Read At the Mercy of Tiberius Page 5


  In a deep, narrow "railway cut," through Virginia hills, a south-boundfreight train had been so badly wrecked in consequence of a "washout,"that the southern passenger express going north was detained fourteenhours; thereby missing connection at Washington City, where thepassengers were again delayed nearly twelve hours. Tired and veryhungry, having eaten nothing but a sandwich and a cup of coffee forthree days, Beryl felt profoundly thankful when the cars rolled intoJersey City. In the bustle and confusion incident to arrival in thatBabel, she did not observe the scrutiny to which she was subjected by aman genteelly dressed, who gave her his hand as she stepped down fromthe train, and kept by her side while she hastened in the direction ofthe ferry.

  Reaching the slip where the boat awaited passengers, she was vexed tosee it backing out into the stream, and leaned against the chain whichbarred egress until the next trip.

  "You have only five minutes to wait for the boat. You seem to have hada long and trying journey, madam?"

  Glancing at him for the first time, Beryl perceived that he held a slipof yellow paper from which he looked now and then to her face. Hisfeatures were coarse and heavy, but his eyes were keen as a ferret's;and without answering his question, she turned away and looked acrossthe water which teemed with craft of every description, laden withfreight animate and inanimate, passing to and from the vast city, whosespires, domes and forest of masts rose like a gray cloud against thesky, etching there their leaden outlines.

  "You live at No.--West--Street, between 8th and 9th Avenue?"

  "You are a stranger, and your questions are offensive and impertinent."

  As she turned and confronted him haughtily, he stepped closer to her,threw back his blue overcoat, and pointed to the metal badge on hisbreast.

  "I am an officer of the law, and have a warrant for your arrest. Youare Beryl Brentano."

  "I am Beryl Brentano, yes; but there is some blunder, some mistake. Howdare you annoy me? Arrest me? Me!"

  "Do not make a scene. My instructions are to deal with you as gently aspossible. Better come quietly into the station near, and I will readyou the warrant, otherwise I shall be obliged to use force. You see Ihave two assistants yonder."

  "Arrested for what? By whom?"

  "I am ordered to arrest you for the murder of General Darrington."

  "Murder! General Darrington is alive and well. I have just left him.Stand back! Do not touch me. I will call on the police to protect me."

  Laying his fingers firmly on her arm, he beckoned to two men clad inpolice uniform, who promptly approached.

  "You see resistance is worse than useless, and since there is noescape, come quietly."

  "You are insulting me, under some frightful mistake. I am a lady. Do Ilook like a criminal?"

  "General Darrington has been robbed and murdered, and I havetelegraphic orders to arrest and hold a woman named Beryl Brentano, whocorresponds in every respect with the description of the personsuspected of having committed the crime."

  Hitherto she had attributed the insult of the interview to somequestion of mistaken identity, but as she slowly comprehended thepossibility that she was the person accused, and intended for arrest, asickening horror seized and almost paralyzed her, blanching her faceand turning her to stone. As he led her along the street, she staggeredfrom the numbness that possessed her, and her eyes stared blankly, likethose of a somnambulist. When she had been ushered into a room whereseveral policemen were lounging and smoking, the intolerable sense ofshame and indignation shook off her apathy.

  "This is a cruel and outrageous wrong, and only base cowards couldwantonly insult an unprotected and innocent woman. You call yourselvesmen? Have you no mothers, no sisters, whose memory can arouse somereverence, some respect for womanhood in your brutal souls?"

  Electric lamps set in the sockets of some marble face, might perhapsresemble the blaze that leaped up in her eyes, as she wrenched her armfrom the officer's profaning touch, and her voice rang like the clashof steel.

  "Madam, we are allowed no discretion; we are only the blind and deafmachines that obey orders. Read the warrant, and you will understandthat our duty is imperative."

  Again and again she read the paper, in which the sheriff of the countywhere Elm Bluff is situated, demanded her arrest and return to X---, onthe charge of robbery and murder committed during the night which shehad spent at the station. Then several telegrams were placed beforeher. The description of herself, her dress, even of the little basketand shawl, was minutely accurate; and by degrees the horror of hersituation, and her utter helplessness, became frightfully distinct. Thepapers fell from her nerveless fingers, and one desperate cry brokefrom her white lips:

  "O just God! Will you permit such a shameful, cruel outrage? Save mefrom this horrible injustice and disgrace!"

  Seeing neither the men, nor the room, her strained gaze seemed in hergreat agony fixed upon the face of Him, who, silvering the lilies ofthe field and watching the flight of sparrows, has tender care for allwho trust Him. Even in this terrible trial, the girl's first thoughtwas of her mother; and of the disastrous effect that the misfortunewould produce upon the invalid.

  "I am sorry to tell you, that we are required to search all personsarrested under similar charges, and in the next room a female detectivewill receive and retain every thing in your possession, except yourclothing. You are suspected of having secreted money, jewelry and somevery valuable papers."

  "Suspected of being a common thief! I am as innocent as any angelbeside the throne of Christ! Save me at least from the degradation ofbeing searched. Here is my basket, and here is my purse."

  She handed him the worn leather pocket-book, which contained only thefew pennies reserved to pay her passage across the ferry, and turnedthe pocket of her dress inside cut.

  At the tap of a hand-bell, a tall, angular woman opened the door of anadjoining room.

  "Mrs. Foster, you will very carefully examine the prisoner, and searchher clothing for papers, as well as valuables."

  "Spare me at least this indignity!" cried the shuddering girl.

  "Come with me, madam. We have no choice."

  When the door closed behind her, the constable walked up and down thefloor.

  "How deceitful appearances are! That woman looks as pure and innocentas an angel, and I half believed her protestations; but here in thebasket, sure enough, hidden at the bottom, are the jewelry and thegold. No sign of the papers, but she may have destroyed them.

  "Thief or not, she is a grand beauty; and if her heart was not in thatprayer she put up just now, she is a grand actress also. This is abeastly trade of ours, hunting down and trapping the unwary. SometimesI feel no better than a sleuth-hound, and that girl's eyes went throughand through me a while ago like a two-edged dirk."

  As he vented his views of his profession, one of the policemen lightedhis pipe and puffed vigorously.

  Mrs. Foster came back, followed by her victim.

  "I find absolutely nothing secreted on the prisoner."

  "No papers of any description?"

  "None, sir."

  "Madam, your basket contains the missing jewelry and money, at least aportion of it, and I shall place it in the hands of the sheriff."

  "The money and jewels are not mine. They belong to my mother, to whomthey were given by her father; and she needs the money at this moment--"

  "Let me advise you to say as little as possible for your own sake;because your words will be weighed against you."

  "I speak only the truth, and it will, it must, vindicate me. Whatpapers are you searching for?"

  "General Darrington's will. It was stolen with the money. Here isyesterday's paper, with an account of the whole affair, telegraphedfrom X----. If you need to learn anything, you will understand when youread it."

  The sight of the capital letters in the Telegraphic Despatches,coupling her name with a heinous and revolting crime, seemed to stabher eyes with red-hot thrusts; and shivering from head to foot, shes
lowly realized the suspicious significance of the disappearance of thewill, which was the sole obstacle that debarred her from hergrandfather's wealth. Although sustained by an unfaltering trust in theomnipotence of innocence, she was tormented by a dread spectre thatwould not "down" at her bidding; how could she prove that the money andjewels had been given to her? Would the shock of the tidings of herarrest kill her mother? Was there any possible way by which she mightbe kept in ignorance of this foul disgrace?

  Beryl hid her face in her hands, and tried to think, but the wholeuniverse appeared spinning into chaos. She had opposed the trip Southso steadily and vehemently: had so sorrowfully and reluctantly yieldedat last to maternal solicitation, and had been oppressed with such direforebodings of some resultant evil. So bitter was her repugnance to theapplication to her grandfather, that she had set out on her journeyfeeling as though it were a challenge to fate; and this was the answer?The vague distrust, the subtle sombre presentiment, the haunting shadowof an inexplicable ill, had all meant this; this bloody horror,dragging her fair name down to the loathsome mire of the slums ofcrime. Had some merciful angel leaned from the parapets of heaven andwarned her; or did her father's spirit, in mysterious communion ofdeathless love and prescient guardianship, stir her soul to oppose hermother's scheme? Sceptical and heedless Tarquins are we all, whom ourpatient Sibylline intuitions finally abandon to the woes which theysought to avert.

  In the maddening rush and whirl of Beryl's reflections, her mother'simage was the one centre around which all things circled; and atlength, rallying her energies, she turned to her captor.

  "You intend to take me to prison?"

  "I am obliged to detain and deliver you to the officer who has comefrom X---with the warrant, and who will carry you back there for trial.He knew from the detentions along the route, that he could easilyoverhaul you here, so he went straight to Trenton with a requisitionfrom the Governor of his State upon Governor Mansfield, for yoursurrender. It is but a short run to the Capital, and he expects to gethere in time to catch the train going South to-day. We had a telegram awhile ago, saying the papers were all right, and that he would meet usat the train, as there will be only a few moments to spare."

  "But I must first see my mother. I must give her the money andexplain--"

  "The money will be claimed by the officer who takes charge of you."

  "Have you no mercy? My mother is ill, destitute; and she will dieunless I can go to her. Oh! I beg of you, for the sake of commonhumanity, carry me home, if only for five minutes! Just let me seemother, let me speak to her!"

  In the intensity of her dread, she fell upon her knees, and lifted herhands imploringly; and the anguish in her white quivering face was sopiteous that the man turned his head away.

  "I would oblige you if I could, but it is impossible. The law is cruel,as you say, but it is intended as a terror to evil-doers. Things lookawfully black for you, but all the same I am sorry for you, if yourmother is to suffer for your deeds. If you wish to write to her, I willsee that she receives your note; but you have very little time left."

  "O God! how hard! What a foul, horrible wrong inflicted upon theinnocent!"

  She cowered on the floor, unconscious that she still knelt; seeing onlythe suffering woman in that dreary attic across the river, where sunkenfeverish eyes watched for her return.

  Accidentally Beryl's gaze fell on the bunch of faded chrysanthemumswhich had dropped unnoticed on the floor, and snatching them she buriedher face in their petals. Their perfume was the potent spell that nowmelted her to tears, and the tension of her overtaxed nerves gave wayin a passionate burst of sobs. When she rose a few moments later, thestorm had passed; the face regained its stony rigidity, and henceforthshe fronted fate with an unnatural calmness.

  "Will you give me some paper and a pen?"

  "You can write here at the desk."

  Mrs. Foster approached her, and said hesitatingly:

  "Would it comfort you at all, for me to go and see your mother andexplain why you could not return to her? I am very sorry for you, poorthing."

  "Thank you, but--you could not explain, and the sight of a strangerwould startle her. In one way you can help me; do you know Dr. Grantlinof New York?"

  "Only by reputation; but I can find him."

  "Will you deliver into his hand the note I am writing?"

  "I certainly will."

  "How soon?"

  "Before nine o'clock to-night."

  "Thank you--a thousand times."

  After a while she folded a sheet containing these words:


  "In the extremity of my distress, I appeal to you as a Christiangentleman, as a true physician, a healer of the suffering, and underGod, the guardian of my mother's life. You know why I went to mygrandfather. He gave me the money, one hundred dollars, and somevaluable jewels. When in sight of home, I have been arrested on thecharge of having murdered my grandfather, and stolen his will. Need Itell you that I am as innocent as you are? The thought of my mother isthe bitterest drop in my cup of shame and sorrow. You can judge best,how much it may be expedient to tell her, and you can devise thekindest method of breaking the truth, if she must know it. Have herremoved to the hospital, and do not postpone the operation. O Doctor!be pitiful, be tender to her, and do not let her need any littlecomforts. Some day I will pay you for all expenses incurred in herbehalf, but at present I have not a dollar, as the money has beenseized. I am sure you will not deny my prayer, and may God reward andbless you, for your mercy to my precious mother.

  "In grateful trust,


  "P.S.--If you approve, deliver the enclosed note."

  On a separate sheet she wrote:


  "Finding it necessary to return to X---, I have requested Dr. Grantlinto take particularly good care of you for a few days. Your father willnever forgive, never receive you, but he kindly complied with yourrequest and gave me one hundred dollars. Try to be patient until I cancome and tell you everything, and believe that God will not forsake us.With these hurried lines, I send you a few chrysanthemums--yourfavorite flowers--which I gathered in the rose garden of your old home.When you smell them, think of your little girl who loves you betterthan her own life, and who will hasten home at the earliest possiblemoment, to take you in her arms. Mother, pray for me, and may God bevery merciful to you, my dearest, and to--

  "Your devoted child,


  She had bound the withered flowers together with a strip of fringe fromher shawl, and now, with dry eyes and firm white lips, she kissed themtwice, pinned the last note around them and laid the whole in Mrs.Foster's hand.

  "I trust you to deliver them in person to Dr. Grantlin before you sleepto-night; and if I survive this awful outrage, perpetrated under thename of law, I will find you some day, and thank you."

  Looking at the lovely face, pure in its frozen calm, as some marblelily in the fingers of a monumental effigy, Mrs. Foster felt the tearsdimming her own vision and said earnestly:

  "Keep as silent as possible. The less you say, the safer you will be;and run no risk of contradicting your own statements."

  "I appreciate your motive, but I have nothing to conceal."

  Beryl laid her hand on her shawl, then drew back.

  "Am I allowed the use of my shawl?"

  "Oh, certainly, madam."

  The officer would have opened and put it around her, but with anindescribable movement of proud repulsion, she shook it out, thenwrapped it closely about her, and sat down, keeping her eyes fixed onthe face of the clock ticking over the fireplace. After a long andprofound silence, the man who had arrested her, said gravely and gently:

  "Time is up. I must deliver you to Officer Gibson at the train. Comewith me."

  She rose, gave her hand to Mrs. Foster, and stooping suddenly touchedwith her lips the withered flowers, then followed silently.

  In subsequent years, when she attempted to recall cons
ecutively theincidents of the ensuing forty-eight hours, they eluded her, like theflitting phantasmagoria that throng delirium; yet subtle links fastenedthe details upon her brain, and sometimes most unexpectedly, thatpsychic necromancer--association of ideas--selected some episode fromthe sombre kaleidoscope of this dismal journey, and set it in luridlight before her, as startling and unwelcome as the face of an enemylong dead. Life and personality partook in some degree of duality; allthat she had been before she saw Elm Bluff, seemed a hopelesslydistinct existence, yet irrevocably chained to the mutilated andblackened Afterward, like the grim and loathsome unions enforced by theNoyades of Nantes.

  The sun did not forget to shine, nor the moon to keep her appointmentwith the throbbing stars that signalled all along her circuit. Menwhistled, children laughed; the train thundered through tunnels, andflew across golden stubble fields, where grain shocks and hay stackscrowded like tents of the God of plenty, in the Autumnal bivouac; andthroughout the long days and dreary lagging nights. Beryl was fullyconscious of a ceaseless surveillance, of an ever-present shadow, whichwas tall and gaunt, wore a drab overcoat and slouched hat, and wasredolent of tobacco. As silent as two mummies in the crypts of Karnacthey sat side by side; and twice when the officer touched her arm andasked if she would take some refreshments, she merely shook her head,and tightened the folds of her veil; shrinking closer to the windowagainst which she leaned. Not until they approached X---, and sherecognized some features of the landscape, were her lips unsealed:

  "What persons are responsible for my arrest?"

  "Our District Solicitor, Mr. Churchill, and Mr. Dunbar, the lawyer, whomade the affidavit under which the warrant was issued. I am only adeputy, acting under orders from the sheriff."

  "You are taking me to prison?"

  "Perhaps not; it depends on the result of the preliminary examination,and you may be allowed bail."

  A ray of hope silvered the shrouding gloom; there was a possibility ofescaping the stain of incarceration.

  "When will the examination take place?"

  "About noon to-day. You will have time to eat something and freshen upa little. Here we are. What a crowd to welcome us! Don't stir. We willjust wait a while, and I will get you into a carriage as quietly aspossible."

  He whispered some directions to the conductor of the train, andstanding in the aisle with his arm across the seat, screened her fromthe gaze of a motley crew of men and boys who rushed in to stare at theprisoner, whose arrival had been impatiently expected. On the railwayplatform and about the station house surged a sea of human heads,straining now in the direction of the first passenger coach; and whenin answer to some question, the conductor pointed to the sleeping carwhich was at the rear of the train, the mass swayed down the track.

  "Quick! Now is our time!"

  The deputy sheriff hurried her out, almost lifted her from the steps,and pushing her forward, turned a corner of the street, and handed herinto a carriage which awaited them.