Read Arthur Mervyn; Or, Memoirs of the Year 1793 Page 18


  I wandered over this deserted mansion, in a considerable degree, atrandom. Effluvia of a pestilential nature assailed me from every corner.In the front room of the second story, I imagined that I discoveredvestiges of that catastrophe which the past night had produced. The bedappeared as if some one had recently been dragged from it. The sheetswere tinged with yellow, and with that substance which is said to becharacteristic of this disease, the gangrenous or black vomit. The floorexhibited similar stains.

  There are many who will regard my conduct as the last refinement oftemerity, or of heroism. Nothing, indeed, more perplexes me than areview of my own conduct. Not, indeed, that death is an object always tobe dreaded, or that my motive did not justify my actions; but of alldangers, those allied to pestilence, by being mysterious and unseen, arethe most formidable. To disarm them of their terrors requires thelongest familiarity. Nurses and physicians soonest become intrepid orindifferent; but the rest of mankind recoil from the scene withunconquerable loathing.

  I was sustained, not by confidence of safety, and a belief of exemptionfrom this malady, or by the influence of habit, which inures us to allthat is detestable or perilous, but by a belief that this was aseligible an avenue to death as any other; and that life is a trivialsacrifice in the cause of duty.

  I passed from one room to the other. A portmanteau, marked with theinitials of Wallace's name, at length attracted my notice. From thiscircumstance I inferred that this apartment had been occupied by him.The room was neatly arranged, and appeared as if no one had lately usedit. There were trunks and drawers. That which I have mentioned was theonly one that bore marks of Wallace's ownership. This I lifted in myarms with a view to remove it to Medlicote's house.

  At that moment, methought I heard a footstep slowly and lingeringlyascending the stair. I was disconcerted at this incident. The footstephad in it a ghost-like solemnity and tardiness. This phantom vanished ina moment, and yielded place to more humble conjectures. A human beingapproached, whose office and commission were inscrutable. That we werestrangers to each other was easily imagined; but how would myappearance, in this remote chamber, and loaded with another's property,be interpreted? Did he enter the house after me, or was he the tenant ofsome chamber hitherto unvisited; whom my entrance had awakened from histrance and called from his couch?

  In the confusion of my mind, I still held my burden uplifted. To haveplaced it on the floor, and encountered this visitant, without thisequivocal token about me, was the obvious proceeding. Indeed, time onlycould decide whether these footsteps tended to this, or to some other,apartment.

  My doubts were quickly dispelled. The door opened, and a figure glidedin. The portmanteau dropped from my arms, and my heart's blood waschilled. If an apparition of the dead were possible, (and thatpossibility I could not deny,) this was such an apparition. A hue,yellowish and livid; bones, uncovered with flesh; eyes, ghastly, hollow,woe-begone, and fixed in an agony of wonder upon me; and locks, mattedand negligent, constituted the image which I now beheld. My belief ofsomewhat preternatural in this appearance was confirmed by recollectionof resemblances between these features and those of one who was dead. Inthis shape and visage, shadowy and death-like as they were, thelineaments of Wallace, of him who had misled my rustic simplicity on myfirst visit to this city, and whose death I had conceived to beincontestably ascertained, were forcibly recognised.

  This recognition, which at first alarmed my superstition, speedily ledto more rational inferences. Wallace had been dragged to the hospital.Nothing was less to be suspected than that he would return alive fromthat hideous receptacle, but this was by no means impossible. The figurethat stood before me had just risen from the bed of sickness, and fromthe brink of the grave. The crisis of his malady had passed, and he wasonce more entitled to be ranked among the living.

  This event, and the consequences which my imagination connected with it,filled me with the liveliest joy. I thought not of his ignorance of thecauses of my satisfaction, of the doubts to which the circumstances ofour interview would give birth, respecting the integrity of my purpose.I forgot the artifices by which I had formerly been betrayed, and theembarrassments which a meeting with the victim of his artifices wouldexcite in him; I thought only of the happiness which his recovery wouldconfer upon his uncle and his cousins.

  I advanced towards him with an air of congratulation, and offered him myhand. He shrunk back, and exclaimed, in a feeble voice, "Who are you?What business have you here?"

  "I am the friend of Wallace, if he will allow me to be so. I am amessenger from your uncle and cousins at _Malverton_. I came to know thecause of your silence, and to afford you any assistance in my power."

  He continued to regard me with an air of suspicion and doubt. These Iendeavoured to remove by explaining the motives that led me hither. Itwas with difficulty that he seemed to credit my representations. Whenthoroughly convinced of the truth of my assertions, he inquired withgreat anxiety and tenderness concerning his relations; and expressed hishope that they were ignorant of what had befallen him.

  I could not encourage his hopes. I regretted my own precipitation inadopting the belief of his death. This belief had been uttered withconfidence, and without stating my reasons for embracing it, to Mr.Hadwin. These tidings would be borne to his daughters, and their griefwould be exasperated to a deplorable and perhaps to a fatal degree.

  There was but one method of repairing or eluding this mischief.Intelligence ought to be conveyed to them of his recovery. But where wasthe messenger to be found? No one's attention could be found disengagedfrom his own concerns. Those who were able or willing to leave the cityhad sufficient motives for departure, in relation to themselves. Ifvehicle or horse were procurable for money, ought it not to be securedfor the use of Wallace himself, whose health required the easiest andspeediest conveyance from this theatre of death?

  My companion was powerless in mind as in limbs. He seemed unable toconsult upon the means of escaping from the inconveniences by which hewas surrounded. As soon as sufficient strength was regained, he had leftthe hospital. To repair to _Malverton_ was the measure which prudenceobviously dictated; but he was hopeless of effecting it. The city wasclose at hand; this was his usual home; and hither his tottering andalmost involuntary steps conducted him.

  He listened to my representations and counsels, and acknowledged theirpropriety. He put himself under my protection and guidance, and promisedto conform implicitly to my directions. His strength had sufficed tobring him thus far, but was now utterly exhausted. The task of searchingfor a carriage and horse devolved upon me.

  In effecting this purpose, I was obliged to rely upon my own ingenuityand diligence. Wallace, though so long a resident in the city, knew notto whom I could apply, or by whom carriages were let to hire. My ownreflections taught me, that this accommodation was most likely to befurnished by innkeepers, or that some of those might at least inform meof the best measures to be taken. I resolved to set out immediately onthis search. Meanwhile, Wallace was persuaded to take refuge inMedlicote's apartments; and to make, by the assistance of Austin, thenecessary preparation for his journey.

  The morning had now advanced. The rays of a sultry sun had a sickeningand enfeebling influence beyond any which I had ever experienced. Thedrought of unusual duration had bereft the air and the earth of everyparticle of moisture. The element which I breathed appeared to havestagnated into noxiousness and putrefaction. I was astonished atobserving the enormous diminution of my strength. My brows were heavy,my intellects benumbed, my sinews enfeebled, and my sensationsuniversally unquiet.

  These prognostics were easily interpreted. What I chiefly dreaded was,that they would disable me from executing the task which I hadundertaken. I summoned up all my resolution, and cherished a disdain ofyielding to this ignoble destiny. I reflected that the source of allenergy, and even of life, is seated in thought; that nothing is arduousto human efforts; that the external frame will seldom languish, whileactuated by an
unconquerable soul.

  I fought against my dreary feelings, which pulled me to the earth. Iquickened my pace, raised my drooping eyelids, and hummed a cheerful andfavourite air. For all that I accomplished during this day, I believemyself indebted to the strenuousness and ardour of my resolutions.

  I went from one tavern to another. One was deserted; in another thepeople were sick, and their attendants refused to hearken to myinquiries or offers; at a third, their horses were engaged. I wasdetermined to prosecute my search as long as an inn or a livery-stableremained unexamined, and my strength would permit.

  To detail the events of this expedition, the arguments and supplicationswhich I used to overcome the dictates of avarice and fear, thefluctuation of my hopes and my incessant disappointments, would beuseless. Having exhausted all my expedients ineffectually, I wascompelled to turn my weary steps once more to Medlicote's lodgings.

  My meditations were deeply engaged by the present circumstances of mysituation. Since the means which were first suggested wereimpracticable, I endeavoured to investigate others. Wallace's debilitymade it impossible for him to perform this journey on foot; but wouldnot his strength and his resolution suffice to carry him beyondSchuylkill? A carriage or horse, though not to be obtained in the city,could, without difficulty, be procured in the country. Every farmer hadbeasts for burden and draught. One of these might be hired, at noimmoderate expense, for half a day.

  This project appeared so practicable and so specious, that I deeplyregretted the time and the efforts which had already been so fruitlesslyexpended. If my project, however, had been mischievous, to review itwith regret was only to prolong and to multiply its mischiefs. I trustedthat time and strength would not be wanting to the execution of this newdesign.

  On entering Medlicote's house, my looks, which, in spite of my languors,were sprightly and confident, flattered Wallace with the belief that myexertions had succeeded. When acquainted with their failure, he sunk asquickly into hopelessness. My new expedient was heard by him with nomarks of satisfaction. It was impossible, he said, to move from thisspot by his own strength. All his powers were exhausted by his walk fromBush Hill.

  I endeavoured, by arguments and railleries, to revive his courage. Thepure air of the country would exhilarate him into new life. He mightstop at every fifty yards, and rest upon the green sod. If overtaken bythe night, we would procure a lodging, by address and importunity; but,if every door should be shut against us, we should at least enjoy theshelter of some barn, and might diet wholesomely upon the new-laid eggsthat we should find there. The worst treatment we could meet with wasbetter than continuance in the city.

  These remonstrances had some influence, and he at length consented toput his ability to the test. First, however, it was necessary toinvigorate himself by a few hours' rest. To this, though with infinitereluctance, I consented.

  This interval allowed him to reflect upon the past, and to inquire intothe fate of Thetford and his family. The intelligence which Medlicotehad enabled me to afford him was heard with more satisfaction thanregret. The ingratitude and cruelty with which he had been treatedseemed to have extinguished every sentiment but hatred and vengeance. Iwas willing to profit by this interval to know more of Thetford than Ialready possessed. I inquired why Wallace had so perversely neglectedthe advice of his uncle and cousin, and persisted to brave so manydangers when flight was so easy.

  "I cannot justify my conduct," answered he. "It was in the highestdegree thoughtless and perverse. I was confident and unconcerned as longas our neighbourhood was free from disease, and as long as I forbore anycommunication with the sick; yet I should have withdrawn to Malverton,merely to gratify my friends, if Thetford had not used the most powerfularguments to detain me. He laboured to extenuate the danger.

  "'Why not stay,' said he, 'as long as I and my family stay? Do you thinkthat we would linger here, if the danger were imminent? As soon as itbecomes so, we will fly. You know that we have a country-house preparedfor our reception. When we go, you shall accompany us. Your services atthis time are indispensable to my affairs. If you will not desert me,your salary next year shall be double; and that will enable you to marryyour cousin immediately. Nothing is more improbable than that any of usshould be sick; but, if this should happen to you, I plight my honourthat you shall be carefully and faithfully attended.'

  "These assurances were solemn and generous. To make Susan Hadwin my wifewas the scope of all my wishes and labours. By staying, I should hastenthis desirable event, and incur little hazard. By going, I shouldalienate the affections of Thetford; by whom, it is but justice toacknowledge, that I had hitherto been treated with unexampled generosityand kindness; and blast all the schemes I had formed for rising intowealth.

  "My resolution was by no means steadfast. As often as a letter from_Malverton_ arrived, I felt myself disposed to hasten away; but thisinclination was combated by new arguments and new entreaties ofThetford.

  "In this state of suspense, the girl by whom Mrs. Thetford's infant wasnursed fell sick. She was an excellent creature, and merited bettertreatment than she received. Like me, she resisted the persuasions ofher friends, but her motives for remaining were disinterested andheroic.

  "No sooner did her indisposition appear, than she was hurried to thehospital. I saw that no reliance could be placed upon the assurances ofThetford. Every consideration gave way to his fear of death. After thegirl's departure, though he knew that she was led by his means toexecution, yet he consoled himself by repeating and believing herassertions, that her disease was not _the fever_.

  "I was now greatly alarmed for my own safety. I was determined toencounter his anger and repel his persuasions; and to depart with themarket-man next morning. That night, however, I was seized with aviolent fever. I knew in what manner patients were treated at thehospital, and removal thither was to the last degree abhorred.

  "The morning arrived, and my situation was discovered. At the firstintimation, Thetford rushed out of the house, and refused to re-enter ittill I was removed. I knew not my fate, till three ruffians made theirappearance at my bedside, and communicated their commission.

  "I called on the name of Thetford and his wife. I entreated a moment'sdelay, till I had seen these persons, and endeavoured to procure arespite from my sentence. They were deaf to my entreaties, and preparedto execute their office by force. I was delirious with rage and terror.I heaped the bitterest execrations on my murderer; and by turns, invokedthe compassion of, and poured a torrent of reproaches on, the wretcheswhom he had selected for his ministers. My struggles and outcries werevain.

  "I have no perfect recollection of what passed till my arrival at thehospital. My passions combined with my disease to make me frantic andwild. In a state like mine, the slightest motion could not be enduredwithout agony. What then must I have felt, scorched and dazzled by thesun, sustained by hard boards, and borne for miles over a ruggedpavement?

  "I cannot make you comprehend the anguish of my feelings. To bedisjointed and torn piecemeal by the rack was a torment inexpressiblyinferior to this. Nothing excites my wonder but that I did not expirebefore the cart had moved three paces.

  "I knew not how, or by whom, I was moved from this vehicle.Insensibility came at length to my relief. After a time I opened myeyes, and slowly gained some knowledge of my situation. I lay upon amattress, whose condition proved that a half-decayed corpse had recentlybeen dragged from it. The room was large, but it was covered with bedslike my own. Between each, there was scarcely the interval of threefeet. Each sustained a wretch, whose groans and distortions bespoke thedesperateness of his condition.

  "The atmosphere was loaded by mortal stenches. A vapour, suffocating andmalignant, scarcely allowed me to breathe. No suitable receptacle wasprovided for the evacuations produced by medicine or disease. My nearestneighbour was struggling with death, and my bed, casually extended, wasmoist with the detestable matter which had flowed from his stomach.

  "You will scarcely believe that, in this scene
of horrors, the sound oflaughter should be overheard. While the upper rooms of this building arefilled with the sick and the dying, the lower apartments are the sceneof carousals and mirth. The wretches who are hired, at enormous wages,to tend the sick and convey away the dead, neglect their duty, andconsume the cordials which are provided for the patients, in debaucheryand riot.

  "A female visage, bloated with malignity and drunkenness, occasionallylooked in. Dying eyes were cast upon her, invoking the boon, perhaps, ofa drop of cold water, or her assistance to change a posture whichcompelled him to behold the ghastly writhings or deathful _smile_ of hisneighbour.

  "The visitant had left the banquet for a moment, only to see who wasdead. If she entered the room, blinking eyes and reeling steps showedher to be totally unqualified for ministering the aid that was needed.Presently she disappeared, and others ascended the staircase, a coffinwas deposited at the door, the wretch, whose heart still quivered, wasseized by rude hands, and dragged along the floor into the passage.

  "Oh! how poor are the conceptions which are formed, by the fortunatefew, of the sufferings to which millions of their fellow-beings arecondemned. This misery was more frightful, because it was seen to flowfrom the depravity of the attendants. My own eyes only would make mecredit the existence of wickedness so enormous. No wonder that to die ingarrets, and cellars, and stables, unvisited and unknown, had, by somany, been preferred to being brought hither.

  "A physician cast an eye upon my state. He gave some directions to theperson who attended him. I did not comprehend them, they were neverexecuted by the nurses, and, if the attempt had been made, I shouldprobably have refused to receive what was offered. Recovery was equallybeyond my expectations and my wishes. The scene which was hourlydisplayed before me, the entrance of the sick, most of whom perished ina few hours, and their departure to the graves prepared for them,reminded me of the fate to which I, also, was reserved.

  "Three days passed away, in which every hour was expected to be thelast. That, amidst an atmosphere so contagious and deadly, amidst causesof destruction hourly accumulating, I should yet survive, appears to menothing less than miraculous. That of so many conducted to this housethe only one who passed out of it alive should be myself almostsurpasses my belief.

  "Some inexplicable principle rendered harmless those potent enemies ofhuman life. My fever subsided and vanished. My strength was revived, andthe first use that I made of my limbs was to bear me far from thecontemplation and sufferance of those evils."