forms of life have long since found their way to Goag Ralus, and Goag Ralus gives them a home away from the core’s soup of inescapably crushing gravity, which Goag Ralus makes to be in control of with sophisticated virtual particle generation technologies.

  Long after the time of the destruction of Tze, Aquari returned from another galaxy only to discover that the Nephaprican galactic people had all but disappeared. The galactic beings Aquari had once ran across hundreds of millions of Earth years ago had all but disappeared without a trace, taking seven of their star-door stars with them. It had been over 4.5 billion Earth years ago when Aquari first noticed impossibly similar galactic civilizations on opposite sides of the inner galaxy. The Nephapricans obviously intended for Aquari to be left behind along with the lesser life forms of the Nephaprican Empire that they had also abandoned. Incapricans who outlived the remnant of the Nephaprican civilization located there had cut off control of the Dol star-door.

  The star Yat became the last remnant of (Eagolim) galactic beings that still existed within the empire, but they couldn’t use the Yat star-door because it eventually broke down, fortunately with no nova aftereffects. The Yat star-door quanta-optic-nanocode being had disappeared within the star-door’s multiple realities to never be heard from again. The Incapricans of the Dol star-door had rendered it inoperative and the Poa star-door had been taken by the Golimechoid life forms in the last galactic war of Nephapricus, soon to ensue.

  Aquari returned after over 110 million Earth years from a nearby galaxy to find the once glorious galactic Empire of Nephapricus in its last throes. Aquari happens to be an incredible cosmic mystery within his own right. The best explanation of Aquari is that he is a cosmic being that has bothered to contact galactic and terrestrial life forms. He ran across the Nephapricans early on in their empire because of their similar humanoid appearances that spread from one end of the galaxy to the other when only Aquari could travel fast enough to actually make such a trip. Aquari usually appears as a circle of light capable of traveling hundreds of times faster than the most sophisticated warp drives. The early Nephapricans welcomed the counsel of Aquari who possessed a cosmic intelligence at least as far beyond Nephaprican comprehension as the star-door travelers are beyond simple terrestrial life. Terrestrial life is only capable of intelligence enough to understand that travel between stars as impossible.

  Some call Aquari the god that the gods made up. Whatever that means. Some speculate that he is a cosmic being perhaps from another dimension who is curiously poking into our dimension for a look. We only see two of his dimensions that are always facing the viewer regardless of the number of viewers or angle that they look at him; sort of like a rainbow you can never reach or even reconcile to space and distance. Aquari is a being of light, who is at least remotely related to the Aigon-Sophin who the Nephapricans managed to document the existence of back when Magphoreus blazed as a Ralus Xnoga rampaging quasar only one galactic age old. Nephapricans understood Aquari to be an explorer from the first age of the galaxy who still oversaw the galactic function of constructing and evolving complex molecules. Some speculate Aquari to be the eye at the end of cosmic evolution that is overseeing this whole process. The truth about Aquari is that nobody really knows.

  Nephaprican history contains much speculation about Aquari where encounters with Aquari were well documented. Aquari can be credited with intervening many times when Nephapricans clashed with Incapricans. Aquari often served the role of interstellar diplomat with the awe and respect of lesser life forms who couldn’t do anything about Aquari if they did want to. Aquari accompanied the legendary journey to the core and must have played a part in the evolution of Golimechoid life, as well as Goag Ralus.

  The mindset of the Nephapricans, as well as Aquari, is understandably beyond the understanding of mere Earthlings, but it’s probably true that sending Aquari away with the Eagolim played a part in the development of plans by the Nephapricans to disappear from all known time and space. This evidence that Aquari’s relationship with Nephapricans had become strained could not be ignored by Aquari, which probably also has kept the cosmic being from actually pursuing them for over 4 billion Earth years now. The Eigalli who live on Goag Ralus, on the other hand, have always looked for the long lost Nephapricans as if they were their long lost parents. Remnants of the Nephaprican species that remained behind to carry on in the realm of natural evolution also don’t know what became of the lost Nephapricans along with the seven legendary star-doors. Traces of the stars themselves have since been located and the evidence hints that they were destroyed in carefully orchestrated ways with their material used up so as to have disappeared completely with no black holes to be found.

  Aquari returned near the end of the 2nd Galactic Age, after the great disappearance to find the remnants of Nephapricus made up of lesser-evolved life forms desperately struggling to remain worthy of the status of galactic civilization. Aquari intervened in three dynasties of the last 80 million or so Earth years that were left of Nephapricus. The dealings of Aquari became known to the 3rd dynasty as Aquari continued to return to Goag Ralus in the galactic core, a gigantic being understood by the post-Nephaprican Nephapricans to be a friend of sorts with Aquari. The 3rd dynasty after the great disappearance, feared and dreaded what the Nephapricans did in the galactic core, and they also began to not trust Aquari. Before Aquari’s dealings with post-Nephaprican Nephapricus, Aquari can be honored for saving many life forms from becoming pray to the Incaprican civilizations that proved to be more enduring after all on Magphoreus than mere mammals. The remnants of Nephapricus became the conquests of the more enduring reptile cultures during the last 80 million years of Nephapricus, and Aquari is said to have been instrumental in keeping the empire enduring that much longer. Aquari always seemed to take delight in the accomplishments of terrestrial life as always more an observer than an intervener. The last post-Nephaprican dynasty however, betrayed Aquari and the result would be the final blow to the last remnant of Nephapricus from which no star faring race would emerge any time soon in the aftermath.

  The declining galactic civilization endured a perilous path of demise as the vast distances between stars, which were once traversed with ease, came to be more and more daunting. Less educated next generations inherited the reins of technologies based on physics they couldn’t grasp without the help of quantum-bit processing computers also inherited from the past. That would be the Nephapricus Aquari had returned to, and Aquari had been the friend of many individuals from that time. Aquari possessed a galactic intelligence able to communicate with the ant-like, downright terrestrial life forms that were still harnessing the fusion-warp technologies that qualified them as galactic being
s. Post-Nephaprican Nephapricus citizens seldom appreciated Aquari’s vast superiority, probably because it’s not in Aquari’s nature to flaunt that superiority, which left an impression of Aquari as harmless.

  This lack of appreciation or respect could be said to underlie the relationship between Aquari and Turgis Reva, the last central empire manager of what remained of Nephapricus. The capital of Nephapricus at that time centered around the star-door system called Poa, where the star-door technology industries still spun off of a central star-door complex the size of a small continent. The Poa star-door was fully functional at the time, but the Poa star-door no longer provided time/space bending star-door travel anymore, probably because of Incaprican treachery on the other side of the remaining wormhole at the star Dol, and the star-door of the star Yat had eventually performed its last teleportation and no longer functioned in that capacity. Post Nephaprican Nephapricus inherently became uncommunicative with the Eagolim of the star Yat because of a fear that they would try to take the Poa Empire away from them.

  Turgis Reva had an upset look in his ruling chamber as he looked out the window across the capital city he renamed Reva-Tar after sacking a senate government that had tried less despotic methods of uniting the 1, 473 stars of then Nephapricus. He had evolved from a Grulmagof species originally from the Grul star system. He came from a rugged world of extremes in both temperature and geography where his kind evolved a warm mane of shaggy hair and a burley frame balanced on sure-footed furry legs; like a mountain goat that walked upright. Turgis had become justifiably concerned for his declining empire and its losely held together commerce between 1,473 colonized stars along the Carina arm. Nephapricus still held the line along the great rift of distance separating them from the Scuton-Crux galactic arm of thriving and successful galactic reptile civilizations that were patiently waiting to out live what remained of Turgis Reva’s civilization of mammals in the Carina arm. The Nephapricans and the Incapricans never did really get along with each other. If that wasn’t enough to worry a galactic emperor, Turgis Reva had learned that a new race of Golimechoid life now encroached upon their galactic realm from deep within the galaxy. These robot creatures were attempting to colonize his galactic sector of space. Turgis, troubled by this, had summoned the mysterious cosmic being Aquari who had been nearby at the time. It had also come to his attention that Aquari had been traveling to the galactic center, which evidently thrived with this form of artificial life.

  Turgis Reva admired the ring around the moon that surrounded Poa-3’s satellite like a crown of accomplishment that perched above the horizon next to the 100-mile wide dome of the star-door structure, which overlooked his city Reva-Tar like another giant planet poking above the horizon. He put that ring around that moon by ordering the virtual particle star-door energies to be used for slowing down the orbit of the moon just enough to line it up with an incoming asteroid that would have devastated the planet Poa-3. Incidentally, because gravity is actually the phenomenon of instantaneous virtual particle creation that is measurable on the quantum level to be shaping dark matter, the moon returned to it’s previous position and orbital momentum right after that collision event. The moon just hurried back to where it previously belonged like a stretched spring returning to its regular shape when released from the star-door’s virtual particle generators. The released moon sped up temporarily to return to the familiar speed and path of its own trench of what Nephapricans called phantom matter. Turgis Reva had easily made himself a hero of the planet by putting himself in charge of making that planet-saving event happen.

  Aquari entered the chamber, which suddenly heralded an increase of room light emanating from a flat circle of light that faced the eyes of Turgis Reva. The circle of light displayed the body of Aquari, and showed multi-colored kaleidoscopic shapes that revealed in color and shape a concern Aquari had that he had suddenly become in some kind of trouble. Turgis Reva had known Aquari long enough to be able to read those colors and shapes that were advertising Aquari’s mood.

  “Greetings Turgis Reva. It is good to see you after all these years.”

  Turgis greeted Aquari’s greeting with a shout to keep those colors the way he wanted them. “Years you have evidently spent visiting strange life forms from within Magphoreus who now encroach on my empire! What are these ‘Golimechoid’ life forms you fraternize with Aquari?”

  “Well mighty ruler of Nephapricus, I ‘fraternize’ with whatever life forms I choose to. The Golimechoid were created by your empire’s ancestors, the real Nephapricans who disappeared. Golimechoid life began when the Eagolim made the legendary journey to the galactic core before I left the galaxy long before the 1st dynasty of the Fuzaads inherited Nephapricus, after your builder’s mysterious exit from the empire.”

  “Well now this artificial form of life is building colonies around the stars Tephadis and Zoed where Nephapricans operate deiodic crystal and peiomite gas mines in the asteroids. My mining companies beg me to eradicate them before they start showing up in greater numbers.”


  Aquari and Turgis Reva

  “Eradicate them?!” Aquari noticeably became irritated by the emperor’s attitude, which explained his more orange colored glow. “They are not hostile beings. I’ll bet they have even evolved a language. Why don’t you all talk it out?”

  “Why don’t you persuade them to leave this sector of space. They are machines you no doubt had a hand in creating Aquari.” Turgis Reva knew how to use his intimidating stature even on the most cosmic of beings. “It’s well known that you accompanied the Eagolim to the galactic core in the legendary journey, and had a hand in the creation of this abomination of a species. I know you travel frequently to the places in Magphoreus where these creatures originated.”

  Aquari tried to explain. “We left their ancestors to reproduce and evolve in various locations, adapting to the extreme conditions within Magphoreus. Some were even not much more than amebas and amino acids at the time. These space travelers you accuse of trespassing have evolved on their own to now force you to move over and share the enormous neighborhood of space travel. I’m thrilled to just now hear that one of these species has advanced up the stages of evolution so fast.”

  Turgis did not summon Aquari to discuss this. “I have summoned you Aquari in order to command you to go to these things you call life, and make them return to the depths of space from which they came.”

  “Looks to me like holding together an empire you just had to take over is proving harder than you originally figured. Ya think Turgis?”

  Turgis probably became red under his fur. “You will do this Aquari, or I will order an armada of war ships to do this instead of your cosmic diplomacy.”

  “Okay, okay, I can go there and see what I can do, but not because of any order from the great Turgis Reva that can’t be denied. I’ll go for your own good. The Golimechoid life was designed to adapt to the harshest environments in the galaxy, and I’ll bet on their ability to deal with your Nephaprican planet destroyers as easily as any other gamma ray infested gravity crushing star factory we originally left them to evolve in the midst of. Besides, I suddenly want to visit these amazing creations that now have evolved to be galactic beings. Your kind could learn from their newly born enthusiasm for the stars.”

  “Very well then Aquari, I shall hold off on my attack until you make them leave the Tephadis and Zoed star systems. Should you fail there shall be war.”

  “Very well then Turgis Reva my war-mongering friend. I now depart your presence to reason with the Golimechoid life forms that I expect to be more reasonable than you.” Saying that, Aquari then departed the last ruler of Nephapricus.

  Aquari visited the galactic beings who were a snake-like programmed form of robotic life that thought they had evolved from much simpler life forms on some world that was really a moon, between there and the core of the galaxy less than 100 million Earth years before. They turned out to rapidly e
volve as designed, communicating with a complex high-tech radio frequency that provided an instant evolutionary advantage as they could instantly communicate with the simple replicas they raised like children. It turned out many among them believed they had emerged from hydrocarbons on a peaceful freezing cold moon orbiting a gas giant planet that circled a star way back in the Norma arm or the galaxy. The other advantage of being a species of being that could communicate from birth was that they were more inclined to develop into intelligent life and take to the stars. The harsh, ever-changing galactic core environment demanded that the intelligent life find new stars. Golimechoid life had been made of more complex molecules and robust elements that were animated by self-replicating nano-technology that behaved as cells that emulated and improved on life as we know it.

  Aquari delighted in meeting these beings that were now the distant relatives of what the Eagolim first introduced to the galaxy. They meant no harm to organic beings and were only establishing colonies on uninhabitable asteroids for jump off points to a grander ambition of exploring the galaxy further out. Aquari told these Golimechoid life forms many things that they did not know about their history and origins. Aquari had been able to persuade the Golimechoid life forms to travel a different route and depart the two intruded star systems.

  The Golimechoids were delighted to make Aquari’s acquaintance, and quickly decided to leave, having also heard warnings of Nephaprican hostility from the Incaprican civilizations they met on their way thousands of Earth years before across the Scuton-Crux arm of the galaxy. These Golimechoids that Aquari introduced himself to were the spearhead of a fleet of galactic Golimechoid colony ships, which were amazing feats of technology and engineering in themselves.

  Turgis Reva got from Aquari what he had ordered Aquari to do, but it wasn’t really what Turgis Reva wanted. The lesser-evolved inhabitants of the short-lived fourth post-Nephaprican dynasty that ruled Nephapricus had no intention of sharing the galaxy with Golimechoid life forms. Turgis Reva had been under pressure to make a show of force, and an example out of the robot-people colonizers that were moving into the star systems of Tephadis and Zoed. The whole meeting of Turgis Reva and Aquari would actually be recorded in order for Turgis to demonstrate his power to command even the cosmic being called Aquari to do his bidding. In other words, the whole conversation had just been a recorded show for politics. There may have also been some crazy idea that Aquari would also perish in his attack on the Golimechoids.

  Turgis Reva betrayed Aquari, and attacked the Golimechoid life forms even as they were conceding to return from which they came, as requested. News of the invading robot people from the galaxy core had instigated panic throughout the thousand remaining stars of Nephapricus, and all well-developed worlds in the empire offered up wealth and personnel to the effort to drive the robots out of their sector of Magphoreus. Their efforts had to have been put in place many Earth years before the meeting between Turgis and Aquari. In a sense Nephapricus died of primitive xenophobia unbecoming of a galactic species. Suddenly the virtues of respecting all life and assisting other beings that dared to adapt to the empty void, which made the real Nephapricans great, had degenerated with the empire into something primitive and self-destructive.

  The attack by Nephapricus on Golimechoid life turned out to be the last final and fatal mistake of the Nephaprican galactic empire in the 700,000,000 or so Earth years of its entire existence. The initial attack devastated the spearhead Golimechoid colonists, which infuriated Aquari who had become all too familiar with the war-like recklessness of terrestrial beings, especially mammals. News of the ambush reached the main fleet of Golimechoids deep in the void of empty space possibly thanks to Aquari, and retaliation would be quick and even more vicious. Incapricans had warned the Golimechoids of these Nephaprican peoples and perhaps the ancient legends, which this Incaprican knowledge had become by then to them, made the Golimechoids more intimidated and more fearful then they really needed to be.

  The warships of Nephapricus were eventually attacked to extinction by super nano-tech life forms that had also made a point of traveling space with arsenals of superior firepower. Waging war on superior Golimechoid life forms dealt the final blow to Nephapricus, and no organic life on a 1,000 worlds that were sure to embrace the catch-22 folly of fighting back, would have survived without the intervention of Aquari. This particular Golimechoid species actually, it turned out, originally had been created as servants by the migrating Eagolim who left their descendents on the moon of that gas giant millions of Earth years before, thus peppering their most ancient histories with hints of these creator god beings, the Nephapricans. The Golimechoid reaction drove by a primal fear of Nephapricus, who some among them already speculated were the legendary divine space travelers that actively left their form of life also braving the evolutionary odds of survival on various worlds that they had passed along the way. The Golimechoids thought they were at war with their own gods, but really they just battled against frail warm-blooded mammals who had inherited the infrastructure of the god’s great galactic empire.

  That marked the fall of Nephapricus and also the end of the second golden age of Magphoreus along with it. After the end of the second galactic age, Earth’s star would be born by the skillful hands of Goag Ralus who sent it out on its orbit along with the cluster of gas and debris we now call the Orion Nebula. The star of Earth existed early enough to have been known by Eagolim of Nephaprican decent who had not participated in the great disappearance. The star of Earth is known to have played a part in an Orion arm sector of Eagolim galactic civilization that lingered long after the great disappearance, before that civilization of Eagolim fell into a dark age of unfortunate demise.

  A period existed after the fall of Nephapricus, in the beginnings of the 3rd Galactic Age, when Golimechoid, Incaprican, and mammal life used the wormhole connections between the two remaining Dol and Poa star-doors. That went on until eventually time, the death of Poa, and Dol becoming a red giant rendered them inoperative. The 3 star-doors that were left behind by the lost Nephapricans finally seemed to break down in the beginning of the 3rd Galactic Age. The original symbiotic quantum accomplishment that created these universe-bending star-doors has still not been duplicated. Some attempts have even resulted in a star’s destruction, and in a lot of galactic empires the attempt is illegal. There is a branch of galactic physics that theorizes that the star-doors were made out of materials that were evolved from a phenomenon known as a phantom matter singularity.