Read Assassin's Against Corrupt Organizations Page 1

  Deceiving Justice

  By Stephanie Mitchell

  Copyright 2016 Stephanie Mitchell



  This is never how I thought my life would end up. I always imagined a purposeful life where I would learn to love, care, and nurture my children. Instead I find myself staring into a long abyss that will never end. The dank smell of mold seeping from the walls mixed with the scent of sewer water fills my nose. I writhed to my left trying to escape the ropes that bind me to my fate. The faintest of light seeps through my pupils searching for the hope that I will never see. My mind tells me that I will get through this nightmare but I know better. This is the end. I will never get home. Never.

  I'm jolted awake by an unfamiliar language. Before I can react I feel a piercing pain greet me in my lower back.

  “I don’t know what you are saying!!”

  “Warum Sind Sie hier Madchen?”

  “I don’t know what you are saying!!” I don’t even know if he speaks English. Let alone understand me through my sobs.

  “Why are you here girl?”

  His German accent was so heavy I thought he was still talking German.

  “I’m only here for vacation, I’m not here to do anything wrong.”

  “I do not believe you child. This here is a letter from one of you American persons that you are here as a spy. Why are you here!!!?”

  “I'm not a spy damn it!” spit dribbled down my chin, “I'm here for vacation! That is it. Why the hell won't you believe me?”

  “I do not know what you are trying to tell me little one.”

  Oh my god. How am I supposed to make him realize that I'm not what he thinks I am? A spy. Thank God for tourist books on how to speak German, and grade nine German class. Let’s see...

  “Ich bin nicht spy. Ich auf … urlaub. Bitte lassen mir gehen zuhause.

  “Ah, the little dieb speaks German. Let’s see how much I can make you squirm schwein.”

  OK this is not good. First I'm pretty sure he just called me a thief and being called a pig does not lead to good things.

  Before I can even think of the next move he roughly slips a cloth bag over my eyes. I try to focus through the fabrics holes but the stench of the bag overwhelms me, almost knocking me over. I hear his boots clicking back and forth followed by the sound of metal against each other, which I guess are his keys. Promptly I hear the sound of a door hitting the wall which changes into the sound of various metals and clicks. My mind goes straight for the worst knowing that whatever is coming, I know I may not survive it.

  “Okay schwein, time to see if you are the thief you are.”

  With that, the most excruciating pain I've ever experience coursed through my body ending with a blood curling scream, that I didn’t even realized came from my own quivering body.

  “Please! Don't, please I'm not a spy. Please. Dear God.” my only sanity was to beg for mercy.

  “Little schweinchen can't even handle one. Too bad for you because a lot more is coming little piggy.”

  Shutting my eyes tight in anticipation for the next blow, I prayed that someone would end this nightmare and rescued me.

  “I demand to see her. Where is she? You cannot hide her from me!” a faint voice rang out.

  “Who is interrupting me now!” the guard groaned grumpy.

  With my eyes still clenched together, I hear the jail cell door swing open and simultaneously the bag being ripped off my head. I blinked while my eyes adjusted back to the dimly lit cell to see a sharp dress women, who looked to be in her thirties standing above me offering her hand out to me.

  “Come on Jen, let’s get you out of here.”

  “Who are you?” I asked with suspicion.

  “My name is Maria Garcia. Just do what I say and we will get you back home safely.”

  I grab her hand and scurried to my feet. The residual pain from the whip makes me cry out as I straighten my back out.

  “Are you okay Jen?” Maria questions.

  “Yeah I'm fine, just get me out of here.”

  We exited the cell, leaving a pissed off guard grumbling in the background about his fun or something always being ended with what he calls sohne idioten genannt Anwalte. Which I think translates to sons of jerks called lawyers. Not surprised by that remark there. As we navigate through the halls I hear the faint sounds of screams behind us. As we exit through a door at the top, a bright light hits me like a bullet. I'm out!

  “Jen do not say anything, don't look at anyone, and try not to even breathe. I want this to go as fast and smooth as possible, just stay behind me.”

  She directs me to stay behind her as we make our way for the gates. I stand far enough from her and the guards not to rise any alarms or to even make them think I can hear them, which makes no difference because they are conversing in German way too fast for me to even follow along. With what seemed like forever Maria turns around given me the nod. The nod of freedom, I am now in the custody of the beautiful and powerful US of A. We made a quiet and swift exit through the front doors. We scurried to the car waiting for us to take us straight to the airport. Once in the car, with no warning at all I burst into a combustion of tears that spewed out of me. With no words Maria held onto me knowing that no words where needed at that moment.

  Maria held on to me for most of the trip to the airport. Once I got the tears and sniffling under control, I quickly got my composer back and untangled my arms from around her.

  “I have no idea how to thank you Maria.”

  “You don’t have to Jennifer. What you went through no one should every have to go through that. I wish that I could explain what is going on but you will soon be debrief when we get back.”

  “Debriefed? What would I need to be talked to about? I haven’t ever done anything wrong. I was just want to go home.”

  “I’m afraid that can’t happen just yet Jen. Don’t worry though, where we are going you will be safe.”

  I debate arguing with her but I decide that it’s pointless. I’m already locked in a car headed to an airport with these people. I have no way to get from them. I spend the rest of the car ride watching out the window, and listen to Maria taking various phone calls and typing away on her laptop. The fast pace sound of the keys clicking soon lull me into a deep and restless sleep.

  The sounds of blood curling screams make me jolt awake, drenched in sweat.

  “Jen! Jen! Wake up! You were dreaming, it’s ok. You’re safe. Jen, you’re safe”

  My eyes finally come back to reality and I see that we had arrived at the airport. I looked over towards Maria to make sure that she was still actually here. She gives me a quick smile before jumping out her side of the car and coming around to open my door for me.

  I climb out of the car and see that we are in the middle of a makeshift runway. I glance over at Maria who seems perfectly ok with this.

  “Where are we?”

  “Don’t worry Jen. This is just a runway we use to stay off radar. There times where we rely on stealth, not just for top secret projects but also for one hundred percent guarantee removal of unauthorized captures of American citizens in any country. And to answer your question we are right on the border of Germany and France. Come Jen, we need to go.”

  I follow Maria and walk on to one of the most luxurious planes I've ever seen in my life. The floor was finished in a beautiful dark stained hard wood that matches the tables and window frames. The walls where painted a deep red with a gray ceiling. The main area held six lazy boy recliners with a plush sectional facing what looks like a 72” television. I flopped in the one of the chairs and wince at the sting of pain from my

  “You okay?” Maria asked concerned.

  “Yeah I'm good. Where can I go to freshen up?”

  “There is a bedroom to the left of the corridor, there is a bathroom in the there. First door to your right”


  I head towards the bedroom to find my luggage sitting on the bed. I happily ripped it open to find all my clothes freshly dry cleaned and wrinkle free. I sort through it to see what I could throw on that I would be comfortable in for the long flight ahead of me. I locate my sweats and baggy t-shirt and head for the bathroom. I open the door to find myself in a four piece bathroom that even had a sauna. I did a quick change into my clothes and found the medicine cabinet behind the mirror. I grab the polysporin, rubbing alcohol, and cotton balls. I put a towel into the back fold of my sweats and gripped the edge of the sink, bracing myself for the stinging to commence. I tilted the bottle just